Dobbs was the worst thing that could happen to Republicans.

A fetus meets every definition of a parasite.
The fetus is either part of the woman, demonstrable since it cannot survive outside the parasitic environment, in which case the woman has sole decision making authority.
The fetus is a parasite, demonstrable because of the damage the parasite does to the host, in which case removing the parasite is good for the health of the host.

That you think you should have any say in the matter shows your disdain for women and the fact you want to use the government to force your clearly religious views on women shows what a sorry hypocrite you are.

Only to people wanting to score political points by confusing two unique biological processes.

Just like Nazis calling Jews parasites on society.

Procreation is not parasitism, despite your attempt to make the comparison to assuage your guilt of supporting killing something.

Men in women's sports, Men in women's dressing rooms.
A fetus meets every definition of a parasite.
The fetus is either part of the woman, demonstrable since it cannot survive outside the parasitic environment, in which case the woman has sole decision making authority.
The fetus is a parasite, demonstrable because of the damage the parasite does to the host, in which case removing the parasite is good for the health of the host.

That you think you should have any say in the matter shows your disdain for women and the fact you want to use the government to force your clearly religious views on women shows what a sorry hypocrite you are.
LOL yeah that why women have baby shower parties and not parasite or fetus showers.
Of course not. Miscarriages aren't abortions.
How do you know if you don't have an investigation?

I really don't care one way or the other....Not my monkey, not my circus.....I just want it to be a non-issue going forward to get the abortion monkey off the gop's back.....After all, that's all the dems have to run on.
YOu guys fought for this for 50 years, you need to fully enjoy it.
How do you know if you don't have an investigation?

YOu guys fought for this for 50 years, you need to fully enjoy it.

Usually you can trust the doctor unless he's a abortion freak.

And this is the result. Roe was shit law and needed to go.

Next up, Chevron Deference.
Usually you can trust the doctor unless he's a abortion freak.

And this is the result. Roe was shit law and needed to go.

Uh, it was a sensible law that reflected the reality that if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

So if former abortion doctors call themselves OB/GYNs and report every abortion as a miscarriage (which is pretty much what they did before Roe), who is going to know unless you investigate?

Next up, Chevron Deference.
Yes, because clearly, we need to let big oil rape the environment. Clean air and water are overrated.
Uh, it was a sensible law that reflected the reality that if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

So if former abortion doctors call themselves OB/GYNs and report every abortion as a miscarriage (which is pretty much what they did before Roe), who is going to know unless you investigate?

Yes, because clearly, we need to let big oil rape the environment. Clean air and water are overrated.

If a person wants to rob you, they will rob you. Just because someone will do something anyway isn't a reason to not regulate, criminalize, or ban it.

They would be investigated for obviously trying to skirt around the law.

It's more than oil companies, its unelected bureaucrats being able to write law, when that is the job of congress.
I don't know what these stupid Moon Bats are bitching about.

All the ruling said was the right to kill a child for the purpose of birth control is not protected by the filthy ass federal government.

It is now a state issue and several of the states have decided to do the killing.
No rights have been taken away.

This kind of rhetoric needs to be pushed back hard.

It is an absolute lie.

What we need is an additional right, now that women in some states have been granted the right to no forced motherhood. Child support should only be on a voluntary basis. Equal protection means men should not be forced into Fatherhood.

I think now, more than ever, all can agree to this.

where did you get the idea I hate this, I think this is the way it should be. I think every state should put it on the ballot, but your beloved Repubs fight against it happening

As long as child support is only allowed on a voluntary basis in those states, I’m good with it as well.
What we need is an additional right, now that women in some states have been granted the right to no forced motherhood. Child support should only be on a voluntary basis. Equal protection means men should not be forced into Fatherhood.

I think now, more than ever, all can agree to this.


It's been tried before, the concept of "Choice for Men".

Watch the progs run for the hills when you propose it.

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