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Does Anybody Still Believe Barry Hussein Is A Christian?

And that is why I think there is reason to question where Obama's heart lies. He has often mentioned that Islam has produced Nobel prize winners, and indeed it can claim a half dozen or so since the Nobel prizes were first handed out. The Jewish population of the world, a tiny percentage compared to the more than two billion Muslims in the world, has produced more than 160 Nobel prize winners. Obama never mentions that.

Again and again Obama has gushed over the Islamic civilizations, cultures, architecture, contributions to technology, science, medicine etc. But I don't recall a single instance in which he has expressed Judaism's or Christianity's contributions to the world civilizations, culture, architecture, science and medicine.

So where is his heart and mind? Where do his loyaltys and his faith for that matter really lie?
To tell you the truth you have no more of a right to judge...than Oblama has a right to judge yours...

Foxfyre sounds like some preachy rw gram ma. Double-standard much Foxfyre ?

As to the OP, 44 has been to church more times than the Gipper. FACT!!!



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And that is why I think there is reason to question where Obama's heart lies. He has often mentioned that Islam has produced Nobel prize winners, and indeed it can claim a half dozen or so since the Nobel prizes were first handed out. The Jewish population of the world, a tiny percentage compared to the more than two billion Muslims in the world, has produced more than 160 Nobel prize winners. Obama never mentions that.

Again and again Obama has gushed over the Islamic civilizations, cultures, architecture, contributions to technology, science, medicine etc. But I don't recall a single instance in which he has expressed Judaism's or Christianity's contributions to the world civilizations, culture, architecture, science and medicine.

So where is his heart and mind? Where do his loyaltys and his faith for that matter really lie?
To tell you the truth you have no more of a right to judge...than Oblama has a right to judge yours...

Foxfyre sounds like some preachy rw gram ma. Double-standard much Foxfyre ?

As to the OP, 44 has been to church more times than the Gipper. FACT!!!

Oh My, B. Hussein doesn't know a fucking thing about this?..:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::321:

Islam Permits Lying to Deceive Unbelievers and Bring World Domination MuslimFact
You know it was Nancy that did. And I can't find anything to suggest she ever spoke of her faith. And it wouldn'-t be the first time that someone of faith arried someone with none or little. Here is the only thing I can find regarding her mention of religion and it was about his, to pbs-
On What Religion Meant to her Husband

Well he has a deep belief in God and that everything happens for a reason, which we may not understand at the time it happens but that God has a plan for each of us and you know you begin to think that really someone is looking out for him

His daughter also wrote that she received her faith from her father.

Really? You are misinformed. This will help to enlighten you, an interview of the man that wrote a book about his faith. He wrote it because he was studying him for another book and realized all his private papers seemed to speak of his faith
The Christian Faith of Ronald Reagan

I didn't question that Reagan was raised christian, almost everyone at that time was

I question Reagans faith which he did not practice as an adult and did not pass down to his children

You don't know anything about Reagan ya dirtbag loser.

Reagan never went to church when he was an actor or governor

He only pretended to be religious to pander to his base

Reagan was an atheist
Christians are not suppose to use psychics, the Reagan's had one at the White House....
You know it was Nancy that did. And I can't find anything to suggest she ever spoke of her faith. And it wouldn'-t be the first time that someone of faith arried someone with none or little. Here is the only thing I can find regarding her mention of religion and it was about his, to pbs-
On What Religion Meant to her Husband

Well he has a deep belief in God and that everything happens for a reason, which we may not understand at the time it happens but that God has a plan for each of us and you know you begin to think that really someone is looking out for him

His daughter also wrote that she received her faith from her father.

Really? You are misinformed. This will help to enlighten you, an interview of the man that wrote a book about his faith. He wrote it because he was studying him for another book and realized all his private papers seemed to speak of his faith
The Christian Faith of Ronald Reagan

I didn't question that Reagan was raised christian, almost everyone at that time was

I question Reagans faith which he did not practice as an adult and did not pass down to his children

You don't know anything about Reagan ya dirtbag loser.

Reagan never went to church when he was an actor or governor

He only pretended to be religious to pander to his base

Reagan was an atheist
Christians are not suppose to use psychics, the Reagan's had one at the White House....
Well great, I am glad that he was , but that gives no one the right to unconstitutionally put a religious test upon any president...
Obama was born to a Muslim father so that alone makes him a Muslim. He speaks of hearing bells and whistles at dawn and all that crap. He quotes the K'oran better than any president in history, he makes excuses for Islamic terrorism and refuses to call it such.

