Do voters understand that GOP economics is a catastrophe in the making?

Immigrants take more from the U.S. government than they contribute

They do. And illegal aliens are even worse.

First-generation immigrants cost the government more than native-born Americans, according to the report — about $1,600 per person annually.

See, your source agrees.

But second generation immigrants are "among the strongest fiscal and economic contributors in the U.S.," the report found.

Uh no illegal immigrants don’t qualify for welfare and they contribute 11 billion in tax revenue. This entire article, specifically, is talking about both illegal and legal immigrants.

Uh no illegal immigrants don’t qualify for welfare

They consume $10s of billions in healthcare dollars, education dollars and criminal justice dollars.
The sales tax they pay on their purchases doesn't even come close to the costs they impose on us.

Boot the fucking illegal leeches

This entire article, specifically, is talking about both illegal and legal immigrants.

Yes, the dishonesty the article exhibits by mixing the expensive legal immigrants with the much more expensive illegal aliens was obvious.
Actually the result is that it really doesn’t matter they are here and your crybaby ass wants to pretend otherwise. Right I get it. All the stuff you didn’t like in the article was all bullshit and the stuff you did was your lame as “ah ha!”. Typical. You people reason like children.

Let’s pretend, though, that we got rid all the illegals tomorrow. Then what? What the fuck do you even think would happen? Wages are just going to magically skyrocket because more white people would have jobs? Are you that stupid?

Let’s pretend, though, that we got rid all the illegals tomorrow. Then what?

Low-skilled American workers would make more money.
Crime would drop. Chicago would save billions currently spent on illegal aliens.
Maybe we could even improve the Chicago Public Schools for the actual citizens.

Wages are just going to magically skyrocket

I know that economics isn't your strong suit...or math...or logic.
Lol crime would barely drop. It’s already been dropping either way. And yeah, wages don’t magically skyrocket. I hope to break it to you.

I don't think magically skyrocket is what he said....those are your words....moron.

But if the labor market gets tight.....wages go up and inflation will start to set in.
Immigrants take more from the U.S. government than they contribute

They do. And illegal aliens are even worse.

First-generation immigrants cost the government more than native-born Americans, according to the report — about $1,600 per person annually.

See, your source agrees.

But second generation immigrants are "among the strongest fiscal and economic contributors in the U.S.," the report found.

Uh no illegal immigrants don’t qualify for welfare and they contribute 11 billion in tax revenue. This entire article, specifically, is talking about both illegal and legal immigrants.

Uh no illegal immigrants don’t qualify for welfare

They consume $10s of billions in healthcare dollars, education dollars and criminal justice dollars.
The sales tax they pay on their purchases doesn't even come close to the costs they impose on us.

Boot the fucking illegal leeches

This entire article, specifically, is talking about both illegal and legal immigrants.

Yes, the dishonesty the article exhibits by mixing the expensive legal immigrants with the much more expensive illegal aliens was obvious.
Actually the result is that it really doesn’t matter they are here and your crybaby ass wants to pretend otherwise. Right I get it. All the stuff you didn’t like in the article was all bullshit and the stuff you did was your lame as “ah ha!”. Typical. You people reason like children.

Let’s pretend, though, that we got rid all the illegals tomorrow. Then what? What the fuck do you even think would happen? Wages are just going to magically skyrocket because more white people would have jobs? Are you that stupid?

Let’s pretend, though, that we got rid all the illegals tomorrow. Then what?

Low-skilled American workers would make more money.
Crime would drop. Chicago would save billions currently spent on illegal aliens.
Maybe we could even improve the Chicago Public Schools for the actual citizens.

Wages are just going to magically skyrocket

I know that economics isn't your strong suit...or math...or logic.
Lol crime would barely drop. It’s already been dropping either way. And yeah, wages don’t magically skyrocket. I hope to break it to you.

Lol crime would barely drop.

Here in Chicago, there'd be a huge drop.

And yeah, wages don’t magically skyrocket.

Supply and demand, no magic needed.
Uh no illegal immigrants don’t qualify for welfare and they contribute 11 billion in tax revenue. This entire article, specifically, is talking about both illegal and legal immigrants.

Uh no illegal immigrants don’t qualify for welfare

They consume $10s of billions in healthcare dollars, education dollars and criminal justice dollars.
The sales tax they pay on their purchases doesn't even come close to the costs they impose on us.

Boot the fucking illegal leeches

This entire article, specifically, is talking about both illegal and legal immigrants.

