Do liberals even like this country?

Ray are you really going to tell me that working at Wal-Mart is going to lead to a good job? Sorry I cannot agree and would never accept that. Those jobs are for part timers who are not wanting a career. Facts are facts. Automation was coming. And it replaces workers. But you will still complain Americans aren't filling those low wage jobs....

I don't care if they fill those jobs or not, just as long as I'm not supporting them, that's what I care about.

There is no advancement living in your mothers basement. There are no advancements for people who sit home on welfare.

If you get a job--even at low wages, you may be able to advance yourself with the company if you show some responsibility and do good work. Several of our customers only hire through temp agencies. This way they can fluctuate their work staff according to business. It also gives them the ability to try out workers first for a few months before offering them a job.

Many times when things get busy and they ask the temps to work OT, they refuse. Why? Because they need to keep their income down so as not to get a reduction in government goodies. If they worked OT, it would be like working for free.

Needless to say, those companies never offer those workers full-time employment. They make the offers to good workers willing to work as many hours as the company needs them for.
As long as the company has the basic integrity to pay at least time and a half for extra hours then that is somewhat ok. Perhaps you don't believe in overtime pay. That is ANTI AMERICAN frankly. Remember Ray you pretend to pay I pretend to work. All kids should be taught this.
As long as the company has the basic integrity to pay at least time and a half for extra hours then that is somewhat ok. Perhaps you don't believe in overtime pay. That is ANTI AMERICAN frankly. Remember Ray you pretend to pay I pretend to work. All kids should be taught this.

Then they will probably end up failures in life.
not liking it the same way i do doesn't mean they don't like it.

these really are some strange questions.
Walmart pays their workers no less than similar stores like Target or K-Mart. You've been brainwashed by the left to believe that Walmart is somehow different. They are not. Walmart offers employees the best shot at advancement. I knew one person who left his industry job to work at Walmart full time. He was part-time making extra money, but they offered him a management position that had better pay and medical benefits. Speaking of which......

I was using Walmart as an example, but sure, you can swap in Target if you want because they're in the same boat. So while true there are retailers that pay similarly to target, there are retailers like Costco that pay their workers $18/hr. So if Costco can do it, and still remain profitable, why can't Walmart?

The Democrats have you hypnotized on shelf stockers and floor sweepers. The truth is Walmart treats their management very well, they treat their office personnel very well, their warehouse people do great, and so do Walmart truck drivers.

The overwhelming majority of Walmart workers are not those people. And the millions of Walmart workers who get welfare because of their low wages, are not those people. So you're trying to deflect from the obvious truth that Walmart pays its workers like shit, by invoking a narrow group of employees within Walmart while ignoring the rest.

If you believe we are subsidizing Walmart workers, vote conservative, because Walmart doesn't control our social programs--government does. Walmart has nothing to do with it.

Of course we're subsidizing their profits. If Walmart paid their workers a living wage, they'd make $8B in profit instead of $14B.
What I said is that unions out priced us in the world market.

So how does that not mean you think American workers should work for the same wages and in the same conditions Third World workers do? Because that's where your argument goes if taken to its natural logical conclusion. Again, you're saying unions prevented American workers from getting $18/day as opposed to $18/hr, and that's a bad thing? You think a union is why a company outsources to China where it can pay workers there per day what they pay workers here per hour???? Explain how that's the case.

When a business decides (or is forced) to move overseas, they have to calculate transportation costs back to the US and other places. While the Chinese workers make a pittance compared to US workers, transportation costs eat up a lot of that savings. If they are a multinational company and serve other countries outside of the US, their new location may cost them even more money.

Transportation costs do not offset the decline in wages. You're gonna need to prove this using actual facts because it sounds to me like you're making this shit up as you go. If you're saying that transportation costs do offset the decline in wages when it comes to the employers' budget, then it makes no sense to outsource at all if the costs remain the same. You get that, right?

For instance, when I get a call to go to a container company and pick up freight, I have to transport that freight to a warehouse somewhere. Prior to that, the freight came in on a boat which had to be counted and checked in. A container driver had to haul that freight to the container port. Paperwork has to be processed. After I drop off the freight to a warehouse, some company has to pickup that freight to deliver to the stores or businesses for other processing work.

