disturbing graves in tulsa. they need to leave this history were it lays

History should serve as an inspiration for moving forward without making the same mistakes. Yes Tulsa happened, an ugly terrible blight that we learned from. Selma Alabama was an ugly event, again we moved forward, made changes prohibiting reoccurrence. So learn from it. Dwelling in the past without adopting change accomplishes nothing. Obama’s entire political existence was based on rekindling past events as an excuse to promote racism, regardless of how far we have come from those dark ugly days of our past, for his own gain. America has come a long way, one would hope we will continue to work toward in securing a brighter future for all Americans.
Good thoughts but nowhere near reality. It is the black intention to unearth history, judge that history through the lens of today and sentence all whites accordingly. Over and over. Forever. Disagree and you are a racist. The result is that fewer and fewer people care about racism and have less and less sympathy for the black cause.

Tulsa! Pfffft. Get over it.
As we can see most normal people would welcome more light on the Tulsa Massacre.
As we can also see there is an alternate loony view about the events.
The victims deserve this even a century later.
You are fully aware of the point.
Right. To re-write history in a negative light to deconstruct the founding and torch the constitution so communists can rule.

Charlottesville was not about R Lee. It was about Thomas Jefferson.

I know these fuckers and I called it 5 years before that shit started.

This method goes all the way back to the 1930s. It's the Frankford school. This is critical theory in action.
Right. To re-write history in a negative light to deconstruct the founding and torch the constitution so communists can rule.

Charlottesville was not about R Lee. It was about Thomas Jefferson.

I know these fuckers and I called it 5 years before that shit started.

This method goes all the way back to the 1930s. It's the Frankford school. This is critical theory in action.

All over not honoring Civil War generals in the town square?
it was such an insignificant historical event that nobody gave a fuck about it for years and years.

So why would they bring that shit up now?

Again, why would they bring that shit up and ignore our own motherfucking piece of shit federal government murdering people in Waco?

You know the reason. They're trying to make Black people look like victims more than they really are. Apparently, this is all they're good for.
Without This Punishment, the State Would Have Come to Be Known as Coklahoma

Fake victimization rides again. I wish the good people of Mexico would take the Tulsa cleansing as an example of what to do about their own drug cartels. It's obviously the reason the incident wasn't emphasized long before this. What fake atrocity will they dig up next?
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dems [sic] trying to keep the race wore [sic] going in tulsa [sic]. let the massacure [sic] stay were it lays. Their [sic] going to make more blacks march around again saying they want to kill all whites.
Wow, what grave are they going to put the English language in after you finish butchering it?

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