Do Trump supporters understand their opposition?

Just curious, if Trump supporters understand why there is such strong distain and opposition for Donald Trump from so many Americans. Thoughts?
I've had conversations with a few of his fans who simply won't admit any of his faults or weaknesses.

There's no way to know if they're being obtuse or if their fanaticism has simply blinded them to the obvious.

This fanaticism started long ago. Reich wing talk radio, that has filled their audiences with 3 or more daily hours of Reich wing hyperbole, half truths and enough conspiracy theories to fill the capital building from floor to ceiling. This bigotry, misogyny, extremisim and hate of Hillary Clinton has been spoon fed to them for 2 decades now. Reich wing talk show hosts, over the last several years, then turned their attacks onto moderate republicans, aka the majority of the Republican party (Reaganites) and their group of listeners followed with attacks calling them "establishment, rino's etc., which was very effective at shattering the Republican party into pieces. Tea Party politicians played paddy feet with them over last several years, to get their support and donations. Lying to them in many instances, and only telling them what they wanted to hear. Basically throwing gasoline onto the fire. Then the right wing infiltrated election precincts, and took over the reins of the Republican Party.

They were brainwashed long ago into believing that there was only one "fair and balanced" news station FOX NEWS--and the only reading they do or trust comes from Tabloids like Briebart and the Drudge report. New York times, or any other news source is completely ignored, because in their minds it is biased and can't be trusted. IOW-If it didn't come out of a right wing talk show hosts mouth, or other strictly approved conservative news sources, it is not to be believed. They won't believe it. No matter how many verifiable source links you show to them to prove a point, they will not budge in their beliefs that Donald Trump is the only one that can save this country. Even though the majority, including Republicans in this country look at Donald Trump as the most incompetent, unqualified, dangerous candidate in this nation's history. This is the end effect of them living in a right wing media bubble for two decades. Here's a couple of articles regarding the damage right wing talk show hosts have done to the party. Very interesting articles.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media
Caller to Limbaugh Show Exposes That Rush Knows He Blew It with Donald Trump

All of this has resulted in the Dunning-Kruger effect. Basically people that are so politically ignorant they don't know they're ignorant. This is the typical Trump supporter's brain as also explained in this article.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

Here's their favorite talk show host, after a caller was able to sneak onto his program and corner him.

All in the name of ratings and those obscene profit breaks

It's very possible that FOX NEWS and the right wing talk show hosts and their guests whom have endorsed, supported and defended Donald Trump won't survive after this election slaughter.
But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings? | RedState

We saw it during the primaries--these people were warned over and over again, and they ignored every single warning. A true but funny article.
All Along I Thought Trump Wasn’t a Conservative/Republican, But Now I Realize I’m Not

The "Never Trumpers" are going to burn this barn down to the ground. They've had enough of the Reich wing, and are even talking about forming their own separate party to get back to the party of Lincoln & Reagan. Whether the Republican party will survive after this is still unknown.
#NeverTrump: We Told You He Would Kill Us, but You Didn’t Listen


Yeah, it's pretty clear that you can draw a direct line from Limbaugh himself to this madness. It started with him, dozens of radio copycats followed with the same general binary thought processes and techniques, then conservative internet was born on the backs of all of them.

The Dunning-Kruger effect you mention, to me, is essentially the echo chamber that we see now. These people are exposing themselves to fewer and fewer "news" and information sources and the echo chamber only increases in intensity. Next will be Trump TV. To me, a turning point may end up being their ideological divorce from FOX for daring to not get on board the Trump Train.

At this rate - and it shows no sign of slowing at all - they'll get their "news" and "information" almost exclusively from Breitbart, Trump TV, and a handful of other sources, all echoing the same narrow vision, an alternate universe.
The choice here is between two shit sandwiches.
For us the question is how is it possible to for so many to blindly support the single most narcissistic, sociopathic bitch/bastard who has EVER run for President.
Calling Trump a bitch/bastard is a bit harsh.
Just curious, if Trump supporters understand why there is such strong distain and opposition for Donald Trump from so many Americans. Thoughts?

Like the disdain for Romney, McCain, GWB, and back and back all the way to Reagan?

Every republican nominee is Hitler, the difference here is Trump is actually not a politician, and thus easier to provoke and get those yummy yummy soundbites that the MSM loves to plaster all over the place.

