Do Trump supporters understand their opposition?

Just curious, if Trump supporters understand why there is such strong distain and opposition for Donald Trump from so many Americans. Thoughts?

Yes. The top 3 reasons he is hated are:

1. He is a threat to the Democrats and their lust for power/control.
2. He is a threat to the ENABLER and her last chance at 'It's MY Turn'
3. He is a threat not only to 'Washington Establishment GOP but to all career 'status-quo' politicians

He is no better / worse that Barry, the ENABLER, or the WHITE BILL COSBY.

He has not aided Mexican Drug cartels, assisted terrorists, paid ransoms for American Hostages, taken the US to war (twice) without Congressional authority, has not abandoned Americans to die, has not violated the Constitution by by-passing Congress to create and institute his own treaties, has not violated national security, has not engaged in pay-to-play while serving in the US Government, etc....

He has a LOT of do Obama and Hillary...but his have been (so far) far less damaging to the United States, if only because he has not worked for the United States government yet.
At the expense of federalism, the right to defend oneself, and freedom of expression/speech/religion.

My sig covers the concept quite nicely.

Also I did mis-speak when I said liberals. I meant progressives, which are about as illberal as you can get.
This is why they make chocolate AND vanilla ice cream.

I prefer rocky road.
You are an individual.

Not for long if Hillary gets 3 or so SC picks.

It will encourage States to start really clamping down on freedoms, because they know they will be able to get away with it.

NYC will turn its de facto handgun ban into a de jure one.
I like Chocolate Fudge Brownie.

I think we are officially here:

Just curious, if Trump supporters understand why there is such strong distain and opposition for Donald Trump from so many Americans. Thoughts?
I've had conversations with a few of his fans who simply won't admit any of his faults or weaknesses.

There's no way to know if they're being obtuse or if their fanaticism has simply blinded them to the obvious.

Trump is not a perfect candidate. No one has ever claimed that he is.

This election is about the future of our country. If we put Clinton in office we will become a socialist dictatorship run by a few super elites and we will lose the first and second amendments. The USA as a free democratic representative republic will be over.

Trump will fight to restore US jobs, protect our borders and protect the constitution and its guarantees.

Clinton would fill the SC court with far left zealots. Trump would put constitutional scholars on the court.

The American voters will decide which way this country will go. Based solely on turn out at rallys, it looks like the voters favor Trump by a significant margin

Sorry dems, but the voters are not as stupid as you think they are.
Just curious, if Trump supporters understand why there is such strong distain and opposition for Donald Trump from so many Americans. Thoughts?
I dont think they care what anyone thinks. They are trying to preserve something and to hell with anything that stops that process. Most Hilary voters know she isnt their first choice but she is better than letting some narcissistic, pompous, orange windbag win the title of POTUS.

But you are fine with a habitual liar, fraud, criminal, and cheat as president.

Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt person ever to run for any public office. She is directly responsible for many American deaths, did nothing as SecState, and has spent 30 years getting rich by stealing from American voters.

She is also very sick, so you fools are actually voting to make the idiot Kaine president.

amazingly stupid.
The press concentrates on attacking Trump and ignores the scandals that belong to is as simple as that....if hilary was covered the way any Republican was covered...she would never have been elected to anything....
What has she done thats been ignored?

The list is endless. How much time do the major networks devote to covering the Wikileaks releases?
of the majors I watch Fox and CNN... Both cover the exact same story's in each hour news program. Wiki Leaks is brought up on almost a daily basis. The reason why the majority of time goes to Trumps BS is because he is spouting of about it on a daily basis. Guaranteed if Hillary jumped up and said that Assange was a disgusting terrorist, liar spreading false info and she is going to sue him... Then it would get covered more often. The difference is she knows how to put water on the fire and Trump seems to only know how to pour gas on it.

Bullshit.If the Wikileaks papers were about Donald Trump, the networks would be covering it 24 hours a day.
Yeah because Trump would be threatening to sue Wikileaks and talking about it none stop
How can you sue someone for publishing facts?

