Do liberals even like this country?

Maybe you should spend more time reading more on USMB. Why do you think I started this thread, because liberals don't say these things?

You mean liberals don't tell us how great government healthcare is in other places? You mean liberals didn't go on a rant about how great voting is in other countries because they don't use an Electoral College? You mean liberals never said how much better education is in Europe? You mean liberals never say how much better other countries have it because they have less wealth people?
Yes, liberals do not say those things.

And Kyrie Erving said, "fuck you!".
Guess what?

Many countries DO have better healthcare than we do, other countries have better education, have better roads and rail systems, faster and cheaper Internet

Denying it does nothing to improve our system

Thank you for supporting my point.
Maybe you should spend more time reading more on USMB. Why do you think I started this thread, because liberals don't say these things?

You mean liberals don't tell us how great government healthcare is in other places? You mean liberals didn't go on a rant about how great voting is in other countries because they don't use an Electoral College? You mean liberals never said how much better education is in Europe? You mean liberals never say how much better other countries have it because they have less wealth people?
Yes, liberals do not say those things.

And Kyrie Erving said, "fuck you!".

I realize this topic is lengthy, but if you read the past posts, you'll see liberals even admitting to saying those things.
I realize this topic is lengthy, but if you read the past posts, you'll see liberals even admitting to saying those things.
Maybe some have, but the picture you're trying to paint inferring all liberals think that, is disingenuous and makes your point no more than a hit piece on liberals.

I'm a liberal. And I love this country so much, I'm willing to risk being sent to jail for the rest of my life just to protest the injustices you're trying to defend. I love this country so much, I don't believe in putting our troops in harms way for corporate profit and gain. And yes, I don't believe in allowing the top .1% of the wage earners rape this country of all its resources to the point where there is no more opportunity left.
Liberals don't want America to be great ..... they want to control the actions and thinking of the people that live here.
Guess what?

Many countries DO have better healthcare than we do, other countries have better education, have better roads and rail systems, faster and cheaper Internet

Denying it does nothing to improve our system

Thank you for supporting my point.
Your point that the U.S. Is incapable of learning from what other countries do or that you are an isolationist moron
Of course. But then you've said, as part of the OP, that Liberals don't like the country for DOING EXACTLY THIS.

Yes, because liberals want to change us into another country. That's different than supporting a different agenda than the opposition. Republicans don't want to be like any other country, we just want us to be our country.

Do you really not see the irony in what you are saying?

You don't want change, and anyone who promotes change is unpatriotic. What the fuck? So anyone who isn't conservative is automatically unpatriotic because they don't agree with you.

This is pathetic Ray. If this really is your view on life, then I feel sorry for you that you demand everyone agree with you or you'll hit them with being unpatriotic.

The reality Ray, is that a Communist who loves their country, wants it to be a Communist state. That's the reality of patriotism, but right wingers like you have tried to own the term.

Change (or attempting to change) has been going on in our country since it's founding. However, when you keep telling us how wonderful other countries have it because of X, what you are saying is that you are not happy the way we are doing things, and want to be like other countries.

Trying to turn the US into Germany, Japan, France, Poland is unpatriotic. We are not any of these countries, we are the United States of America, and we don't do things the way other countries do things. We have a different political system, we have a different education system, we have a different social structure, we have a Constitution, and if you don't like any of our things, then you object to our entire structure, especially when you embellish other countries for doing things differently or the exact opposite of us.

Come off it Ray. People look at other stuff and say "hey, they're improved, why don't we do that?"

It's normal. Yet you're using it as an excuse for something else, and that is low.

No one is trying to turn the country into Germany, Japan etc. They're trying to improve the US.

I'm going to go back to Jamie Oliver, came over to the US to do a program to try and change eating habits, because everyone knows there's a problem with eating habits, what with 1/3 of people being obese, another 1/3 being over weight.

He went in and was basically told he had to prove that his thing worked for them to implement it. He was told he couldn't prove it worked because he had to implement it to prove it, a circular argument.

Now the right will then say that if it was proven to work abroad, it doesn't count.

So, they've made themselves a nice little excuse for doing nothing forever, because no one can ever meet their requirements. How convenient.

And then we come back to your old argument "we like things as they are, if you don't like them, fuck off", but the problem is Ray, the system you supposedly like is a system that has some semblance of Democracy and this will lead to change as often half the people will want things to change when they see the problems.

But you'll ignore this and then make posts saying how such Liberals are unpatriotic and hate the country because they don't like things being YOUR WAY.

