Do republicans want to Georgia republicans to vote in the upcoming runoff?

Don't know, but I'm gonna vote bright and early.
I’m in Colorado but I’m gonna drive over there, put on a Georgia disguise with a silly little accent and backstory and vote in person. No one will see it coming!

I already did my change of address, and got a Georgia drivers license, and registered to vote, but I haven't actually made it there yet. I figure I'll fly out of Houston a couple of days before the vote, and be back in Texas by the weekend.
Nah, too much work man. All you need is a Georgian accent. It’s literally the only barrier. I voted 12 times. It would have been 13 but the line was too long that day.

I know, but I needed all the documentation to sell my story to Rudy. He pays a fortune, but all I gotta do is get really drunk before I testify in court, like that crazy woman did.
Damn man you have my fraud beat. That’s pretty good. Rudy is a miracle worker when he farts up a storm.

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