Cruz/Walker/Kasich/Rubio would have gotten the same treatment, and would have been held to the same scorn, they just wouldn't be giving progressives as much ammunition.
I totally disagree. Trump is dangerous. How could you elect a man President who speaks without thinking?
Just curious, if Trump supporters understand why there is such strong distain and opposition for Donald Trump from so many Americans. Thoughts?

Without exception, every Trumpkin I've met in real life and of whom I've asked them a "why" question about themselves, the answer I got every single time began with, "I don't know," followed by an "upspeak" statement. Maybe they don't all do that? I don't know. I do know that folks who don't understand why they do what they themselves do cannot possibly understand someone else.

What's an "upspeak" statement?

Here's the full explanation of what it is and what it implies:

Here's the comedic illustration:

The opposition are lying corrupt backstabbing traitors who are destroying this great nation.

The opposition allows illegals from foreign countries to pour across our borders, killing, raping, assaulting, robbing, thousands of American citizens each year, then shockingly they side with the illegals when anyone suggests securing the borders and deporting their ass.

The opposition trades our jobs to foreign countries for money. Whether that be their personal wealth, contributions to their campaigns, or in Hillary's case stuffing $2 billion into their foundation slush fund.

The opposition blatantly lies to us again and again. They openly mock citizens, smug in their knowledge that the two parties have so rigged elections that citizens can't really do anything about it so their attitude is fuck you.

This is the opposition.

This alternate universe you claim to live in doesn't exist.
I'm not a Trump supporter but I do understand the opposition so many have for him. I have to wonder do Clinton supporters truly understand why there is so much opposition to her as well?
Good question, I'm not a fan of either candidate and wanted to go with a fiscal conservative, anti corruption candidate this year... after being stuck with these two it is a very hard situation but there is just no way that I can support a guy like Trump for president. He is just completely full of shit.

I don't make excuses for Hillary. I think she is shady and secretive and calculated and likes to pull strings behind the scenes. I completely understand why this makes people nervous as we want a president that we can trust.

But I don't think she is a criminal and think many of her actions and words are wildly distorted by the Trump campaign. It's happening on both sides, I it's much worse on the trump side as he flat out lies in almost every speech he gives
I feel Clinton is just as big a liar as Trump I have lost count of how many of her lies got debunked over her private e-mail server. She couldn't even be honest about having a bout of pennoumia when someone feels they have to lie about something like that it makes me ask is there anything she won't lie about?
She was definitely avoiding full disclosure with the emails server, she was protecting herself and covering up a mistake. Not that it makes it ok but had she just come out and said I messed up and mishandled classified info her career would likely be over. The pneumonia situation at the time when the right was saying she had a secret cancer and MS and lord know what other false theories were out there, I don't really blame her for hiding that, she needed to show strength and she did her best to do that. Showed she is a fighter. But you are right, she didn't need to lie about it. Those types of lies are ugly but not as ugly as the ones Trump tells on a daily basis.

He just makes stuff up to support this idea of a country on the brink of collapse. He is trying play off people's fear to get their vote and I think it is disgusting
So her lying about it all of a sudden qualifies her for office?
Any US citizens qualified to run for president, its up to the voters to elect the one they best think can hold the office. I understand how Hillary's email situation breaks trust in some and thats why they can't vote for her. Just as others look at Trumps character and can't vote a person like him into office.

She should lose any access to classified materials, that alone would disqualify her for the office of President.
Just curious, if Trump supporters understand why there is such strong distain and opposition for Donald Trump from so many Americans. Thoughts?

Like the disdain for Romney, McCain, GWB, and back and back all the way to Reagan?

Every republican nominee is Hitler, the difference here is Trump is actually not a politician, and thus easier to provoke and get those yummy yummy soundbites that the MSM loves to plaster all over the place.

Cruz/Walker/Kasich/Rubio would have gotten the same treatment, and would have been held to the same scorn, they just wouldn't be giving progressives as much ammunition.
I totally disagree. Trump is dangerous. How could you elect a man President who speaks without thinking?

Well that's what you idiots get for crying wolf every 4 years. And again, if he's that nuts, he will be impeached. Hillary can probably gun down a kindergarten class and the dems wouldn't vote to remove her.
Just curious, if Trump supporters understand why there is such strong distain and opposition for Donald Trump from so many Americans. Thoughts?

