Does Anyone NOT Think Hillary is Corrupt?

So ....the vast right wing conspiracy is having some success based on continuous false accusations and lies. Show any proof of wrong doing on her part.

Be patient, the proof is coming. The big release will coincide with the dem convention and cause a draft Biden movement by the desperate DNC

Until you have proof of anything, all your crap is just more unsupported accusations. STFU

I said that the proof is coming, and it is. HRC will never be president, book it.

OK. If you say the proof is coming, I'll believe you. Just like the proof from almost three decades of unfounded accusations that is still on the way. When should we expect all that proof to show up. It's been better than 26 years.

the Clinton corruption is well documented, you are free to ignore it if you choose.

Well documented, and yet you haven't been able to produce one single case where she has been found guilty of anything. Why is that?
There are lots of articles about the situation.How about an FBI statement that says they have found 1000 emails that were in any way evidence of wrong doing by Hillary? That was your claim.

already provided that. read it, dingleberry.

Stating she had 1000 illegal classified emails on HER SERVER. Or stating her server was illegal.

Even the 1000 emails CRAP DOES NOT come from any govt official or agency....let alone the your link.

You've been fed propaganda and you swallowed it and even added to it

When the FBI finishes the investigation and Obama's Justice Department indicts her, what will the Democrats do? Ya'll better have a plan just in case Obama throws her under the bus. Seriously, have you not considered why Obama would continue to even support her for President given all of the stupid shit she has done? About the only reason I can come up with is that Obama respects her incompetence almost as much as he takes pride in his own.
Indicted for what? The FBI Has not even stated Hillary is under investigation, that's all right wing propaganda....the Fbi has stated they were reviewing her emails because the IG recommended such, for procedures among the various departments that review classification.... before releasing FOIA requests, and have specifically stated that Clinton is not under criminal investigation as the right wing propagandists proclaim.
She very clearly violated both laws and procedures for classified information. That isnt even in dispute. What else they will find is another question.

Odd that the FBI doesn't seem to agree with you. Which court or investigation proved she violated any law?
There are lots of articles about the situation.How about an FBI statement that says they have found 1000 emails that were in any way evidence of wrong doing by Hillary? That was your claim.

already provided that. read it, dingleberry.

Stating she had 1000 illegal classified emails on HER SERVER. Or stating her server was illegal.

Even the 1000 emails CRAP DOES NOT come from any govt official or agency....let alone the your link.

You've been fed propaganda and you swallowed it and even added to it

When the FBI finishes the investigation and Obama's Justice Department indicts her, what will the Democrats do? Ya'll better have a plan just in case Obama throws her under the bus. Seriously, have you not considered why Obama would continue to even support her for President given all of the stupid shit she has done? About the only reason I can come up with is that Obama respects her incompetence almost as much as he takes pride in his own.
Indicted for what? The FBI Has not even stated Hillary is under investigation, that's all right wing propaganda....the Fbi has stated they were reviewing her emails because the IG recommended such, for procedures among the various departments that review classification.... before releasing FOIA requests, and have specifically stated that Clinton is not under criminal investigation as the right wing propagandists proclaim.

Right, we get it, in your small mind Hillary is as pure as the driven snow. flawless, perfect, and wonderful

Show a documented example of any wrong doing.

There are lots of articles about the situation.How about an FBI statement that says they have found 1000 emails that were in any way evidence of wrong doing by Hillary? That was your claim.

already provided that. read it, dingleberry.

Stating she had 1000 illegal classified emails on HER SERVER. Or stating her server was illegal.

Even the 1000 emails CRAP DOES NOT come from any govt official or agency....let alone the your link.

You've been fed propaganda and you swallowed it and even added to it

When the FBI finishes the investigation and Obama's Justice Department indicts her, what will the Democrats do? Ya'll better have a plan just in case Obama throws her under the bus. Seriously, have you not considered why Obama would continue to even support her for President given all of the stupid shit she has done? About the only reason I can come up with is that Obama respects her incompetence almost as much as he takes pride in his own.

What will you do when she is exonerated yet again? Come up with more false accusations?

Exonerated or given a pass by the Obama administration?
Be patient, the proof is coming. The big release will coincide with the dem convention and cause a draft Biden movement by the desperate DNC

Until you have proof of anything, all your crap is just more unsupported accusations. STFU

I said that the proof is coming, and it is. HRC will never be president, book it.

OK. If you say the proof is coming, I'll believe you. Just like the proof from almost three decades of unfounded accusations that is still on the way. When should we expect all that proof to show up. It's been better than 26 years.

the Clinton corruption is well documented, you are free to ignore it if you choose.