So if what you're saying is that it costs no more or less to the business by outsourcing, then why do it at all???? Yeesh. This is what I mean when I talk about how Conservative arguments are always rife with cognitive dissonance. Do you even realize you're doing that?

So none of those editorials actually cite specific regulations. Just like your post, they are vague and general on the details. And besides, even with those regulations, corporate profits reached record highs every year of Obama's term. So these companies plead hardship and burdens even though they break profit records each year. So something is fishy in that, right? How could these regulations be costing business if business is making record profits? Because they're not costing business. It's just bullshit that you take as gospel, why? Like a corporation has never lied about its motivations before? Like Conservatives have never lied about the effects of regulation before? Come on.

No, I'm trying to explain to you how business works.

It is 100% clear you don't know how business works and like Trump, you're just winging it and hoping that I buy your bullshit, even though I don't.

Companies are not all in cahoots with each other, they compete against each other. They try to out beat each other out to get customers.

So first of all, yes, companies most definitely collude with one another even though they compete with one another. They collude to maintain market share by pushing smaller companies out (see: telecom/internet/cable companies). They collude to fix prices for things with absolutely no justification for it (see: health insurance). And they have formed the fucking Chamber of Commerce specifically for those purposes. So to say businesses don't collude is to be woefully ignorant of our capitalist society. You ascribe values to our economic system that simply are not there. Then you expect me to pretend as if you know what you're talking about? Why? Why should I believe you?

Outsourcing is only a part of the problem. The larger problem is automation. Robots and industrial equipment keeps coming down in price while labor keeps going up. Like outsourcing, eventually it comes down to cheaper labor by investing in automation.Automation doesn't ask for raises. Automation doesn't fall under Commie Care. Automation doesn't complain or ask for days off. Automation works 24/7.

So two things to this:

1. All that proves is the need for a Universal Basic Income - if robots are taking all the jobs, then how is the economy supposed to grow as workers are pushed out of the market by automation? Since 70% of our economy is consumer spending, how do you maintain that proportion without having to rely on credit? The answer is a universal basic income that guarantees consumer spending.
2. So you think American workers, in order to remain competitive with robots, should work for free????

Do businesses try to create more profit? Yes they do, but it's not a dollar factor, it's a growth factor.

Bullshit. It is always a dollar factor. The bottom line is all that matters in business. You could have a business that doesn't grow, yet you increase your profit margins by cutting costs. It's what's been standard practice by business for the last 40 years. So it's never really about growth, it's about profits. Those are mutually exclusive.

Businesses (especially large ones) depend on investors to keep their business running. Example: let's say that you ran across a small fortune: a lottery ticket, a wealthy relative dying, a lawsuit. Now everything you have is paid for, so the only smart thing to do would be to invest your money. But you know nothing about investments, so you seek help. You want something safe, something that has reasonable growth, and something that is long term. Your agent comes up with two companies for you to choose from. One is a company that has a 3% growth rate. The second company has a 7.5% growth rate. Which company will you choose to invest your money in?

The more profitable one. Growth is fungible but profits aren't. Just because a company grows doesn't mean it's profitable. See Netflix for that one. Netflix is about $20B in debt, most likely hasn't run a profit since the days when it was a DVD-by-mail company. Since those days, Netflix has grown into the #1 streaming video service. But their profits? Non-existent. So would I invest in Netflix long-term? No. Because they're inflating a debt bubble and aren't showing profits. That's going to lead to the company either having to cut its costs (by laying off workforce and/or not licensing content and/or not producing as much original content), or get bought before anyone realizes what is happening.
Loyalty to company is something POOR and bad workers consider.

Yes. Companies don't give a shit about their workers, so why should workers give a shit about the company?

Pay workers well and they will work well. Pay them like shit, and you get shit in return and high turnover.
please explain why kids will be failures....everyone understands that low pay means one is not expected to kill themselves. Only a bonehead would do that. However if pay rises so does productivity. Its economics 101.Pay is linked to effort and responsibility. Businesses that pay low wage don't expect really good workers to fill those jobs.
please explain why kids will be failures....everyone understands that low pay means one is not expected to kill themselves. Only a bonehead would do that. However if pay rises so does productivity. Its economics 101.Pay is linked to effort and responsibility. Businesses that pay low wage don't expect really good workers to fill those jobs.