Again, you can have your views, you have your vote, you can be as ignorant about what things are as you like, or as knowledgeable as you like, but you accept the system. Which means if people make change, you accept the change and you accept the others in the system.

Though the problem is you hate that and you want it to change, even though you're calling for no change, and you're attacking people who want change even though you want change.

It's getting ridiculous.

Your Jamie Oliver thing is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. Do you really think the US is so behind in information and her abilities that we need somebody coming from another country to solve our problems? No, we don't need that, just like we didn't need Mooochelle telling her husband to make a law forcing restaurants to put calorie count on every item in their menu.

We don't just have a food problem, we have an exercise problem. It started with cable television, worked it's way to the internet, then of course to cell phones. We have a fast food problem because our women are not raising their children or preparing home cooked meals. They are working, stop by some fast food place, and pickup meals for home, or they rely on Stoffer's microwave meals.

Go outside when it's nice and sit on your back porch for a few hours. How many of your neighbors are outside? How many people waking down the street? How many kids playing ball or tag?

Most of my tenants stay inside all summer. Their entire world is within their four walls. I finally rented to some people that do actually come outside, but it's not an every day thing. Prior to that, nobody came outside to enjoy the nice weather except me, and I work outside all day long. A few seldom open their windows. They go from heat to air conditioning. I bet this foreigner never figured that one out when he decided to come here.

And your reply is the perfect example of why the US is going downhill fast.

Just because the guy is British doesn't mean anything. But you've decided that nationality here is important.

The US needs someone with energy, with desire, to help the situation, and people like you feel something, I don't know what makes you so internal, that makes you closed to anything that has a little trigger, like nationality, that makes you turn away from it.

But then the next problem comes that you have someone like Michelle Obama who is American, and you've again found a reason to ignore the problems. Yeah, you come out with insults, and then you say "we don't need that".

At which point we're back to the same old, same old which you're happy with. Fine. You don't want improvement, you've clearly found all the ways of passing off everything, an excuse a day.

What's the point Ray? You live in a country that's going downhill, suffering from legitimized corruption, the people don't care any more, they have no desire to improve, no desire to make things better.

I've done this before.

8 Reasons Why Rome Fell - History Lists

"Even as Rome was under attack from outside forces, it was also crumbling from within thanks to a severe financial crisis. Constant wars and overspending had significantly lightened imperial coffers, and oppressive taxation and inflation had widened the gap between rich and poor. In the hope of avoiding the taxman, many members of the wealthy classes had even fled to the countryside and set up independent fiefdoms."

Constant wars. Yes
Widening of the gap between rich and poor. Yes.
People avoiding taxes. Yes.

"The rise of the Eastern Empire"

China rising. Yes.

"Overexpansion and military overspending"

Military overspending? Yes

"Government corruption and political instability"

Government corruption. Yes.

I could keep going. History repeats itself over and over and over and over again.

10 Reasons For The Fall Of Rome

This one looks at it slightly differently, but the same thing, same similarities.

But probably the biggest problem is arrogance. The arrogance that you can somehow still be the US of the 1950s, where everything was wonderful, the US had hope because it was on the way up, politicians didn't need to constantly fling hope at people in order for them to listen, because they actually had hope, rather than now where hope has gone out of the window and everyone is closing the shutters trying to stop it escaping.

What sort of America are you passing on to the next generations?
The point I am making is that there is a link between companies paying politicians and politicians giving out favors. We know it happens, I showed a source of people getting put in prison for this, AND I showed a source of where Walmart is getting in trouble for bribery.

Walmart makes sure this sort of thing continue. They pay politicians because it's beneficial for them. As a competitive advantage over those who are in the same game, it doesn't give them that much, because the other stores can also do the same thing. They can ride the wave that Walmart has managed to gained.

Well then maybe Trump should open up an investigation on DumBama for this. After all, it was DumBama that doubled the food stamp role, reduced requirements, and even increased the amount of food stamps. I wonder how much Walmart paid him? What do you think?

Insults in place of arguments again Ray?

Grow up.
The point I am making is that there is a link between companies paying politicians and politicians giving out favors. We know it happens, I showed a source of people getting put in prison for this, AND I showed a source of where Walmart is getting in trouble for bribery.

Walmart makes sure this sort of thing continue. They pay politicians because it's beneficial for them. As a competitive advantage over those who are in the same game, it doesn't give them that much, because the other stores can also do the same thing. They can ride the wave that Walmart has managed to gained.