Who do you think you're fooling?
Liberals on the Supreme Court takes the country forward.

Libs love terms like "forward" and "progress." What they mean when they use such words is an absolute abuse of the English language.

"Forward" towards US federal insolvency, gun confiscation, complete and total corruption of the US dept of Justice etc.

"Progress" towards shooting white cops, discriminating against white men, putting Bruce Jenner in a girls bathroom...
The opposition are lying corrupt backstabbing traitors who are destroying this great nation.

The opposition allows illegals from foreign countries to pour across our borders, killing, raping, assaulting, robbing, thousands of American citizens each year, then shockingly they side with the illegals when anyone suggests securing the borders and deporting their ass.

The opposition trades our jobs to foreign countries for money. Whether that be their personal wealth, contributions to their campaigns, or in Hillary's case stuffing $2 billion into their foundation slush fund.

The opposition blatantly lies to us again and again. They openly mock citizens, smug in their knowledge that the two parties have so rigged elections that citizens can't really do anything about it so their attitude is fuck you.

This is the opposition.

This alternate universe you claim to live in doesn't exist.

Let me guess you are a liberal...shocker. /sarcasm Get a real job pay your own bills moocher.
Just curious, if Trump supporters understand why there is such strong distain and opposition for Donald Trump from so many Americans. Thoughts?

Yes. The top 3 reasons he is hated are:

1. He is a threat to the Democrats and their lust for power/control.
2. He is a threat to the ENABLER and her last chance at 'It's MY Turn'
3. He is a threat not only to 'Washington Establishment GOP but to all career 'status-quo' politicians

He is no better / worse that Barry, the ENABLER, or the WHITE BILL COSBY.

He has not aided Mexican Drug cartels, assisted terrorists, paid ransoms for American Hostages, taken the US to war (twice) without Congressional authority, has not abandoned Americans to die, has not violated the Constitution by by-passing Congress to create and institute his own treaties, has not violated national security, has not engaged in pay-to-play while serving in the US Government, etc....

He has a LOT of do Obama and Hillary...but his have been (so far) far less damaging to the United States, if only because he has not worked for the United States government yet.
Funny, you say he has ALOT of faults yet your entire post dodged the question, which was asking if you recognize those faults, and instead you just unloaded on democrats. #PartisanToad
What has she done thats been ignored?

The list is endless. How much time do the major networks devote to covering the Wikileaks releases?
of the majors I watch Fox and CNN... Both cover the exact same story's in each hour news program. Wiki Leaks is brought up on almost a daily basis. The reason why the majority of time goes to Trumps BS is because he is spouting of about it on a daily basis. Guaranteed if Hillary jumped up and said that Assange was a disgusting terrorist, liar spreading false info and she is going to sue him... Then it would get covered more often. The difference is she knows how to put water on the fire and Trump seems to only know how to pour gas on it.

Bullshit.If the Wikileaks papers were about Donald Trump, the networks would be covering it 24 hours a day.
Yeah because Trump would be threatening to sue Wikileaks and talking about it none stop
How can you sue someone for publishing facts?

Who do you think you're fooling?
Trump threatens to sue just about everybody that attacks or opposes him.

For example he threatened to sue the Times for publishing his tax returns. It's all tough guy posturing and a technique he's used many times to get what he wants in business
Just curious, if Trump supporters understand why there is such strong distain and opposition for Donald Trump from so many Americans. Thoughts?
I've had conversations with a few of his fans who simply won't admit any of his faults or weaknesses.

There's no way to know if they're being obtuse or if their fanaticism has simply blinded them to the obvious.