Workers get better jobs through references. If an applicant has bad references, that may blow the one great job that the worker was dying to get.

I'm a landlord and it works the same way with me. If I call past landlords of an applicant, and I don't get a top of the line recommendation from them, I don't offer the applicant my apartment. If I have a choice, I choose the applicant that has great references.

When I was younger years ago during the Reagan recession, there were no jobs at all, not even McDonald's jobs. To keep my apartment, I took any work I could get. Because there was no work, I signed up with a temp agency.

The agency wasn't very promising. They said at most, they might be able to get me 10 to 15 hours worth of work per week, they had many other workers in the agency, and that was at minimum wage which was something like $3.50 an hour. So I signed up with several agencies.

After a few weeks, the first agency finally called me to a job. I went there and busted my ass like I was making $20.00 an hour. Many of the other temps had your attitude. Some went home and didn't return the next day without notice, one or two walked off the job the same day.

The temp agency gets feedback from their customers, and the feedback they got about me was very promising.

Before I knew it, the agency put me on every job they could get me on. Even though they moved me to the top of the list and I was working 40 hours a week, they asked if I could handle two shifts a few days a week. Some of the companies I worked at took my name and phone number promising me a full-time job offer once the recession let up. One supervisor went so far as to ask Human Resources if they could lay somebody else off (that the supervisor didn't like) and give me his job instead because of my performance.

I finally quit the agency because I got a full-time job. After a few weeks, the manager told me the one thing that put me over the edge of the other applicants was the reference he got from my temporary agency. He said they couldn't say enough good things about me, and said how sad they were to see me leave, but they totally understood.
I mentioned this several times before and I will say this again.
Since most or all of you do not have access to foreign countries like Asian, European, South/Central America countries.

Trump made us ignorant, stupid and laughingstock in this part of the world. From climate accord, foreign policy to domestic policy. Sad.

I debate live and it's very painful when they crushed or nailed me----- You have a fucking hypocrite president. I cannot defend it.

Then don't. We'll do just fine without you.

Don't? How?
I'm an American talking to foreigners.
It's the same like you I'm talking to a racist.

Without me? Let me ask you an honest question. Between you and me----- Who do you think is more desirable citizen? I know for sure that hate group and racist people are the undesirable (the rejects) citizens of America.

You leftists are so confused you don't even understand why America is rejecting you more and more every year. We are sick and tired of hearing and reading this racist crap every time you liberals open your mouth. It's like sitting at the bar next to a drunk who keeps repeating the same story about his job over and over again.

But I applaud you for being part of the force that's killing your own party. In fact, whoever decides to run for the presidency on the Democrat side next election, make sure you write to him or her and stress how important it is to use the word "deplorable" when talking about Republicans.

No dude I'm not confused I'm just telling you the reality.
Remember of the 212 millions registered voters anemically Trump only garnered 63+ millions voted for Trump. That number is dwindling fast.
Majority of Americans reject Trump. That's the reality. So don't tell me America is rejecting us.
As far as RACIST---- I branded you a a racist, you are so proud being a racist, you posted link catered to hate group etc etc etc.
So what is your credibility? Nothing but hatred against your fellow Americans.

Oh yes I can't wait for the next election.
Then you should tell that to Ray because he is a truck driver.
He is pissed immigrants taking over American jobs but he support Trump hiring foreigners. This is beyond me.

WINNING: 30% More Illegals Going Home in 2017 - Breitbart

Arrests Of Undocumented Immigrants Climbing In North Texas

Reps. McCaul, Goodlatte: Better border security and immigration enforcement is on the way

That's very funny Ray.
What is your links has anything to do with you supporting bringing in foreign workers?

Read this link to update yourself.
Immigration arrests up, deportations down under Trump

Okay, I read it, the question is did you?

