disturbing graves in tulsa. they need to leave this history were it lays

The Watts riot started when the police pulled over a suspected drunk driver. The damage from that riot has never been repaired and whites sat that one out. 34 people died. Over 1,000 were injured.
Floyd protests, 36 killed, 2 billion in damages. Whites gave them room to destroy. Destruction ongoing.

Tulsa has been paid for several times over.
Well, for one, they could check the bodies for stuff like gunshot wounds or broken bones, as well as determine if they died around the time of the massacre. If they have serious trauma injuries, and died around that time, chances are really good that is the reason they died. Why are you trying to deny this?
That would describe 90% of the Black graves in ANY Chicago cemetery. (Yes; I plucked the 90% number outa my...never mind). Now that they're up I say take the samples and rebury; let the dead sleep!!!

Plan B would be to put the coffins on roof racks and drive them around DemoKKKrat areas as a reminder of THEIR history!!!!

This is the type of racist history that folks like Tipsyhag and Horseshitting want to stay hidden. They don't want their kids to know the levels of evil they are capable of.
".........DEMOKKKRATS are capable of"........you also into teaching about the Mau Mau and Rwanda?

You race hustlers are pathetic!!!

History should serve as an inspiration for moving forward without making the same mistakes. Yes Tulsa happened, an ugly terrible blight that we learned from. Selma Alabama was an ugly event, again we moved forward, made changes prohibiting reoccurrence. So learn from it. Dwelling in the past without adopting change accomplishes nothing. Obama’s entire political existence was based on rekindling past events as an excuse to promote racism, regardless of how far we have come from those dark ugly days of our past, for his own gain. America has come a long way, one would hope we will continue to work toward in securing a brighter future for all Americans.
History should serve as an inspiration for moving forward without making the same mistakes. Yes Tulsa happened, an ugly terrible blight that we learned from. Selma Alabama was an ugly event, again we moved forward, made changes prohibiting reoccurrence. So learn from it. Dwelling in the past without adopting change accomplishes nothing. Obama’s entire political existence was based on rekindling past events as an excuse to promote racism, regardless of how far we have come from those dark ugly days of our past, for his own gain. America has come a long way, one would hope we will continue to work toward in securing a brighter future for all Americans.
Is unearthing for the first time some sort of hick euphemism for dwelling in the past that I don't know about? 😄
The Tulsa massacre is a very dark blot on American history. And if the victims’ bodies offer forensic evidence showing that they were murdered at that time, there is every good reason to exhume and autopsy them and thereby help to confirm the historical record.

A shameful part of history is still history.
We should definitely investigate it, but people are going to have an uphill battle in order to get me to feel sorry for some people who died while rioting. :laugh:
started by a black gang. i say just put sign in the spot to remember those who died then let it go.
It started out as a black riot, much like we have today. Only in those days the people were having none of it.
yep the whites didnt evne hasve gund til.l they got them from the stores in town. blacks showed up and shot at them.
History should serve as an inspiration for moving forward without making the same mistakes. Yes Tulsa happened, an ugly terrible blight that we learned from. Selma Alabama was an ugly event, again we moved forward, made changes prohibiting reoccurrence. So learn from it. Dwelling in the past without adopting change accomplishes nothing. Obama’s entire political existence was based on rekindling past events as an excuse to promote racism, regardless of how far we have come from those dark ugly days of our past, for his own gain. America has come a long way, one would hope we will continue to work toward in securing a brighter future for all Americans.
they should not disturbs a grave., its even againsty the law.
Yeah? And?

Those Generals were charged by their respective states to take military action. Some of them were good at it. Many fought for the United States both before and after the Civil War.

So...what's the point?

You are fully aware of the point.

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