This fanaticism started long ago. Reich wing talk radio, that has filled their audiences with 3 or more daily hours of Reich wing hyperbole, half truths and enough conspiracy theories to fill the capital building from floor to ceiling. This bigotry, misogyny, extremisim and hate of Hillary Clinton has been spoon fed to them for 2 decades now. Reich wing talk show hosts, over the last several years, then turned their attacks onto moderate republicans, aka the majority of the Republican party (Reaganites) and their group of listeners followed with attacks calling them "establishment, rino's etc., which was very effective at shattering the Republican party into pieces. Tea Party politicians played paddy feet with them over last several years, to get their support and donations. Lying to them in many instances, and only telling them what they wanted to hear. Basically throwing gasoline onto the fire. Then the right wing infiltrated election precincts, and took over the reins of the Republican Party.

They were brainwashed long ago into believing that there was only one "fair and balanced" news station FOX NEWS--and the only reading they do or trust comes from Tabloids like Briebart and the Drudge report. New York times, or any other news source is completely ignored, because in their minds it is biased and can't be trusted. IOW-If it didn't come out of a right wing talk show hosts mouth, or other strictly approved conservative news sources, it is not to be believed. They won't believe it. No matter how many verifiable source links you show to them to prove a point, they will not budge in their beliefs that Donald Trump is the only one that can save this country. Even though the majority, including Republicans in this country look at Donald Trump as the most incompetent, unqualified, dangerous candidate in this nation's history. This is the end effect of them living in a right wing media bubble for two decades. Here's a couple of articles regarding the damage right wing talk show hosts have done to the party. Very interesting articles.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media
Caller to Limbaugh Show Exposes That Rush Knows He Blew It with Donald Trump

All of this has resulted in the Dunning-Kruger effect. Basically people that are so politically ignorant they don't know they're ignorant. This is the typical Trump supporter's brain as also explained in this article.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

Here's their favorite talk show host, after a caller was able to sneak onto his program and corner him.

All in the name of ratings and those obscene profit breaks

It's very possible that FOX NEWS and the right wing talk show hosts and their guests whom have endorsed, supported and defended Donald Trump won't survive after this election slaughter.
But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings? | RedState

We saw it during the primaries--these people were warned over and over again, and they ignored every single warning. A true but funny article.
All Along I Thought Trump Wasn’t a Conservative/Republican, But Now I Realize I’m Not

The "Never Trumpers" are going to burn this barn down to the ground. They've had enough of the Reich wing, and are even talking about forming their own separate party to get back to the party of Lincoln & Reagan. Whether the Republican party will survive after this is still unknown.
#NeverTrump: We Told You He Would Kill Us, but You Didn’t Listen


Yeah, it's pretty clear that you can draw a direct line from Limbaugh himself to this madness. It started with him, dozens of radio copycats followed with the same general binary thought processes and techniques, then conservative internet was born on the backs of all of them.

The Dunning-Kruger effect you mention, to me, is essentially the echo chamber that we see now. These people are exposing themselves to fewer and fewer "news" and information sources and the echo chamber only increases in intensity. Next will be Trump TV. To me, a turning point may end up being their ideological divorce from FOX for daring to not get on board the Trump Train.

At this rate - and it shows no sign of slowing at all - they'll get their "news" and "information" almost exclusively from Breitbart, Trump TV, and a handful of other sources, all echoing the same narrow vision, an alternate universe.

Agreed--but remember Trump received an unprecedented 2 BILLION in free media coverage during the primary. So much that even Trump stated he didn't need much in donations for T.V. adds, because the media was begging him to show up on their programs. This was when Trump loved the media. FOX NEWS turned into the Trump media networks. Since 54% of the Republican party cast a vote for other candidates--those people turned off FOX NEWS and turned on CNN which is now number 1.
Donald Trump has earned $2 billion in free media coverage, study shows

Here is the article:
"Fox News, meanwhile, has given Donald Trump the level of positive coverage that money could never (legally) buy, and as a result, they’ve dropped in the ratings. It’s no coincidence that as Trump enablers and outright supporters have focused more and more on Trump, their level of appeal has dropped. They don’t have the diversity of panelists CNN has managed to grab, and they don’t have hosts who allow both sides to speak freely.