Yes, the dishonesty the article exhibits by mixing the expensive legal immigrants with the much more expensive illegal aliens was obvious.
Actually the result is that it really doesn’t matter they are here and your crybaby ass wants to pretend otherwise. Right I get it. All the stuff you didn’t like in the article was all bullshit and the stuff you did was your lame as “ah ha!”. Typical. You people reason like children.

Let’s pretend, though, that we got rid all the illegals tomorrow. Then what? What the fuck do you even think would happen? Wages are just going to magically skyrocket because more white people would have jobs? Are you that stupid?

Let’s pretend, though, that we got rid all the illegals tomorrow. Then what?

Low-skilled American workers would make more money.
Crime would drop. Chicago would save billions currently spent on illegal aliens.
Maybe we could even improve the Chicago Public Schools for the actual citizens.

Wages are just going to magically skyrocket

I know that economics isn't your strong suit...or math...or logic.
Lol crime would barely drop. It’s already been dropping either way. And yeah, wages don’t magically skyrocket. I hope to break it to you.

Lol crime would barely drop.

Here in Chicago, there'd be a huge drop.

And yeah, wages don’t magically skyrocket.

Supply and demand, no magic needed.
You couldn’t elaborate on this if your life depended on it. You’re full of shit.
The 25,000 number was some number that they said may happen in the future. Still could happen, they just aren't getting taxpayers money to do.

It's really sad. You support taking money from taxpayers to give it to the richest guy in the world but condemn doing to the same so that people can access basic health care.

You seem to have forgotten our reliable source and working link supporting your allegation.
If I recall correctly, Amazon is expanding in NYC anyway. Turns out they really wanted access to their talented and educated population.

Now they decided to go to northern VA, NY gets little or nothing.


Less than a year after abandoning HQ2 in New York City, Amazon says it's opening a new 1,500-employee office in NYC

That's not 25,000 jobs like before, is it?


It never was before either.

Amazon Was Never Going to Create 25,000 Jobs in Queens

Now that Governor Amazon Cuomo is grovelling for Amazon to come back to New York, it’s important to remember that the original sin of the “HQ2” deal is still true: Amazon was never going to bring 25,000 jobs to Long Island City.

That might surprise people, particularly since that number and its related economic activity have been the central arguments used to defend the deal. But to be clear, Amazon never actually promised to bring 25,000 jobs. Period. Go look for it.

Supporters point out that Amazon would get the full package of tax incentives, which are available to any company, only if it created the 25,000 jobs. That's absolutely true, but it proves the point. It shows that Amazon didn't need or really want the job incentives. Instead, it played off our failed economic development policies to get what it actually wanted.

What Amazon did care about, what it wanted more than anything, and what it would have gotten in the deal was a shiny new East River campus quickly, quietly, and cheaply.

Somehow you left out this one-word title above your article.


No, it is a fact. There is nothing in that article that is not a fact. They never made any commitment or promise of 25,000 jobs. The incentives were already in place if they had. They didn't need an agreement for that. They wanted the taxpayers money for building their office and they wanted to skip the red tape that everyone else has to go through.

The city called their bluff and Amazon ponied up their own money.

But you continue to defend the corporate socialism.
Uh no illegal immigrants don’t qualify for welfare

They consume $10s of billions in healthcare dollars, education dollars and criminal justice dollars.
The sales tax they pay on their purchases doesn't even come close to the costs they impose on us.

Boot the fucking illegal leeches

This entire article, specifically, is talking about both illegal and legal immigrants.

Yes, the dishonesty the article exhibits by mixing the expensive legal immigrants with the much more expensive illegal aliens was obvious.
Actually the result is that it really doesn’t matter they are here and your crybaby ass wants to pretend otherwise. Right I get it. All the stuff you didn’t like in the article was all bullshit and the stuff you did was your lame as “ah ha!”. Typical. You people reason like children.

Let’s pretend, though, that we got rid all the illegals tomorrow. Then what? What the fuck do you even think would happen? Wages are just going to magically skyrocket because more white people would have jobs? Are you that stupid?

Let’s pretend, though, that we got rid all the illegals tomorrow. Then what?

Low-skilled American workers would make more money.
Crime would drop. Chicago would save billions currently spent on illegal aliens.
Maybe we could even improve the Chicago Public Schools for the actual citizens.

Wages are just going to magically skyrocket

I know that economics isn't your strong suit...or math...or logic.
Lol crime would barely drop. It’s already been dropping either way. And yeah, wages don’t magically skyrocket. I hope to break it to you.

Lol crime would barely drop.

Here in Chicago, there'd be a huge drop.

And yeah, wages don’t magically skyrocket.

