Do you really think hilary has pneumonia?

Do you think hilary actually has pneumonia?

  • yes.....and I would like to buy that bridge you are selling.....

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 2 4.8%
  • No, she has something much more serious wrong with her...

    Votes: 40 95.2%

  • Total voters
So far.....another two days without campaigning..........
Hillary and her doctors should come clean.

Until then, morons, pundits and idiots will fill the void with idle speculation and stupidity.

You mean the idle speculation before sunday that there was something wrong with her....that morons like you said were lies and stupidity......until she actually collapsed and it was caught on mean like that?
No. I mean morons and idio9ts going beyond the pale and claiming she has Parkinson's or something equally as bad. The morons and idiots were not content to stay in the realm of pneumonia. They are out for blood.
Never seen someone with pneumonia wobble and lose all control of their legs like that. This is called lying beyond the pale. They really take the American public as fools.
Pneumonia weakens a person. I suspect your medical knowledge goes as far as picking scabs.
Never seen a person lose all neurological control of their legs while being totally awake and aware. That wasn't someone going dizzy and fainting from dehydration, that was someone conscious, loosing all control of her legs, meaning, nuerological malfunction. This is yet another case of mass deception by crooked Hillary and the pathetic media.
:cool-45:.........that the poll reflects the truth.........almost 94% believe something is seriously wrong with the Hill-Beast..........:rock:.
The woman has brain damage.

If...along the way got's possible


It's brain damage what it's doing all the damage.

Stop the farce woman!!!

Stop it!!! :mad-61:
Hillary and her doctors should come clean.

Until then, morons, pundits and idiots will fill the void with idle speculation and stupidity.

You mean the idle speculation before sunday that there was something wrong with her....that morons like you said were lies and stupidity......until she actually collapsed and it was caught on mean like that?
No. I mean morons and idio9ts going beyond the pale and claiming she has Parkinson's or something equally as bad. The morons and idiots were not content to stay in the realm of pneumonia. They are out for blood.
Never seen someone with pneumonia wobble and lose all control of their legs like that. This is called lying beyond the pale. They really take the American public as fools.
Pneumonia weakens a person. I suspect your medical knowledge goes as far as picking scabs.
Never seen a person lose all neurological control of their legs while being totally awake and aware. That wasn't someone going dizzy and fainting from dehydration, that was someone conscious, loosing all control of her legs, meaning, nuerological malfunction. This is yet another case of mass deception by crooked Hillary and the pathetic media.
A person weakened by pneumonia can't run a marathon. I've had viral pneumonia and sitting up in bed, while mandated by my doctor, was a physical challenge.

I suggest you take off the tin foil hat, stop looking for a conspiracy under every rock, calm down and stop the armchair diagnoses. You are not a doctor and you certainly never physically examined Sec. Clinton.
It's weekend at Hillary's folks!!! here we go once more LOL!


Just want to know how many people want to buy a Bridge in Brooklyn, or some wonderful wetlands in Florida...please answer this poll.....and then I will send you some brochures.......
No and I think she has Parkinson's unfortunately. There's a great video put out by a Doctor that makes for a great argument that she has Parkinson's. He outlines her "episodes" a decade ago up and backs it up with what could be going on. This video was done before her latest episode. He does say he isn't diagnosing her only pointing out that there is strong evidence that she has Parkinson's.

Bill Clinton threw her under the bus by saying she's had them a few times and then her phone interview on CNN was rather interesting as well. It is becoming very obvious (to me tat least) that there is more to her health than what's being said. I never bought into the whole #sickhillary thing until this past Sunday and subsequent events.

Can you imagine ever answering a query about how many times you have passed out with, "Maybe two, I dont remember?"

I know that I have passed out twice and both times it was because my opponent had me in a choke hold, lol.
You mean the idle speculation before sunday that there was something wrong with her....that morons like you said were lies and stupidity......until she actually collapsed and it was caught on mean like that?
No. I mean morons and idio9ts going beyond the pale and claiming she has Parkinson's or something equally as bad. The morons and idiots were not content to stay in the realm of pneumonia. They are out for blood.
Never seen someone with pneumonia wobble and lose all control of their legs like that. This is called lying beyond the pale. They really take the American public as fools.
Pneumonia weakens a person. I suspect your medical knowledge goes as far as picking scabs.
Never seen a person lose all neurological control of their legs while being totally awake and aware. That wasn't someone going dizzy and fainting from dehydration, that was someone conscious, loosing all control of her legs, meaning, nuerological malfunction. This is yet another case of mass deception by crooked Hillary and the pathetic media.
A person weakened by pneumonia can't run a marathon. I've had viral pneumonia and sitting up in bed, while mandated by my doctor, was a physical challenge.

I suggest you take off the tin foil hat, stop looking for a conspiracy under every rock, calm down and stop the armchair diagnoses. You are not a doctor and you certainly never physically examined Sec. Clinton.

