Do you Really believe Epstein committed suicide?

Yes, the moment he crossed the Clintons.

  • Yes, somehow a magic noose was invisible and the guards could not see it while he hung himself.

    Votes: 5 8.8%
  • No, Epstein was plainly murderedd.

    Votes: 45 78.9%
  • I dunno, what on the tube?

    Votes: 7 12.3%

  • Total voters
Impeach the son of a bitch. :D :p
What do you think that means? Hes not leaving office, and even if you could get him out you'd have to deal with satanic Mike Pence. Nothing's gonna work out for you. Get used to your place in America.
the death spiral he has put America in and the office of the presidency in, will be cut off at the top.... that's the most important thing.

Although Pence is creepy to the nth degree the way he comes off genuflecting for Trump all the time, the nation can deal with Pence.
Whenever Donald wants to change the subject off of himself or deflect from his own illegalities, he uses another Clinton made up conspiracy to do it, and you Trumpsters lick it all up. What is sickening and an abuse of power and public trust in the office of the presidency, is him using his megaphone as President to slander another President.

Impeach the son of a bitch. :D :p

The ONLY person that benefits from this death happening this past weekend is Donald Trump... it takes it off of El Paso's mass murder and Trump being a white nationalist that spurred the killer coupled with the accusations of being a racist...

Clinton did not need Epstein dead, he was never on the Lolita Express without other Clinton Foundation employees and or secret service with him, the flight logs show that he ALWAYS traveled with Clinton foundation staff.

All the girls that have come forward that Jeffrey Epstein had at his estates, ALL HAVE SAID, they never slept with Bill Clinton and were never asked to sleep with him,

they have said about Alan Dershowitz, Prince Andrew, Bill Richardson, and one young girl allegedly about Donald Trump...

Changing this story to Clinton is deflecting and Trump is helping in that deflection... and you all are also part of the cover up, unwittingly. DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN!

Also, killing Epstein would not affect Bill Richardson etc.... that info is coming out in a suit by one of the girls, against one of epstein's ex girlfriends who was a recruiter for the young girls to satisfy Epstein's need to do the dirty deed with young teens... some rich and famous socialite name Ghislaine Maxwell.

This court case suit, will continue, Epstein alive or not.

AGAIN, DO NOT let this happen and don't fall in to the Clinton trap your messiah is leading you in to!

When this is likely one of the biggest sex trafficking ring of under age girls for the RICH AND FAMOUS, that ever existed in recent times! From New York to New Mexico to Lolita Island to PARIS FRANCE.

Why did Bill Barr's justice department, let him get killed or commit suicide? Why why why?

Why did the Justice Department let Epstein completely off the hook the first time he was charged in Florida? (This was the Bush2 Admin's Justice dept...not saying Bush2 was involved) WHO IS BEHIND ALL OF THESE irresponsible and appeasing moves by the department of justice?

you all have no idea of all that is going on here... here is a post I wrote the other day on it and all the complications... allegations from Mossad being in the middle of it to the owner of Victoria's Secret...

I wrote this before Epstein died: Epstein in danger of being murdered by powerful people before his trial says victims lawyers

I would not doubt that they will try to take him out, whomever "they" is.... and I don't think it is just perverted men with a fetish for young teen girls....

There is more going on with Epstein than has met the eye.... yes, we see the young girls and his abuse....

but the whole letting him off the hook in Florida, and who was really ''behind the curtain" besides our now Secretary of Labor, Acosta. working the deal with Epsteins high profile lawyers, like Dershowitz....

But anyway, I also read some conspiracies saying that he actually worked for Israel, Mossad, as a spy... to spy on Americans and others of influential background, worldwide.... and to get Kompromat on them, so to be able to influence these high powered people to support things in the favor of Israel... I chalked it off to a conspiracy or some antisemitic garbage, when I first read about it.... though I did know that Mossad has one of the best intelligence/spy agencies in the world and have a top notch team of spies and intel apparatus and just pretty darn good at what they do, all around, so I did not rule it out, all together.

