Does ANYONE respect Obama?

Roadrunner, that is you in the mirror to whom you are talking.

Just stop the hate, the dude is our president for two more years, that is not going to changer, there will be no impeachment, and you haters are just stupid. Period.
Hate to piss in your Cheerios, dude is not and never has been my President.

I do not live in the United States, I live in a free state of my own creation.

Please don't ask the US to fund it.

We have enough free-loaders....
IF I was ever invited to meet the Obama, I would turn my back on him and spit.
That actually makes no sense
Sure it does, when he sticks his hand out to be shaken, I turnaround and spit.

That's because you're a small man who thinks that the other side makes your life a living hell, when in fact, no one does that except for you.

I don't like Dubbya, but if I met him, I would be certain to be polite and follow proper protocol - he was OUR president, he deserves to be treated with honor.
IF I was ever invited to meet the Obama, I would turn my back on him and spit.
That actually makes no sense
Sure it does, when he sticks his hand out to be shaken, I turnaround and spit.

That's because you're a small man who thinks that the other side makes your life a living hell, when in fact, no one does that except for you.

I don't like Dubbya, but if I met him, I would be certain to be polite and follow proper protocol - he was OUR president, he deserves to be treated with honor.
Being 6' 3" doesnt make me a small man, obama can kiss my white privledged ass, and his fatass wife can to.
IF I was ever invited to meet the Obama, I would turn my back on him and spit.
That actually makes no sense
Sure it does, when he sticks his hand out to be shaken, I turnaround and spit.

That's because you're a small man who thinks that the other side makes your life a living hell, when in fact, no one does that except for you.

I don't like Dubbya, but if I met him, I would be certain to be polite and follow proper protocol - he was OUR president, he deserves to be treated with honor.
Being 6' 3" doesnt make me a small man, obama can kiss my white privledged ass, and his fatass wife can to.

It makes you even more of a small man.

You only stand up for assholes and you have no good sense of every doing or saying anything nice for anyone other than your cronies.
Obama has had plenty of practice lying to himself. He spent most of his early years making fun of others, now he's getting it back in spades. He will spend the next 2 years being talked about behind his back by other world leaders. I guess he's used to that too.
IF I was ever invited to meet the Obama, I would turn my back on him and spit.
That actually makes no sense
Sure it does, when he sticks his hand out to be shaken, I turnaround and spit.

That's because you're a small man who thinks that the other side makes your life a living hell, when in fact, no one does that except for you.

I don't like Dubbya, but if I met him, I would be certain to be polite and follow proper protocol - he was OUR president, he deserves to be treated with honor.
Being 6' 3" doesnt make me a small man, obama can kiss my white privledged ass, and his fatass wife can to.

It makes you even more of a small man.

You only stand up for assholes and you have no good sense of every doing or saying anything nice for anyone other than your cronies.
dont you have a 5$ fare waiting you cabboy
I have witnessed very very few here on the far right do anything to earn respect.

You are hopeless ideologues helplessly in grasp of philosophy that betrays you.

And the American people will not accept it.

I hope you're not trying to win a USMB popularity contest. You act like you're pissed about the election results. That would explain your obvious contempt for people who supported the Republicans.
I have witnessed very very few here on the far right do anything to earn respect.

You are hopeless ideologues helplessly in grasp of philosophy that betrays you.

And the American people will not accept it.

I hope you're not trying to win a USMB popularity contest. You act like you're pissed about the election results. That would explain your obvious contempt for people who supported the Republicans.

Jakie just hate people, period...Especially those who doesn't bow to him and his Progressive/Democrats visions
I have witnessed very very few here on the far right do anything to earn respect.

You are hopeless ideologues helplessly in grasp of philosophy that betrays you.

And the American people will not accept it.
I hope you're not trying to win a USMB popularity contest. You act like you're pissed about the election results. That would explain your obvious contempt for people who supported the Republicans.
What the far right thinks of me matters not in the least. I am happy our GOP won, and that we did with the new voters white, minority, females, and some millennials. That means the GOP inevitably steers away from the far right nonsense. I always support the GOP, I always oppose those who corrupted the TPM. The Perrys and Cruzs etc will have very little power at the national level, which is good for GOP chances in 2016.
Good question.....

Preventing a depression
Saving the auto industry
Passing Obamacare
Killing bin laden
Avoiding unnecessary US military intervention


Extending blue collar slavery
Taxing the middle class
Busy golfing
Bombing Libya.

Your turn...

WORST economic collapse in 75 years averted
Two out of three automakers in default
Providing Heathcare to tens of millions
Bush missed him for seven fucking years
Who cares if Libya gets bombed? long overdue

Rewarding failure
Crony insurance company capitalism
Clinton went 'Catch and Release'
The citizens of Mali and Nigeria care about the imported guns

Your turn.


You can't be serious.

We know the economy collapsed because of GOP deregulation. That happened during the 6 years Republicans had both houses. They deregulated Wall Street. The actual collapse happened after disastrous GOP took time to take effect.

Saving the auto industry in this country is rewarding failure? Imagine if they had all gone out of business. Every industry in the US would have been affected from textiles, to plastics to steel and so on. Republicans can't possibly be so fucking ignorant to believe that would be a "good thing". Can they? If you're any example, seems they can.

Tens of thousands of Americans die every year because they have no health care. Republicans are animals thinking that's a good thing.

Not a lot Clinton could do against Bin Laden until he attacked. If Clinton had attacked Bin Laden, Republicans would have attacked Clinton. Everyone knows that. So what did Bush and the GOP do? Barely 6 months after 9/11, the fuckers stopped looking for him and eventually even disbanded the CIA unit charged with finding Bin Laden. Whose side were the Republicans on? To an outside observer, it looks as if they were protecting Bin Laden.
The GOP is appealing to minorities, females and millenials not because the GOP has changed, but because those converts realize how awful the democrats are and how much the democrats lied to them.
The GOP is appealing to minorities, females and millenials not because the GOP has changed, but because those converts realize how awful the democrats are and how much the democrats lied to them.

You'll NEVER get that through the heads of the Brainwashed SHEEP in the Democrat base. they like being useful tools and subjects of the Democrat it seems
Roadrunner, that is you in the mirror to whom you are talking.

Just stop the hate, the dude is our president for two more years, that is not going to changer, there will be no impeachment, and you haters are just stupid. Period.
It is the idiots on the left who are stupid for electing the biggest loser to office.

So does most of the world.

So would RWs if he were a white Republican.

But, then, if he were a Republican, he would not have done so much for the America and middle class Americans.

If he were a Repub, he would not have lowered taxes against the will of the Repubs, would not have worked to create jobs, to keep jobs in the US, for economic recovery - all the things the Repubs have fought against.
Link to where he lowered taxes? He implemented obamacare, the biggest tax scheme in recent history.

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