does God love us?

Of course I'm sure Taz doesn't understand what the radiation era means.
So it is not a coincidence that after the universe popped into existence that eventually intelligence arose from the universe being created out of nothing. It was destined by the laws of nature.
Easy to say after the fact.
Yes, it would have been very difficult to say ~14 billion years ago. :rolleyes:
Well, except the arose out of nothing part. We can't see that yet. Remember?
CMB (i.e. radiation) was formed early and decoupled from matter when temps dropped, so yeah, we can, dummy.
CMB only formed later ("decoupled from matter when temps dropped"), not in the first second of the BB.
Actually the radiation was created in the first second, dummy, and was coupled to the matter until the temp dropped.

I'm going to make a bull ring call out thread especially for you.
You can't know what was created in the first second, cum guzzler. You're too much of an imbecile for me to keep debating this shit with you. See ya.
The University of Oregon says otherwise, dummy. This is standard stuff.

I'm going to call you out in the bull ring and bend you over for all to see. :lol:

View attachment 473424

You such a fucking imbecile it's astounding. Here, the first line of your line . THE FIRST FUCKING LINE!!!! LOLOLOLOL!!!!!

"During era of decoupling (about 400,000 years after Big Bang) cosmic microwave background appears"

Appears because it was decoupled from matter when the temp dropped, but it was created in the first second.

Radiation Era
  • (The radiation era lasted for about 50,000 years)
  • Planck Epoch
    • First 10-43 seconds after the Big Bang
    • No current theory of physics (quantum gravity) exists
  • GUT (Grand Unified Theory) Epoch
    • After 10-43 seconds, temperature fell to 1032 K
  • Quark Epoch
    • Creation of protons and neutrons continued for about 10-4 seconds
    • Temperature drops below 1013 K, and protons and neutrons are no longer produced in pairs
  • Lepton Epoch
    • Ends when the universe is about 100 seconds old
    • During this epoch, the leptons (electrons, neutrinos, and other light particles) are still produced in pairs, because they are light
    • Ends when temperature drops below 1 billion K
  • Nuclear Epoch (first few minutes)
    • Protons and neutrons fuse into nuclei
    • By the time the universe is about 15 minutes old, much of the helium had been formed

  • Current density of the universe is dominated by dark energy
    • Matter density greatly exceeds the density of radiation
  • The very early universe was radiation dominated
  • After the early radiation dominance, and before the current dark energy dominance, the universe was matter dominated
  • During the first few minutes of the Big Bang, the primordial fireball created matter by pair production
  • A period of primordial nucleosynthesis created all of the hydrogen of the universe, and most of the helium observed today
  • As the universe expanded and cooled, atoms were formed, and the background radiation decoupled from matter
  • The very early universe went through a period of inflation, where the universe rapidly expanded
    • Inflation solved the horizon and flatness problems
  • Large-scale structure of the universe was formed by early density fluctuations in dark matter
  • Cold dark matter best explains the large-scale structure
  • "Ripples" in the cosmic microwave background strongly support the predictions of inflation of the flat universe
So do you live by god's rules to get something or because you are afraid of punishment?

It's not a difficult question
If you mean do people live by God's rules in anticipating a good afterlife, then my answer is no. I live by God's rules because it creates a better life for me right here, right now. I always compare it to either following or ignoring a "Danger--Quicksand" sign. Obedience results in a better experience than ignoring it and trampling on.

The same is true of following the signs of honoring parents, of not stealing or lying. Result, a better life in the here and now. What we call "Laws" can be looked at as common sense advice.
Ding's statement was that people only do things for 2 reasons to get something or to avoid punishment.

And yet people lie cheat steal and murder all the time.

And most of the people who do those things will say they believe in a god.

But the code of the social behaviors set forth in the 10 Commandments weren't original ideas as they were around long before Moses supposedly was given them
That was actually your statement about religion. I just turned it around on you.
no you didn't you even told me to read Kohlberg's essays on morality.

And I disagreed with you that there are only those 2 simplistic reasons why people do what they do.

And my statement on religion was that it plays to fear and greed.
Bull Ring, bro. Bull Ring


What's wrong with this thread?

Unless you want exercise your penchant for name calling
So do you live by god's rules to get something or because you are afraid of punishment?

It's not a difficult question
If you mean do people live by God's rules in anticipating a good afterlife, then my answer is no. I live by God's rules because it creates a better life for me right here, right now. I always compare it to either following or ignoring a "Danger--Quicksand" sign. Obedience results in a better experience than ignoring it and trampling on.