So then I read in the Search with warrant, of Epstein's home, they found a little less than $100 grand cash, and diamonds, lots of diamonds, that he could easily cash in when need for more cash happened, and diamonds are small and easy to transport, verses a bunch of cash,

And, most perplexing is they found an old passport of his.... well, his picture was on the passport, but with a different name, and with a Saudi Arabia Address?? WTF??? This brings us back to the middle east?? Is the Mossad conspiracy, not so much a conspiracy anymore? Gees, this world we live in is hard to keep up with... it's a 24/7 job, just to try to figure out what is going on.

Now let's get back to Epstein being a person that sets up compromising situations and blackmails the Influential...and maybe not for Mossad, but for himself and his own financial gain...

There are aspects of this story that meets the criteria for such, and could rule out Mossad altogether.

No one can figure out where his money comes from...

turns out this guy Les Wexner, a multi billionaire business man who owns Victoria's Secret has been funneling money to Epstein for Decades... and in some really bizarre moves made Epstein a Power of Attorney over everything he owned, and put him in charge of finding Victoria's Secret models and a bunch of other suspicious stuff....

then this Wexner guy, who is a really old dude now, bought Epstein's multi million dollar Penthouse Floor home in NYC.... it was all done in secret, everyone thought Epstein bought it, but this Wexner guy gifted it to him....


What in the heck is going on with that? Business lawyers say giving Epstein power of attorney over all of Wexner's enterprise is highly highly highly unusual....

Do a google on it! Les Wexner and Jeffrey Epstein.... all kinds of new crap coming out daily...

Plus Epstein had all of these home/complexes... in France as well, where he had other women recruit these young girls for sex... the whole thing could be an underage sex trafficking ring for the wealthy that Epstein and maybe even the Victoria's Secret owner supply, and or use to blackmail??

Sheesh, MY HEAD IS SPINNING.... this is much much bigger than Epstein being a Pervert....

he likely does have a hit put on him...

You, and the rest of your libtard party are fucking insane. And I didn’t read past the second line of your post.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
yea yea yea....

typical deranged Trump supporter...

Whenever Donald wants to change the subject off of himself or deflect from his own illegalities, he uses another Clinton made up conspiracy to do it, and you Trumpsters lick it all up. What is sickening and an abuse of power and public trust in the office of the presidency, is him using his megaphone as President to slander another President.

Impeach the son of a bitch.

The ONLY person that benefits from this death happening this past weekend is Donald Trump... it takes it off of El Paso's mass murder and Trump being a white nationalist that spurred the killer coupled with the accusations of being a racist...

Clinton did not need Epstein dead, he was never on the Lolita Express without other Clinton Foundation employees and or secret service with him, the flight logs show that he ALWAYS traveled with Clinton foundation staff.

All the girls that have come forward that Jeffrey Epstein had at his estates, ALL HAVE SAID, they never slept with Bill Clinton and were never asked to sleep with him, as they have said about Alan Dershowitz, Prince Andrew, Bill Richardson, and one young girl allegedly about Donald Trump...

Changing this story to Clinton is deflecting and Trump is helping in that deflection... and you all are also part of the cover up, unwittingly. DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN!

Also, killing Epstein would not affect Bill Richardson etc.... that info is coming out in a suit by one of the girls, against one of epstein's ex girlfriends who was a recruiter for the young girls to satisfy Epstein's need to do the dirty deed with young teens... some rich and famous socialite name Ghislaine Maxwell.

This court case suit, will continue, Epstein alive or not.

AGAIN, DO NOT let this happen and don't fall in to the Clinton trap your messiah is leading you in to!

When this is likely one of the biggest sex trafficking ring of under age girls for the RICH AND FAMOUS, that ever existed in recent times! From New York to New Mexico to Lolita Island to PARIS FRANCE.

Why did Bill Barr's justice department, let him get killed or commit suicide? Why why why?