Well then maybe Trump should open up an investigation on DumBama for this. After all, it was DumBama that doubled the food stamp role, reduced requirements, and even increased the amount of food stamps. I wonder how much Walmart paid him? What do you think?

Insults in place of arguments again Ray?

Grow up.

Deflection noted.
The point I am making is that there is a link between companies paying politicians and politicians giving out favors. We know it happens, I showed a source of people getting put in prison for this, AND I showed a source of where Walmart is getting in trouble for bribery.

Walmart makes sure this sort of thing continue. They pay politicians because it's beneficial for them. As a competitive advantage over those who are in the same game, it doesn't give them that much, because the other stores can also do the same thing. They can ride the wave that Walmart has managed to gained.

Well then maybe Trump should open up an investigation on DumBama for this. After all, it was DumBama that doubled the food stamp role, reduced requirements, and even increased the amount of food stamps. I wonder how much Walmart paid him? What do you think?

Insults in place of arguments again Ray?

Grow up.

Deflection noted.

Fuck off Ray.

After you deflecting for days and days on end, I'm tired of your nonsense. You don't bother debating much. You don't even read half of what I write.

What's the point?
The point I am making is that there is a link between companies paying politicians and politicians giving out favors. We know it happens, I showed a source of people getting put in prison for this, AND I showed a source of where Walmart is getting in trouble for bribery.

Walmart makes sure this sort of thing continue. They pay politicians because it's beneficial for them. As a competitive advantage over those who are in the same game, it doesn't give them that much, because the other stores can also do the same thing. They can ride the wave that Walmart has managed to gained.

Well then maybe Trump should open up an investigation on DumBama for this. After all, it was DumBama that doubled the food stamp role, reduced requirements, and even increased the amount of food stamps. I wonder how much Walmart paid him? What do you think?

Insults in place of arguments again Ray?

Grow up.

Deflection noted.

Fuck off Ray.

After you deflecting for days and days on end, I'm tired of your nonsense. You don't bother debating much. You don't even read half of what I write.

What's the point?

No, you are deflecting. Instead of addressing the hard facts I presented, you deflected about me insulting your dear leader. That's deflection. So one more time AS I ACTUALLY DEBATE: Under DumBama, the rich have never gotten richer. Under DumBama, food stamps doubled in the amount of people, the quantity, and the requirements.

Or is it only bribery when Republicans are involved?
The point I am making is that there is a link between companies paying politicians and politicians giving out favors. We know it happens, I showed a source of people getting put in prison for this, AND I showed a source of where Walmart is getting in trouble for bribery.

Walmart makes sure this sort of thing continue. They pay politicians because it's beneficial for them. As a competitive advantage over those who are in the same game, it doesn't give them that much, because the other stores can also do the same thing. They can ride the wave that Walmart has managed to gained.

Well then maybe Trump should open up an investigation on DumBama for this. After all, it was DumBama that doubled the food stamp role, reduced requirements, and even increased the amount of food stamps. I wonder how much Walmart paid him? What do you think?

Insults in place of arguments again Ray?

Grow up.

Deflection noted.

Fuck off Ray.

After you deflecting for days and days on end, I'm tired of your nonsense. You don't bother debating much. You don't even read half of what I write.

What's the point?

No, you are deflecting. Instead of addressing the hard facts I presented, you deflected about me insulting your dear leader. That's deflection. So one more time AS I ACTUALLY DEBATE: Under DumBama, the rich have never gotten richer. Under DumBama, food stamps doubled in the amount of people, the quantity, and the requirements.

Or is it only bribery when Republicans are involved?

No Ray, I'm not getting into your childish stuff....
Well then maybe Trump should open up an investigation on DumBama for this. After all, it was DumBama that doubled the food stamp role, reduced requirements, and even increased the amount of food stamps. I wonder how much Walmart paid him? What do you think?

Insults in place of arguments again Ray?

Grow up.

Deflection noted.

Fuck off Ray.

After you deflecting for days and days on end, I'm tired of your nonsense. You don't bother debating much. You don't even read half of what I write.

What's the point?

No, you are deflecting. Instead of addressing the hard facts I presented, you deflected about me insulting your dear leader. That's deflection. So one more time AS I ACTUALLY DEBATE: Under DumBama, the rich have never gotten richer. Under DumBama, food stamps doubled in the amount of people, the quantity, and the requirements.

Or is it only bribery when Republicans are involved?

No Ray, I'm not getting into your childish stuff....

Smart choice on your part.
Democrats ask "what group of Refugees has the lowest IQ that we can import to build our underclass of future Democrat voters?"

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