Do liberals even like this country?

I asked three questions. Give me an example of at least one of them.
This is making up your own reality.

"Liberals are quite the opposite. They want us to change our healthcare system like "theirs." They want us to have gun restrictions like theirs. They want us to have an education system like theirs. They want us to have a government structure like theirs. They want us to have an immigration system like theirs. They want us to have a justice system like theirs. We should take most of the money from rich people like they do. We need to change our election system like theirs."

"They, us, theirs", when you generalize and speak for others, that's creating your own reality.

Not at all. These are the conversations I have with many liberals here; always telling me how great it is in other countries and how much better they do things than we do. That's not creating your own reality, that is reality.
End the drug war to pay for health care, right wingers.
Not at all. These are the conversations I have with many liberals here; always telling me how great it is in other countries and how much better they do things than we do. That's not creating your own reality, that is reality.
Those are not conversations. That is your own subjective summary of what you took from those conversations. If they were conversations, you would be providing direct quotes.

And your summary is skewed and does not give an accurate picture of liberals. I'm a liberal. I don't talk like that. I don't see many liberals talking that, either.

You should spend a little more time vetting your lame strawman arguments.

Maybe you should spend more time reading more on USMB. Why do you think I started this thread, because liberals don't say these things?

You mean liberals don't tell us how great government healthcare is in other places? You mean liberals didn't go on a rant about how great voting is in other countries because they don't use an Electoral College? You mean liberals never said how much better education is in Europe? You mean liberals never say how much better other countries have it because they have less wealth people?
Our health care system is not perfect; yet, the right wing has nothing but repeal, almost.
The left is mad at Trump for banning transgender Americans from the military but they want to import Muslims that hate the LGBTQ community.

What would you liberals cite as evidence for the proposition that the left is not trying to destroy America?
The left is mad at Trump for banning transgender Americans from the military but they want to import Muslims that hate the LGBTQ community.

What would you liberals cite as evidence for the proposition that the left is not trying to destroy America?
Because the right wing keeps creating more refugees, they can then complain about.
The left is mad at Trump for banning transgender Americans from the military but they want to import Muslims that hate the LGBTQ community.

What would you liberals cite as evidence for the proposition that the left is not trying to destroy America?

Liberals like to talk out of both sides of their mouths. They say they want to see increased wages for Americans, and then usher in all these foreigners who take jobs from Americans and lower our wages at the same time.
Libs are too stupid to understand what they're advocating for.
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The left is mad at Trump for banning transgender Americans from the military but they want to import Muslims that hate the LGBTQ community.

What would you liberals cite as evidence for the proposition that the left is not trying to destroy America?

Liberals like to talk out of both sides of their mouths. They say they want to see increased wages for Americans, and then usher in all these foreigners who take jobs from Americans and lower our wages at the same time.
The right is worse, with nothing but pander and vaporware.
Libs are too stupid to understand what they're advocating for.

The voters are but the leaders are not. They know exactly what their goals are. They just BS the voters to get their support.

They tell us that we need foreigners to do jobs Americans won't do. BS, they need the foreigners to strengthen their party and eventually create a one-party government in America. They tell us that Voter-ID is discriminatory, but the real reason they are against Voter--ID is because they know their constituents are lazy, and obtaining a Voter--ID takes a little bit of work which would lead to less Democrats voting.
Democrats love this country. In what other country could they commit so many crimes and not go to jail?
Only Adolf Trump can do that.

You are either an idiot or a liar - which is it?

In a press conference Barak Obama declared he was NOT going to let Harry Reid and Julian Castro be rightfully indicted for violating the Hatch Act because 'they are SORRY for violating the law'.

WTF?! Again, Democrats love this country because they couldn't get away with such crimes in other nations.

Comey testified Lynch obstructed justice as Obama and Lynch protected Hillary from the crimes Comey admitted she committed.

Until now, only in some 3rd world shithole country could have such a corrupt political party rig primaries, engage in voter fraud, cheat in debates, engage in terrorism by threatening election officials in an attempt to get them to change the election results, call for military coups, call for assassinations, and try to carry out assassinations ... until the Democratic Party in the United States did it in 2016 / 2017.

So what is Trump and GOPs waiting for? So far none of those crap you are babling even mentioned by GOPs worth looking into.
Keep trying my dear.
Don't worry I'm a winner and very honest. I was born blessed, very successful and good enough help lots of poor people with my own money.

Gee, I didn't see that one coming. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

"I know liberals like I know every inch of my glorious naked body."
Rush Limbaugh

There is nothing wrong with being a truck driver but you talk like------ You are ALMIGHTY up there very successful and telling us what to do including sex. Only Adolf Trump can say something like that.

WTF did I say anything about people having sex? I don't care what or who you have sex with. It's none of my business.

Didn't you just said limiting how many babies people can have? Even Hitler did not say that.
Really Ray., you need to work on your logic. You are not a Democrat yet you had access to the exchanges. Yes, Ray, Republicans also used the exchanges. There are lower income Republicans. Really. Check out those red states that utilize food stamps & welfare among the top ten.

So, it is the fault of Democrats that your employer fucked you over.

The ACA protected you from pre-existing conditions. Your own party will bring them back. Your own party will allow insurance companies to charge you 5 times what they charge younger people . Under the ACA it was 3 times.

