Do We Need Religion?

Some need believe with groups, others need to believe alone. And then there are those that don't need to believe in anything.

Wrong. Everyone believes in something, even if it's just the idea that they're so smart and independent that they don't need "belief crutches" like everyone else. Personally, I find belief in one's own wonderfulness to be the stupidest religion of all, but whatever floats your boat.
Personally, I find belief in one's own wonderfulness to be the stupidest religion of all, but whatever floats your boat.

I believe wholeheartedly in my own wonderfulness. And everyday I'm thankful to whomever or whatever blessed me with such wonder. :D
Some need believe with groups, others need to believe alone. And then there are those that don't need to believe in anything.

Wrong. Everyone believes in something, even if it's just the idea that they're so smart and independent that they don't need "belief crutches" like everyone else. Personally, I find belief in one's own wonderfulness to be the stupidest religion of all, but whatever floats your boat.

That's not a religious belief, you pinhead.
Religion is for people with nothing better to do than believe in ghosts, hocus pocus and magical kingdoms. Anyways, who fucking cares how the universe was created, by whom, and for what purpose? Geez, get a grip folks. Enjoy what you have and don't worry about when you're dead. What will happen then will happen, that's it, that's all.

On the down side, you're definitely never going to set the world on fire with that attitude. On the bright side, you're too damned lazy, selfish, and dumb to care. Thank God there have been other people in history who weren't you and had the brains and curiosity to advance civilization and create all the wonderful luxuries that allow you to sit around and be a huge, sucking drain on society.
See my threads on the subject, you uninformed fool

Ah ha! JBeukema has finally uncovered his true identity. The Anti-Christ. Literally. ;)

Do you actually believe there is someone or something called the "anti-christ"? Do you also believe in the existence of hell and the devil?

I have a sneaking suspicion that JB could possibly have that answer! ;)

As far as evil? Yes. It most certainly exists on many levels, and I have absolutely no reason to believe that Satan does not exist as well.

Anne Marie
Is evil an existing abstract or do we only see it when there are concrete actions?

I believe that evil is an existing abstract. The closer we get to it, the easier we get sucked into it. When you are surrounded by evil, the temptation is no different than simply standing in front of a piece of chocolate cake with a diabetic meter in your pocket which is a form of self-destruction or a pedophile staring at a young child, feeding his fantasies until he again loses complete control, which is perhaps one of the greatest forms of abuse to mankind. Far worse than murder.

When we focus on physical need, such as carnal knowledge, we are reducing our ability to connect with our spiritual existence. We are limiting ourselves to what we can manage as a form of satisfaction. We are closing the rest of reality. Similar to drug abuse, similar to any obsession. And we open up the door to becoming vulnerable to evil. Once you cross that line and let "him" in, you are inviting a very dark negative side to our existence on this earth.

As many can tell you, especially x-drug addicts, the only thing that was able to completely wipe out their addiction was their introduction to love, to spirituality, and to God, and Jesus Christ. It's the only way they believed they were able to get through it and above it forever. It's the only account that I have seen, many, many accounts that has ever worked permanently. I believe this and understand why. Because having this wisdom, this knowlege affords us a greater perspective on life. And there's no turning back.

Anne Marie
Is evil an existing abstract or do we only see it when there are concrete actions?

I believe that evil is an existing abstract. The closer we get to it, the easier we get sucked into it. When you are surrounded by evil, the temptation is no different than simply standing in front of a piece of chocolate cake with a diabetic meter in your pocket which is a form of self-destruction or a pedophile staring at a young child, feeding his fantasies until he again loses complete control, which is perhaps one of the greatest forms of abuse to mankind. Far worse than murder.

When we focus on physical need, such as carnal knowledge, we are reducing our ability to connect with our spiritual existence. We are limiting ourselves to what we can manage as a form of satisfaction. We are closing the rest of reality. Similar to drug abuse, similar to any obsession. And we open up the door to becoming vulnerable to evil. Once you cross that line and let "him" in, you are inviting a very dark negative side to our existence on this earth.