Well documented, and yet you haven't been able to produce one single case where she has been found guilty of anything. Why is that?

Democrats in the White House and Justice Department.
Bubba Clinton lied under oath. The subject of the lie doesn't matter. The crime is lying under oath. The impeachment was proper

For the record, Nixon lied but never under oath.

Hillary used an illegal unsecure personal server to send over 1000 emails containing classified data. She violated national security laws. She should be prosecuted.

see, if you had two synapses to rub together, you'd know that deposition never should have been held because no other president in history was forced to participate in a civil action during his term in office. but then winger scalia decided to try to put his thumb on the scale of bill clinton's re-election prospects.

and if your wife was sitting there and you were asked if you had an affair, you'd lie too.

nixon orchestrated the cover-up of a crime, nutcase.... and the watergate hearings were bi-partisan. that's what used to happen in the days before you freaks went insane.

now run along.

GFY,you arrogant bitch. your juvenile attempts at insults only remove what little credibility you ever had.

Yes, Nixon lied about one political party spying on the other one. BFD. He also had the decency to leave rather than put the country through an impeachment fiasco.

I would not lie under oath no matter what the issue. I understand what lying under oath means (perjury).

Clinton disgraced the oval office by trying to make a cigar humidor out of a 19 year old intern. He is/was a pervert, rapist, and liar. His wife orchestrated the attacks on his victims and the attempts to cover up his crimes. She is as guilty as he is.

The Clintons are terrible people who should never set foot in the whitehouse again.

To be truthful, she offered herself to be used as a humidor.It would be pretty hard for them not to step foot in the White house again considering she will be the next president.

She was 19 years old, he was in his 50s. He was her boss, it happened in the workplace. It was a crime whether she consented or not.

and, HRC will never be president, book it, bet it in Vegas, you will win the bet.

I don't care if Clinton got a BJ. He helped the country and my personal pocket book so much till if he could be re-elected, he would be, and I would donate enough cash every week to make sure he never ran short of blow jobs.

Morals be damned and money is the only god. Interesting values you have.

Stating she had 1000 illegal classified emails on HER SERVER. Or stating her server was illegal.

Even the 1000 emails CRAP DOES NOT come from any govt official or agency....let alone the your link.

You've been fed propaganda and you swallowed it and even added to it

When the FBI finishes the investigation and Obama's Justice Department indicts her, what will the Democrats do? Ya'll better have a plan just in case Obama throws her under the bus. Seriously, have you not considered why Obama would continue to even support her for President given all of the stupid shit she has done? About the only reason I can come up with is that Obama respects her incompetence almost as much as he takes pride in his own.
Indicted for what? The FBI Has not even stated Hillary is under investigation, that's all right wing propaganda....the Fbi has stated they were reviewing her emails because the IG recommended such, for procedures among the various departments that review classification.... before releasing FOIA requests, and have specifically stated that Clinton is not under criminal investigation as the right wing propagandists proclaim.
She very clearly violated both laws and procedures for classified information. That isnt even in dispute. What else they will find is another question.

Odd that the FBI doesn't seem to agree with you. Which court or investigation proved she violated any law?

Thanks to Hillary deleted all of those e-mails, they have not finished their investigation. Just wait! Then we will see if the Dems refuse to prosecute her, or throw her under the bus.
There are lots of articles about the situation.How about an FBI statement that says they have found 1000 emails that were in any way evidence of wrong doing by Hillary? That was your claim.

already provided that. read it, dingleberry.

Stating she had 1000 illegal classified emails on HER SERVER. Or stating her server was illegal.

Even the 1000 emails CRAP DOES NOT come from any govt official or agency....let alone the your link.

You've been fed propaganda and you swallowed it and even added to it

When the FBI finishes the investigation and Obama's Justice Department indicts her, what will the Democrats do? Ya'll better have a plan just in case Obama throws her under the bus. Seriously, have you not considered why Obama would continue to even support her for President given all of the stupid shit she has done? About the only reason I can come up with is that Obama respects her incompetence almost as much as he takes pride in his own.

What will you do when she is exonerated yet again? Come up with more false accusations?

Exonerated or given a pass by the Obama administration?

Another conspiracy theory. Why am I not surprised?
Until you have proof of anything, all your crap is just more unsupported accusations. STFU

I said that the proof is coming, and it is. HRC will never be president, book it.

OK. If you say the proof is coming, I'll believe you. Just like the proof from almost three decades of unfounded accusations that is still on the way. When should we expect all that proof to show up. It's been better than 26 years.

the Clinton corruption is well documented, you are free to ignore it if you choose.