Oh crap!........another Democrap pneumonia testimonial...........:eusa_wall:.
You mean the idle speculation before sunday that there was something wrong with her....that morons like you said were lies and stupidity......until she actually collapsed and it was caught on mean like that?
No. I mean morons and idio9ts going beyond the pale and claiming she has Parkinson's or something equally as bad. The morons and idiots were not content to stay in the realm of pneumonia. They are out for blood.
Never seen someone with pneumonia wobble and lose all control of their legs like that. This is called lying beyond the pale. They really take the American public as fools.
Pneumonia weakens a person. I suspect your medical knowledge goes as far as picking scabs.
Never seen a person lose all neurological control of their legs while being totally awake and aware. That wasn't someone going dizzy and fainting from dehydration, that was someone conscious, loosing all control of her legs, meaning, nuerological malfunction. This is yet another case of mass deception by crooked Hillary and the pathetic media.
A person weakened by pneumonia can't run a marathon. I've had viral pneumonia and sitting up in bed, while mandated by my doctor, was a physical challenge.

I suggest you take off the tin foil hat, stop looking for a conspiracy under every rock, calm down and stop the armchair diagnoses. You are not a doctor and you certainly never physically examined Sec. Clinton.
Running a marathon?! She couldn't even keep herself composed standing, in what has been described as a mild day.

Pneumonia affects the lungs. Crooked Hillary's legs stopped working, not her lungs. She's fulla shit and so is the media.

Pneumonia Symptoms, Causes, and Risk Factors

What Are the Symptoms of Pneumonia?
Pneumonia symptoms can vary from mild to severe, depending on the type of pneumonia you have, your age and health.
The most common symptoms of pneumonia are:

  • Cough (with some pneumonias you may cough up greenish or yellow mucus, or even bloody mucus)
  • Fever, which may be mild or high
  • Shaking chills
  • Shortness of breath, which may only occur when you climb stairs
Additional symptoms include:

  • Sharp or stabbing chest pain that gets worse when you breathe deeply or cough
  • Headache
  • Excessive sweating and clammy skin
  • Loss of appetite, low energy, and fatigue
  • Confusion, especially in older people
Symptoms also can vary, depending on whether your pneumonia is bacterial or viral.

  • In bacterial pneumonia, your temperature may rise as high as 105 degrees F. This pneumonia causes profuse sweating, and rapidly increased breathing and pulse rate. Lips and nailbeds may have a bluish color due to lack of oxygen in the blood. A patient's mental state may be confused or delirious.
  • The initial symptoms of viral pneumonia are the same as influenza symptoms: fever, a dry cough, headache, muscle pain, and weakness. Within 12 to 36 hours, there is increasing breathlessness; the cough becomes worse and produces a small amount of mucus. There is a high fever and there may be blueness of the lips.
What Causes Pneumonia?
Many different germs can cause pneumonia. There are five main causes of pneumonia:

  • Bacteria
  • Viruses
  • Mycoplasmas
  • Other infectious agents, such as fungi
  • Various chemicals
If you have viral pneumonia, you also are at risk of getting bacterial pneumonia.
Understanding the cause of pneumonia is important because pneumonia treatment depends on its cause. Learn more about what causes pneumonia.
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No. I mean morons and idio9ts going beyond the pale and claiming she has Parkinson's or something equally as bad. The morons and idiots were not content to stay in the realm of pneumonia. They are out for blood.
Never seen someone with pneumonia wobble and lose all control of their legs like that. This is called lying beyond the pale. They really take the American public as fools.
Pneumonia weakens a person. I suspect your medical knowledge goes as far as picking scabs.
Never seen a person lose all neurological control of their legs while being totally awake and aware. That wasn't someone going dizzy and fainting from dehydration, that was someone conscious, loosing all control of her legs, meaning, nuerological malfunction. This is yet another case of mass deception by crooked Hillary and the pathetic media.
A person weakened by pneumonia can't run a marathon. I've had viral pneumonia and sitting up in bed, while mandated by my doctor, was a physical challenge.

I suggest you take off the tin foil hat, stop looking for a conspiracy under every rock, calm down and stop the armchair diagnoses. You are not a doctor and you certainly never physically examined Sec. Clinton.

Oh crap!........another Democrap pneumonia testimonial...........:eusa_wall:.
Democrat pneumonia testimonials sound like this:

Just want to know how many people want to buy a Bridge in Brooklyn, or some wonderful wetlands in Florida...please answer this poll.....and then I will send you some brochures.......
She might have pneumonia on top of all her other problems. But I do not think her only health problem is pneumonia.
What's more noteworthy about this incident' is that her and her staff's first act was to blatantly lie about it; that should tell more about her and her cronies than being ill. They automatically lie right off.
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So far.....another two days without campaigning..........
This is a good thing, she needs to rest up.

I dont want Trump to win by default with an unprepared semiconscious opponent.

She drops in the polls every time she opens her mouth now, so yeah she needs to stay in bed. Her bigoted speech at the Gimps With Disgusting Fetishes Convention just lost a million or so, and the gangsters and thugs her Party has hired to assault people attending Trump rallies are not only losing her more but making his base angry enough to turn out no matter what in November.

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