As the article points out, deportations have nothing to do with Trump, they have to do with the courts. Speaking of which, the Trump administration added 25 new courts to speed up deportations and plan on adding another 25 for a total of 50 new courts.

And as the article also points out, deportations were up since Trump took office up until July where it fell a bit.

So Trump is looking to improve on the system just like Dumbama used his time to free up criminal illegals sitting in jail.

You are trying to deflect but it's not working.
So let me ask you again.
What is your link and the deportation crap that you are taking about---- Has anything to do with you supporting foreign workers that take over American jobs?
How come you can never answer a simple question?

Are you being hypocrite again or playing dumb or stupid?

1. Well I guess I don't respond to extremely stupid and dumb questions like you ask, and that's why ignore them.

If you can't figure out where my stance is on immigration, then it's your stupidity that's preventing you from understanding.

2. And before you bring up Trump again, Trump will be glad to hire American workers if they apply, but they don't. And in keeping with competition, either the entire system needs to be changed or companies will always look to produce products or services cheaper (or equal to) than their competition.

3. The real problem we have with industry is they are competing against our government socialist programs. Why work when you can sit at home getting fat on food stamps and talking on your Obama phone? HUD will get you an apartment or house in the suburbs, you can have as large of a family as you want, and you don't even have to pay for your utilities or medical care. Why work?

4. Even people on these programs may work, but they make sure to keep their income down so they don't lose any of their government goodies. So instead of working more hours at a low paying job, they seek to find better paying jobs and work less hours.

1. What a stupid excuses. You quoted my post #995 with multiple links that has nothing to do with my post. Trying deflect.
My question was very clear. If you hate foreigners taking over American jobs ----- Why do you support bringing in foreign workers?
Oh I know ----- Where you stand on immigration.
2. Trump will be glad to hire American workers if they apply???? That is one of the top ten stupidest post I ever read. Do you honestly believe nobody will apply at Maralago? Even stupid people like you or a prostitute will be glad working for this asshole.
Do you honestly believe Trump cannot find janitors, cooks and waiters in Florida? Don't forget Trump is costing him more to hire these foreigners because it includes board and lodging at Maralago or nearby and health insurance. Trump is always engaged in this tricky business and this is one of them. He is doing the same with his vineyard in Virginia.
So why is Trump keep saying Buy Americans and Hire Americans? Trump is big time hypocrite.
Before you go any further---- PLEASE ANSWER ALL MY QUESTIONS ABOVE.

3 and 4. Your lame excuses are not acceptable. You are implying that ALL Americans are under welfare. You are assuming that there are no single male or female looking or applying for these jobs. There are tons of college graduates in Florida with nonsense majors looking for a jobs ANY jobs just to eat.

In short do t know anything.
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please explain why kids will be failures....everyone understands that low pay means one is not expected to kill themselves. Only a bonehead would do that. However if pay rises so does productivity. Its economics 101.Pay is linked to effort and responsibility. Businesses that pay low wage don't expect really good workers to fill those jobs.

Workers get better jobs through references. If an applicant has bad references, that may blow the one great job that the worker was dying to get.

I'm a landlord and it works the same way with me. If I call past landlords of an applicant, and I don't get a top of the line recommendation from them, I don't offer the applicant my apartment. If I have a choice, I choose the applicant that has great references.

When I was younger years ago during the Reagan recession, there were no jobs at all, not even McDonald's jobs. To keep my apartment, I took any work I could get. Because there was no work, I signed up with a temp agency.

The agency wasn't very promising. They said at most, they might be able to get me 10 to 15 hours worth of work per week, they had many other workers in the agency, and that was at minimum wage which was something like $3.50 an hour. So I signed up with several agencies.

After a few weeks, the first agency finally called me to a job. I went there and busted my ass like I was making $20.00 an hour. Many of the other temps had your attitude. Some went home and didn't return the next day without notice, one or two walked off the job the same day.

The temp agency gets feedback from their customers, and the feedback they got about me was very promising.

Before I knew it, the agency put me on every job they could get me on. Even though they moved me to the top of the list and I was working 40 hours a week, they asked if I could handle two shifts a few days a week. Some of the companies I worked at took my name and phone number promising me a full-time job offer once the recession let up. One supervisor went so far as to ask Human Resources if they could lay somebody else off (that the supervisor didn't like) and give me his job instead because of my performance.