The same is true of following the signs of honoring parents, of not stealing or lying. Result, a better life in the here and now. What we call "Laws" can be looked at as common sense advice.
Ding's statement was that people only do things for 2 reasons to get something or to avoid punishment.

And yet people lie cheat steal and murder all the time.

And most of the people who do those things will say they believe in a god.

But the code of the social behaviors set forth in the 10 Commandments weren't original ideas as they were around long before Moses supposedly was given them
That was actually your statement about religion. I just turned it around on you.
no you didn't you even told me to read Kohlberg's essays on morality.

And I disagreed with you that there are only those 2 simplistic reasons why people do what they do.

And my statement on religion was that it plays to fear and greed.
Bull Ring, bro. Bull Ring


What's wrong with this thread?

Unless you want exercise your penchant for name calling
Bull ring.
So do you live by god's rules to get something or because you are afraid of punishment?

It's not a difficult question
If you mean do people live by God's rules in anticipating a good afterlife, then my answer is no. I live by God's rules because it creates a better life for me right here, right now. I always compare it to either following or ignoring a "Danger--Quicksand" sign. Obedience results in a better experience than ignoring it and trampling on.

The same is true of following the signs of honoring parents, of not stealing or lying. Result, a better life in the here and now. What we call "Laws" can be looked at as common sense advice.
Ding's statement was that people only do things for 2 reasons to get something or to avoid punishment.

And yet people lie cheat steal and murder all the time.

And most of the people who do those things will say they believe in a god.

But the code of the social behaviors set forth in the 10 Commandments weren't original ideas as they were around long before Moses supposedly was given them
That was actually your statement about religion. I just turned it around on you.
no you didn't you even told me to read Kohlberg's essays on morality.

And I disagreed with you that there are only those 2 simplistic reasons why people do what they do.

And my statement on religion was that it plays to fear and greed.
Bull Ring, bro. Bull Ring


What's wrong with this thread?

Unless you want exercise your penchant for name calling
Bull ring.


We're having a discussion right here I see no need to rehash
So do you live by god's rules to get something or because you are afraid of punishment?

It's not a difficult question
If you mean do people live by God's rules in anticipating a good afterlife, then my answer is no. I live by God's rules because it creates a better life for me right here, right now. I always compare it to either following or ignoring a "Danger--Quicksand" sign. Obedience results in a better experience than ignoring it and trampling on.

The same is true of following the signs of honoring parents, of not stealing or lying. Result, a better life in the here and now. What we call "Laws" can be looked at as common sense advice.
Ding's statement was that people only do things for 2 reasons to get something or to avoid punishment.

And yet people lie cheat steal and murder all the time.

And most of the people who do those things will say they believe in a god.

But the code of the social behaviors set forth in the 10 Commandments weren't original ideas as they were around long before Moses supposedly was given them
That was actually your statement about religion. I just turned it around on you.
no you didn't you even told me to read Kohlberg's essays on morality.

And I disagreed with you that there are only those 2 simplistic reasons why people do what they do.

And my statement on religion was that it plays to fear and greed.
Bull Ring, bro. Bull Ring


What's wrong with this thread?

Unless you want exercise your penchant for name calling
Bull ring.


We're having a discussion right here I see no need to rehash
So do you live by god's rules to get something or because you are afraid of punishment?

It's not a difficult question
If you mean do people live by God's rules in anticipating a good afterlife, then my answer is no. I live by God's rules because it creates a better life for me right here, right now. I always compare it to either following or ignoring a "Danger--Quicksand" sign. Obedience results in a better experience than ignoring it and trampling on.

The same is true of following the signs of honoring parents, of not stealing or lying. Result, a better life in the here and now. What we call "Laws" can be looked at as common sense advice.
Ding's statement was that people only do things for 2 reasons to get something or to avoid punishment.

And yet people lie cheat steal and murder all the time.

And most of the people who do those things will say they believe in a god.

But the code of the social behaviors set forth in the 10 Commandments weren't original ideas as they were around long before Moses supposedly was given them
That was actually your statement about religion. I just turned it around on you.
no you didn't you even told me to read Kohlberg's essays on morality.

And I disagreed with you that there are only those 2 simplistic reasons why people do what they do.

And my statement on religion was that it plays to fear and greed.
Bull Ring, bro. Bull Ring


What's wrong with this thread?

Unless you want exercise your penchant for name calling
Bull ring.


We're having a discussion right here I see no need to rehash

If you want to leave the discussion then leave. IDGAF.
So do you live by god's rules to get something or because you are afraid of punishment?

