Do Trump supporters understand their opposition?

of the majors I watch Fox and CNN... Both cover the exact same story's in each hour news program. Wiki Leaks is brought up on almost a daily basis. The reason why the majority of time goes to Trumps BS is because he is spouting of about it on a daily basis. Guaranteed if Hillary jumped up and said that Assange was a disgusting terrorist, liar spreading false info and she is going to sue him... Then it would get covered more often. The difference is she knows how to put water on the fire and Trump seems to only know how to pour gas on it.

Bullshit.If the Wikileaks papers were about Donald Trump, the networks would be covering it 24 hours a day.
Yeah because Trump would be threatening to sue Wikileaks and talking about it none stop
How can you sue someone for publishing facts?

Who do you think you're fooling?
Trump threatens to sue just about everybody that attacks or opposes him.

For example he threatened to sue the Times for publishing his tax returns. It's all tough guy posturing and a technique he's used many times to get what he wants in business
How did the Times get his tax returns, moron?

Why shouldn't he sue them?

Gotta agree there. The Democrats go on about how untrustworthy Julian Assange is, yet the man was their hero when he got the stuff from Bradley Manning and made trouble for Boosh the younger. And not a word on the time over this ?
Just curious, if Trump supporters understand why there is such strong distain and opposition for Donald Trump from so many Americans. Thoughts?
How dare he run against the next chosen one and she's a female to. Since 2008 it has been ordained that Clinton would be the next President just ask a Democrat.
There are some very valid points that Trump voters can make. like to much pc correctness, and wanting personal liberty.. instead they work to destroy it with things like a baker wont bake a cake for a gay. if you bake a cake for a sports team that means you support that team? or a cake with a dragon on it means you think there real.
There are some very valid points that Trump voters can make. like to much pc correctness, and wanting personal liberty.. instead they work to destroy it with things like a baker wont bake a cake for a gay. if you bake a cake for a sports team that means you support that team? or a cake with a dragon on it means you think there real.
The two points you listed are not valid. PC isnt controlled by the POTUS. No one has unlimited personal liberty and the POTUS doesnt control that either.
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of the majors I watch Fox and CNN... Both cover the exact same story's in each hour news program. Wiki Leaks is brought up on almost a daily basis. The reason why the majority of time goes to Trumps BS is because he is spouting of about it on a daily basis. Guaranteed if Hillary jumped up and said that Assange was a disgusting terrorist, liar spreading false info and she is going to sue him... Then it would get covered more often. The difference is she knows how to put water on the fire and Trump seems to only know how to pour gas on it.

Bullshit.If the Wikileaks papers were about Donald Trump, the networks would be covering it 24 hours a day.
Yeah because Trump would be threatening to sue Wikileaks and talking about it none stop
How can you sue someone for publishing facts?

Who do you think you're fooling?
Trump threatens to sue just about everybody that attacks or opposes him.

For example he threatened to sue the Times for publishing his tax returns. It's all tough guy posturing and a technique he's used many times to get what he wants in business
How did the Times get his tax returns, moron?

Why shouldn't he sue them?
Read the convo... I was responding this "How can you sue someone for publishing facts?"
Bullshit.If the Wikileaks papers were about Donald Trump, the networks would be covering it 24 hours a day.
Yeah because Trump would be threatening to sue Wikileaks and talking about it none stop
How can you sue someone for publishing facts?

Who do you think you're fooling?
Trump threatens to sue just about everybody that attacks or opposes him.

For example he threatened to sue the Times for publishing his tax returns. It's all tough guy posturing and a technique he's used many times to get what he wants in business
How did the Times get his tax returns, moron?

Why shouldn't he sue them?
Read the convo... I was responding this "How can you sue someone for publishing facts?"

You can sue but it doesnt mean anything unless you win.
Just curious, if Trump supporters understand why there is such strong distain and opposition for Donald Trump from so many Americans. Thoughts?
Several reasons. He hasn't lived his life as a politically correct person running for office so doesn't sugar coat what he says. Much can be taken out of context and is. Some of the stuff was just dumb but then again the very season Hillary called out many millions as deplorable and unredeemable. That in a fair system would have sunk her.

The media coverage is as corrupt as it could be. He gets hammered for supposedly saying something or possible groping or possibly kissing a porn star and it's a national crisis.

Hillary and the Democrats have been engaged in massive corruption and incompetence and it hardly gets a mention. In other words, tv shapes the minds of many and believe it's a great economy if obama says so and it goes unchallenged.