I finally quit the agency because I got a full-time job. After a few weeks, the manager told me the one thing that put me over the edge of the other applicants was the reference he got from my temporary agency. He said they couldn't say enough good things about me, and said how sad they were to see me leave, but they totally understood.

You told me recently that you are a truck driver.
So how did you jumped from a truck driver to landlord of an apartment,
Do you switched careers base from the topic?
please explain why kids will be failures....everyone understands that low pay means one is not expected to kill themselves. Only a bonehead would do that. However if pay rises so does productivity. Its economics 101.Pay is linked to effort and responsibility. Businesses that pay low wage don't expect really good workers to fill those jobs.

Workers get better jobs through references. If an applicant has bad references, that may blow the one great job that the worker was dying to get.

I'm a landlord and it works the same way with me. If I call past landlords of an applicant, and I don't get a top of the line recommendation from them, I don't offer the applicant my apartment. If I have a choice, I choose the applicant that has great references.

When I was younger years ago during the Reagan recession, there were no jobs at all, not even McDonald's jobs. To keep my apartment, I took any work I could get. Because there was no work, I signed up with a temp agency.

The agency wasn't very promising. They said at most, they might be able to get me 10 to 15 hours worth of work per week, they had many other workers in the agency, and that was at minimum wage which was something like $3.50 an hour. So I signed up with several agencies.

After a few weeks, the first agency finally called me to a job. I went there and busted my ass like I was making $20.00 an hour. Many of the other temps had your attitude. Some went home and didn't return the next day without notice, one or two walked off the job the same day.

The temp agency gets feedback from their customers, and the feedback they got about me was very promising.

Before I knew it, the agency put me on every job they could get me on. Even though they moved me to the top of the list and I was working 40 hours a week, they asked if I could handle two shifts a few days a week. Some of the companies I worked at took my name and phone number promising me a full-time job offer once the recession let up. One supervisor went so far as to ask Human Resources if they could lay somebody else off (that the supervisor didn't like) and give me his job instead because of my performance.

I finally quit the agency because I got a full-time job. After a few weeks, the manager told me the one thing that put me over the edge of the other applicants was the reference he got from my temporary agency. He said they couldn't say enough good things about me, and said how sad they were to see me leave, but they totally understood.

You told me recently that you are a truck driver.
So how did you jumped from a truck driver to landlord of an apartment,
Do you switched careers base from the topic?

Actually I started off young driving a straight truck back in the later 70's. I was only a kid, but the company I worked for was run by the mob, and they didn't GAS. I wanted to keep that line of work, but I was too young for other companies to hire me (you had to be 21), so I went to delivering and repairing home medical equipment for about ten years.

When that didn't work out (and realizing I wouldn't be able to do that kind of work as I got older) I went back to driving straight trucks and got my CDL. After a few years, I took the tractor-trailer test and upgraded to a Class A about 25 years ago. I was able to leave the crappy company I worked for and began the job I still have today. While that transition was taking place, I was purchasing the apartments I was living at, and I'm still here today.

I worked many jobs in my life, some part-time while I had full-time work, and some full-time. I worked for my father who was a bricklayer. He got me into the bricklayers union and I worked one summer doing that. That was between the truck driving job and medical equipment. I worked at a car wash. I worked delivering pizza's. I worked driving a roach coach. I worked one summer for a industrial cleaning company. I delivered newspapers as a kid. I was a music instructor for about two years.

So today, I'm still full-time employed and take care of my properties which is why I quit doing part-time jobs. Otherwise like years past, I would have two jobs today too.
During a debate with a leftist this morning, I was once again told how much better things are in other places, and that made me ask myself if liberals even like this country yet alone love it?

How great other countries have it is a leftist argument they make all the time. It's beginning to be almost as common as saying the right are racist, sexist, homophobes.

What crossed my mind this morning is something I never thought of before: conservatives never say how much better it is in other places. We have our faults, we have our differences, but you never read a conservative say our country is not as good as X.

