Do Libertarians have historical perspectives?

"Fifty years ago, the vigilance of FDA medical officer Dr. Frances Kelsey prevented a public health tragedy of enormous proportion by ensuring that the sedative thalidomide was never approved in the United States"

. - See more at: 50 Years after Thalidomide Why Regulation Matters FDA Voice

Or is it only the Crazy Right Wing so stuck in an ideology they reject the FDA (and many other Federal agencies) as unconstitutional?

That's a really good example. Wry! Being that you believe libertarians are extreme right wing, tell us something else libertarians lack perspective on. Tell us about Obama's 14 wars or his mandates for people in violation of their civil liberties. Tell us about how moderate and excellent you are with your opinion you like to blanket over everyone else in your never ending and grand arrogance.

Fucks like you believe you're so smart and then you post this fucking absolute drivel. The fact you do not even see the irony tells so many tales about you.

You're a fucking brain dead moron, Wry. I hope you JOTCOM and the DIAF

The title of the thread asks a question. A simple question I thought most people could understand and debate. As it stands, pages later, the self described libertarian leaning Crazy Right Wing, people like you, take offense and responded with personal attacks.

If you had half the intelligence of an average American you would offer a rebuttal, and provide examples of a Libertarian ideology which demonstrates pragmatic, real world solutions to problems which face our country today.

Yet you respond with anger and word salad (what is JOTCOM and DIAR?). I suppose you believe that makes you appear clever; nothing you post will ever support that conclusion.

Yes and as the far left has demonstrated time and time again on this board they do not know history, thus making a question asked by a far left drone, moot!
"Fifty years ago, the vigilance of FDA medical officer Dr. Frances Kelsey prevented a public health tragedy of enormous proportion by ensuring that the sedative thalidomide was never approved in the United States"

. - See more at: 50 Years after Thalidomide Why Regulation Matters FDA Voice

Or is it only the Crazy Right Wing so stuck in an ideology they reject the FDA (and many other Federal agencies) as unconstitutional?

That's a really good example. Wry! Being that you believe libertarians are extreme right wing, tell us something else libertarians lack perspective on. Tell us about Obama's 14 wars or his mandates for people in violation of their civil liberties. Tell us about how moderate and excellent you are with your opinion you like to blanket over everyone else in your never ending and grand arrogance.

Fucks like you believe you're so smart and then you post this fucking absolute drivel. The fact you do not even see the irony tells so many tales about you.

You're a fucking brain dead moron, Wry. I hope you JOTCOM and the DIAF

The title of the thread asks a question. A simple question I thought most people could understand and debate. As it stands, pages later, the self described libertarian leaning Crazy Right Wing, people like you, take offense and responded with personal attacks.

If you had half the intelligence of an average American you would offer a rebuttal, and provide examples of a Libertarian ideology which demonstrates pragmatic, real world solutions to problems which face our country today.

Yet you respond with anger and word salad (what is JOTCOM and DIAR?). I suppose you believe that makes you appear clever; nothing you post will ever support that conclusion.

Yes and as the far left has demonstrated time and time again on this board they do not know history, thus making a question asked by a far left drone, moot!

Is Rabbi your teacher? It seems likely you took his course in "Non Substantive Ad Hominem's for Idiots"? It appears you learned enough, you've done quite well in posting nothing in the form of an idiot-gram.

Keep on keeping on, one day you might surpass Rabbi in Doing and Nothingness; set high goals and keep reading idiot-grams by he and CrusaderFrank - doing so will help you achieve nothing much as they have.
It seems by their responses that the Libertarian element who posts on this message board have the maturity of a preschool child on a sugar load.
That's correct, he was against income taxes. He also wanted corporations kept banned, for the regulation of capitalism by the government, and for luxury taxes. Have you any plans to support those as well, or just the one thing you are okay with my little infant?

That's all horseshit you read on some leftwing propaganda site. Smith never said any such thing. He was specifically against government regulations. That is what the Wealth of Nations is all about.

You're simply an ignorant dishonest toad.
You couldn't be more wrong. And you have no idea what Smith was, a moralist, and you have no morals.