I wonder if liberals understand the level of disdain they get from honest freedom loving hard working Americans. My guess is most of them are too focused on themselves to notice.
You are correct, much of what Trump says is mischaracterized... Since you recognize this, it puzzles me why you turn around and do the exact same thing to Clinton. You know good and well she was referring to racists, sexists, xenophobes, homophobes etc. She was talking about people that supported that type of divisive hate. You know it and I know it so stop playing.
I know you have a completely asshole point of view, like Hillary. You assume all the hate and intolerance because hate and intolerance is where you live.

Simple people need simple answers and Hillary is not that complicated. She wants power and will say or do anything for it.
Just curious, if Trump supporters understand why there is such strong distain and opposition for Donald Trump from so many Americans. Thoughts?
Several reasons. He hasn't lived his life as a politically correct person running for office so doesn't sugar coat what he says. Much can be taken out of context and is. Some of the stuff was just dumb but then again the very season Hillary called out many millions as deplorable and unredeemable. That in a fair system would have sunk her.

The media coverage is as corrupt as it could be. He gets hammered for supposedly saying something or possible groping or possibly kissing a porn star and it's a national crisis.

Hillary and the Democrats have been engaged in massive corruption and incompetence and it hardly gets a mention. In other words, tv shapes the minds of many and believe it's a great economy if obama says so and it goes unchallenged.

I wonder if liberals understand the level of disdain they get from honest freedom loving hard working Americans. My guess is most of them are too focused on themselves to notice.
You are correct, much of what Trump says is mischaracterized... Since you recognize this, it puzzles me why you turn around and do the exact same thing to Clinton. You know good and well she was referring to racists, sexists, xenophobes, homophobes etc. She was talking about people that supported that type of divisive hate. You know it and I know it so stop playing.
I know you have a completely asshole point of view, like Hillary. You assume all the hate and intolerance because hate and intolerance is where you live.

Simple people need simple answers and Hillary is not that complicated. She wants power and will say or do anything for it.
I agree, Hillary is power hungry and persistent in her pursuit. You really think Trump is any different?
I can clearly see a biased and misrepresentation of both Hillary's history and of her policy views. It is a cheap tactic to make your argument sound stronger but most free thinkers can see right through the bullshit.
So clear the bullshit and be specific.
I was specific, just described the deplorable statement in a post above and have refuted much of the biased spin the the Trumpsters have been throwing out
Just curious, if Trump supporters understand why there is such strong distain and opposition for Donald Trump from so many Americans. Thoughts?

Trump supporters, like Conservatives, don't give a shit what other people think. It's literally part of our philosophy.
Wise people try to understand all points of view. Ignorant people don't listen to anybody that they don't agree with
Just curious, if Trump supporters understand why there is such strong distain and opposition for Donald Trump from so many Americans. Thoughts?
Several reasons. He hasn't lived his life as a politically correct person running for office so doesn't sugar coat what he says. Much can be taken out of context and is. Some of the stuff was just dumb but then again the very season Hillary called out many millions as deplorable and unredeemable. That in a fair system would have sunk her.

The media coverage is as corrupt as it could be. He gets hammered for supposedly saying something or possible groping or possibly kissing a porn star and it's a national crisis.

Hillary and the Democrats have been engaged in massive corruption and incompetence and it hardly gets a mention. In other words, tv shapes the minds of many and believe it's a great economy if obama says so and it goes unchallenged.

I wonder if liberals understand the level of disdain they get from honest freedom loving hard working Americans. My guess is most of them are too focused on themselves to notice.
You are correct, much of what Trump says is mischaracterized... Since you recognize this, it puzzles me why you turn around and do the exact same thing to Clinton. You know good and well she was referring to racists, sexists, xenophobes, homophobes etc. She was talking about people that supported that type of divisive hate. You know it and I know it so stop playing.
I know you have a completely asshole point of view, like Hillary. You assume all the hate and intolerance because hate and intolerance is where you live.

Simple people need simple answers and Hillary is not that complicated. She wants power and will say or do anything for it.
I agree, Hillary is power hungry and persistent in her pursuit. You really think Trump is any different?
He hasn't been very politically correct so far.
Just curious, if Trump supporters understand why there is such strong distain and opposition for Donald Trump from so many Americans. Thoughts?
Several reasons. He hasn't lived his life as a politically correct person running for office so doesn't sugar coat what he says. Much can be taken out of context and is. Some of the stuff was just dumb but then again the very season Hillary called out many millions as deplorable and unredeemable. That in a fair system would have sunk her.