Why did the Justice Department let Epstein completely off the hook the first time he was charged in Florida? (This was the Bush2 Admin's Justice dept...not saying Bush2 was involved) WHO IS BEHIND ALL OF THESE irresponsible and appeasing moves by the department of justice?

you all have no idea of all that is going on here... here is a post I wrote the other day on it and all the complications... allegations from Mossad being in the middle of it to the owner of Victoria's Secret...

I wrote this before Epstein died: Epstein in danger of being murdered by powerful people before his trial says victims lawyers

I would not doubt that they will try to take him out, whomever "they" is.... and I don't think it is just perverted men with a fetish for young teen girls....

There is more going on with Epstein than has met the eye.... yes, we see the young girls and his abuse....

but the whole letting him off the hook in Florida, and who was really ''behind the curtain" besides our now Secretary of Labor, Acosta. working the deal with Epsteins high profile lawyers, like Dershowitz....

But anyway, I also read some conspiracies saying that he actually worked for Israel, Mossad, as a spy... to spy on Americans and others of influential background, worldwide.... and to get Kompromat on them, so to be able to influence these high powered people to support things in the favor of Israel... I chalked it off to a conspiracy or some antisemitic garbage, when I first read about it.... though I did know that Mossad has one of the best intelligence/spy agencies in the world and have a top notch team of spies and intel apparatus and just pretty darn good at what they do, all around, so I did not rule it out, all together.

So then I read in the Search with warrant, of Epstein's home, they found a little less than $100 grand cash, and diamonds, lots of diamonds, that he could easily cash in when need for more cash happened, and diamonds are small and easy to transport, verses a bunch of cash,

And, most perplexing is they found an old passport of his.... well, his picture was on the passport, but with a different name, and with a Saudi Arabia Address?? WTF??? This brings us back to the middle east?? Is the Mossad conspiracy, not so much a conspiracy anymore? Gees, this world we live in is hard to keep up with... it's a 24/7 job, just to try to figure out what is going on.

Now let's get back to Epstein being a person that sets up compromising situations and blackmails the Influential...and maybe not for Mossad, but for himself and his own financial gain...

There are aspects of this story that meets the criteria for such, and could rule out Mossad altogether.

No one can figure out where his money comes from...

turns out this guy Les Wexner, a multi billionaire business man who owns Victoria's Secret has been funneling money to Epstein for Decades... and in some really bizarre moves made Epstein a Power of Attorney over everything he owned, and put him in charge of finding Victoria's Secret models and a bunch of other suspicious stuff....

then this Wexner guy, who is a really old dude now, bought Epstein's multi million dollar Penthouse Floor home in NYC.... it was all done in secret, everyone thought Epstein bought it, but this Wexner guy gifted it to him....


What in the heck is going on with that? Business lawyers say giving Epstein power of attorney over all of Wexner's enterprise is highly highly highly unusual....

Do a google on it! Les Wexner and Jeffrey Epstein.... all kinds of new crap coming out daily...

Plus Epstein had all of these home/complexes... in France as well, where he had other women recruit these young girls for sex... the whole thing could be an underage sex trafficking ring for the wealthy that Epstein and maybe even the Victoria's Secret owner supply, and or use to blackmail??

Sheesh, MY HEAD IS SPINNING.... this is much much bigger than Epstein being a Pervert....

he likely does have a hit put on him...
Cut and paste fail...scurry away now. Fake news.
mossad epstein - Google Search

FBI finds Epstein kept piles of cash, diamonds and a fake passport
Whenever Donald wants to change the subject off of himself or deflect from his own illegalities, he uses another Clinton made up conspiracy to do it, and you Trumpsters lick it all up. What is sickening and an abuse of power and public trust in the office of the presidency, is him using his megaphone as President to slander another President.

Impeach the son of a bitch. :D :p

The ONLY person that benefits from this death happening this past weekend is Donald Trump... it takes it off of El Paso's mass murder and Trump being a white nationalist that spurred the killer coupled with the accusations of being a racist...

