Do We Need Religion?

Well, I know one thing, many people in this young society need a great deal of self-discipline. I'm sure you can buy some with a credit card these days.

Anne Marie
Well, I know one thing, many people in this young society need a great deal of self-discipline. I'm sure you can buy some with a credit card these days.

Anne Marie

Oh please, that exact same line is repeated in regards to nearly every generaion, I'd bet you anything it was said about your generation as well.
Well, I know one thing, many people in this young society need a great deal of self-discipline. I'm sure you can buy some with a credit card these days.

Anne Marie

Oh please, that exact same line is repeated in regards to nearly every generaion, I'd bet you anything it was said about your generation as well.

Agreed. But as I wrote in another post:

Placing the value of money over the value of integrity and personal achievement is the most current message we are sending to our children in this country. And it's working. It's working because of the disproportion of wealth in crime especially within inner city areas, and the utter lack of parental supervision and motivation which enables the temptation to get involved in easy money for vulnerable kids who are by all means easy targets. Crime is the cash cow these days. And the media perpetuates this BLING notariety of being notable with absolutely no substance to back it up. The new age of the Gabor Sisters who actually had no notable talent except for being notably notable. Easy money, and demanding some cash reward for simply growing up.

Cash for Grades
April 30, 2008
By Kathy McManus
Comments (45)
Education opens many doors.

But should the main one be at the bank?

School districts throughout the country are increasingly paying students for coming to class, taking tests, and improving their scores as part of controversial incentive programs known as “cash for grades.”

In Baltimore, high school students who make the grade can make some money—up to $110 for raising their scores on state assessment tests.

In Albuquerque, New Mexico, passing students can turn a school day into pay day, earning $300 if they attend 90% of their classes for the year.

And near Atlanta, eighth and eleventh graders who take part in a special after-school study program are paid $8 an hour—more than the
minimum wage in most states.

Supporters of earning while learning point to increased attendance and higher test scores at underperforming schools where no other form of educational motivation has worked. “We’re in competition with the streets,” said one Bronx junior high school principal of her students. “They can go out there and make $50 illegally any day of the week. We have to do something to compete with that.”

But critics of the programs—many of which are privately funded—say the payments are simply bribes, and that using money as a motivator sends the wrong message to kids about their responsibility to learn.

Would George Washington Carver have come up with his inventions in horticulture if someone had “bribed him?” asked one critic. Would Marie Curie have been inspired to spend long hours in the lab? “What kind of message do we give unmotivated kids,” he wondered, “when we give them something they never earned?”

Tell us what you think: Should schools pay students to learn? Is learning all the way to the bank responsible?
Cash for Grades — The Responsibility Project

Anne Marie
Well, I know one thing, many people in this young society need a great deal of self-discipline. I'm sure you can buy some with a credit card these days.

Anne Marie
Do you really believe that one needs religion to buy self-discipline? It didn't work for Mark Sanford, although he still talks about God.
Many who consider themselves religious insist that they take every word in the Bible literally. So there was a talking snake in the garden of Eden, Jesus walked on water?
Well, I know one thing, many people in this young society need a great deal of self-discipline. I'm sure you can buy some with a credit card these days.

Anne Marie
Do you really believe that one needs religion to buy self-discipline? It didn't work for Mark Sanford, although he still talks about God.
Many who consider themselves religious insist that they take every word in the Bible literally. So there was a talking snake in the garden of Eden, Jesus walked on water?

You can't buy love, darlin. You missed the entire point here. It's all about faith which is a very personal thing, not man made religion.

Anne Marie
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If by religion you mean God, of course we do, even the government applauds and pays for faith based recovery treatment centers. They have to, they have the greatest success rate.

And for good reason. God restores lives.
If by religion you mean God, of course we do


prove that god exists and that we 'need' iot

, even the government applauds and pays for faith based recovery treatment centers.
corrupt politicians ;)

They have to, they have the greatest success rate.

right... which is why theists receive more intensive treatment from modern medicine than non-believers in the ICU and all double-blind studies have shown that intercessory prayer has no benefit, and can even be harmful if the patient knows about it :lol:

God restores lives.

prove it
If by religion you mean God, of course we do


prove that god exists and that we 'need' it

hon, the day before you stand before God is not the day you wanna say "ooops"

, even the government applauds and pays for faith based recovery treatment centers.
corrupt politicians ;)

are you kidding me? Who is going to pay off a politician to send people to recovery programs, they have proved invaluable to our government and society at a fraction of cost compared to all other government facilities that fail

They have to, they have the greatest success rate.

right... which is why theists receive more intensive treatment from modern medicine than non-believers in the ICU and all double-blind studies have shown that intercessory prayer has no benefit, and can even be harmful if the patient knows about it :lol:

Where are you getting your spin from? That's not at all what studies prove.

God restores lives.
prove it

Oh He will. (you might want to know Him before He comes though...just a thought)
:lol: ]

prove that god exists and that we 'need' it

hon, the day before you stand before God is not the day you wanna say "ooops"

So you can't?

Where are you getting your spin from? That's not at all what studies prove.

See my threads on the subject, you uninformed fool

You idiots remind me of a video

suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure JB, that's just what I came here today for, to run around looking up your posts to try to figure you out...


See my threads on the subject, you uninformed fool

Ah ha! JBeukema has finally uncovered his true identity. The Anti-Christ. Literally. ;)

Do you actually believe there is someone or something called the "anti-christ"? Do you also believe in the existence of hell and the devil?

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