I know Adam Smith never said anything you claim he said. You're a flat out liar.
Go look it up. Start with his support for banning corporations. Do you know why? No, but I'll give you a hint. It's because people making decisions with other people's money make immoral decisions. Sounds like a Moralist eh? Yep. He believed that if the decisions you made would mean your kids didn't eat then you would make the very best decisions, but not if it didn't personally hurt you or your family.

Gone on little infant, look up everything I said. It's in his own fucking words.

You go look it up and then post what you find to the forum. That's how debates work. You make a claim, then you produce the evidence to support your claim. This isn't a classroom where you give out homework assignments, asshole.
And if it says what he claims it says, you'll ignore it because you don't want to know.
It seems by their responses that the Libertarian element who posts on this message board have the maturity of a preschool child on a sugar load.


If Capitalism, the Free Market and individual liberty mean nothing to you then Libertarian posters' personalities are irrelevant.

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That's all horseshit you read on some leftwing propaganda site. Smith never said any such thing. He was specifically against government regulations. That is what the Wealth of Nations is all about.

You're simply an ignorant dishonest toad.
You couldn't be more wrong. And you have no idea what Smith was, a moralist, and you have no morals.

I know Adam Smith never said anything you claim he said. You're a flat out liar.
Go look it up. Start with his support for banning corporations. Do you know why? No, but I'll give you a hint. It's because people making decisions with other people's money make immoral decisions. Sounds like a Moralist eh? Yep. He believed that if the decisions you made would mean your kids didn't eat then you would make the very best decisions, but not if it didn't personally hurt you or your family.

Gone on little infant, look up everything I said. It's in his own fucking words.

You go look it up and then post what you find to the forum. That's how debates work. You make a claim, then you produce the evidence to support your claim. This isn't a classroom where you give out homework assignments, asshole.
And if it says what he claims it says, you'll ignore it because you don't want to know.
Exactly. He's an infant, a really stupid one.
It seems by their responses that the Libertarian element who posts on this message board have the maturity of a preschool child on a sugar load.
If Capitalism, the Free Market and individual liberty mean nothing to you then ...
They mean a lot, just not what you people believe, which is Anarchy and not those three things.

But you fuckers define anarchy as any socioeconomic system in which you do not have a right to force your neighbors to

1- feed you
2- clothe you
3-insure you
4- quench your thirst
5- educate you up to and including community college
6- invade every country on the face of mother earth
7- protect and defend the Jewish State

It seems by their responses that the Libertarian element who posts on this message board have the maturity of a preschool child on a sugar load.
If Capitalism, the Free Market and individual liberty mean nothing to you then ...
They mean a lot, just not what you people believe, which is Anarchy and not those three things.

But you fuckers define anarchy as any socioeconomic system in which you do not have a right to force your neighbors to

1- feed you
2- clothe you
3-insure you
4- quench your thirst
5- educate you up to and including community college
6- invade every country on the face of mother earth
7- protect and defend the Jewish State

No, we don't, so either grow up and have a rational debate or go play with your dick.
It seems by their responses that the Libertarian element who posts on this message board have the maturity of a preschool child on a sugar load.
If Capitalism, the Free Market and individual liberty mean nothing to you then ...
They mean a lot, just not what you people believe, which is Anarchy and not those three things.

But you fuckers define anarchy as any socioeconomic system in which you do not have a right to force your neighbors to

1- feed you
2- clothe you
3-insure you
4- quench your thirst
5- educate you up to and including community college
6- invade every country on the face of mother earth
7- protect and defend the Jewish State

No, we don't, so either grow up and have a rational debate or go play with your dick.

Either admit that you are a parasite or go play with your anal sphincter.

"Fifty years ago, the vigilance of FDA medical officer Dr. Frances Kelsey prevented a public health tragedy of enormous proportion by ensuring that the sedative thalidomide was never approved in the United States"

. - See more at: 50 Years after Thalidomide Why Regulation Matters FDA Voice

Or is it only the Crazy Right Wing so stuck in an ideology they reject the FDA (and many other Federal agencies) as unconstitutional?