What’s more, the rising star of Fox News, Megyn Kelly, was fast becoming the most popular personality, and then Donald Trump not only insulted her, but the network on multiple occasions met with Trump to try to work things out and get him to come back on the air. If Kelly decided not to remain with Fox News when her contract is up, Fox News would fall even further – and they would deserve it.

The quality of coverage is key, and Fox News is not providing it. What they have failed to realize is that Donald Trump is but a blip in the ratings. What people will perceive of you when he has come and gone is what will decide your fate. And, if the numbers continue to fall, you can pretty much guess what life is going to be like for them after Trump has gone."

But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings? | RedState

The fingers will be pointing everywhere after this Tsunami hits the Republican party, Fox News is going to be right in middle of that circle along with every single right wing talk show host, their guests, politicians included, that have endorsed, promoted or defended Trump throughout this campaign. They will become as credible as a mosquito on an elephant's ass.

In order for the Republican party to survive, this barn of rats has got to burn down to the ground.
#NeverTrump: We Told You He Would Kill Us, but You Didn’t Listen

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I'd like to see a smart business man/woman in the white house (somebody who can carry themselves like a respectable adult, which Trump can not, so he's out) or at the very least have a bipartisan committee made up of successful business people and economists developing the budget and presenting innovative ideas for fiscal policy
There's never been a career politician that's been responsible… Fact
So says the peanut gallery
Name one?
No, i'm not interested in this pointless debate... I work with many leaders in my community and have met some very stand up people that do great work for our people. I have respect for those in that position.

I also recognize the massive corruption in our political system and am all for accountability and reform. This doesn't go for everybody but for some.
Career politicians are the lowest of life forms.... fact
The Founding Fodder Gave Us Oats, Not Votes

Your sacred cow Constitution empowers the people you want to believe that anti-democratic manifesto was designed to protect us from.
Running the economy of the way this federal government is - is like the grasshopper not the ant.
It's absolutely ridiculously elementary to think that the government can run the economy the way it has and sustain civilization.
No reason for all of this debt - this debt cannot be paid its far too large, there is enough money/resources in the world pay this debt...
It's childish thinking socialism can ever work for the good... :itsok:
Do you realize that the national debt is not a credit card bill right? If we just paid it all of next week and eliminated treasury bonds from the market (one of the most stable of investments) it would crash our economy.

The Debt isn't something that needs to be paid off, it is something that needs to be managed. I do agree it needs to be better managed and there is a ton of fat that can be trimmed in our government programs. You don't seem to really understand the difference between our national debt and a personal debt. I suggest doing some reading... Here's something to start with:

Public debt: How much is too much? | The Economist

Politicians will never manage our debt responsibly. All their incentives run in the opposite direction. They win by spending like there's no tomorrow and kicking the can down the road. Cutting spending is the road to electoral defeat.

So just how do you propose to accomplish this fantasy of managing the debt responsibly?
I'd like to see a smart business man/woman in the white house (somebody who can carry themselves like a respectable adult, which Trump can not, so he's out) or at the very least have a bipartisan committee made up of successful business people and economists developing the budget and presenting innovative ideas for fiscal policy

I really find it amazing showcasing of stupidity to think that he should carry himself "well" while the establishment pays people to be violent at his events and so on. I am sure these people just turn the other cheek or whatever when they are punched. Of course, the problem is always with the guy who got punched, not with the one who punches.

If you aren't willing to fight back against the megalomaniacs in power, they will destroy you. As simple as that...
If he knew how to carry himself he could have walked away with this election so easily... Stick to the issues, speak about how he will create jobs and provide security... It would have been so easy. But his ego got in his way and he had to be the tough guy and belittle all his opposers. He was warned over and over and over and over again, but he just has no discipline. If he is sent back to Trump tower after this election we will all have dodged a big bullet.