Like the disdain for Romney, McCain, GWB, and back and back all the way to Reagan?

Every republican nominee is Hitler, the difference here is Trump is actually not a politician, and thus easier to provoke and get those yummy yummy soundbites that the MSM loves to plaster all over the place.

Cruz/Walker/Kasich/Rubio would have gotten the same treatment, and would have been held to the same scorn, they just wouldn't be giving progressives as much ammunition.
I totally disagree. Trump is dangerous. How could you elect a man President who speaks without thinking?

Well that's what you idiots get for crying wolf every 4 years. And again, if he's that nuts, he will be impeached. Hillary can probably gun down a kindergarten class and the dems wouldn't vote to remove her.
Funny, that is what Trump says that he can get away with. I only voted for Hillary to stop Trump. I would have voted for Bernie Saunders, as I did in the primaries. The Republicans have handed Hillary the White House and did the country a huge disservice. If Trump wins, the disservice is huger. Lose lose.
Just curious, if Trump supporters understand why there is such strong distain and opposition for Donald Trump from so many Americans. Thoughts?

Like the disdain for Romney, McCain, GWB, and back and back all the way to Reagan?

Every republican nominee is Hitler, the difference here is Trump is actually not a politician, and thus easier to provoke and get those yummy yummy soundbites that the MSM loves to plaster all over the place.

Cruz/Walker/Kasich/Rubio would have gotten the same treatment, and would have been held to the same scorn, they just wouldn't be giving progressives as much ammunition.
I totally disagree. Trump is dangerous. How could you elect a man President who speaks without thinking?

Well that's what you idiots get for crying wolf every 4 years. And again, if he's that nuts, he will be impeached. Hillary can probably gun down a kindergarten class and the dems wouldn't vote to remove her.
Funny, that is what Trump says that he can get away with. I only voted for Hillary to stop Trump. I would have voted for Bernie Saunders, as I did in the primaries. The Republicans have handed Hillary the White House and did the country a huge disservice. If Trump wins, the disservice is huger. Lose lose.

With Trump its a far more interesting lose. and we won't end up with a Supreme Court that thinks its a legislature.
Just curious, if Trump supporters understand why there is such strong distain and opposition for Donald Trump from so many Americans. Thoughts?

Like the disdain for Romney, McCain, GWB, and back and back all the way to Reagan?

Every republican nominee is Hitler, the difference here is Trump is actually not a politician, and thus easier to provoke and get those yummy yummy soundbites that the MSM loves to plaster all over the place.

Cruz/Walker/Kasich/Rubio would have gotten the same treatment, and would have been held to the same scorn, they just wouldn't be giving progressives as much ammunition.
I totally disagree. Trump is dangerous. How could you elect a man President who speaks without thinking?

Well that's what you idiots get for crying wolf every 4 years. And again, if he's that nuts, he will be impeached. Hillary can probably gun down a kindergarten class and the dems wouldn't vote to remove her.
Funny, that is what Trump says that he can get away with. I only voted for Hillary to stop Trump. I would have voted for Bernie Saunders, as I did in the primaries. The Republicans have handed Hillary the White House and did the country a huge disservice. If Trump wins, the disservice is huger. Lose lose.

With Trump its a far more interesting lose. and we won't end up with a Supreme Court that thinks its a legislature.
I would not be so sure of that.
Like the disdain for Romney, McCain, GWB, and back and back all the way to Reagan?

Every republican nominee is Hitler, the difference here is Trump is actually not a politician, and thus easier to provoke and get those yummy yummy soundbites that the MSM loves to plaster all over the place.

Cruz/Walker/Kasich/Rubio would have gotten the same treatment, and would have been held to the same scorn, they just wouldn't be giving progressives as much ammunition.
I totally disagree. Trump is dangerous. How could you elect a man President who speaks without thinking?

Well that's what you idiots get for crying wolf every 4 years. And again, if he's that nuts, he will be impeached. Hillary can probably gun down a kindergarten class and the dems wouldn't vote to remove her.
Funny, that is what Trump says that he can get away with. I only voted for Hillary to stop Trump. I would have voted for Bernie Saunders, as I did in the primaries. The Republicans have handed Hillary the White House and did the country a huge disservice. If Trump wins, the disservice is huger. Lose lose.