My take of libertarianism is that regardless of what they think of the FDA, they'd consider it unconstitutional.
It seems by their responses that the Libertarian element who posts on this message board have the maturity of a preschool child on a sugar load.
If Capitalism, the Free Market and individual liberty mean nothing to you then ...
They mean a lot, just not what you people believe, which is Anarchy and not those three things.

But you fuckers define anarchy as any socioeconomic system in which you do not have a right to force your neighbors to

1- feed you
2- clothe you
3-insure you
4- quench your thirst
5- educate you up to and including community college
6- invade every country on the face of mother earth
7- protect and defend the Jewish State


Anarchy comes in more flavors than baskin Robbins. Can you be specific about your flavor of chunky monkey?
It seems by their responses that the Libertarian element who posts on this message board have the maturity of a preschool child on a sugar load.
If Capitalism, the Free Market and individual liberty mean nothing to you then ...
They mean a lot, just not what you people believe, which is Anarchy and not those three things.

But you fuckers define anarchy as any socioeconomic system in which you do not have a right to force your neighbors to

1- feed you
2- clothe you
3-insure you
4- quench your thirst
5- educate you up to and including community college
6- invade every country on the face of mother earth
7- protect and defend the Jewish State


Anarchy comes in more flavors than baskin Robbins. Can you be specific about your flavor of chunky monkey?

Says the far left drone that lumps anyone that is not far left as far right..
It seems by their responses that the Libertarian element who posts on this message board have the maturity of a preschool child on a sugar load.
If Capitalism, the Free Market and individual liberty mean nothing to you then ...
They mean a lot, just not what you people believe, which is Anarchy and not those three things.

But you fuckers define anarchy as any socioeconomic system in which you do not have a right to force your neighbors to

1- feed you
2- clothe you
3-insure you
4- quench your thirst
5- educate you up to and including community college
6- invade every country on the face of mother earth
7- protect and defend the Jewish State


Anarchy comes in more flavors than baskin Robbins. Can you be specific about your flavor of chunky monkey?
The FDA is like most gov agencies... Ineffective, costly, and a tool of big business (big pharma)...they do not protect Americans they harm them to generate profits.
You couldn't be more wrong. And you have no idea what Smith was, a moralist, and you have no morals.

I know Adam Smith never said anything you claim he said. You're a flat out liar.
Go look it up. Start with his support for banning corporations. Do you know why? No, but I'll give you a hint. It's because people making decisions with other people's money make immoral decisions. Sounds like a Moralist eh? Yep. He believed that if the decisions you made would mean your kids didn't eat then you would make the very best decisions, but not if it didn't personally hurt you or your family.

Gone on little infant, look up everything I said. It's in his own fucking words.

You go look it up and then post what you find to the forum. That's how debates work. You make a claim, then you produce the evidence to support your claim. This isn't a classroom where you give out homework assignments, asshole.
And if it says what he claims it says, you'll ignore it because you don't want to know.
Exactly. He's an infant, a really stupid one.

Right, turd, because you've never disputed the credibility of any source posted to this forum.

It seems by their responses that the Libertarian element who posts on this message board have the maturity of a preschool child on a sugar load.
If Capitalism, the Free Market and individual liberty mean nothing to you then ...
They mean a lot, just not what you people believe, which is Anarchy and not those three things.

But you fuckers define anarchy as any socioeconomic system in which you do not have a right to force your neighbors to

1- feed you
2- clothe you
3-insure you
4- quench your thirst
5- educate you up to and including community college
6- invade every country on the face of mother earth
7- protect and defend the Jewish State

No, we don't, so either grow up and have a rational debate or go play with your dick.

Of course you do.
"Fifty years ago, the vigilance of FDA medical officer Dr. Frances Kelsey prevented a public health tragedy of enormous proportion by ensuring that the sedative thalidomide was never approved in the United States"

. - See more at: 50 Years after Thalidomide Why Regulation Matters FDA Voice

Or is it only the Crazy Right Wing so stuck in an ideology they reject the FDA (and many other Federal agencies) as unconstitutional?

My take of libertarianism is that regardless of what they think of the FDA, they'd consider it unconstitutional.
True, and everyone of them would abolish it given the chance.

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