Liberals are quite the opposite. They want us to change our healthcare system like "theirs." They want us to have gun restrictions like theirs. They want us to have an education system like theirs. They want us to have a government structure like theirs. They want us to have an immigration system like theirs. They want us to have a justice system like theirs. We should take most of the money from rich people like they do. We need to change our election system like theirs.

So I'm going to ask this question one more time even though I've never gotten an answer before: If it's so good "there" WTF are you doing here?

It's apparent that we on the right love our country and the left does not. So the question I have (especially to you leftists) is if you do even like this country? It sure as hell doesn't seem like it since you want to change every aspect of it.

You assholes don't love America.

Okay, I read it, the question is did you?

As the article points out, deportations have nothing to do with Trump, they have to do with the courts. Speaking of which, the Trump administration added 25 new courts to speed up deportations and plan on adding another 25 for a total of 50 new courts.

And as the article also points out, deportations were up since Trump took office up until July where it fell a bit.

So Trump is looking to improve on the system just like Dumbama used his time to free up criminal illegals sitting in jail.

You are trying to deflect but it's not working.
So let me ask you again.
What is your link and the deportation crap that you are taking about---- Has anything to do with you supporting foreign workers that take over American jobs?
How come you can never answer a simple question?

Are you being hypocrite again or playing dumb or stupid?

1. Well I guess I don't respond to extremely stupid and dumb questions like you ask, and that's why ignore them.

If you can't figure out where my stance is on immigration, then it's your stupidity that's preventing you from understanding.

2. And before you bring up Trump again, Trump will be glad to hire American workers if they apply, but they don't. And in keeping with competition, either the entire system needs to be changed or companies will always look to produce products or services cheaper (or equal to) than their competition.

3. The real problem we have with industry is they are competing against our government socialist programs. Why work when you can sit at home getting fat on food stamps and talking on your Obama phone? HUD will get you an apartment or house in the suburbs, you can have as large of a family as you want, and you don't even have to pay for your utilities or medical care. Why work?

4. Even people on these programs may work, but they make sure to keep their income down so they don't lose any of their government goodies. So instead of working more hours at a low paying job, they seek to find better paying jobs and work less hours.

1. What a stupid excuses. You quoted my post #995 with multiple links that has nothing to do with my post. Trying deflect.
My question was very clear. If you hate foreigners taking over American jobs ----- Why do you support bringing in foreign workers?
Oh I know ----- Where you stand on immigration.
2. Trump will be glad to hire American workers if they apply???? That is one of the top ten stupidest post I ever read. Do you honestly believe nobody will apply at Maralago? Even stupid people like you or a prostitute will be glad working for this asshole.
Do you honestly believe Trump cannot find janitors, cooks and waiters in Florida? Don't forget Trump is costing him more to hire these foreigners because it includes board and lodging at Maralago or nearby and health insurance. Trump is always engaged in this tricky business and this is one of them. He is doing the same with his vineyard in Virginia.
So why is Trump keep saying Buy Americans and Hire Americans? Trump is big time hypocrite.
Before you go any further---- PLEASE ANSWER ALL MY QUESTIONS ABOVE.

3 and 4. Your lame excuses are not acceptable. You are implying that ALL Americans are under welfare. You are assuming that there are no single male or female looking or applying for these jobs. There are tons of college graduates in Florida with nonsense majors looking for a jobs ANY jobs just to eat.

In short do t know anything.

Without a doubt I believe Trump can't find American workers. His pay rate (depending on the job) is between ten and twenty bucks an hour. Why do I believe Trump?

I work in industrial areas every day. I see the HELP WANTED signs littered throughout. Go back a week or two later, those signs are still in front of those businesses.

Our clients often ask me if I know anybody looking for a job? Some of those jobs don't pay too badly for non-skilled work. They can't find anybody to even apply. In my line of work, we need over 40,000 new drivers industry can't find. If the economy keeps going this way, and with the baby boomers getting out of the picture, that deficit will increase in the coming years.

Some of those jobs don't even require experience. They will train you, get you licensed, and pay you while you learn. They only ask that you work for them a year or two under contract. After that, you have a promising career. They still can't find people.