With Trump its a far more interesting lose. and we won't end up with a Supreme Court that thinks its a legislature.
I would not be so sure of that.

I would be. If Trump sticks to his list, he will appoint strict-ish constructionists. Hillary will appoint dye in the wool liberals.

I know that's great for you, but my Trump vote is purely because of the SC picks. And even if Trump gets impeached in a year, Pence is a good backup.
I totally disagree. Trump is dangerous. How could you elect a man President who speaks without thinking?

Well that's what you idiots get for crying wolf every 4 years. And again, if he's that nuts, he will be impeached. Hillary can probably gun down a kindergarten class and the dems wouldn't vote to remove her.
Funny, that is what Trump says that he can get away with. I only voted for Hillary to stop Trump. I would have voted for Bernie Saunders, as I did in the primaries. The Republicans have handed Hillary the White House and did the country a huge disservice. If Trump wins, the disservice is huger. Lose lose.

With Trump its a far more interesting lose. and we won't end up with a Supreme Court that thinks its a legislature.
I would not be so sure of that.

I would be. If Trump sticks to his list, he will appoint strict-ish constructionists. Hillary will appoint dye in the wool liberals.

I know that's great for you, but my Trump vote is purely because of the SC picks. And even if Trump gets impeached in a year, Pence is a good backup.
Liberals on the Supreme Court takes the country forward.
Well that's what you idiots get for crying wolf every 4 years. And again, if he's that nuts, he will be impeached. Hillary can probably gun down a kindergarten class and the dems wouldn't vote to remove her.
Funny, that is what Trump says that he can get away with. I only voted for Hillary to stop Trump. I would have voted for Bernie Saunders, as I did in the primaries. The Republicans have handed Hillary the White House and did the country a huge disservice. If Trump wins, the disservice is huger. Lose lose.

With Trump its a far more interesting lose. and we won't end up with a Supreme Court that thinks its a legislature.
I would not be so sure of that.

I would be. If Trump sticks to his list, he will appoint strict-ish constructionists. Hillary will appoint dye in the wool liberals.

I know that's great for you, but my Trump vote is purely because of the SC picks. And even if Trump gets impeached in a year, Pence is a good backup.
Liberals on the Supreme Court takes the country forward.

At the expense of federalism, the right to defend oneself, and freedom of expression/speech/religion.

My sig covers the concept quite nicely.

Also I did mis-speak when I said liberals. I meant progressives, which are about as illberal as you can get.
Funny, that is what Trump says that he can get away with. I only voted for Hillary to stop Trump. I would have voted for Bernie Saunders, as I did in the primaries. The Republicans have handed Hillary the White House and did the country a huge disservice. If Trump wins, the disservice is huger. Lose lose.

With Trump its a far more interesting lose. and we won't end up with a Supreme Court that thinks its a legislature.
I would not be so sure of that.

I would be. If Trump sticks to his list, he will appoint strict-ish constructionists. Hillary will appoint dye in the wool liberals.

I know that's great for you, but my Trump vote is purely because of the SC picks. And even if Trump gets impeached in a year, Pence is a good backup.
Liberals on the Supreme Court takes the country forward.

At the expense of federalism, the right to defend oneself, and freedom of expression/speech/religion.

My sig covers the concept quite nicely.

Also I did mis-speak when I said liberals. I meant progressives, which are about as illberal as you can get.
This is why they make chocolate AND vanilla ice cream.
All of this has resulted in the Dunning-Kruger effect. Basically people that are so politically ignorant they don't know they're ignorant.
Your post proves that's true for lefties. All you know is hate and intolerance. You gobble up every lie about you enemies and beg for more. The left wing puppet masters own you.
With Trump its a far more interesting lose. and we won't end up with a Supreme Court that thinks its a legislature.
I would not be so sure of that.

I would be. If Trump sticks to his list, he will appoint strict-ish constructionists. Hillary will appoint dye in the wool liberals.

I know that's great for you, but my Trump vote is purely because of the SC picks. And even if Trump gets impeached in a year, Pence is a good backup.
Liberals on the Supreme Court takes the country forward.

At the expense of federalism, the right to defend oneself, and freedom of expression/speech/religion.

