Do you wish to legalize certain crimes for certain people?

Legalize violent behavior for certain races for social justice

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • No

    Votes: 5 71.4%
  • Maybe for some crimes---Explain

    Votes: 1 14.3%

  • Total voters


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Do you wish to legalize certain crimes for certain people? I ask this as it seems obvious that this is the reasoning behind these protests. The aim appears to be that it is the right thing to do for the cops to stand down and allow the violent riots and destruction of businesses for blacks in furgason. As the cops mostly stood down as doing anything would be seen as racist and a over use of force, and sadly the media used all their might to spread this message far & wide that they were the bad guys. It seems that these protests are calling for exactly that as some races appear to want the right to steal, loot, destroy and even attack other people, and seriously believe within their hearts that they deserve to do it for past wrongs. How does this advance any cause? Doesn't make sense to me as it makes more anger within the people they're hurting.

I find it morally wrong and this is why I see these protests as evil.

Another such action is Holders attempt to stop disapalin for "certain" races of children in our public schools. Same idea as someone is making trouble, but we're expected to overlook it and not say anything about it as it is against their civil right to enforce the classroom rules just like it is against it for enforcing the law.
Yes. Its only fair that due to the lack of reparations. ...all misdemeanor theft should be legal for African Americans. ..but only poor ones. Once you earn over 30k you arent immune. Under that...and you can steal any single item under $2,000 value and as many or often as you like.

Fair right? Just let them take whatever they need to enable themselves to get over a 30k salary job...then they have to stop stealing.
Cops should be allowed to commit murders on or off duty. After all they're only human. :dunno:

They are. And so are you. NOTHING is stopping me from walking out the door and murdering someone.

But...courts will hold me accountable for it if its found criminal. mean like LEO standing by as Bundy Ranch wackos pointed firearms at federal officers and threatened to use women as human shields?
Cnn is saying it is for social justice and rooting these people on all the way. It appears that they want the cops to look the other way when one of these people commits a crime.

Probably will demand that the cops be disarmed soon. mean like LEO stood y as Bundy Ranch wackos pointed firearms at federal officers and threatened to use women as human shields?

You're not reasonable and lack logical thought on this issue. No one should be allowed to get away with crime.
Yes. Its only fair that due to the lack of reparations. ...all misdemeanor theft should be legal for African Americans. ..but only poor ones. Once you earn over 30k you arent immune. Under that...and you can steal any single item under $2,000 value and as many or often as you like.

Fair right? Just let them take whatever they need to enable themselves to get over a 30k salary job...then they have to stop stealing.
So does that mean whites who are failures and make less than 30k a year get charged with double felonies for theft...considering they have proven to be useless members of society depsite generations of opportunity. mean like LEO stood y as Bundy Ranch wackos pointed firearms at federal officers and threatened to use women as human shields?

You're not reasonable and lack logical thought on this issue. No one should be allowed to get away with crime.
I agree...why did you justify Bundy ranch terrorists? Why weren't they arrested?
Cnn is saying it is for social justice and rooting these people on all the way. It appears that they want the cops to look the other way when one of these people commits a crime.

Probably will demand that the cops be disarmed soon.
Looting and rioting is a crime. Protesting is not. DO you want to arrest black people for protesting? Do you think blacks deserve 1A rights?
Yes. Its only fair that due to the lack of reparations. ...all misdemeanor theft should be legal for African Americans. ..but only poor ones. Once you earn over 30k you arent immune. Under that...and you can steal any single item under $2,000 value and as many or often as you like.

Fair right? Just let them take whatever they need to enable themselves to get over a 30k salary job...then they have to stop stealing.
So does that mean whites who are failures and make less than 30k a year get charged with double felonies for theft...considering they have proven to be useless members of society depsite generations of opportunity.

I think all people that commit a crime such as theft should get the same charge no matter the tone of their skin.
Yes. Its only fair that due to the lack of reparations. ...all misdemeanor theft should be legal for African Americans. ..but only poor ones. Once you earn over 30k you arent immune. Under that...and you can steal any single item under $2,000 value and as many or often as you like.

Fair right? Just let them take whatever they need to enable themselves to get over a 30k salary job...then they have to stop stealing.
So does that mean whites who are failures and make less than 30k a year get charged with double felonies for theft...considering they have proven to be useless members of society depsite generations of opportunity.

No they have white privilege. Poor whites chose their fate.

Poor blacks are forced to stay poor and its our duty to let them commit as much misdemeanor theft as they want....until they get jobs making minimum 30k. But until or clothing or electronics or whatever else they feel they need...they should be allowed to steal it to make things fair.

But only full blacks not halfies like Obama.
Yes. Its only fair that due to the lack of reparations. ...all misdemeanor theft should be legal for African Americans. ..but only poor ones. Once you earn over 30k you arent immune. Under that...and you can steal any single item under $2,000 value and as many or often as you like.

Fair right? Just let them take whatever they need to enable themselves to get over a 30k salary job...then they have to stop stealing.
So does that mean whites who are failures and make less than 30k a year get charged with double felonies for theft...considering they have proven to be useless members of society depsite generations of opportunity.

No they have white privilege. Poor whites chose their fate.

Poor blacks are forced to stay poor and its our duty to let them commit as much misdemeanor theft as they want....until they get jobs making minimum 30k. But until or clothing or electronics or whatever else they feel they need...they should be allowed to steal it to make things fair.

