Do majority of Republicans think Theory of Evolution is a fact ?

Evolved is adapted! And Darwin’s theory is bullshit. Sure but no. I thought first human was in Africa?
Adaptation is a behavioral change. Evolution is a physiological change.

General consensus is that the first human appeared in Africa, yes. There are still apes in Africa.
You don’t adapt you go extinct.
You mean if you don't evolve you go extinct.

Insects have had a pretty good run
Yep, adapt to pesticides
Evolve pesticide resistance.

Do you realize you are surrendering? We just need to work on your word choice.
No you’re suggesting change in development structure not adaptability
Name something that evolved!
We did. We evolved from fish!
Maybe god put us here!
Maybe he did! Maybe an alien put us here. Maybe an alien god put us here.

Any or all of those can be true and evolution still remains a fact.
Based on what?
Evolution is biology. Biology continues whether there is a creator god, merely a god or however you want to define your god.

The acceptable God hypotheses I hear are that god interferes with evolution or that he got the ball rolling with creating life.

The crazy God hypotheses are the ones that begin their morning prayer with "Thank You God for waking me up and putting breath in my lungs."
Well god created biology, duh
Leave it to simple minded lefties to reduce thousands of volumes of a complicated issue like evolution to a simple minded political question: duh: do you believe in evolution?
It used to be a simple question but it is more complicated now.

Believers who were taught to deny evolution have jumped on the science train.

Creationism is dead, killed off by their own kind. Intelligent Design was invented to stop arguing with the ages that science had determined. At the very same time, Genesis was stuffed into the allegory corner.

Intelligent Design eventually surrendered also. They agree with evolution, but call it micro-evolution. They are holding on to denying macro-evolution for dear life. They will eventually give up on that also.

The last holdout is special creation and just for humans. That is where God makes his last stand.

Who surrendered what?, you may have come from a monkey but I sure didnt..
As I said, that is the last holdout.

How old is the Earth?

4.5 billion years roughly monkey breath...i sure don't think the earth is 130 years old like the AGW crowd wants us to believe
whitehall, do you believe in creationsim?

DSG49, your understanding of the Constitution has nothing to with evolution, creationism, or ID.

You do have the right to believe as you want. You do not have the right to force your religious beliefs on others in the public square, including public schools.
Leave it to simple minded lefties to reduce thousands of volumes of a complicated issue like evolution to a simple minded political question: duh: do you believe in evolution?
It used to be a simple question but it is more complicated now.

Believers who were taught to deny evolution have jumped on the science train.

Creationism is dead, killed off by their own kind. Intelligent Design was invented to stop arguing with the ages that science had determined. At the very same time, Genesis was stuffed into the allegory corner.

Intelligent Design eventually surrendered also. They agree with evolution, but call it micro-evolution. They are holding on to denying macro-evolution for dear life. They will eventually give up on that also.

The last holdout is special creation and just for humans. That is where God makes his last stand.

Who surrendered what?, you may have come from a monkey but I sure didnt..
As I said, that is the last holdout.

How old is the Earth?

4.5 billion years roughly monkey breath...i sure don't think the earth is 130 years old like the AGW crowd wants us to believe
And that is your surrender to science. You all used to think the Earth was only 6000 years old.
MarkDuffy, I suspect you are as being simplistic as the young creationists.
My comment was directed to the questions in the linked article about people who support the Democrat vs Republican parties.

I am an educated (JD) Republican, and I know what a FACT is, and I know what a THEORY is. And anyone who tells you that Evolution is FACT is simply ignorant.

It is the best THEORY to explain the origin of species. That is not to say that it is without 'holes', but it's the best we have right now.

Lefties embrace Evolution in the same way that Bible-Thumpers embrace the Bible. Those who disagree are "heretics" and need to be silenced, though intimidation. It is nearly humorous to hear Lefties with degrees in Lesbian Dance Theory explain what "science" is, and how Evolution is a FACT. But it is not actually humorous, because it is so pathetic.
So...if primordial soup always produced life when struck by lightning.....

That's not what scientists hypothesize. They hypothesize that certain energy inputs, including lightning, storms, earthquakes, etc. could have caused formation of certain complex organics that then persisted.

You want to open the door to a hypothesis? Now we back slide to semi-educated guessing...

English please.

And if you have a point to make, just make it. Go on, state your claim and your argument for it. Then we can apply the same scrutiniy and evidentiary tests to your claims and arguments that scientists have to endure when publishing their science. Let's see how your claims stand up, shall we?

So, let's hear it.

You were the one speaking of terms. I simply corrected you. Deal with it.

You didnt correct anything. Your post about definitions completely supported and proved my point. Thank you for that.

And you are quite the intellectual sissy to avoid my challenge.
Leave it to simple minded lefties to reduce thousands of volumes of a complicated issue like evolution to a simple minded political question: duh: do you believe in evolution?

