disturbing graves in tulsa. they need to leave this history were it lays

dems trying to keep the race wore going in tulsa. let the massacure stay were it lays. Their going to make more blacks march around again saying they want to kill all whites.
They are about to get a brutal ass whipping with this digging up ancient history to disparage white children.
You mean, you want to use that incident to show white kids how evil they are?
Not white children Booty, that's just you projecting. The white people who committed that massacre where pieces of shit and so is everyone who wants their deplorable history covered up because they feel uncomfortable through some real or imagined kinship with these ass bags.
No. Its about a massacre that happened in Oklahoma. No one alive is to blame. Unhide it. Let their voices be heard.

Use it to continue ripping at the fabric of America's origins so you can replace it with communism (Critical Theory)

You could give just half as much attention to the Waco massacre conducted by our federal government and that would have more meaning to most Americans, given the circumstances.

No but ignore that shit.

Use it to continue ripping at the fabric of America's origins so you can replace it with communism (Critical Theory)
Why should historical facts rip the fabric of anything. Why are you such a coward little bitch? 😄
You could give just half as much attention to the Waco massacre conducted by our federal government and that would have more meaning to most Americans, given the circumstances.

No but ignore that shit.
I watched a Waco documentary the other day on Netflix, funny, I didn't suddenly feel frightened for the fabric of society like a hysterical Sad Boy.
Why should historical facts rip the fabric of anything. Why are you such a coward little bitch? 😄

I watched a Waco documentary the other day on Netflix, funny, I didn't suddenly feel frightened for the fabric of society like a hysterical Sad Boy.
it was such an insignificant historical event that nobody gave a fuck about it for years and years.

So why would they bring that shit up now?

Again, why would they bring that shit up and ignore our own motherfucking piece of shit federal government murdering people in Waco?

You know the reason. They're trying to make Black people look like victims more than they really are. Apparently, this is all they're good for.
it was such an insignificant historical event that nobody gave a fuck about it for years and years.
Not quite how that story went Booty. It was a massacre by a bunch of deplorable mutants who's actions were so depraved and shameful that they decided to pretend it didn't happen. Didn't even teach it as part of Tusla's history to its own community until recently when the voices of the victims and ancestors of victims where finally given attention and media coverage. This is how I know for a fact your culture can be shamed and ridiculed into extinction. Until no one even wants to claim ownership of it.
So why would they bring that shit up now?
Because we can you soft ass bitch. 😁
Again, why would they bring that shit up and ignore our own motherfucking piece of shit federal government murdering people in Waco?
Who's ignoring Waco? There have been countless documentaries and articles written about Waco. Stop crying.
You know the reason. They're trying to make Black people look like victims more than they really are.
In this instance Black people were the victims you dipshit. 😄
Black people are just worthless. This is all they're good for.
You're a racist piece of shit Booty, but not a particularly strong or brave one. Your strongest position is to argue we should ignore the Tulsa massacre. You don't ever dare to come out in support of it because each generation of your deplorable mutant culture is more pussy than the last.

dems trying to keep the race wore going in tulsa. let the massacure stay were it lays. Their going to make more blacks march around again saying they want to kill all whites.
We should definitely investigate it, but people are going to have an uphill battle in order to get me to feel sorry for some people who died while rioting. :laugh:
Not quite how that story went Booty. It was a massacre by a bunch of deplorable mutants who's actions were so depraved and shameful that they decided to pretend it didn't happen. Didn't even teach it as part of Tusla's history to its own community until recently when the voices of the victims and ancestors of victims where finally given attention and media coverage. This is how I know for a fact your culture can be shamed and ridiculed into extinction. Until no one even wants to claim ownership of it.

Because we can you soft ass bitch. 😁

Who's ignoring Waco? There have been countless documentaries and articles written about Waco. Stop crying.

In this instance Black people were the victims you dipshit. 😄

You're a racist piece of shit Booty, but not a particularly strong or brave one. Your strongest position is to argue we should ignore the Tulsa massacre. You don't ever dare to come out in support of it because each generation of your deplorable mutant culture is more pussy than the last.
I don't give a fuck and neither should the rest of America.

Tell me how that puts food on my table. Tell me how that helps me better the lives of my children.

Are you gonna come back in here and start arguing for more communist shit? Everybody knows that's what your bitch ass wants. We proved it in the other thread.

Let me break the message down to you simply for your dumb ass mind:

Poor Black people have been mistreated, therefore we need communism.

That's pretty much what it amounts to.

Just say what the fuck you mean, goat curry. You want to steal money from some people with the government guns and give it to worthless Black people BECAUSE they are Black.

I would have some respect for you if you were just be fucking honest about your intentions.
Thats literally you and only you writing that on this thread. It comes from some weird place where justice and history are not things.

Also communism is dead. The Chinese sold it off to build a new high rise.
You are way out of your league pal. Do you even know what "critical theory" is? I'll wait.

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