Do those on the left really want to discuss the whole racism issue?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
So from what we were told, the whole not standing for the national anthem was suppose to generate meaningful discussions about the ills of society?

If so, let's get it on!

First off, there is racism and there will always be racism. Nothing will change this fact.

Secondly, there are things we can do to reduce racism, but it's not a one way road.

What we have in the US today is a black culture steeped in gang violence, drugs, and poverty. It is a self perpetuating fact. Here we have a small number of blacks that are responsible for the majority of violent crimes in the US.

Now put yourself in the shoes of a police officer in that violent community. You will always be on your guard. If you lower your guard, you die, but if you "snap" and make the wrong move you get sued. How would you fair at that job?

It is also true that blacks are profiled. Of course, middle eastern men are also profiled on board planes. Why? Is it because of racism? No, it's because most acts of international terrorism are carried out by such people.

Last year, about 250 black men were killed by police officers, and guess what, those police officers were not all white. Now let's consider the violence in Chicago every year. Black on black violence accounts for more than double the number of blacks killed by police officers. Where are the protests about that? There are none to be heard. How is it that police are not suppose to kill blacks when they are killing themselves in such numbers? It is insane.

What we are witnessing is America paying for the sins of the past, but to continually try to blame others for the problem instead of taking accountability for our own short comings is poison.

What say you?
The left has no desire to seriously discuss issues surrounding race and racial relations.

They merely want to milk for everything they can for elections.

Just look at their track record.
I think we should focus on the economy, unions and promoting more jobs. That is the original goal of the left and it was popular!

Race is a very diversionary issue.
You misspelled ecoMoney.

Yes, I know that economy is how it is normally spelled, but you say it in your head as ecoMoney, dont you?

Be honest.
No, they just want to paint their opponents as racists. They have no solutions, no ideas, they lost their grip on power, they have nothing left but the race card.
The left has no desire to seriously discuss issues surrounding race and racial relations.

They merely want to milk for everything they can for elections.

Just look at their track record.

Liberals don't listen. You use a word, and they "know" that you meant something else. Hell, they might have invented new meanings just so they can be "offended" and have an excuse to call you a racist, and marginalize you.
I think we should focus on the economy, unions and promoting more jobs. That is the original goal of the left and it was popular!

Race is a very diversionary issue.

If you think that, how have missed the fact than NO ONE ELSE ON THE LEFT, is doing that?
The left has no desire to seriously discuss issues surrounding race and racial relations.

They merely want to milk for everything they can for elections.

Just look at their track record.
There's just no sense in talking to people who won't listen. I'm sure not going to bother.
Now that just screaming RACIST is no longer putting their targets on the defensive (that cynical game has been exposed for what it is), maybe soon the Regressives will be willing to have an honest conversation.

Or maybe not. They're pretty addicted to that strategy, even still.
I think we should focus on the economy, unions and promoting more jobs. That is the original goal of the left and it was popular!

Race is a very diversionary issue.
I can appreciate your attempt at seeming somewhat normal. Your previous threads about normalizing guys wearing dresses had me thinking there was no hope for you.
So from what we were told, the whole not standing for the national anthem was suppose to generate meaningful discussions about the ills of society?

If so, let's get it on!

First off, there is racism and there will always be racism. Nothing will change this fact.

Secondly, there are things we can do to reduce racism, but it's not a one way road.

What we have in the US today is a black culture steeped in gang violence, drugs, and poverty. It is a self perpetuating fact. Here we have a small number of blacks that are responsible for the majority of violent crimes in the US.

Now put yourself in the shoes of a police officer in that violent community. You will always be on your guard. If you lower your guard, you die, but if you "snap" and make the wrong move you get sued. How would you fair at that job?

It is also true that blacks are profiled. Of course, middle eastern men are also profiled on board planes. Why? Is it because of racism? No, it's because most acts of international terrorism are carried out by such people.

Last year, about 250 black men were killed by police officers, and guess what, those police officers were not all white. Now let's consider the violence in Chicago every year. Black on black violence accounts for more than double the number of blacks killed by police officers. Where are the protests about that? There are none to be heard. How is it that police are not suppose to kill blacks when they are killing themselves in such numbers? It is insane.

What we are witnessing is America paying for the sins of the past, but to continually try to blame others for the problem instead of taking accountability for our own short comings is poison.