You are far off the mark. Evolution is a simple concept, amd it is either true or not true. Leave is to a religious goofball to equivocate himself into a little pretzel to rpovide cover for other magical thinkers.
My comment was directed to the questions in the linked article about people who support the Democrat vs Republican parties.

I am an educated (JD) Republican, and I know what a FACT is, and I know what a THEORY is. And anyone who tells you that Evolution is FACT is simply ignorant.

It is the best THEORY to explain the origin of species. That is not to say that it is without 'holes', but it's the best we have right now.

Lefties embrace Evolution in the same way that Bible-Thumpers embrace the Bible. Those who disagree are "heretics" and need to be silenced, though intimidation. It is nearly humorous to hear Lefties with degrees in Lesbian Dance Theory explain what "science" is, and how Evolution is a FACT. But it is not actually humorous, because it is so pathetic.
You are misusing, deliberately, the terms "fact" and "theory" when it comes to science.

You are being a goof ball, and your education misprivileges you doing that.
So...if primordial soup always produced life when struck by lightning.....

That's not what scientists hypothesize. They hypothesize that certain energy inputs, including lightning, storms, earthquakes, etc. could have caused formation of certain complex organics that then persisted.

You want to open the door to a hypothesis? Now we back slide to semi-educated guessing...

English please.

And if you have a point to make, just make it. Go on, state your claim and your argument for it. Then we can apply the same scrutiniy and evidentiary tests to your claims and arguments that scientists have to endure when publishing their science. Let's see how your claims stand up, shall we?

So, let's hear it.

You were the one speaking of terms. I simply corrected you. Deal with it.

You didnt correct anything. Your post about definitions completely supported and proved my point. Thank you for that.

And you are quite the intellectual sissy to avoid my challenge.

I avoid debating fools, because sometimes others can't tell the difference.

Someone made a hypothesis I can wash laundry it became a theory, but never a law.
Is that why your undies have your gonads are above your belly button???

Why does Saturn have rings and Jupiter does not? Jupiter is bigger gas giant

Again, check your facts:

In fact Saturn is not the only planet in our solar system that has rings, in fact all the giant gas planets have them: Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune. However, these other ring systems are extremely thin and almost impossible to see.

You just proved my point

You said something incorrect about planets having rings. Like, 4th grade science class incorrect. Do you plan to admit your error and correct it, moving forward?

Of course you don't. And this little illustration says a lot about you in general and very clearly lays bare the fact that you are not interested in honest discussion of topics, or in learning any new information .

Admit what dumb ass, you know that earth has two moons right?

Once again Jupiter is huge and just dust surrounding it while Saturn rings can be seen with a cheap telescope

What you said was demonstrably false. Then you throw your little hissy, upon being corrected. I would call your behavior childish, bit even children in science class don't display your embarrassing behavior, when they are corrected. They actually appreciate having learned something...they don't lash out like little psychos and start insulting the world because it corrected their own ignorance.
That's not what scientists hypothesize. They hypothesize that certain energy inputs, including lightning, storms, earthquakes, etc. could have caused formation of certain complex organics that then persisted.

You want to open the door to a hypothesis? Now we back slide to semi-educated guessing...

English please.

And if you have a point to make, just make it. Go on, state your claim and your argument for it. Then we can apply the same scrutiniy and evidentiary tests to your claims and arguments that scientists have to endure when publishing their science. Let's see how your claims stand up, shall we?

So, let's hear it.

You were the one speaking of terms. I simply corrected you. Deal with it.

You didnt correct anything. Your post about definitions completely supported and proved my point. Thank you for that.

And you are quite the intellectual sissy to avoid my challenge.

I avoid debating fools, because sometimes others can't tell the difference.

Someone made a hypothesis I can wash laundry it became a theory, but never a law.

Haha....sure, pal. You have e excellent points and arguments, but you just dont feel like stating them...haha, what a shameless little liar you are .

Theories dont become laws. You clearly know less than nothing about any of this, and you should stop commenting now.
What you said was demonstrably false. Then you throw your little hissy, upon being corrected. I would call your behavior childish, bit even children in science class don't display your embarrassing behavior, when they are corrected. They actually appreciate having learned something...they don't lash out like little psychos and start insulting the world because it corrected their own ignorance.

You mean like you just did?

This was an option.

The most prominent and most famous planetary rings in the Solar System are those around Saturn, but the other three giant planets (Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune) also have ring systems. Recent evidence suggests that ring systems may also be found around other types of astronomical objects, including minor planets, moons, and brown dwarfs.

Ring system - Wikipedia
Leave it to simple minded lefties to reduce thousands of volumes of a complicated issue like evolution to a simple minded political question: duh: do you believe in evolution?
It used to be a simple question but it is more complicated now.

Believers who were taught to deny evolution have jumped on the science train.

