Do majority of Republicans think Theory of Evolution is a fact ?

English please.

And if you have a point to make, just make it. Go on, state your claim and your argument for it. Then we can apply the same scrutiniy and evidentiary tests to your claims and arguments that scientists have to endure when publishing their science. Let's see how your claims stand up, shall we?

So, let's hear it.

You were the one speaking of terms. I simply corrected you. Deal with it.

You didnt correct anything. Your post about definitions completely supported and proved my point. Thank you for that.

And you are quite the intellectual sissy to avoid my challenge.

I avoid debating fools, because sometimes others can't tell the difference.

Someone made a hypothesis I can wash laundry it became a theory, but never a law.

Haha....sure, pal. You have e excellent points and arguments, but you just dont feel like stating them...haha, what a shameless little liar you are .

Theories dont become laws. You clearly know less than nothing about any of this, and you should stop commenting now.

So... scientific laws started out from the beginning as laws huh? Bring something with you next time you want to battle wits.

"... scientific laws started out from the beginning as laws huh?"

Correct, and we merely discovered them.

Look, listen up: You can ask 1000 dishonest questions and post 1000 definitions that you don't understand, and you will NEVER be correct that scientific theories become laws or that explanations are "only theories" in science. Not ever, so I'm not wasting my time with this nonsense.
What you said was demonstrably false. Then you throw your little hissy, upon being corrected. I would call your behavior childish, bit even children in science class don't display your embarrassing behavior, when they are corrected. They actually appreciate having learned something...they don't lash out like little psychos and start insulting the world because it corrected their own ignorance.

You mean like you just did?

This was an option.

The most prominent and most famous planetary rings in the Solar System are those around Saturn, but the other three giant planets (Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune) also have ring systems. Recent evidence suggests that ring systems may also be found around other types of astronomical objects, including minor planets, moons, and brown dwarfs.

Ring system - Wikipedia
You need to pay attention...he was already corrected, and then still lashed out and threw a little fit. So it would have been futile to present that info.

Because using you as a source is so much more accurate? :lol:
I'm not the source of any of these facts, amd nobody cares if you take my word for anything. The things you are saying are objectively incorrect, no matter what I or anyone else had for breakfast. I think your error is to let your authoritative religiois culture bleed into your understanding of empiricism, which hen leads you to believe that anything can be made true, if you just put words in the right order. No, sorry. You are wrong, and you will be wrong no matter what flowery things you say.
"... scientific laws started out from the beginning as laws huh?"

Correct, and we merely discovered them.

Look, listen up: You can ask 1000 dishonest questions and post 1000 definitions, and you will NEVER be correct that scientifoc theories become laws or that ideas are "only theories". Not ever, so I'm not wasting my time with this nonsense.

Gee, what rock were they hiding under? Talk about dishonest, all scientific laws came about by hypothesis, leading to theory and finally confirmed as a law.

It was a supposed apple that launched gravitational law. Not getting smacked by a law.
Next, ignorant morons like you will argue that GRAVITY is ALSO a leftist theory.....LOL

Who said anything about evolution being a leftist theory you fucking moron..

A theory is just that a theory

And gravity is also a theory ...prove it to be fact?

I will wait
Gravity is not a theory.

Lol yes it is, boy we have a lot of indoctrinated kids here

Prove it to be a fact win a Nobel prize

It has already been proven, I assume you are talking about gravitational force.

Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation is used to explain gravitational force. This law states that every massive particle in the universe attracts every other massive particle with a force which is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation

Not exactly. Newtonian math only worked on two bodies. It worked on the sun and earth. It worked on the earth and moon. It didn’t work on the sun and Mercury. We were not able to explain it mathematically until Einstein. That explained the orbit of mercury with the progression it experienced.

Newton’s calculations also did not work on multiple bodies. The sun, earth, and moon did not work out. Using Newtonian math the planets would fly off into the great beyond eventually. Newton recognized this and declared that God fixed the orbits now and then.

While again, the theory that Newton called a law needed some tweaking. It needed the Theory of Special Relativity. This combined Space and Time to Spacetime. Multiple bodies orbital mechanics were easily explained now. The math worked.

What I love is the theories coming out of Supermassive Black Hole Research. Once again Einstein is being adjusted and tweaked. Relativity does not answer the observations we have. I detest String Theory. It feels like the Underwear Gnomes from South Park. Phase 2 ???

Then scientists discovered the galaxy rotates at the same speed which was the exact opposite of what was expected given outer planets in our solar system orbit more slowly than inner planets. So science had to invent a dark mysterious form of matter and energy to explain why their math was wrong and off by over 70%. lol
I'm not the source of any of these facts, amd nobody cares if you take my word for anything. The things you are saying are objectively incorrect, no matter what I or anyone else had for breakfast. I think your error is to let your authoritative religiois culture bleed into your understanding of empiricism, which hen leads you to believe that anything can be made true, if you just put words in the right order. No, sorry. You are wrong, and you will be wrong no matter what flowery things you say.

