Do you support the Democratic Party’s plan to shut down the government?

Do you support the Democratic Party’s plan to shut down the government for the racist left wing hate groups such as La Raza, Mecha and the racist Aztlan Nationalist?

Government shutdown looms with no DACA deal in sight

Did you know not only is Mexico and Mexican Drug Cartels allied with Islamic Terrorist Groups in the Drug trade, but that Mexico allied with Nazi Germany too during WWII. They had a plan to invade the Southern US while we were in Europe and Pacific fighting the Axis powers.

We intercepted communications about this invasion and informed Mexico we had the Atom Bomb and would flatten Mexico City.

Maybe we should revisit that plan?
I don't support it when either party plays this game.

Grow the fuck up and work together, children.

they were... that is until dead eyes steve miller, john kelly, & the 2 hardliner senators showed up to whisper in trump's ear making him turn 180 degrees on the deal....
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What was so onerous about that bi-partisan deal on immigration that Trump and the GOP turned it down? Why don't they make a deal, or is this just another power struggle?
it wasn't had nothing for the wall.......until the wall is built....we don't believe anything these people say. We've done it the dems way in 1986 and then with Bush raising taxes...both times we got screwed.....not this time......No wall, no deal

every penny trump asked for was agreed to. including barriers.... even trump used the word fencing for some parts of the border...
The democrats have drawn an artificial line in the sand in regards to DACA. I think health care (which they are not addressing) is infinitely more important. This is an excellent reason why I completely reject the "republicrat", party before country, duopoly.

McConnell has torpedoed any bipartisan move on healthcare - See, Alexander-Murray negotiations. And I'm not sure Ryan will or could get anything through the House. DACA was a MUCH smaller issue, as you said. And, majorities in the gop said they wanted to put in some fix ... if they got more border security and a means to keep a new "batch" of kids coming in.

I'm not sure what the gop can offer at this point. No one will trust Trump to stick to a bargain. Couple that to getting anything through the gop House in 18, and the dems liking their chances to win it at years's end.

McConnell has stuff he can offer the dems that don't require the House or Trump agreeing to, but no one has mentioned moving in that direction.
You forgot the part where McConnell spent 8 years refusing to work across the aisle. I find it amusing that now they’re blaming dems for their own problems.
When Obama went reconciliation for Obamacare, he lost any high ground.

It is true though that time after time Obama and the Turtle/Boehner reached compromises of spendingcuts and taxes only to be shot down by the 40 or so Freedom Caucus guys.
What was so onerous about that bi-partisan deal on immigration that Trump and the GOP turned it down? Why don't they make a deal, or is this just another power struggle?
it wasn't had nothing for the wall.......until the wall is built....we don't believe anything these people say. We've done it the dems way in 1986 and then with Bush raising taxes...both times we got screwed.....not this time......No wall, no deal

every penny trump asked for was agreed to. including barriers.... even trump used the word fencing for some parts of the border...
Apparently not......there was no agreement.....$1.2 billion is not enough....not close
These filthy, filthy, filthy liberal cocksuckers ALWAYS put everyone else's whims and freeloader over the well-being of fellow Americans, for whom these cancer-deservers have a dehumanizing hatred. There has never existed more extreme traitors of Western societies than liberal poison fungus. Everything about these non-humans is deliberately, maliciously destructive. They truly got off when Kate Steinle's killer walked free.

what a baby you are. stfu.
What was so onerous about that bi-partisan deal on immigration that Trump and the GOP turned it down? Why don't they make a deal, or is this just another power struggle?
it wasn't had nothing for the wall.......until the wall is built....we don't believe anything these people say. We've done it the dems way in 1986 and then with Bush raising taxes...both times we got screwed.....not this time......No wall, no deal

every penny trump asked for was agreed to. including barriers.... even trump used the word fencing for some parts of the border...
Apparently not......there was no agreement.....$1.2 billion is not enough....not close

trump was going to agree to it.... take the heat...... lol...... what a liar & weak. he listens to the last person in the room & that made him turn... again..... he has no backbone.
The democrats have drawn an artificial line in the sand in regards to DACA. I think health care (which they are not addressing) is infinitely more important. This is an excellent reason why I completely reject the "republicrat", party before country, duopoly.

McConnell has torpedoed any bipartisan move on healthcare - See, Alexander-Murray negotiations. And I'm not sure Ryan will or could get anything through the House. DACA was a MUCH smaller issue, as you said. And, majorities in the gop said they wanted to put in some fix ... if they got more border security and a means to keep a new "batch" of kids coming in.

I'm not sure what the gop can offer at this point. No one will trust Trump to stick to a bargain. Couple that to getting anything through the gop House in 18, and the dems liking their chances to win it at years's end.

McConnell has stuff he can offer the dems that don't require the House or Trump agreeing to, but no one has mentioned moving in that direction.
You forgot the part where McConnell spent 8 years refusing to work across the aisle. I find it amusing that now they’re blaming dems for their own problems.
When Obama went reconciliation for Obamacare, he lost any high ground.

It is true though that time after time Obama and the Turtle/Boehner reached compromises of spendingcuts and taxes only to be shot down by the 40 or so Freedom Caucus guys.

really? so it was ok for McConnell to meet with all the GOP leaders to make sure they never cooperated with president Obama and made sure they'd obstruct everything he did?

bush w. only got his bail out because of democratic cooperation, including from then senator Obama. but president Obama was never really necessary to the GOP deals to stop shutting down the government. that was internal. their biggest problem was ted cruz and his band of, well, whatever they're a band of.

it's also amusing how everything president Obama did, the GOP loons shrieked was unconstitutional. meanwhile he had fewer executive orders than his predecessors. and let's remember that mitch-I-poo refused to put through the president's nominated judges. I'm pretty sure that isn't how its supposed to work.

and any cooperation that the GOP wanted probably died with putting gorsuch on the bench.

i'll also point out that Donald pretty much has done everything by fiat, even though he has the majority of both houses.

so explain how the democrats lost the "high ground". cause it seems to me that ONLY democrats worry about the high ground. trumpsters could care less about high ground.
Do you support the Democratic Party’s plan to shut down the government for the racist left wing hate groups such as La Raza, Mecha and the racist Aztlan Nationalist?

Government shutdown looms with no DACA deal in sight

I support it!

Give everyone their pink slips and tell them to take a hike!

Sounds good to me.

But we all know better, don't we?

Politicians are like roaches. Once you got'em, they ain't going anywhere.

In fact, I pity the Grim Reaper trying to pry McCain out of the Senate.

My money is on McCain.
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What was so onerous about that bi-partisan deal on immigration that Trump and the GOP turned it down? Why don't they make a deal, or is this just another power struggle?
it wasn't had nothing for the wall.......until the wall is built....we don't believe anything these people say. We've done it the dems way in 1986 and then with Bush raising taxes...both times we got screwed.....not this time......No wall, no deal

every penny trump asked for was agreed to. including barriers.... even trump used the word fencing for some parts of the border...
Apparently not......there was no agreement.....$1.2 billion is not enough....not close

trump was going to agree to it.... take the heat...... lol...... what a liar & weak. he listens to the last person in the room & that made him turn... again..... he has no backbone.
What crack are you smoking? He was never going to accept a bill with no know it, I know it, the American people know it.

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