Supply and demand, no magic needed.
You couldn’t elaborate on this if your life depended on it. You’re full of shit.

You need me to elaborate on how supply and demand interact?
Is that because after you failed Econ 101, twice, you never tried another Econ class?
So tell the class, how much it will cost NY for not having those 25,000 new high paying jobs?


There was no 25 thousand jobs. All the same, see above. The point is you support socialism for corporations.

If that's the case, which you have yet to prove, the company wouldn't have gotten all the incentives. The creation of 25,000 net new jobs, by 2028, were part of the conditions.

If I recall correctly, Amazon is expanding in NYC anyway. Turns out they really wanted access to their talented and educated population.

Now they decided to go to northern VA, NY gets little or nothing.

Amazon is hiring 1500 now. I don’t think it should be a race to the bottom of who can bribe corporations the most. I applaud states for sticking up for their citizens and stopping the cycle of what is little better than extortion.

Politician - Hey Citizen we are not going to let companies come in here and create jobs where you can raise yourself our of poverty.
We like you right at the point where you are dependent on us and will be sure and vote to keep us here to keep you poor.
You can thank us later.
There was no 25 thousand jobs. All the same, see above. The point is you support socialism for corporations.

If that's the case, which you have yet to prove, the company wouldn't have gotten all the incentives. The creation of 25,000 net new jobs, by 2028, were part of the conditions.

If I recall correctly, Amazon is expanding in NYC anyway. Turns out they really wanted access to their talented and educated population.

Now they decided to go to northern VA, NY gets little or nothing.

Amazon is hiring 1500 now. I don’t think it should be a race to the bottom of who can bribe corporations the most. I applaud states for sticking up for their citizens and stopping the cycle of what is little better than extortion.

Politician - Hey Citizen we are not going to let companies come in here and create jobs where you can raise yourself our of poverty.
We like you right at the point where you are dependent on us and will be sure and vote to keep us here to keep you poor.
You can thank us later.
What do you mean “not let”?

Amazon or any other company is welcome to come into NYC and create jobs. The catch is they just need to pay the same taxes as every other business.

Special deals for special companies is cronyism.
If that's the case, which you have yet to prove, the company wouldn't have gotten all the incentives. The creation of 25,000 net new jobs, by 2028, were part of the conditions.

If I recall correctly, Amazon is expanding in NYC anyway. Turns out they really wanted access to their talented and educated population.

Now they decided to go to northern VA, NY gets little or nothing.

Amazon is hiring 1500 now. I don’t think it should be a race to the bottom of who can bribe corporations the most. I applaud states for sticking up for their citizens and stopping the cycle of what is little better than extortion.

Politician - Hey Citizen we are not going to let companies come in here and create jobs where you can raise yourself our of poverty.
We like you right at the point where you are dependent on us and will be sure and vote to keep us here to keep you poor.
You can thank us later.
What do you mean “not let”?

Amazon or any other company is welcome to come into NYC and create jobs. The catch is they just need to pay the same taxes as every other business.

Special deals for special companies is cronyism.

No one stopped Amazon from building their offices. They are building them. Just on their own dollar. Win/win for NYC.
Actually the result is that it really doesn’t matter they are here and your crybaby ass wants to pretend otherwise. Right I get it. All the stuff you didn’t like in the article was all bullshit and the stuff you did was your lame as “ah ha!”. Typical. You people reason like children.

Let’s pretend, though, that we got rid all the illegals tomorrow. Then what? What the fuck do you even think would happen? Wages are just going to magically skyrocket because more white people would have jobs? Are you that stupid?

Let’s pretend, though, that we got rid all the illegals tomorrow. Then what?

Low-skilled American workers would make more money.
Crime would drop. Chicago would save billions currently spent on illegal aliens.
Maybe we could even improve the Chicago Public Schools for the actual citizens.

Wages are just going to magically skyrocket

I know that economics isn't your strong suit...or math...or logic.
Lol crime would barely drop. It’s already been dropping either way. And yeah, wages don’t magically skyrocket. I hope to break it to you.

Lol crime would barely drop.

Here in Chicago, there'd be a huge drop.

And yeah, wages don’t magically skyrocket.

Supply and demand, no magic needed.
You couldn’t elaborate on this if your life depended on it. You’re full of shit.

You need me to elaborate on how supply and demand interact?
Is that because after you failed Econ 101, twice, you never tried another Econ class?
Super low unemployment and labor shortages, wages still really weak. Seems our markets are broken.
If I recall correctly, Amazon is expanding in NYC anyway. Turns out they really wanted access to their talented and educated population.

Now they decided to go to northern VA, NY gets little or nothing.