What say you?

Could not have stated that better. I will ad this observation, There are 2 areas of the race problem, material and emotional/cultural/sociological or whatever term you prefer. Material discrimination can and has been dealt with at the government level via court decisions, laws passed by Congress etc. That takes away Jim Crow, sitting in the back of the bus, literacy tests for voting etc. Yes there still Is job discrimination and we have laws on the books to deal with that.

What cannot be dealt with by passing laws is the emotion/cultural part. Many of the black leaders and white liberals are trying to roll both these problems into government solutions and it only works for the former, not the latter. Yes one is related to the other, but need far different solutions. This is 2017, not 1817, 1917 or even 1957, but the idiot left is treating as such for political hyperbole purposes, nothing more.
Yes, let's discuss RACISM and the Dems' role in propagating it.

Here are a few unassailable facts to consider:

--While the secession debate was between the North and the South, the slavery debate was between a pro-slavery Democratic Party and an anti-slavery Republican Party.

--Two of the three Democrats that Lincoln identified as the champions of slavery—Stephen Douglas and James Buchanan—were Northerners. Only one, Roger Taney, was a Southerner.

--Even after Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, the Democratic platform in 1864 sought a treaty with the Confederacy that would most likely involve a restoration of slavery.

--After the Civil War, the Democrats overwhelmingly opposed the Thirteenth Amendment freeing the slaves, the Fourteenth Amendment granting equal rights under law, and the Fifteenth Amendment giving blacks the right to vote.

--Jim Crow is entirely a legacy of the Democratic Party. Every segregation law enacted in the South was passed by a Democratic legislature, signed by a Democratic governor, and enforced by Democratic officials.

--After Republicans shut it down in the late nineteenth century, the Ku Klux Klan was revived in the early twentieth century by a progressive Democratic president, Woodrow Wilson, who screened a pro-KKK movie in the White House.

--For decades the Klan served, in the words of progressive historian Eric Foner, as “the domestic terrorist arm of the Democratic Party.” David Duke is an anomaly; virtually every KKK leader for the past 150 years has been a Democrat.

--As historian Ira Katznelson shows, in order to get the New Deal passed, progressive icon Franklin Delano Roosevelt made deals with racist Democrats to block anti-lynching legislation and to exclude African Americans from most New Deal programs.

--More Republicans than Democrats proportionately voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Fair Housing Bill of 1968. The main opposition to the civil rights movement came not from the GOP but from racist Democrats....

Dinesh D'Souza: Colin Kaepernick's big lie
I think we should focus on the economy, unions and promoting more jobs. That is the original goal of the left and it was popular!

Race is a very diversionary issue.

If you think that, how have missed the fact than NO ONE ELSE ON THE LEFT, is doing that?

The far left has always opposed the trade deals like nafta(Reagan and George hw Bushs plan) and TPP. The left hated Obama for that last one.

We believe in strong bargaining rights for the workers and order to take home a good pay check.
I think we should focus on the economy, unions and promoting more jobs. That is the original goal of the left and it was popular!

Race is a very diversionary issue.
holy shit

I've read Two posts by you and neither were batshitcrazy.
Yes, let's discuss RACISM and the Dems' role in propagating it.

Here are a few unassailable facts to consider:

--While the secession debate was between the North and the South, the slavery debate was between a pro-slavery Democratic Party and an anti-slavery Republican Party.

--Two of the three Democrats that Lincoln identified as the champions of slavery—Stephen Douglas and James Buchanan—were Northerners. Only one, Roger Taney, was a Southerner.

--Even after Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, the Democratic platform in 1864 sought a treaty with the Confederacy that would most likely involve a restoration of slavery.

--After the Civil War, the Democrats overwhelmingly opposed the Thirteenth Amendment freeing the slaves, the Fourteenth Amendment granting equal rights under law, and the Fifteenth Amendment giving blacks the right to vote.

--Jim Crow is entirely a legacy of the Democratic Party. Every segregation law enacted in the South was passed by a Democratic legislature, signed by a Democratic governor, and enforced by Democratic officials.

--After Republicans shut it down in the late nineteenth century, the Ku Klux Klan was revived in the early twentieth century by a progressive Democratic president, Woodrow Wilson, who screened a pro-KKK movie in the White House.