You are having some serious Dunning Kruger... No, it isn't that easy when the system is stacked against you. He needs to be tough or Clinton will just run over him with her establishment advantage.
The list is endless. How much time do the major networks devote to covering the Wikileaks releases?
of the majors I watch Fox and CNN... Both cover the exact same story's in each hour news program. Wiki Leaks is brought up on almost a daily basis. The reason why the majority of time goes to Trumps BS is because he is spouting of about it on a daily basis. Guaranteed if Hillary jumped up and said that Assange was a disgusting terrorist, liar spreading false info and she is going to sue him... Then it would get covered more often. The difference is she knows how to put water on the fire and Trump seems to only know how to pour gas on it.

Bullshit.If the Wikileaks papers were about Donald Trump, the networks would be covering it 24 hours a day.
Yeah because Trump would be threatening to sue Wikileaks and talking about it none stop
How can you sue someone for publishing facts?

Who do you think you're fooling?
Trump threatens to sue just about everybody that attacks or opposes him.

For example he threatened to sue the Times for publishing his tax returns. It's all tough guy posturing and a technique he's used many times to get what he wants in business

Donald Trump lives in a courtroom, it's sue, or counter sue for him. It really wouldn't surprise me if he sued the RNC after he gets clobbered.

Currently he is involved in 3,500 civil suits, many regarding non payment to small business contractors for worked completed that he never paid for.
USA TODAY exclusive: Hundreds allege Donald Trump doesn’t pay his bills

The New York State attorney General office recently issued a cease and desist order on the Trump Foundation. They actually have 2 cancelled checks totaling $258,000 in charitable donations that he used to settle non related legal claims, and to purchase a full size self portrait of himself. And I believe he has already launched a counter suit toward New York State over this one.
'I've never encountered anything so brazen': Report details shocking new revelations about Trump Foundation

And of course Trump University which is scheduled on the court docket, and I imagine this woman will be the first witness for the plaintiff.

And I imagine--he'll probably launch a counter suit against this woman.

You know he can afford to keep attorney's and stay in court for years. But the average every day person in this country can't afford to do that, so that's his play. But one woman did stay in the legal process for 7 years. A widow woman Mrs. Coking when Trump was trying to use eminent domain to take her house, so he could build a parking lot for one of his casinos. She finally won, but I couldn't possibly imagine what that cost her in legal fees to do that.
Donald Trump's eminent domain love nearly cost a widow her house | David Boaz
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Currently he is involved in 3,500 civil suits, many regarding non payment to small business contractors for worked completed that he never paid for.

This is a lot more about a Federal Government that approves 30k new laws each year because they get so much $$$$$$ from the legal lobby. Indeed, it is the legal lobby, not the will of the people, that causes reefer to be illegal.

Solution - "drain the swamp" and repeal all these useless laws and torts...
Do you realize that the national debt is not a credit card bill right? If we just paid it all of next week and eliminated treasury bonds from the market (one of the most stable of investments) it would crash our economy.

The Debt isn't something that needs to be paid off, it is something that needs to be managed. I do agree it needs to be better managed and there is a ton of fat that can be trimmed in our government programs. You don't seem to really understand the difference between our national debt and a personal debt. I suggest doing some reading... Here's something to start with:

Public debt: How much is too much? | The Economist

Politicians will never manage our debt responsibly. All their incentives run in the opposite direction. They win by spending like there's no tomorrow and kicking the can down the road. Cutting spending is the road to electoral defeat.

So just how do you propose to accomplish this fantasy of managing the debt responsibly?
I'd like to see a smart business man/woman in the white house (somebody who can carry themselves like a respectable adult, which Trump can not, so he's out) or at the very least have a bipartisan committee made up of successful business people and economists developing the budget and presenting innovative ideas for fiscal policy

I really find it amazing showcasing of stupidity to think that he should carry himself "well" while the establishment pays people to be violent at his events and so on. I am sure these people just turn the other cheek or whatever when they are punched. Of course, the problem is always with the guy who got punched, not with the one who punches.