My sig covers the concept quite nicely.

Also I did mis-speak when I said liberals. I meant progressives, which are about as illberal as you can get.
This is why they make chocolate AND vanilla ice cream.

I prefer rocky road.
I would not be so sure of that.

I would be. If Trump sticks to his list, he will appoint strict-ish constructionists. Hillary will appoint dye in the wool liberals.

I know that's great for you, but my Trump vote is purely because of the SC picks. And even if Trump gets impeached in a year, Pence is a good backup.
Liberals on the Supreme Court takes the country forward.

At the expense of federalism, the right to defend oneself, and freedom of expression/speech/religion.

My sig covers the concept quite nicely.

Also I did mis-speak when I said liberals. I meant progressives, which are about as illberal as you can get.
This is why they make chocolate AND vanilla ice cream.

I prefer rocky road.
You are an individual.
I would be. If Trump sticks to his list, he will appoint strict-ish constructionists. Hillary will appoint dye in the wool liberals.

I know that's great for you, but my Trump vote is purely because of the SC picks. And even if Trump gets impeached in a year, Pence is a good backup.
Liberals on the Supreme Court takes the country forward.

At the expense of federalism, the right to defend oneself, and freedom of expression/speech/religion.

My sig covers the concept quite nicely.

Also I did mis-speak when I said liberals. I meant progressives, which are about as illberal as you can get.
This is why they make chocolate AND vanilla ice cream.

I prefer rocky road.
You are an individual.

Not for long if Hillary gets 3 or so SC picks.

It will encourage States to start really clamping down on freedoms, because they know they will be able to get away with it.

NYC will turn its de facto handgun ban into a de jure one.
Liberals on the Supreme Court takes the country forward.

At the expense of federalism, the right to defend oneself, and freedom of expression/speech/religion.

My sig covers the concept quite nicely.

Also I did mis-speak when I said liberals. I meant progressives, which are about as illberal as you can get.
This is why they make chocolate AND vanilla ice cream.

I prefer rocky road.
You are an individual.

Not for long if Hillary gets 3 or so SC picks.

It will encourage States to start really clamping down on freedoms, because they know they will be able to get away with it.

NYC will turn its de facto handgun ban into a de jure one.
I like Chocolate Fudge Brownie.
Good question, I'm not a fan of either candidate and wanted to go with a fiscal conservative, anti corruption candidate this year... after being stuck with these two it is a very hard situation but there is just no way that I can support a guy like Trump for president. He is just completely full of shit.

I don't make excuses for Hillary. I think she is shady and secretive and calculated and likes to pull strings behind the scenes. I completely understand why this makes people nervous as we want a president that we can trust.

But I don't think she is a criminal and think many of her actions and words are wildly distorted by the Trump campaign. It's happening on both sides, I it's much worse on the trump side as he flat out lies in almost every speech he gives
I feel Clinton is just as big a liar as Trump I have lost count of how many of her lies got debunked over her private e-mail server. She couldn't even be honest about having a bout of pennoumia when someone feels they have to lie about something like that it makes me ask is there anything she won't lie about?
She was definitely avoiding full disclosure with the emails server, she was protecting herself and covering up a mistake. Not that it makes it ok but had she just come out and said I messed up and mishandled classified info her career would likely be over. The pneumonia situation at the time when the right was saying she had a secret cancer and MS and lord know what other false theories were out there, I don't really blame her for hiding that, she needed to show strength and she did her best to do that. Showed she is a fighter. But you are right, she didn't need to lie about it. Those types of lies are ugly but not as ugly as the ones Trump tells on a daily basis.

He just makes stuff up to support this idea of a country on the brink of collapse. He is trying play off people's fear to get their vote and I think it is disgusting
So her lying about it all of a sudden qualifies her for office?
Any US citizens qualified to run for president, its up to the voters to elect the one they best think can hold the office. I understand how Hillary's email situation breaks trust in some and thats why they can't vote for her. Just as others look at Trumps character and can't vote a person like him into office.

She should lose any access to classified materials, that alone would disqualify her for the office of President.
And much of her staff. They are pleading the 5th in record amounts to protect their government positions. The 5th is for criminal matters, not protecting your gravy train job. But they get away with it because Hillary would be toast.

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