Amazon is hiring 1500 now. I don’t think it should be a race to the bottom of who can bribe corporations the most. I applaud states for sticking up for their citizens and stopping the cycle of what is little better than extortion.

Politician - Hey Citizen we are not going to let companies come in here and create jobs where you can raise yourself our of poverty.
We like you right at the point where you are dependent on us and will be sure and vote to keep us here to keep you poor.
You can thank us later.
What do you mean “not let”?

Amazon or any other company is welcome to come into NYC and create jobs. The catch is they just need to pay the same taxes as every other business.

Special deals for special companies is cronyism.

No one stopped Amazon from building their offices. They are building them. Just on their own dollar. Win/win for NYC.
Repubs love the corporate socialism.
Now they decided to go to northern VA, NY gets little or nothing.

Amazon is hiring 1500 now. I don’t think it should be a race to the bottom of who can bribe corporations the most. I applaud states for sticking up for their citizens and stopping the cycle of what is little better than extortion.

Politician - Hey Citizen we are not going to let companies come in here and create jobs where you can raise yourself our of poverty.
We like you right at the point where you are dependent on us and will be sure and vote to keep us here to keep you poor.
You can thank us later.
What do you mean “not let”?

Amazon or any other company is welcome to come into NYC and create jobs. The catch is they just need to pay the same taxes as every other business.

Special deals for special companies is cronyism.

No one stopped Amazon from building their offices. They are building them. Just on their own dollar. Win/win for NYC.
Repubs love the corporate socialism.

True. There’s some tricky math here.

Hatred of AOC plus love of corporate subsidies > Hatred of Jeff Bezos
Amazon is hiring 1500 now. I don’t think it should be a race to the bottom of who can bribe corporations the most. I applaud states for sticking up for their citizens and stopping the cycle of what is little better than extortion.

Politician - Hey Citizen we are not going to let companies come in here and create jobs where you can raise yourself our of poverty.
We like you right at the point where you are dependent on us and will be sure and vote to keep us here to keep you poor.
You can thank us later.
What do you mean “not let”?

Amazon or any other company is welcome to come into NYC and create jobs. The catch is they just need to pay the same taxes as every other business.

Special deals for special companies is cronyism.

No one stopped Amazon from building their offices. They are building them. Just on their own dollar. Win/win for NYC.
Repubs love the corporate socialism.

True. There’s some tricky math here.

Hatred of AOC plus love of corporate subsidies > Hatred of Jeff Bezos

It's funny how this works. Bezo's is hated for his ownership of the Washington Post but when he wants the taxpayers to pay for his new offices all of a sudden he is a great guy.

I don't understand this kind of thinking.
Let’s pretend, though, that we got rid all the illegals tomorrow. Then what?

Low-skilled American workers would make more money.
Crime would drop. Chicago would save billions currently spent on illegal aliens.
Maybe we could even improve the Chicago Public Schools for the actual citizens.

Wages are just going to magically skyrocket

I know that economics isn't your strong suit...or math...or logic.
Lol crime would barely drop. It’s already been dropping either way. And yeah, wages don’t magically skyrocket. I hope to break it to you.

Lol crime would barely drop.

Here in Chicago, there'd be a huge drop.

And yeah, wages don’t magically skyrocket.

Supply and demand, no magic needed.
You couldn’t elaborate on this if your life depended on it. You’re full of shit.

You need me to elaborate on how supply and demand interact?
Is that because after you failed Econ 101, twice, you never tried another Econ class?
Super low unemployment and labor shortages, wages still really weak. Seems our markets are broken.

Super low unemployment and labor shortages, wages still really weak.

Lots better wage growth than we saw under Obama though.
I wonder how much better wages would grow with 20 million fewer illegals?
Lol crime would barely drop. It’s already been dropping either way. And yeah, wages don’t magically skyrocket. I hope to break it to you.

Lol crime would barely drop.

Here in Chicago, there'd be a huge drop.

And yeah, wages don’t magically skyrocket.

Supply and demand, no magic needed.
You couldn’t elaborate on this if your life depended on it. You’re full of shit.

You need me to elaborate on how supply and demand interact?
Is that because after you failed Econ 101, twice, you never tried another Econ class?
Super low unemployment and labor shortages, wages still really weak. Seems our markets are broken.

Super low unemployment and labor shortages, wages still really weak.

Lots better wage growth than we saw under Obama though.
I wonder how much better wages would grow with 20 million fewer illegals?
Mildly better, but still really weak. Clearly markets are broken...

we still have illegals? Thought trump promised to get rid of them?
Lol crime would barely drop.