The media coverage is as corrupt as it could be. He gets hammered for supposedly saying something or possible groping or possibly kissing a porn star and it's a national crisis.

Hillary and the Democrats have been engaged in massive corruption and incompetence and it hardly gets a mention. In other words, tv shapes the minds of many and believe it's a great economy if obama says so and it goes unchallenged.

I wonder if liberals understand the level of disdain they get from honest freedom loving hard working Americans. My guess is most of them are too focused on themselves to notice.
You are correct, much of what Trump says is mischaracterized... Since you recognize this, it puzzles me why you turn around and do the exact same thing to Clinton. You know good and well she was referring to racists, sexists, xenophobes, homophobes etc. She was talking about people that supported that type of divisive hate. You know it and I know it so stop playing.
I know you have a completely asshole point of view, like Hillary. You assume all the hate and intolerance because hate and intolerance is where you live.

Simple people need simple answers and Hillary is not that complicated. She wants power and will say or do anything for it.
I agree, Hillary is power hungry and persistent in her pursuit. You really think Trump is any different?
He hasn't been very politically correct so far.
We aren't talking about Politically Correct. We were talking about being power hungery
I can clearly see a biased and misrepresentation of both Hillary's history and of her policy views. It is a cheap tactic to make your argument sound stronger but most free thinkers can see right through the bullshit.
So clear the bullshit and be specific.
I was specific, just described the deplorable statement in a post above and have refuted much of the biased spin the the Trumpsters have been throwing out
If that was like the rest of your refutes you miscued badly. Calling half of Trump supporters bigoted names is stupid and simple minded.
Wise people try to understand all points of view. Ignorant people don't listen to anybody that they don't agree with

An open mind generally lets the brain fall out. I wonder what you would call someone like me, who doesn't listen to anyone, whether they agree with me or not.
Several reasons. He hasn't lived his life as a politically correct person running for office so doesn't sugar coat what he says. Much can be taken out of context and is. Some of the stuff was just dumb but then again the very season Hillary called out many millions as deplorable and unredeemable. That in a fair system would have sunk her.

The media coverage is as corrupt as it could be. He gets hammered for supposedly saying something or possible groping or possibly kissing a porn star and it's a national crisis.

Hillary and the Democrats have been engaged in massive corruption and incompetence and it hardly gets a mention. In other words, tv shapes the minds of many and believe it's a great economy if obama says so and it goes unchallenged.

I wonder if liberals understand the level of disdain they get from honest freedom loving hard working Americans. My guess is most of them are too focused on themselves to notice.
You are correct, much of what Trump says is mischaracterized... Since you recognize this, it puzzles me why you turn around and do the exact same thing to Clinton. You know good and well she was referring to racists, sexists, xenophobes, homophobes etc. She was talking about people that supported that type of divisive hate. You know it and I know it so stop playing.
I know you have a completely asshole point of view, like Hillary. You assume all the hate and intolerance because hate and intolerance is where you live.

Simple people need simple answers and Hillary is not that complicated. She wants power and will say or do anything for it.
I agree, Hillary is power hungry and persistent in her pursuit. You really think Trump is any different?
He hasn't been very politically correct so far.
We aren't talking about Politically Correct. We were talking about being power hungery
He has a good life and doesn't need the hassles. Hillary has to live on corruption to get what she wants.
I can clearly see a biased and misrepresentation of both Hillary's history and of her policy views. It is a cheap tactic to make your argument sound stronger but most free thinkers can see right through the bullshit.
So clear the bullshit and be specific.
I was specific, just described the deplorable statement in a post above and have refuted much of the biased spin the the Trumpsters have been throwing out
If that was like the rest of your refutes you miscued badly. Calling half of Trump supporters bigoted names is stupid and simple minded.
Dude if you can't understand a simple point that's your problem, I'm not going to repeat myself multiple times.
Wise people try to understand all points of view. Ignorant people don't listen to anybody that they don't agree with

An open mind generally lets the brain fall out. I wonder what you would call someone like me, who doesn't listen to anyone, whether they agree with me or not.
I think I just said what I'd call somebody like you. Ignorant
Just curious, if Trump supporters understand why there is such strong distain and opposition for Donald Trump from so many Americans. Thoughts?
"Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions."
"“Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions."
Rules for Radicals - Wikipedia

""Subversion is the undermining or detachment of the loyalties of significant political and social groups within the victimized state, and their transference, under ideal conditions, to the symbols and institutions of the aggressor."[11]"
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