--For decades the Klan served, in the words of progressive historian Eric Foner, as “the domestic terrorist arm of the Democratic Party.” David Duke is an anomaly; virtually every KKK leader for the past 150 years has been a Democrat.

--As historian Ira Katznelson shows, in order to get the New Deal passed, progressive icon Franklin Delano Roosevelt made deals with racist Democrats to block anti-lynching legislation and to exclude African Americans from most New Deal programs.

--More Republicans than Democrats proportionately voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Fair Housing Bill of 1968. The main opposition to the civil rights movement came not from the GOP but from racist Democrats....

Dinesh D'Souza: Colin Kaepernick's big lie

Question, what is a Dixiecrat?

And where did they settle in 2017 politics?
I think we should focus on the economy, unions and promoting more jobs. That is the original goal of the left and it was popular!

Race is a very diversionary issue.
I can appreciate your attempt at seeming somewhat normal. Your previous threads about normalizing guys wearing dresses had me thinking there was no hope for you.
matt is one of the bigger racist here....he thinks by changing his name no one will remember all those nice things he used to say about dont change those views overnight matt....
dems have been treating minorities like children, like spoiled children.

giving them whatever they want, just to keep the quiet, but now it's blowing up in their face and they have lost control.

or did they blow it up hoping for all this violence....
I think we should focus on the economy, unions and promoting more jobs. That is the original goal of the left and it was popular!

Race is a very diversionary issue.

I agree, this recent focus on race is dragging us kicking and screaming back into the 1960's even though a black president has been elected twice.

I therefore, reject the notion that the majority of Americans are racist.

The sad problem here is, race is a political football. There are those that don't really care about blacks, other than to try and create a block vote by convincing black voters that only one party represents them.

It is akin to the woes in Palestine. Do the Palestinian leaders really want to solve the poverty and turmoil of their own people, or do they wish to exploit their desperation by using them as pawns as they send their children out to die in the streets with explosives attached to them?

Martin Luther King was the best leader the black community every had. He refused to use violence, he refused to lower himself to the tactics of those that opposed him, and he prevailed. If you don't lower your moral standards and continue to stand for a righteous cause, the sheer weight of your superior position will crush your adversary. This is what MLK taught us, and is something that was taught to him through his faith.

However, look at the BLM groups as they assassinate white police officers in the streets. They are lowering themselves to the same moral code as those who oppress them, and arguably lowering themselves lower than their foes. This accomplishes as much as Palestinians sending their children out into the streets to blow themselves up.
Yes, let's discuss RACISM and the Dems' role in propagating it.

Here are a few unassailable facts to consider:

--While the secession debate was between the North and the South, the slavery debate was between a pro-slavery Democratic Party and an anti-slavery Republican Party.

--Two of the three Democrats that Lincoln identified as the champions of slavery—Stephen Douglas and James Buchanan—were Northerners. Only one, Roger Taney, was a Southerner.

--Even after Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, the Democratic platform in 1864 sought a treaty with the Confederacy that would most likely involve a restoration of slavery.

--After the Civil War, the Democrats overwhelmingly opposed the Thirteenth Amendment freeing the slaves, the Fourteenth Amendment granting equal rights under law, and the Fifteenth Amendment giving blacks the right to vote.

--Jim Crow is entirely a legacy of the Democratic Party. Every segregation law enacted in the South was passed by a Democratic legislature, signed by a Democratic governor, and enforced by Democratic officials.

--After Republicans shut it down in the late nineteenth century, the Ku Klux Klan was revived in the early twentieth century by a progressive Democratic president, Woodrow Wilson, who screened a pro-KKK movie in the White House.

--For decades the Klan served, in the words of progressive historian Eric Foner, as “the domestic terrorist arm of the Democratic Party.” David Duke is an anomaly; virtually every KKK leader for the past 150 years has been a Democrat.

--As historian Ira Katznelson shows, in order to get the New Deal passed, progressive icon Franklin Delano Roosevelt made deals with racist Democrats to block anti-lynching legislation and to exclude African Americans from most New Deal programs.

--More Republicans than Democrats proportionately voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Fair Housing Bill of 1968. The main opposition to the civil rights movement came not from the GOP but from racist Democrats....

Dinesh D'Souza: Colin Kaepernick's big lie

Question, what is a Dixiecrat?

And where did they settle in 2017 politics?

Pathetic diversion.

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