But no, he's not a Muslim.
He's an apostate. He doesn't follow any laws but those he likes. His problem is he thinks selling us out to Islam will save his soul or gain him some sort of concession from Muslims who recognize his hypocrisy.

It will not.

I'm not going to question his motives when he applauds Islam. I just note it and file it away in the memory banks along with other interesting information that suggests things aren't always as they seem when the spin is making all our heads dizzy.

Videos like what I have posted here do a good job of pulling together the incidents. But while they portray some things accurately, they do not stack up to complete credibility. Such as the line oft repeated by Obama critics that he said "We do not consider ourselves a Christian nation." (That is shown in the video.) But the truth is, in the same sentence, he also said we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation or Jewish nation or Muslim nation. . .we consider ourselves a nation of citizens. . . That is very different than saying "we are not a Christian nation."

I think we Obama critics do ourselves no favors when we misrepresent the truth. There is much to criticize when we use evidence in its full context--we don't have to stoop to dishonest argument as many do to criticize people.

But the evidence is very heavy that Obama applauds and supports and admires Islam and the same cannot be said of his attitudes and feelings about Christianity. So is he Christian? I don't know. But he doesn't help us much to believe he is.

If Obama didn't have a problem with Jews and Christians he wouldn't constantly show such utter disdain at every opportunity.
His primary beef with Christians is they may not approve of Obama secret lifestyle.
Obama's obvious hatred toward Jews is pretty much the kicker. I wouldn't even consider him to be an Islamic sympathizer if it weren't for this.
He has people in his administration that are pretty outspoken about their own hatred for Jews. It permeates his administration. I think they're looking for an excuse to turn their backs on Israel and they're just waiting for the right moment. I think it'll be when Israel is under attack. Israel is already preparing for no support from America when Iran or somebody else launches an attack. You'll see Obama true colors once that happens.

And that is why I think there is reason to question where Obama's heart lies. He has often mentioned that Islam has produced Nobel prize winners, and indeed it can claim a half dozen or so since the Nobel prizes were first handed out. The Jewish population of the world, a tiny percentage compared to the more than two billion Muslims in the world, has produced more than 160 Nobel prize winners. Obama never mentions that.

Again and again Obama has gushed over the Islamic civilizations, cultures, architecture, contributions to technology, science, medicine etc. But I don't recall a single instance in which he has expressed Judaism's or Christianity's contributions to the world civilizations, culture, architecture, science and medicine.

So where is his heart and mind? Where do his loyaltys and his faith for that matter really lie?

What I discovered while working with Muslims is they don't produce anything. They consume. They're ideas are geared toward 400 years ago. Many of the most conservative of them want to go back to the days of no guns and making the sword the only weapon of choice. We couldn't get any of them to clean their own weapons or think for themselves. And most of the time all they talk about is philosophy and women. You can't get them to shut up about women.
What I discovered while working with Muslims is they don't produce anything. They consume. They're ideas are geared toward 400 years ago. Many of the most conservative of them want to go back to the days of no guns and making the sword the only weapon of choice. We couldn't get any of them to clean their own weapons or think for themselves. And most of the time all they talk about is philosophy and women. You can't get them to shut up about women.

You have met them in circumstances different than my experience. My experience with Muslims has been mostly with Iranians who are fun loving, interesting, and very likable people. I have worked with a Pakistani Muslim and we have Muslim neighbors who I believe immigrated from Albania or that part of the world anyway, and all are quite likable. My brother-in-law's brother, raised a devout Catholic, spent many years living and working in Indonesia and seriously thought about retiring there permanently because he found it to his liking. But he admitted it had become more extreme there than even he could tolerate.

The bottom line is that individual Muslims are mostly just people like any other people. But while modern Christianity is a peaceful and mostly tolerant religion and an asset pretty much everywhere it exists, Islam progressed in a good way into more modern times only to some extent. Around the turn of the Century, Islam and Christianity co-existed peacefully in most of the world. But now much of Islam seems to be regressing into the militant religion it once was.

And fanaticism seems to have a strong appeal for the weaker minded and more psychologically dysfunctional.
What I discovered while working with Muslims is they don't produce anything. They consume. They're ideas are geared toward 400 years ago. Many of the most conservative of them want to go back to the days of no guns and making the sword the only weapon of choice. We couldn't get any of them to clean their own weapons or think for themselves. And most of the time all they talk about is philosophy and women. You can't get them to shut up about women.