Wow the number of debate fails in one post is staggering.

Do you often have lapses in spelling when confronted with true debate skills?
"... scientific laws started out from the beginning as laws huh?"

Correct, and we merely discovered them.

Look, listen up: You can ask 1000 dishonest questions and post 1000 definitions, and you will NEVER be correct that scientifoc theories become laws or that ideas are "only theories". Not ever, so I'm not wasting my time with this nonsense.

Gee, what rock were they hiding under? Talk about dishonest, all scientific laws came about by hypothesis, leading to theory and finally confirmed as a law.

It was a supposed apple that launched gravitational law. Not getting smacked by a law.

None of them were ever scientific theories, because theories and laws are different. This is a fundamental idea in science, and not only do you have no grasp of this, the things you are saying are wrong. You are simply not qualified or entitled to have an opinion on any scientific idea ever, and you would fail the most rudimentary science quiz.
"... scientific laws started out from the beginning as laws huh?"

Correct, and we merely discovered them.

Look, listen up: You can ask 1000 dishonest questions and post 1000 definitions, and you will NEVER be correct that scientifoc theories become laws or that ideas are "only theories". Not ever, so I'm not wasting my time with this nonsense.

Gee, what rock were they hiding under? Talk about dishonest, all scientific laws came about by hypothesis, leading to theory and finally confirmed as a law.

It was a supposed apple that launched gravitational law. Not getting smacked by a law.

None of them were ever scientific theories, because theories and laws are different. This is a fundamental idea in science, and not only do you have no grasp of this, the things you are saying are wrong. You are simply not qualified or entitled to have an opinion on any scientific idea ever, and you would fail the most rudimentary science quiz.

You can say whatever you want. A law is discovered through a process of thought, measurement, observation and conclusions that verify it exists. Those are the very definition of hypothesis and theory.
I don't see a scientist among you, so you are wasting the time of people here.
This is funny as can be. I got a liberal telling me to just accept laws, which require math of humans to be known in most cases, do not require scientific method to define, expand and understand what the law is. I am suppose to accept them by faith. Okie dokie mister sciency guy.
Why does Saturn have rings and Jupiter does not? Jupiter is bigger gas giant

Again, check your facts:

In fact Saturn is not the only planet in our solar system that has rings, in fact all the giant gas planets have them: Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune. However, these other ring systems are extremely thin and almost impossible to see.

You just proved my point

You said something incorrect about planets having rings. Like, 4th grade science class incorrect. Do you plan to admit your error and correct it, moving forward?

Of course you don't. And this little illustration says a lot about you in general and very clearly lays bare the fact that you are not interested in honest discussion of topics, or in learning any new information .

Admit what dumb ass, you know that earth has two moons right?

Once again Jupiter is huge and just dust surrounding it while Saturn rings can be seen with a cheap telescope

What you said was demonstrably false. Then you throw your little hissy, upon being corrected. I would call your behavior childish, bit even children in science class don't display your embarrassing behavior, when they are corrected. They actually appreciate having learned something...they don't lash out like little psychos and start insulting the world because it corrected their own ignorance.

What you said was demonstrably false. Then you throw your little hissy, upon being corrected. I would call your behavior childish, bit even children in science class don't display your embarrassing behavior, when they are corrected. They actually appreciate having learned something...they don't lash out like little psychos and start insulting the world because it corrected their own ignorance.

You mean like you just did?

This was an option.

The most prominent and most famous planetary rings in the Solar System are those around Saturn, but the other three giant planets (Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune) also have ring systems. Recent evidence suggests that ring systems may also be found around other types of astronomical objects, including minor planets, moons, and brown dwarfs.

Ring system - Wikipedia
You need to pay attention...he was already corrected, and then still lashed out and threw a little fit. So it would have been futile to present that info.

Because using you as a source is so much more accurate? :lol:
I'm not the source of any of these facts, amd nobody cares if you take my word for anything. The things you are saying are objectively incorrect, no matter what I or anyone else had for breakfast. I think your error is to let your authoritative religiois culture bleed into your understanding of empiricism, which hen leads you to believe that anything can be made true, if you just put words in the right order. No, sorry. You are wrong, and you will be wrong no matter what flowery things you say.

This is funny as can be. I got a liberal telling me to just accept laws, which require math of humans to be known in most cases, do not require scientific method to define, expand and understand what the law is. I am suppose to accept them by faith. Okie dokie mister sciency guy.

The godless left are disciples of primitive thinking. I'd poke their theory of evolution full of holes but their heads would explode.

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