Did the British just Bitch Slap the Liar in Chief? What the hell is that all about?


Gold Member
Jul 25, 2013
Why has the British bitch slapped the dope in our White House? Did he do something stupid or tell a really bad lie?
His press secretary told a really screwed up lie. Spicer got up there this afternoon and said that the reason there was nothing from the NSA, CIA, FBI, or any other agency on the Trump tower wiretap was because Obama had used a British spy agency to do the dirty work.
Well someone tapped the Trumpster, now the party game is to get someone to fess up. Who dunnit?
Why has the British bitch slapped the dope in our White House? Did he do something stupid or tell a really bad lie?
lol What else could the British say? "At the behest of the prior administration we spied on the Trump campaign and transitional government. Do you colonials think that is so wrong?"
Fake new was spread Fox News and so-called Judge Napolitano told a bald-faced lie that British Intelligence wiretapped Trump. This came on the same day that a number of Republican Senators and Congressmen including Trump toadies. Clearly they had to find a different story.
Trump's idiocy and lying have become routine. There is so much of it that it has to be rationed out in bits and pieces. What should be a huge story is just a quick blurb in the world of trump. People do not expect the President of the United States to have character, integrity, honesty or dignity anymore.
This is a VERY dangerous situation Obama put us in. He DID use the Brits to spy on Trump. But the GCHQ is basically a subsidiary of our NSA. We pay them $100 million a year. And we share critical intel with them. But that system was critical compromised by Obama’s corrupt move, and now this is a crisis in the system. Reason #938 why Obama belongs in jail.
Did the British just Bitch Slap the Liar in Chief? What the hell is that all about?

It's about the fact that Trump is dumber than the day is long, green as a gourd, and just as tasteless.
This is a VERY dangerous situation Obama put us in. He DID use the Brits to spy on Trump. But the GCHQ is basically a subsidiary of our NSA. We pay them $100 million a year. And we share critical intel with them. But that system was critical compromised by Obama’s corrupt move, and now this is a crisis in the system. Reason #938 why Obama belongs in jail.
Is this a conspiracy theory you made up in your head or one you have read about somewhere?

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