You have met them in circumstances different than my experience. My experience with Muslims has been mostly with Iranians who are fun loving, interesting, and very likable people. I have worked with a Pakistani Muslim and we have Muslim neighbors who I believe immigrated from Albania or that part of the world anyway, and all are quite likable. My brother-in-law's brother, raised a devout Catholic, spent many years living and working in Indonesia and seriously thought about retiring there permanently because he found it to his liking. But he admitted it had become more extreme there than even he could tolerate.

The bottom line is that individual Muslims are mostly just people like any other people. But while modern Christianity is a peaceful and mostly tolerant religion and an asset pretty much everywhere it exists, Islam progressed in a good way into more modern times only to some extent. Around the turn of the Century, Islam and Christianity co-existed peacefully in most of the world. But now much of Islam seems to be regressing into the militant religion it once was.

And fanaticism seems to have a strong appeal for the weaker minded and more psychologically dysfunctional.
My experience is with Iranians, Pakistanis, Lebanese, Kuwaiti Nationals, Bedouins, Palestinians, Somalis, and for the most part Muslims in their home countries. One thing I noticed that seems to be common. They feel we aren't up to their level or understand the way things should be. The chance that most of them could become part of the extremism we see every day is very high, because they identify with it, much more than they do with Western culture.
Well great, I am glad that he was , but that gives no one the right to unconstitutionally put a religious test upon any president...

This pissant is being allowed to sidetrack this thread after being told repeatedly to get out. So now I will deal with his pitiful crap...."moonglow" isn't only a pest, he's a drunk and a shut in. His work here is fart jokes and childish nonsense. He has no idea what this particular OP is about and is here because I draw looks and he want's attention from my audience. The mods are allowing this, it's their call. I've PMed him about staying away from my threads and he replies the same comment..."good luck with that". All he needs is another moron like "dot.com" for him to think he has an audience....I doubt another board has ever allowed him to stay for more than a day or two....but the mildly retarded are welcome here.
Well great, I am glad that he was , but that gives no one the right to unconstitutionally put a religious test upon any president...

This pissant is being allowed to sidetrack this thread after being told repeatedly to get out. So now I will deal with his pitiful crap...."moonglow" isn't only a pest, he's a drunk and a shut in. His work here is fart jokes and childish nonsense. He has no idea what this particular OP is about and is here because I draw looks and he want's attention from my audience. The mods are allowing this, it's their call. I've PMed him about staying away from my threads and he replies the same comment..."good luck with that". All he needs is another moron like "dot.com" for him to think he has an audience....I doubt another board has ever allowed him to stay for more than a day or two....but the mildly retarded are welcome here.
I can't drink, but thanks for playing....and I do masonry work occasionally if my health will allow.I will invite you to the pizza rest. when it opens...
you are not suppose to reveal PMs either
It is no crime to be a Muslim in the USA and it is unconstitutional to do as such...
Public officials are in no way any better if they do or don't have a religion.....
I can post in any thread as long as I stay on topic,you my friend are a nobody..and can't stop my first amendment rights....or anyone elses...
Again, if Oblama is a Muslim so what.......I do not care....
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I can't drink, but thanks for playing....

Nobody is "playing" glowworm.....you have no business being in this thread or on this board...you're a pitiful childish drunk who enjoys being a pest....any attention is better than no attention is the deal with you. You have no manners, no dignity, no self-respect.
I can't drink, but thanks for playing....

Nobody is "playing" glowworm.....you have no business being in this thread or on this board...you're a pitiful childish drunk who enjoys being a pest....any attention is better than no attention is the deal with you. You have no manners, no dignity, no self-respect.
Again my GERD will not allow me to drink, please report yourself for off topic attacks on posters who have the right to post..
I again state that no matter someones religion it does not matter, since there is no religious test per the Constitution....
Once I knew he was a hard core leftists I knew he wasn't a christian, or religious....he is most likely an atheist......
Once I knew he was a hard core leftists I knew he wasn't a christian, or religious....he is most likely an atheist......

His only known religious affiliation is muslim....the Christian trappings are a political ploy, a venal side of him the left seems to enjoy. If you watched his face during the "high horse" comments, his face turns an almost satanic shade of ugly.
Once I knew he was a hard core leftists I knew he wasn't a christian, or religious....he is most likely an atheist......
Hard core leftist? I would never use or allow abortion in my house..I do not destroy that which I have created...I am a veteran of the US Army, twice honorably discharged and I eat meat and hunt.......religion....again..you people and your religions are quite annoying since there are so many divisions and you people fight over them relentlessly over who's is the best...God and I have no barriers nor do we have any rituals that need to be played out in public...

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