Clinton did not need Epstein dead, he was never on the Lolita Express without other Clinton Foundation employees and or secret service with him, the flight logs show that he ALWAYS traveled with Clinton foundation staff.

All the girls that have come forward that Jeffrey Epstein had at his estates, ALL HAVE SAID, they never slept with Bill Clinton and were never asked to sleep with him,

they have said about Alan Dershowitz, Prince Andrew, Bill Richardson, and one young girl allegedly about Donald Trump...

Changing this story to Clinton is deflecting and Trump is helping in that deflection... and you all are also part of the cover up, unwittingly. DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN!

Also, killing Epstein would not affect Bill Richardson etc.... that info is coming out in a suit by one of the girls, against one of epstein's ex girlfriends who was a recruiter for the young girls to satisfy Epstein's need to do the dirty deed with young teens... some rich and famous socialite name Ghislaine Maxwell.

This court case suit, will continue, Epstein alive or not.

AGAIN, DO NOT let this happen and don't fall in to the Clinton trap your messiah is leading you in to!

When this is likely one of the biggest sex trafficking ring of under age girls for the RICH AND FAMOUS, that ever existed in recent times! From New York to New Mexico to Lolita Island to PARIS FRANCE.

Why did Bill Barr's justice department, let him get killed or commit suicide? Why why why?

Why did the Justice Department let Epstein completely off the hook the first time he was charged in Florida? (This was the Bush2 Admin's Justice dept...not saying Bush2 was involved) WHO IS BEHIND ALL OF THESE irresponsible and appeasing moves by the department of justice?

you all have no idea of all that is going on here... here is a post I wrote the other day on it and all the complications... allegations from Mossad being in the middle of it to the owner of Victoria's Secret...

I wrote this before Epstein died: Epstein in danger of being murdered by powerful people before his trial says victims lawyers

I would not doubt that they will try to take him out, whomever "they" is.... and I don't think it is just perverted men with a fetish for young teen girls....

There is more going on with Epstein than has met the eye.... yes, we see the young girls and his abuse....

but the whole letting him off the hook in Florida, and who was really ''behind the curtain" besides our now Secretary of Labor, Acosta. working the deal with Epsteins high profile lawyers, like Dershowitz....

But anyway, I also read some conspiracies saying that he actually worked for Israel, Mossad, as a spy... to spy on Americans and others of influential background, worldwide.... and to get Kompromat on them, so to be able to influence these high powered people to support things in the favor of Israel... I chalked it off to a conspiracy or some antisemitic garbage, when I first read about it.... though I did know that Mossad has one of the best intelligence/spy agencies in the world and have a top notch team of spies and intel apparatus and just pretty darn good at what they do, all around, so I did not rule it out, all together.

So then I read in the Search with warrant, of Epstein's home, they found a little less than $100 grand cash, and diamonds, lots of diamonds, that he could easily cash in when need for more cash happened, and diamonds are small and easy to transport, verses a bunch of cash,

And, most perplexing is they found an old passport of his.... well, his picture was on the passport, but with a different name, and with a Saudi Arabia Address?? WTF??? This brings us back to the middle east?? Is the Mossad conspiracy, not so much a conspiracy anymore? Gees, this world we live in is hard to keep up with... it's a 24/7 job, just to try to figure out what is going on.

Now let's get back to Epstein being a person that sets up compromising situations and blackmails the Influential...and maybe not for Mossad, but for himself and his own financial gain...

There are aspects of this story that meets the criteria for such, and could rule out Mossad altogether.

No one can figure out where his money comes from...

turns out this guy Les Wexner, a multi billionaire business man who owns Victoria's Secret has been funneling money to Epstein for Decades... and in some really bizarre moves made Epstein a Power of Attorney over everything he owned, and put him in charge of finding Victoria's Secret models and a bunch of other suspicious stuff....

then this Wexner guy, who is a really old dude now, bought Epstein's multi million dollar Penthouse Floor home in NYC.... it was all done in secret, everyone thought Epstein bought it, but this Wexner guy gifted it to him....