I laugh at ignorant fools like you voting for Republicans as they are about to totally fuck you over with their new healthcare bill.

BTW the ACA base their subsidies on holding the maximum you should pay for health insurance at 9.5% of your income. Your party will set that at 16-17%.

Under YOUR party's bill, your premiums are likely to double. But hey, Ray, keep voting Republican.

Even if there was any truth in your lies, what difference does it make to me? Either way I still can't get insurance.

You puppets are so brainwashed that you actually believe everybody in a red state is Republican and everybody in a blue state is Democrat. Your puppet masters kept the truth from you which is states don't get welfare--people get welfare. There are plenty of Republicans in blue states like there are plenty of Democrats in red states.

Although we are a swing state, we are and have been red for some time with the exception of voting for that big-eared commie. However our cities are blue just like many across the country. It is there you will find the most welfare leaches. It's in those places you will find otherwise healthy younger and middle-aged people walking around during the day doing absolutely nothing dragging their four kids with them.

Where I live, It is over 70% Republican & there are plenty of low income people & mostly white & rural. We have lots of people receiving food stamps & on Medicaid. Plenty of counties in Pennsylvania packed full of white, rural, low income people.

You really need to put your racism aside & your really ignorant stupid idea that Republicans are not low income people. BTE, lots with a shit load of kids.

Yeah, I'll do that:

View attachment 140025

Wonder who created that chart Ray. You may want to read the real news.

It Looks Like Red States Take Most in Federal 'Welfare' from this Map. But Looks Can Be Deceiving.

States with the most people on food stamps

Welfare Hypocrisy: Red States Are The Real Freeloaders - The Ring of Fire - The Ring of Fire Network

That's the one thing about you liberals: keep repeating the same BS over and over again, somebody will be likely to think it's the truth. So one more time since your memory is so restricted: STATES DON'T GET WELFARE--PEOPLE GET WELFARE!

Truth hurts you Ray?
You make it sound that all poor people are liberals and only on welfare. That purely nonsense Ray.
Funny...Obama ran a scandal free administration for eight years
You are a lying piece of shit who just lost all credibility with that unprecedented lie. I can not tolerate anyone who deliberately lies to that extent. Since you have no integrity, no crediility, I am just going to ignore you from now on.

That's funny I've been blasting you here in this site all over because you post so much lies. You are a dishonest person.
Libs are too stupid to understand what they're advocating for.

1. The voters are but the leaders are not. They know exactly what their goals are. They just BS the voters to get their support.

2. They tell us that we need foreigners to do jobs Americans won't do. BS, they need the foreigners to strengthen their party and eventually create a one-party government in America. .

Trump hired foreigners that Americans don't do. And he is hiring more foreigners. Does that count?
To Trump followers. Since the are no real conservatives here but hatred to own fellow Americans.
The question should be ------ Does alt right group even like their own fellow Americans?
Libs are too stupid to understand what they're advocating for.

1. The voters are but the leaders are not. They know exactly what their goals are. They just BS the voters to get their support.

2. They tell us that we need foreigners to do jobs Americans won't do. BS, they need the foreigners to strengthen their party and eventually create a one-party government in America. .

Trump hired foreigners that Americans don't do. And he is hiring more foreigners. Does that count?

Oh yes, I remember that BS story about Trump Towers. He didn't hire foreigners, the wrecking crew he hired did. Trump had nothing to do with that. You don't get to pick out the employees of your contractor.
Even if there was any truth in your lies, what difference does it make to me? Either way I still can't get insurance.

You puppets are so brainwashed that you actually believe everybody in a red state is Republican and everybody in a blue state is Democrat. Your puppet masters kept the truth from you which is states don't get welfare--people get welfare. There are plenty of Republicans in blue states like there are plenty of Democrats in red states.

Although we are a swing state, we are and have been red for some time with the exception of voting for that big-eared commie. However our cities are blue just like many across the country. It is there you will find the most welfare leaches. It's in those places you will find otherwise healthy younger and middle-aged people walking around during the day doing absolutely nothing dragging their four kids with them.

Where I live, It is over 70% Republican & there are plenty of low income people & mostly white & rural. We have lots of people receiving food stamps & on Medicaid. Plenty of counties in Pennsylvania packed full of white, rural, low income people.

You really need to put your racism aside & your really ignorant stupid idea that Republicans are not low income people. BTE, lots with a shit load of kids.

Yeah, I'll do that:

View attachment 140025

Wonder who created that chart Ray. You may want to read the real news.

It Looks Like Red States Take Most in Federal 'Welfare' from this Map. But Looks Can Be Deceiving.

States with the most people on food stamps

Welfare Hypocrisy: Red States Are The Real Freeloaders - The Ring of Fire - The Ring of Fire Network

That's the one thing about you liberals: keep repeating the same BS over and over again, somebody will be likely to think it's the truth. So one more time since your memory is so restricted: STATES DON'T GET WELFARE--PEOPLE GET WELFARE!

Truth hurts you Ray?
You make it sound that all poor people are liberals and only on welfare. That purely nonsense Ray.

No, what's nonsense is this concept that blue states have nothing but Democrats in them and Red states only have Republicans. I'm in a swing state, but I can assure you our state government is all red. It's the blue cities in our state that get most of the welfare money--not the red outskirts of the cities.

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