But only full blacks not halfies like Obama.
No one drop rule...come on, you are racist!
I guess all of the race traitors will have to rethink who they have babies with.
Yes. Its only fair that due to the lack of reparations. ...all misdemeanor theft should be legal for African Americans. ..but only poor ones. Once you earn over 30k you arent immune. Under that...and you can steal any single item under $2,000 value and as many or often as you like.

Fair right? Just let them take whatever they need to enable themselves to get over a 30k salary job...then they have to stop stealing.
So does that mean whites who are failures and make less than 30k a year get charged with double felonies for theft...considering they have proven to be useless members of society depsite generations of opportunity.

I think all people that commit a crime such as theft should get the same charge no matter the tone of their skin.
Who doesn't believe that? So I take it you support the likes of Rand Paul who believes blacks receive harsher sentences and are arrested more than whites for the same crimes?
Yes. Its only fair that due to the lack of reparations. ...all misdemeanor theft should be legal for African Americans. ..but only poor ones. Once you earn over 30k you arent immune. Under that...and you can steal any single item under $2,000 value and as many or often as you like.

Fair right? Just let them take whatever they need to enable themselves to get over a 30k salary job...then they have to stop stealing.
So does that mean whites who are failures and make less than 30k a year get charged with double felonies for theft...considering they have proven to be useless members of society depsite generations of opportunity.

I think all people that commit a crime such as theft should get the same charge no matter the tone of their skin.
Who doesn't believe that? So I take it you support the likes of Rand Paul who believes blacks receive harsher sentences and are arrested more than whites for the same crimes?

Harsher sentences...usually because they have worse rap sheets. Thats a big misconception.

A first time offender with a shoplifting may get a day in jail and fine.

A 32nd time offender with violent crimes and grand larceny and drug charges....who commits shoplifting. ..may get a year or more.

See? Crime builds upon crime.
Do you wish to legalize certain crimes for certain people?
I say treat everybody the same.
If one commits a crime, prosecute them the same way as anybody else.
If one applies for college entrance, hold them to the same standards as everybody else.
If one applies for a job, hold them to the same standards as everybody else.
If one applies for a loan, hold them to the same standards as everybody else.

I find it interesting that politicians talk about things like trying to get the "black vote", "the Hispanic vote", the "LGBT vote", or the "female vote". Then they take specific actions to try and get the vote from a certain group of people.
Why not treat them all the same? Anything else is prejudice.
Yes. Its only fair that due to the lack of reparations. ...all misdemeanor theft should be legal for African Americans. ..but only poor ones. Once you earn over 30k you arent immune. Under that...and you can steal any single item under $2,000 value and as many or often as you like.

Fair right? Just let them take whatever they need to enable themselves to get over a 30k salary job...then they have to stop stealing.
So does that mean whites who are failures and make less than 30k a year get charged with double felonies for theft...considering they have proven to be useless members of society depsite generations of opportunity.

I think all people that commit a crime such as theft should get the same charge no matter the tone of their skin.
Who doesn't believe that? So I take it you support the likes of Rand Paul who believes blacks receive harsher sentences and are arrested more than whites for the same crimes?

Harsher sentences...usually because they have worse rap sheets. Thats a big misconception.

A first time offender with a shoplifting may get a day in jail and fine.

A 32nd time offender with violent crimes and grand larceny and drug charges....who commits shoplifting. ..may get a year or more.

See? Crime builds upon crime.
While it is true that repeat offenders receive harsher sentences (as defined by most statutes), it is a myth that blacks and whites are sentenced or arrested with the same end result. I believe there is a recent DOJ study and other studies out there that show how a white person charged with the same crime and with the same record gets a sentence that is much less harsh than their black counterparts. Additionally, there is always the fact that while a black will get arrested for simple possession or something minor, I white will be released by the police without arrest.
Do you wish to legalize certain crimes for certain people?
I say treat everybody the same.
If one commits a crime, prosecute them the same way as anybody else.
If one applies for college entrance, hold them to the same standards as everybody else.
If one applies for a job, hold them to the same standards as everybody else.
If one applies for a loan, hold them to the same standards as everybody else.

I find it interesting that politicians talk about things like trying to get the "black vote", "the Hispanic vote", the "LGBT vote", or the "female vote". Then they take specific actions to try and get the vote from a certain group of people.
Why not treat them all the same? Anything else is prejudice.
That would be great, wouldn't it. Do you support punishment for those who don't abide by equal standards?
Yes. Its only fair that due to the lack of reparations. ...all misdemeanor theft should be legal for African Americans. ..but only poor ones. Once you earn over 30k you arent immune. Under that...and you can steal any single item under $2,000 value and as many or often as you like.

Fair right? Just let them take whatever they need to enable themselves to get over a 30k salary job...then they have to stop stealing.
So does that mean whites who are failures and make less than 30k a year get charged with double felonies for theft...considering they have proven to be useless members of society depsite generations of opportunity.

I think all people that commit a crime such as theft should get the same charge no matter the tone of their skin.
Who doesn't believe that? So I take it you support the likes of Rand Paul who believes blacks receive harsher sentences and are arrested more than whites for the same crimes?


I believe they should get the same. This thread is about getting the same and not being allowed to get less(some cases far less).

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