What in the heck is going on with that? Business lawyers say giving Epstein power of attorney over all of Wexner's enterprise is highly highly highly unusual....

Do a google on it! Les Wexner and Jeffrey Epstein.... all kinds of new crap coming out daily...

Plus Epstein had all of these home/complexes... in France as well, where he had other women recruit these young girls for sex... the whole thing could be an underage sex trafficking ring for the wealthy that Epstein and maybe even the Victoria's Secret owner supply, and or use to blackmail??

Sheesh, MY HEAD IS SPINNING.... this is much much bigger than Epstein being a Pervert....

he likely does have a hit put on him...

You, and the rest of your libtard party are fucking insane. And I didn’t read past the second line of your post.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
yea yea yea....

typical deranged Trump supporter...


I’m deranged yeah. You know he’s a real James Bond, right? Look at all the diabolical things he’s done! He’s untouchable. How did he get away with it? You are insane. Too bad your hilly is history. Although you think you feel better, stay on your meds.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Allegedly they found with their search warrant, diamonds, cash, a fake passport with a different name for Epstein with a Saudi Arabian Address, and nude pictures of the girls....

Well CRAP.... why the hell would he keep nude photos of girls that were nude most of the time or half nude most of the time, right there at all his complexes... no need to jerk off to the pictures...?

UNLESS THESE PICTURES that were confiscated from his safe were PICTURES of the young girls,


FBI finds Epstein kept piles of cash, diamonds and a fake passport

Please, for the love of God,

DO NOT LET THIS GET SIDETRACKED.... with simply Clinton, Clinton, Clinton..... if he is involved, which is unlikely based on all of the girls' testimony saying they never were with him, let that be found out....

BUT THIS IS MUCH, MUCH, MUCH BIGGER THAN that... and once again, we the people, will get sidetracked and let these son of a bitches, get away with all of this sex abuse of young girls, by the rich, by royalty, and by the famous... and with our government's help to get him off the hook and an easy sentence.

Do you really want that to happen?..
Last edited:
If you were him and knew how child molesters are treated in prison, you'd do it too. Every day in prison for the rest of his life he would be walking on egg shells just waiting to be killed.
Yep. And he was going to lose everything anyway.
You dont know anything about what going to happen. As much as progressive scum like to let criminals off, it'd entirely possible he may have been banished to a remote island.
You dont know anything about what going to happen.
Of course I do. Epstein has pled the 5th so much in the past, coupled with the re-opening and prosecution of the case, tells me he was doomed to go to prison for likely the rest of his life. So my assumption is actually a very safe bet.
You dont know anything about what going to happen.
Of course I do. Epstein has pled the 5th so much in the past, coupled with the re-opening and prosecution of the case, tells me he was doomed to go to prison for likely the rest of his life. So my assumption is actually a very safe bet.
Lol, troll, you don't know shit, but you all act as you do. You have no idea what if any plea bargains were on the table, no idea what if any charges had been dropped or added, and you have no idea if it would have gone to trial and if so what the outcome would have been. You have no idea what political favors may have been called in either. You have no idea if there would be a change of venue, and you don't know shit! So, we have enough smug know nothing asswipes here, take a day off!
Lol, troll, you don't know shit, but you all act as you do.
Damn you are a crybaby. Yes, it's pretty clear epstein was probably going to lose everything. And what matters here is whether epstein shared that perception, not whether it would become fact in the future. So your entire crybaby rant is just another fat Mikey crybaby session that should immediately be moved to the rubber room
What Was Leslie Wexner and Jeffrey Epstein’s Relationship?

According to a 2002 New York profile on Epstein, Wexner hired Epstein to be his financial adviser in 1987. (A 2003 Vanity Fair profile, however, references Epstein saying Wexner hired him in 1986, and then changing his story to say it was 1989.) Some speculated that Wexner was Epstein’s only client and therefore responsible for the bulk of his fortune, but others denied this claim, including Epstein himself. According to a recent follow-up by Vanity Fair writer Vicky Ward, Wexner never commented on this matter directly.