If you aren't willing to fight back against the megalomaniacs in power, they will destroy you. As simple as that...
If he knew how to carry himself he could have walked away with this election so easily... Stick to the issues, speak about how he will create jobs and provide security... It would have been so easy. But his ego got in his way and he had to be the tough guy and belittle all his opposers. He was warned over and over and over and over again, but he just has no discipline. If he is sent back to Trump tower after this election we will all have dodged a big bullet.

You are having some serious Dunning Kruger... No, it isn't that easy when the system is stacked against you. He needs to be tough or Clinton will just run over him with her establishment advantage.
Spoken like a true puppet. Keep on eating those BS talking points Trump is feeding you. He doesn't NEED to do a fraction of the things that he is doing. Although his egotistical tough guy act turns on people like you, most people don't take it seriously. Some laugh at it and others are disgusted by it. Watching a grown man act like a school yard bully and pouting on the national stage while running for president is just plain embarrassing.
Just curious, if Trump supporters understand why there is such strong distain and opposition for Donald Trump from so many Americans. Thoughts?

No they dont. They just know he will build a wall (not) to keep out the Messikins, keep out them rag heads and make apple come back to the US. Other then that they know shit other then he ain't Hillary.
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Just curious, if Trump supporters understand why there is such strong distain and opposition for Donald Trump from so many Americans. Thoughts?

No they dont. They just know he will build a wall (not) to keep out the Messikins, keep out them rag heads and make apple come back to the US. Other then that they know sit other then he ain't Hillary.

Good point and imitation of a Trump supporter, which is why for the first time in 60 YEARS the Republican party is losing this large voting block, called white educated voters.
Trump May Become The First Republican In 60 Years To Lose White College Graduates
Just curious, if Trump supporters understand why there is such strong distain and opposition for Donald Trump from so many Americans. Thoughts?

No they dont. They just know he will build a wall (not) to keep out the Messikins, keep out them rag heads and make apple come back to the US. Other then that they know sit other then he ain't Hillary.

Good point and imitation of a Trump supporter, which is why for the first time in 60 YEARS the Republican party is losing this large voting block, called white educated voters.
Trump May Become The First Republican In 60 Years To Lose White College Graduates

It's my hope that all the retards are ignored in both parties. Yeah, the Republicans are a huge mess, but the Democrats ain't much better. Both parties need to have a major die off to be set right again. I hate them all so.
Just curious, if Trump supporters understand why there is such strong distain and opposition for Donald Trump from so many Americans. Thoughts?
I dont think they care what anyone thinks. They are trying to preserve something and to hell with anything that stops that process. Most Hilary voters know she isnt their first choice but she is better than letting some narcissistic, pompous, orange windbag win the title of POTUS.

But you are fine with a habitual liar, fraud, criminal, and cheat as president.

Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt person ever to run for any public office. She is directly responsible for many American deaths, did nothing as SecState, and has spent 30 years getting rich by stealing from American voters.

She is also very sick, so you fools are actually voting to make the idiot Kaine president.

amazingly stupid.
Drumpf is all that you called Hilary plus he is a narcissistic, pompous, orange windbag
The list is endless. How much time do the major networks devote to covering the Wikileaks releases?
of the majors I watch Fox and CNN... Both cover the exact same story's in each hour news program. Wiki Leaks is brought up on almost a daily basis. The reason why the majority of time goes to Trumps BS is because he is spouting of about it on a daily basis. Guaranteed if Hillary jumped up and said that Assange was a disgusting terrorist, liar spreading false info and she is going to sue him... Then it would get covered more often. The difference is she knows how to put water on the fire and Trump seems to only know how to pour gas on it.

Bullshit.If the Wikileaks papers were about Donald Trump, the networks would be covering it 24 hours a day.
Yeah because Trump would be threatening to sue Wikileaks and talking about it none stop
How can you sue someone for publishing facts?

Who do you think you're fooling?
Trump threatens to sue just about everybody that attacks or opposes him.

For example he threatened to sue the Times for publishing his tax returns. It's all tough guy posturing and a technique he's used many times to get what he wants in business
How did the Times get his tax returns, moron?

Why shouldn't he sue them?

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