Well documented, and yet you haven't been able to produce one single case where she has been found guilty of anything. Why is that?

Democrats in the White House and Justice Department.

Nope.The FBI is looking at several to determine if they are evidence of any wrong doing by Hillary.

True, the FBI has not finished its investigations, but the preliminary findings that they have released do not look good for HRC.

Finally you admit you have been lying.

are you fricken crazy? the FBI has released preliminary finding regarding her emails. Are you calling them liars?


Please don't confuse the left with facts, it hurts their little heads.
see, if you had two synapses to rub together, you'd know that deposition never should have been held because no other president in history was forced to participate in a civil action during his term in office. but then winger scalia decided to try to put his thumb on the scale of bill clinton's re-election prospects.

and if your wife was sitting there and you were asked if you had an affair, you'd lie too.

nixon orchestrated the cover-up of a crime, nutcase.... and the watergate hearings were bi-partisan. that's what used to happen in the days before you freaks went insane.

now run along.

GFY,you arrogant bitch. your juvenile attempts at insults only remove what little credibility you ever had.

Yes, Nixon lied about one political party spying on the other one. BFD. He also had the decency to leave rather than put the country through an impeachment fiasco.

I would not lie under oath no matter what the issue. I understand what lying under oath means (perjury).

Clinton disgraced the oval office by trying to make a cigar humidor out of a 19 year old intern. He is/was a pervert, rapist, and liar. His wife orchestrated the attacks on his victims and the attempts to cover up his crimes. She is as guilty as he is.

The Clintons are terrible people who should never set foot in the whitehouse again.

To be truthful, she offered herself to be used as a humidor.It would be pretty hard for them not to step foot in the White house again considering she will be the next president.

She was 19 years old, he was in his 50s. He was her boss, it happened in the workplace. It was a crime whether she consented or not.

and, HRC will never be president, book it, bet it in Vegas, you will win the bet.

I don't care if Clinton got a BJ. He helped the country and my personal pocket book so much till if he could be re-elected, he would be, and I would donate enough cash every week to make sure he never ran short of blow jobs.

Morals be damned and money is the only god. Interesting values you have.

Far from the truth, but since your opinion doesn't matter anyway, believe what you want.
True, the FBI has not finished its investigations, but the preliminary findings that they have released do not look good for HRC.

Finally you admit you have been lying.

are you fricken crazy? the FBI has released preliminary finding regarding her emails. Are you calling them liars?


Please don't confuse the left with facts, it hurts their little heads.

project much, wackadoodle?
GFY,you arrogant bitch. your juvenile attempts at insults only remove what little credibility you ever had.

Yes, Nixon lied about one political party spying on the other one. BFD. He also had the decency to leave rather than put the country through an impeachment fiasco.

I would not lie under oath no matter what the issue. I understand what lying under oath means (perjury).

Clinton disgraced the oval office by trying to make a cigar humidor out of a 19 year old intern. He is/was a pervert, rapist, and liar. His wife orchestrated the attacks on his victims and the attempts to cover up his crimes. She is as guilty as he is.

The Clintons are terrible people who should never set foot in the whitehouse again.

To be truthful, she offered herself to be used as a humidor.It would be pretty hard for them not to step foot in the White house again considering she will be the next president.

She was 19 years old, he was in his 50s. He was her boss, it happened in the workplace. It was a crime whether she consented or not.

and, HRC will never be president, book it, bet it in Vegas, you will win the bet.

I don't care if Clinton got a BJ. He helped the country and my personal pocket book so much till if he could be re-elected, he would be, and I would donate enough cash every week to make sure he never ran short of blow jobs.

Morals be damned and money is the only god. Interesting values you have.

Far from the truth, but since your opinion doesn't matter anyway, believe what you want.

Nor does your opinion matter, just love the readings of a hypocrite.
Finally you admit you have been lying.

are you fricken crazy? the FBI has released preliminary finding regarding her emails. Are you calling them liars?


Please don't confuse the left with facts, it hurts their little heads.

project much, wackadoodle?

Queen nutter responds with nothing...again. Someday you might contribute.
are you fricken crazy? the FBI has released preliminary finding regarding her emails. Are you calling them liars?


Please don't confuse the left with facts, it hurts their little heads.

project much, wackadoodle?

Queen nutter responds with nothing...again. Someday you might contribute.
The chances of that are about equal to Bill and Hillary having sex.
True, the FBI has not finished its investigations, but the preliminary findings that they have released do not look good for HRC.

Finally you admit you have been lying.

are you fricken crazy? the FBI has released preliminary finding regarding her emails. Are you calling them liars?