“It’s a weird relationship,” a Wall Streeter who reportedly knew Epstein told New York at the time. “It’s just not typical for someone of such enormous wealth to all of a sudden give his money to some guy most people have never heard of.”

Wexner told Vanity Fair that he and Epstein “frequently discuss[ed] world trends,” Epstein being skilled in “seeing patterns” in politics and financial markets, Wexner in lifestyle and fashion.

According to a recent report by the Times, Wexner trusted Epstein’s instincts so much, he assigned him power of attorney in July 1991. This allowed him to “hire people, sign checks, buy and sell properties and borrow money — all on Mr. Wexner’s behalf.” Epstein even took the place of Wexner’s ailing mother on the board of the Wexner Foundation in 1992. One person who worked for Wexner also told Vanity Fair that Epstein was involved in “everything,” including litigation around the construction of Wexner’s yacht, Limitless.

Were they close?
Beyond finances, the New York profile describes Wexner as being Epstein’s “mentor.” A Times article from 1996 calls Epstein his “protégé.” And in the Vanity Fair profile, Wexner is also quoted describing Epstein as “a most loyal friend.”

That said, a spokeswoman for Wexner told the Times on Monday that he “severed ties” with Mr. Epstein about a decade ago. A representative for Wexner reiterated this to the Cut on Tuesday as well.

What about their real-estate connection?
The New York property where Epstein allegedly committed his crimes — a seven-story mansion at 9 East 71st Street — was originally bought by Wexner for $13 million in 1989. He did a full renovation but never moved in himself, preferring to stay in Ohio, where L Brands is headquartered.

According to New York, Wexner “turned over” the property to Epstein in 1995. (Epstein publicly claimed ownership in 1996.) One story, according to New York, has Epstein paying only a dollar for it, though others say he paid $10 million. He then did a renovation of his own. The only records of a transaction are from 2011, when Epstein signed a transfer document for both parties. A purchase price was not listed, indicating that the transfer “did not involve any exchange of money,” according to the Times.

Epstein also once owned a luxury estate near Wexner’s in Ohio. According to a new report by the Times, Maria Farmer claims that Epstein sexually assaulted her in Wexner’s Ohio mansion in the summer of 1996. She filed the report earlier this year in federal court in Manhattan.

What does this have to do with Victoria’s Secret?
According to the Times, less than a year after Farmer’s alleged assault, executives at L Brands learned that Epstein was “trying to involve himself in the recruitment of lingerie models for the Victoria’s Secret catalog.” In May 1997, Alicia Arden, a model in California, claims that Epstein identified himself as a “talent scout” for the lingerie brand. He allegedly invited her to his Santa Monica hotel room to “audition.” According to Arden, he grabbed her, tried to undress her, and said he wanted to “manhandle” her. She went to the police shortly thereafter and filed a report. It is one of the earliest known police records of an allegation of sexual misconduct against Epstein.
Thats your choice but I'm not a conspiracy theorist never have been never will be. I don't believe the moon landing was faked that 9-11 was an inside job or there was a second shooter on the grassy knoll.

Conspiracies happen all the time, which is why we have laws against it. Within 10 miles of your home there is like drug dealer conspiracy, prostitution, theft rings, etc.

What I find incredible is the thought that the evil bastards among our Oligarchs (most of them are good people) would not have killed Epstein when him still breathing was such an obvious threat to them. As soon as Bill Richardson''s name came out, I knew Epstein was a dead man.

Is that what your media told you?
Yeah, narcissists like Epstein kill themselves to protect fellow criminals all the time, lo.
Sometimes conspiracies are just result of people's overactive imaignation is it possible there was some dark sinister plot to kill Epstein yes it is it's more likely though he knew he was going down couldn't make it in prison and took the cowards way out.
Never believe the ruling class. They lie a lot.
Yeah they do and sometimes people just believe what they want to believe especially if it helps push a narrative they want to believe.
Well let’s see.

