Do We Need Religion?

“In some awful, strange, paradoxical way, atheists tend to take religion more seriously than the practitioners
Jonathon Miller

That's because they are obsessed with religion in a negative way. Their minds are closed.
Avatar, go fuck yourself on the invisible planet Kolob where your alien god came from. Weed would help you see through all that bullshit.
Avatar, go fuck yourself on the invisible planet Kolob where your alien god came from. Weed would help you see through all that bullshit.
Do we need religion?


Without religion we would have to find more rational reasons for killing each other.

And that is really hard.
Do we need religion?


Without religion we would have to find more rational reasons for killing each other.

And that is really hard.

God gave us the tools to live in physical form. The test is how progressively positive or negative we use them.

As good a question as why we are here, is how much more do we need to live? When our focus on happiness is in the constant calculation of reward, we lose the reality of its purpose. Weed is a relaxer by every stretch of the imagination. But you simply can't get lost in that high because imagination is the only thing you'll have left to grasp day by day. A natural high is the joint of happiness me thinks. I coined that phrase in high school and as progressive and well liberal a learning strategy that school had, one of the best in New York, that poster made it in just about every class room. Not to say I didn't smoke in those days. Just didn't like falling asleep in the middle of a mid-term, wondering how much conflict the leaves on the maple outside the window have with each other.


Anne Marie
Catchy buzz phrase but does it mean anything? What's a natural high? Natural as in weed is a natural herb (that btw god put on this planet)? Or natural in the sense that while straight you can get high on god? Or high like the hari kristnas by jumping up and down to hyperventilate? Or by being high by being straight?

I bet you exchanged joints"favors" in the washroom!
Do we need religion?


Without religion we would have to find more rational reasons for killing each other.

And that is really hard.

In a lighthearted attempt to find some common ground with you, Mr. JB, I have a few things I might add to Al's post. :)

Historically, yes, religion has been the cornerstone of the most massive battles since the history of man. In fact, in a very broad sense, anything that is not scientifically explained as necessary or tangible for the survival of civilization, whether religious or something that can be explained as an intense belief system has been the core of mankind's need for war. Even when the war began as a reciprocal outcome of oppression. Such as every revolution in history where the level of oppression became uninhabitable. Perhaps the best reason to fight for anything. The outcome of the obsession.

But I suppose one needs to look at the real reason for oppression. Do people actually fight for their religion, or fight for their civil rights when oppressed, whether that includes religion or not? With me so far?


Anne Marie
Catchy buzz phrase but does it mean anything? What's a natural high? Natural as in weed is a natural herb (that btw god put on this planet)? Or natural in the sense that while straight you can get high on god? Or high like the hari kristnas by jumping up and down to hyperventilate? Or by being high by being straight?

I bet you exchanged joints"favors" in the washroom!
Catchy buzz phrase but does it mean anything? What's a natural high? Natural as in weed is a natural herb (that btw god put on this planet)? Or natural in the sense that while straight you can get high on god? Or high like the hari kristnas by jumping up and down to hyperventilate? Or by being high by being straight?

I bet you exchanged joints"favors" in the washroom!


Catchy buzz phrase but does it mean anything? What's a natural high? Natural as in weed is a natural herb (that btw god put on this planet)? Or natural in the sense that while straight you can get high on god? Or high like the hari kristnas by jumping up and down to hyperventilate? Or by being high by being straight?

I bet you exchanged joints"favors" in the washroom!



Everyone knows what a natural high is. Taking in the world around you without having to make it up in your head. As much strife humanity deals with daily, there is still more beautiful things, magnificent things which surrounds us. And our interaction with people and those we love is what makes it all worth while. When you fall in love, you fall in love with life, and that never changes. It opens up doors you never knew existed.

I don't care who smokes weed or not. It doesn't matter to me, but for me it doesn't match the caliber of peace and fulfillment I have been afforded nearly my entire life because I was raised in the country and grew up with men, and was taught to appreciate nature, to protect my own, and to survive under the most trying situations. There was very little nonsense or selfishness in my life and to this day I can see the difference it made.

Anne Marie
Imagine a hard life, a life where you die young. where most of your children die as small children. Where you work in a coal mine for 10 hours a day at age 14. Where you die young, and then ask "what draw does the promise of an eternal life in paradise hold ?". that's why people need religion.
Imagine a hard life, a life where you die young. where most of your children die as small children. Where you work in a coal mine for 10 hours a day at age 14. Where you die young, and then ask "what draw does the promise of an eternal life in paradise hold ?". that's why people need religion.

Exactly ... sort of ... it's more than that, but good start.

Everyone knows what a natural high is. Taking in the world around you without having to make it up in your head. As much strife humanity deals with daily, there is still more beautiful things, magnificent things which surrounds us. And our interaction with people and those we love is what makes it all worth while. When you fall in love, you fall in love with life, and that never changes. It opens up doors you never knew existed.

I don't care who smokes weed or not. It doesn't matter to me, but for me it doesn't match the caliber of peace and fulfillment I have been afforded nearly my entire life because I was raised in the country and grew up with men, and was taught to appreciate nature, to protect my own, and to survive under the most trying situations. There was very little nonsense or selfishness in my life and to this day I can see the difference it made.

Anne Marie

I think you need a joint for real! A natural high is reality? Gee, how deep... and original. But you forgot to mention jesus christ. Waddup with that?
Do We Need Religion?

I don't but can understand why some do. I think as a society, we are relying less and less on religion as we learn more and more about the world around us.

Everyone knows what a natural high is. Taking in the world around you without having to make it up in your head. As much strife humanity deals with daily, there is still more beautiful things, magnificent things which surrounds us. And our interaction with people and those we love is what makes it all worth while. When you fall in love, you fall in love with life, and that never changes. It opens up doors you never knew existed.

I don't care who smokes weed or not. It doesn't matter to me, but for me it doesn't match the caliber of peace and fulfillment I have been afforded nearly my entire life because I was raised in the country and grew up with men, and was taught to appreciate nature, to protect my own, and to survive under the most trying situations. There was very little nonsense or selfishness in my life and to this day I can see the difference it made.

Anne Marie

I think you need a joint for real! A natural high is reality? Gee, how deep... and original. But you forgot to mention jesus christ. Waddup with that?

Jesus Christ is not a natural high. He is pure love. I am simply responding to your comments about weed. Everything that is good in this world comes from God's Grace. Sounds corny, simpltonish, delusional. Well, I'll tell ya what, what ever floats your boat, Al is fine with me. If you're happy then focus on what makes you happy in a positive way. If weed does it for you, and you are not influencing irresponsible kids to do the same, then by all means. Otherwise, well..... you hold yourself responsible for your actions. The rest of the world has a choice to act in their best interest, or not, in the long run. One way or another, life is siimply AWESOME!! :)

Anne Marie

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