As many can tell you, especially x-drug addicts, the only thing that was able to completely wipe out their addiction was their introduction to love, to spirituality, and to God, and Jesus Christ. It's the only way they believed they were able to get through it and above it forever. It's the only account that I have seen, many, many accounts that has ever worked permanently. I believe this and understand why. Because having this wisdom, this knowlege affords us a greater perspective on life. And there's no turning back.

Anne Marie

Temptation is a form of evil? Absent a context temptation is just a cognitive function. I want, I shouldn't have it because bad things will happen to me, therefore I should leave it alone. I don't think that “temptation” is intrinsically evil because it needs that context to define it.

Carnality is a necessary part of human existence, but it must be kept in perspective, as you point out. The benefit of the Golden Mean.

An addiction to drugs or an addiction to God? Which is preferred? It's still an addiction isn't it? But then context is all important.
If you're going to use and AtR to avoid addressing my points, at lease use Google and make sure ya get the name of the character you reference correct
If you're going to use and AtR to avoid addressing my points, at lease use Google and make sure ya get the name of the character you reference correct

Lol. What point(s)? When you come up with something reasonably plausible as your contentions, on anything for that matter, feel free to post. Otherwise, move your little side show to another tent, Goober. You're completely waterlogged.

Anne Marie
Is evil an existing abstract or do we only see it when there are concrete actions?

I believe that evil is an existing abstract. The closer we get to it, the easier we get sucked into it. When you are surrounded by evil, the temptation is no different than simply standing in front of a piece of chocolate cake with a diabetic meter in your pocket which is a form of self-destruction or a pedophile staring at a young child, feeding his fantasies until he again loses complete control, which is perhaps one of the greatest forms of abuse to mankind. Far worse than murder.

When we focus on physical need, such as carnal knowledge, we are reducing our ability to connect with our spiritual existence. We are limiting ourselves to what we can manage as a form of satisfaction. We are closing the rest of reality. Similar to drug abuse, similar to any obsession. And we open up the door to becoming vulnerable to evil. Once you cross that line and let "him" in, you are inviting a very dark negative side to our existence on this earth.

As many can tell you, especially x-drug addicts, the only thing that was able to completely wipe out their addiction was their introduction to love, to spirituality, and to God, and Jesus Christ. It's the only way they believed they were able to get through it and above it forever. It's the only account that I have seen, many, many accounts that has ever worked permanently. I believe this and understand why. Because having this wisdom, this knowlege affords us a greater perspective on life. And there's no turning back.

Anne Marie

Temptation is a form of evil? Absent a context temptation is just a cognitive function. I want, I shouldn't have it because bad things will happen to me, therefore I should leave it alone. I don't think that “temptation” is intrinsically evil because it needs that context to define it.

Carnality is a necessary part of human existence, but it must be kept in perspective, as you point out. The benefit of the Golden Mean.

An addiction to drugs or an addiction to God? Which is preferred? It's still an addiction isn't it? But then context is all important.

While there are some folks who I believe are addicted to the practice of religion, as with the consumption and abuse of drugs as the one thing that is in common here is the sense of security in its instant gratification: the reliance on being high, or the exercise of ritual prayer and worship to ingraciate one self to God's praise, there is clearly a different from the wisdom of genuine faith. When people do drugs for the high, there is an expectation of a reciprocal reward, the high. And many people practice religion by going through the prescribed motions of prayer and worship with the expectation of being saved as again, the reciprocal. Both of these practices are actually self-indulgent.

Genuine faith has no expectation of reward or personal gain. When you give a homeless person money or food or shelter and have some level of expectation of being praised or rewarded for the effort, while that person benefits nonetheless, you are actually acting in your own best interest. Not that of the needy individual. When you can go through life with unconditional compassion you have reached a critical turning point in your life. Very few achieve this with any amount of consistency in earlier years. But it will happen if you keep your eyes wide open. And the good fortune will come back to you many times over. You simply cannot act with that knowledge or it is simply an exercise of subversion and manipulation. And ultimately you are ingraciating yourself to God with a personal agenda. This is not a good thing and defies a greater peace you will undoubtedly experience othewise.

Anne Marie

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