Here in Chicago, there'd be a huge drop.

And yeah, wages don’t magically skyrocket.

Supply and demand, no magic needed.
You couldn’t elaborate on this if your life depended on it. You’re full of shit.

You need me to elaborate on how supply and demand interact?
Is that because after you failed Econ 101, twice, you never tried another Econ class?
Super low unemployment and labor shortages, wages still really weak. Seems our markets are broken.

Super low unemployment and labor shortages, wages still really weak.

Lots better wage growth than we saw under Obama though.
I wonder how much better wages would grow with 20 million fewer illegals?
Mildly better, but still really weak. Clearly markets are broken...

we still have illegals? Thought trump promised to get rid of them?

You're really not much of a thinker, now are you?
Lol crime would barely drop.

Here in Chicago, there'd be a huge drop.

And yeah, wages don’t magically skyrocket.

Supply and demand, no magic needed.
You couldn’t elaborate on this if your life depended on it. You’re full of shit.

You need me to elaborate on how supply and demand interact?
Is that because after you failed Econ 101, twice, you never tried another Econ class?
Super low unemployment and labor shortages, wages still really weak. Seems our markets are broken.

Super low unemployment and labor shortages, wages still really weak.

Lots better wage growth than we saw under Obama though.
I wonder how much better wages would grow with 20 million fewer illegals?
Mildly better, but still really weak. Clearly markets are broken...

we still have illegals? Thought trump promised to get rid of them?

Clearly markets are broken...

What's broken about them?

Thought trump promised to get rid of them?

Stick it to the businesses, deport 20 million illegals.
You're on the deport them side, right?
Because businesses are yucky!
You couldn’t elaborate on this if your life depended on it. You’re full of shit.

You need me to elaborate on how supply and demand interact?
Is that because after you failed Econ 101, twice, you never tried another Econ class?
Super low unemployment and labor shortages, wages still really weak. Seems our markets are broken.

Super low unemployment and labor shortages, wages still really weak.

Lots better wage growth than we saw under Obama though.
I wonder how much better wages would grow with 20 million fewer illegals?
Mildly better, but still really weak. Clearly markets are broken...

we still have illegals? Thought trump promised to get rid of them?

Clearly markets are broken...

What's broken about them?

Thought trump promised to get rid of them?

Stick it to the businesses, deport 20 million illegals.
You're on the deport them side, right?
Because businesses are yucky!
I’ve already explained how markets are broken, are you slow?

so he didn’t get rid of them as promised?
Let’s put aside the merits of leftwing American politics. We’ll just agree to disagree on that for now. Let’s just discuss the viability of GOP economics which is the fantasy of trickledown/supply side economics. Sure that shit sounds good until - you know - one thinks about it from a logical standpoint. Giving corporations more capital to sell products doesn’t somehow translate into more demand from the consumers. That isn’t how economics work. Our economy is a CONSUMER driven economy. It depends on people spending money. That is how it has ALWAYS worked. Corporations in this day age are wealthier than ever before. That means that when they get big tax breaks, they don’t invest the money they save. Why? Because it’s easier to just keep it. Why invest in labor if they are already wealthier than ever before?

Doesn’t it bother republicans that the GOP does NOTHING for the middle class? A strong middle class is how you keep this economy viable because they are the biggest CONSUMERS. A time will come when this economy will fail because of GOP economics. Rich people can’t stay rich if the wages of the middle class and poor remain way behind on inflation.

How can one possibly justify GOP policy?

I don't know, ask Obama who engaged in the greatest trickle down economic practice in American history.
But that is OK, because he isn't Orange man.
We really need to get rid of democrats. Purge the country. A new opposition could arise. One that isn't communist.


My advice is to put down whatever substance you are abusing right now and head on down to the nearest rehab. Your feet are not touching the ground.
You need me to elaborate on how supply and demand interact?
Is that because after you failed Econ 101, twice, you never tried another Econ class?
Super low unemployment and labor shortages, wages still really weak. Seems our markets are broken.

Super low unemployment and labor shortages, wages still really weak.

Lots better wage growth than we saw under Obama though.
I wonder how much better wages would grow with 20 million fewer illegals?
Mildly better, but still really weak. Clearly markets are broken...

we still have illegals? Thought trump promised to get rid of them?

Clearly markets are broken...

What's broken about them?

Thought trump promised to get rid of them?

Stick it to the businesses, deport 20 million illegals.
You're on the deport them side, right?
Because businesses are yucky!
I’ve already explained how markets are broken, are you slow?

so he didn’t get rid of them as promised?

You made a claim. With no proof.

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