The rich and powerful run this nation. Do you dispute this? If not, then you know they have the power to have anyone murdered. We also know from the past few decades that they lie a lot. They also control the MSM.

Now who benefits the most from this? Not me. I benefit nothing other than his death confirms what I already knew. Those involved with his pedo activities, benefit far greater than I. They don’t go to prison and have their lives ruined. Maybe even murdered in prison.
Thats your choice but I'm not a conspiracy theorist never have been never will be. I don't believe the moon landing was faked that 9-11 was an inside job or there was a second shooter on the grassy knoll.

Conspiracies happen all the time, which is why we have laws against it. Within 10 miles of your home there is like drug dealer conspiracy, prostitution, theft rings, etc.

What I find incredible is the thought that the evil bastards among our Oligarchs (most of them are good people) would not have killed Epstein when him still breathing was such an obvious threat to them. As soon as Bill Richardson''s name came out, I knew Epstein was a dead man.

Is that what your media told you?
Yeah, narcissists like Epstein kill themselves to protect fellow criminals all the time, lo.
Sometimes conspiracies are just result of people's overactive imaignation is it possible there was some dark sinister plot to kill Epstein yes it is it's more likely though he knew he was going down couldn't make it in prison and took the cowards way out.
Never believe the ruling class. They lie a lot.
Yeah they do and sometimes people just believe what they want to believe especially if it helps push a narrative they want to believe.
Well let’s see.

The rich and powerful run this nation. Do you dispute this? If not, then you know they have the power to have anyone murdered. We also know from the past few decades that they lie a lot. They also control the MSM.

Now who benefits the most from this? Not me. I benefit nothing other than his death confirms what I already knew. Those involved with his pedo activities, benefit far greater than I. They don’t go to prison and have their lives ruined. Maybe even murdered in prison.
Do you believe he was Mossad, as is speculated? And black mailed the rich and famous politicians to get them to do gvt things that benefited Israel?

Or that he and Victoria's Secret owner, Les Wexner were running an under age sex ring for the rich and famous throughout the world? Was Wexner a Mossad asset as well?

or just the Clinton bull crud?
Conspiracies happen all the time, which is why we have laws against it. Within 10 miles of your home there is like drug dealer conspiracy, prostitution, theft rings, etc.

What I find incredible is the thought that the evil bastards among our Oligarchs (most of them are good people) would not have killed Epstein when him still breathing was such an obvious threat to them. As soon as Bill Richardson''s name came out, I knew Epstein was a dead man.

Yeah, narcissists like Epstein kill themselves to protect fellow criminals all the time, lo.
Sometimes conspiracies are just result of people's overactive imaignation is it possible there was some dark sinister plot to kill Epstein yes it is it's more likely though he knew he was going down couldn't make it in prison and took the cowards way out.
Never believe the ruling class. They lie a lot.
Yeah they do and sometimes people just believe what they want to believe especially if it helps push a narrative they want to believe.
Well let’s see.

The rich and powerful run this nation. Do you dispute this? If not, then you know they have the power to have anyone murdered. We also know from the past few decades that they lie a lot. They also control the MSM.

Now who benefits the most from this? Not me. I benefit nothing other than his death confirms what I already knew. Those involved with his pedo activities, benefit far greater than I. They don’t go to prison and have their lives ruined. Maybe even murdered in prison.
Do you believe he was Mossad, as is speculated? And black mailed the rich and famous politicians to get them to do gvt things that benefited Israel?

Or that he and Victoria's Secret owner, Les Wexner were running an under age sex ring for the rich and famous throughout the world? Was Wexner a Mossad asset as well?

or just the Clinton bull crud?
I don’t know. I do know the Ruling Class are a bunch of criminals, so they are capable of just about anything.

Epstein got off years ago with a slap on the wrist, when the evidence showed he was a child molester. How does that happen? Clearly he had friends in high places.

His murder certainly looks suspicious.

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