Please don't confuse the left with facts, it hurts their little heads.
The state department never said the stuff Fox said.

What FOX is doing, is saying that the emails that the State Department are releasing have something on them, that were blacked out before the release, THEREFORE in their silly heads, these emails had classified information on them.

Which is simply a BIG FAT LIE and PROPAGANDA.

The government has 100 classifications for UNCLASSIFIED emails....not CLASSIFIED emails, but UNCLASSIFIED emails, where they can go in and black out information before releasing them on FOIA requests.

President Bush, tried to get those UNCLASSIFIED classifications merged together instead of having 100 different ones, have just one name for them. The House tried to get a bill passed to do this, but failed.

So, FOX NEWS has NO IDEA of how many emails were deemed classified AFTER THE FACT, they are presuming INCORRECTLY that all emails release on the FOIA by the State Dept are classified when they blacked out something, which is simply not true.

and they also failed to mention in this link's report that it is as common as dirt, for the State department and other agencies to mark things classified, that never were when initially writen or discussed.

they have the habit of OVER CLASSIFYING information that we, the tax payers who are paying for it, should be able to see.

So leaving ALL OF THIS PERTINENT INFORMATION, out of the FOX link and video is why Fox News is spewing nothing but right wing propaganda, and they got all of you believing, Hook, Line, and SINKER.


Stating she had 1000 illegal classified emails on HER SERVER. Or stating her server was illegal.

Even the 1000 emails CRAP DOES NOT come from any govt official or agency....let alone the your link.

You've been fed propaganda and you swallowed it and even added to it

When the FBI finishes the investigation and Obama's Justice Department indicts her, what will the Democrats do? Ya'll better have a plan just in case Obama throws her under the bus. Seriously, have you not considered why Obama would continue to even support her for President given all of the stupid shit she has done? About the only reason I can come up with is that Obama respects her incompetence almost as much as he takes pride in his own.
Indicted for what? The FBI Has not even stated Hillary is under investigation, that's all right wing propaganda....the Fbi has stated they were reviewing her emails because the IG recommended such, for procedures among the various departments that review classification.... before releasing FOIA requests, and have specifically stated that Clinton is not under criminal investigation as the right wing propagandists proclaim.
She very clearly violated both laws and procedures for classified information. That isnt even in dispute. What else they will find is another question.

Odd that the FBI doesn't seem to agree with you. Which court or investigation proved she violated any law?

Thanks to Hillary deleted all of those e-mails, they have not finished their investigation. Just wait! Then we will see if the Dems refuse to prosecute her, or throw her under the bus.
Simply HOGWASH! :D

She deleted her personal emails, and sent to archive only emails that were government emails.

She FOLLOWED the government procedure for doing such.

The government requires all employees to delete and NOT SEND TO THE GVT ARCHIVES, any emails of the gvt employee that are personal.

The FBI has her server, and has had it since September, which has ALL OF HER EMAILS, including the ones she simply deleted, on her server. Her server was NEVER WIPED CLEAN, as the right wing LIARS and PROPAGANDISTS stated.
Finally you admit you have been lying.

are you fricken crazy? the FBI has released preliminary finding regarding her emails. Are you calling them liars?


Please don't confuse the left with facts, it hurts their little heads.
The state department never said the stuff Fox said.

What FOX is doing, is saying that the emails that the State Department are releasing have something on them, that were blacked out before the release, THEREFORE in their silly heads, these emails had classified information on them.

Which is simply a BIG FAT LIE and PROPAGANDA.

The government has 100 classifications for UNCLASSIFIED emails....not CLASSIFIED emails, but UNCLASSIFIED emails, where they can go in and black out information before releasing them on FOIA requests.

President Bush, tried to get those UNCLASSIFIED classifications merged together instead of having 100 different ones, have just one name for them. The House tried to get a bill passed to do this, but failed.

So, FOX NEWS has NO IDEA of how many emails were deemed classified AFTER THE FACT, they are presuming INCORRECTLY that all emails release on the FOIA by the State Dept are classified when they blacked out something, which is simply not true.

and they also failed to mention in this link's report that it is as common as dirt, for the State department and other agencies to mark things classified, that never were when initially writen or discussed.

they have the habit of OVER CLASSIFYING information that we, the tax payers who are paying for it, should be able to see.

So leaving ALL OF THIS PERTINENT INFORMATION, out of the FOX link and video is why Fox News is spewing nothing but right wing propaganda, and they got all of you believing, Hook, Line, and SINKER.


A nutter talks and says nothing, thanks...for nothing.

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