My father (a retired bricklayer) still gets news letters from his union. They actually asked their retirees if they can find young people to enter the career. They can't find enough young people to learn construction and have a trade for the rest of their lives.

Two problems here: drugs is one of them, and social programs are the other. After all, if we have all these jobs that Americans are not taking, WTF are they doing for money? They have to be living off of something, don't you think?
I mentioned this several times before and I will say this again.
Since most or all of you do not have access to foreign countries like Asian, European, South/Central America countries.

Trump made us ignorant, stupid and laughingstock in this part of the world. From climate accord, foreign policy to domestic policy. Sad.

I debate live and it's very painful when they crushed or nailed me----- You have a fucking hypocrite president. I cannot defend it.

Then don't. We'll do just fine without you.

Don't? How?
I'm an American talking to foreigners.
It's the same like you I'm talking to a racist.

Without me? Let me ask you an honest question. Between you and me----- Who do you think is more desirable citizen? I know for sure that hate group and racist people are the undesirable (the rejects) citizens of America.

You leftists are so confused you don't even understand why America is rejecting you more and more every year. We are sick and tired of hearing and reading this racist crap every time you liberals open your mouth. It's like sitting at the bar next to a drunk who keeps repeating the same story about his job over and over again.

But I applaud you for being part of the force that's killing your own party. In fact, whoever decides to run for the presidency on the Democrat side next election, make sure you write to him or her and stress how important it is to use the word "deplorable" when talking about Republicans.

No dude I'm not confused I'm just telling you the reality.
Remember of the 212 millions registered voters anemically Trump only garnered 63+ millions voted for Trump. That number is dwindling fast.
Majority of Americans reject Trump. That's the reality. So don't tell me America is rejecting us.
As far as RACIST---- I branded you a a racist, you are so proud being a racist, you posted link catered to hate group etc etc etc.
So what is your credibility? Nothing but hatred against your fellow Americans.

Oh yes I can't wait for the next election.

I bet you can't. Regardless what the polls say, Trump will win reelection if things stand as they are today. Remember these are the same polls that stated Trump didn't stand a chance in hell against Hillary.

Now, are you going to tell me I'm the only righty that you called racist on this board? No, you call anybody on the right racist just like your cohorts. Trust me, people are sick of hearing it. If you make fun of Obama's ears, it's racist to you people. Everything is racist to those against your leftist agenda.

Don't believe me? Then keep on promoting it. I love it. I love you turning more and more Americans off of your socialist/ communist agendas. It's the salvation of America as far as I'm concerned.

"Folks, when an adversary makes a fool of themselves, the best thing you can do is step back and not interfere."
Rush Limbaugh
During a debate with a leftist this morning, I was once again told how much better things are in other places, and that made me ask myself if liberals even like this country yet alone love it?

How great other countries have it is a leftist argument they make all the time. It's beginning to be almost as common as saying the right are racist, sexist, homophobes.

What crossed my mind this morning is something I never thought of before: conservatives never say how much better it is in other places. We have our faults, we have our differences, but you never read a conservative say our country is not as good as X.

Liberals are quite the opposite. They want us to change our healthcare system like "theirs." They want us to have gun restrictions like theirs. They want us to have an education system like theirs. They want us to have a government structure like theirs. They want us to have an immigration system like theirs. They want us to have a justice system like theirs. We should take most of the money from rich people like they do. We need to change our election system like theirs.

So I'm going to ask this question one more time even though I've never gotten an answer before: If it's so good "there" WTF are you doing here?

It's apparent that we on the right love our country and the left does not. So the question I have (especially to you leftists) is if you do even like this country? It sure as hell doesn't seem like it since you want to change every aspect of it.

They claim to love it and the Constitution yet constantly complain about how things are done properly and how the Constitution needs to be updated. I'm not surprised. They claim to care about those they say need the most then show that compassion by seeing how much they can force someone else to pay for it.
You don't hear that from federalists. We know, Our Founding Fathers did an Most Excellent job with our federal Constitution and supreme law of the land.

They did. Why do you leftists try to change it if they did?
lol. Just right wing fantasy? Both terms, promote and provide are used in reference to the general welfare, but not the common defense.

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