Creationism is dead, killed off by their own kind. Intelligent Design was invented to stop arguing with the ages that science had determined. At the very same time, Genesis was stuffed into the allegory corner.

Intelligent Design eventually surrendered also. They agree with evolution, but call it micro-evolution. They are holding on to denying macro-evolution for dear life. They will eventually give up on that also.

The last holdout is special creation and just for humans. That is where God makes his last stand.

Who surrendered what?, you may have come from a monkey but I sure didnt..
As I said, that is the last holdout.

How old is the Earth?

4.5 billion years roughly monkey breath...i sure don't think the earth is 130 years old like the AGW crowd wants us to believe
And that is your surrender to science. You all used to think the Earth was only 6000 years old.
Nice fiction and made up shit! I guess when you can’t argue facts make up bullishit
You want to open the door to a hypothesis? Now we back slide to semi-educated guessing...

English please.

And if you have a point to make, just make it. Go on, state your claim and your argument for it. Then we can apply the same scrutiniy and evidentiary tests to your claims and arguments that scientists have to endure when publishing their science. Let's see how your claims stand up, shall we?

So, let's hear it.

You were the one speaking of terms. I simply corrected you. Deal with it.

You didnt correct anything. Your post about definitions completely supported and proved my point. Thank you for that.

And you are quite the intellectual sissy to avoid my challenge.

I avoid debating fools, because sometimes others can't tell the difference.

Someone made a hypothesis I can wash laundry it became a theory, but never a law.

Haha....sure, pal. You have e excellent points and arguments, but you just dont feel like stating them...haha, what a shameless little liar you are .

Theories dont become laws. You clearly know less than nothing about any of this, and you should stop commenting now.

So... scientific laws started out from the beginning as laws huh? Bring something with you next time you want to battle wits.
Darwin's theory is just that...a theory. He also got gemmules and inherited traits wrong. That and trace fossils which lack apparent sequential transition. That doesn't counteract adapting and overcoming though

Next, ignorant morons like you will argue that GRAVITY is ALSO a leftist theory.....LOL

Who said anything about evolution being a leftist theory you fucking moron..

A theory is just that a theory

And gravity is also a theory ...prove it to be fact?

I will wait
Gravity is not a theory.

Lol yes it is, boy we have a lot of indoctrinated kids here

Prove it to be a fact win a Nobel prize

It has already been proven, I assume you are talking about gravitational force.

Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation is used to explain gravitational force. This law states that every massive particle in the universe attracts every other massive particle with a force which is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation

Not exactly. Newtonian math only worked on two bodies. It worked on the sun and earth. It worked on the earth and moon. It didn’t work on the sun and Mercury. We were not able to explain it mathematically until Einstein. That explained the orbit of mercury with the progression it experienced.

Newton’s calculations also did not work on multiple bodies. The sun, earth, and moon did not work out. Using Newtonian math the planets would fly off into the great beyond eventually. Newton recognized this and declared that God fixed the orbits now and then.

While again, the theory that Newton called a law needed some tweaking. It needed the Theory of Special Relativity. This combined Space and Time to Spacetime. Multiple bodies orbital mechanics were easily explained now. The math worked.

What I love is the theories coming out of Supermassive Black Hole Research. Once again Einstein is being adjusted and tweaked. Relativity does not answer the observations we have. I detest String Theory. It feels like the Underwear Gnomes from South Park. Phase 2 ???
What you said was demonstrably false. Then you throw your little hissy, upon being corrected. I would call your behavior childish, bit even children in science class don't display your embarrassing behavior, when they are corrected. They actually appreciate having learned something...they don't lash out like little psychos and start insulting the world because it corrected their own ignorance.

You mean like you just did?

This was an option.

The most prominent and most famous planetary rings in the Solar System are those around Saturn, but the other three giant planets (Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune) also have ring systems. Recent evidence suggests that ring systems may also be found around other types of astronomical objects, including minor planets, moons, and brown dwarfs.

Ring system - Wikipedia
You need to pay attention...he was already corrected, and then still lashed out and threw a little fit. So it would have been futile to present that info.
What you said was demonstrably false. Then you throw your little hissy, upon being corrected. I would call your behavior childish, bit even children in science class don't display your embarrassing behavior, when they are corrected. They actually appreciate having learned something...they don't lash out like little psychos and start insulting the world because it corrected their own ignorance.

You mean like you just did?

This was an option.

The most prominent and most famous planetary rings in the Solar System are those around Saturn, but the other three giant planets (Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune) also have ring systems. Recent evidence suggests that ring systems may also be found around other types of astronomical objects, including minor planets, moons, and brown dwarfs.

Ring system - Wikipedia
You need to pay attention...he was already corrected, and then still lashed out and threw a little fit. So it would have been futile to present that info.

Because using you as a source is so much more accurate? :lol:

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