It's not a difficult question
If you mean do people live by God's rules in anticipating a good afterlife, then my answer is no. I live by God's rules because it creates a better life for me right here, right now. I always compare it to either following or ignoring a "Danger--Quicksand" sign. Obedience results in a better experience than ignoring it and trampling on.

The same is true of following the signs of honoring parents, of not stealing or lying. Result, a better life in the here and now. What we call "Laws" can be looked at as common sense advice.
Ding's statement was that people only do things for 2 reasons to get something or to avoid punishment.

And yet people lie cheat steal and murder all the time.

And most of the people who do those things will say they believe in a god.

But the code of the social behaviors set forth in the 10 Commandments weren't original ideas as they were around long before Moses supposedly was given them
That was actually your statement about religion. I just turned it around on you.
no you didn't you even told me to read Kohlberg's essays on morality.

And I disagreed with you that there are only those 2 simplistic reasons why people do what they do.

And my statement on religion was that it plays to fear and greed.
Bull Ring, bro. Bull Ring


What's wrong with this thread?

Unless you want exercise your penchant for name calling
Bull ring.


We're having a discussion right here I see no need to rehash

If you want to leave the discussion then leave. IDGAF.
I'll be creating a call out thread in the Bull Ring. You can either join it or not. IDGAF.
So it is not a coincidence that after the universe popped into existence that eventually intelligence arose from the universe being created out of nothing. It was destined by the laws of nature.
Easy to say after the fact.
Yes, it would have been very difficult to say ~14 billion years ago. :rolleyes:
Well, except the arose out of nothing part. We can't see that yet. Remember?
CMB (i.e. radiation) was formed early and decoupled from matter when temps dropped, so yeah, we can, dummy.
CMB only formed later ("decoupled from matter when temps dropped"), not in the first second of the BB.
Actually the radiation was created in the first second, dummy, and was coupled to the matter until the temp dropped.

I'm going to make a bull ring call out thread especially for you.
You can't know what was created in the first second, cum guzzler. You're too much of an imbecile for me to keep debating this shit with you. See ya.
The University of Oregon says otherwise, dummy. This is standard stuff.

I'm going to call you out in the bull ring and bend you over for all to see. :lol:

View attachment 473424

You such a fucking imbecile it's astounding. Here, the first line of your line . THE FIRST FUCKING LINE!!!! LOLOLOLOL!!!!!

"During era of decoupling (about 400,000 years after Big Bang) cosmic microwave background appears"

Appears because it was decoupled from matter when the temp dropped, but it was created in the first second.

Radiation Era
  • (The radiation era lasted for about 50,000 years)
  • Planck Epoch
    • First 10-43 seconds after the Big Bang
    • No current theory of physics (quantum gravity) exists
  • GUT (Grand Unified Theory) Epoch
    • After 10-43 seconds, temperature fell to 1032 K
  • Quark Epoch
    • Creation of protons and neutrons continued for about 10-4 seconds
    • Temperature drops below 1013 K, and protons and neutrons are no longer produced in pairs
  • Lepton Epoch
    • Ends when the universe is about 100 seconds old
    • During this epoch, the leptons (electrons, neutrinos, and other light particles) are still produced in pairs, because they are light
    • Ends when temperature drops below 1 billion K
  • Nuclear Epoch (first few minutes)
    • Protons and neutrons fuse into nuclei
    • By the time the universe is about 15 minutes old, much of the helium had been formed

  • Current density of the universe is dominated by dark energy
    • Matter density greatly exceeds the density of radiation
  • The very early universe was radiation dominated
  • After the early radiation dominance, and before the current dark energy dominance, the universe was matter dominated
  • During the first few minutes of the Big Bang, the primordial fireball created matter by pair production
  • A period of primordial nucleosynthesis created all of the hydrogen of the universe, and most of the helium observed today
  • As the universe expanded and cooled, atoms were formed, and the background radiation decoupled from matter
  • The very early universe went through a period of inflation, where the universe rapidly expanded
    • Inflation solved the horizon and flatness problems
  • Large-scale structure of the universe was formed by early density fluctuations in dark matter
  • Cold dark matter best explains the large-scale structure
  • "Ripples" in the cosmic microwave background strongly support the predictions of inflation of the flat universe
You don't even know what you're reading you're such a moron. These are all theories because we can't see the BB yet. Idiots like you can't learn.
So it is not a coincidence that after the universe popped into existence that eventually intelligence arose from the universe being created out of nothing. It was destined by the laws of nature.
Easy to say after the fact.
Yes, it would have been very difficult to say ~14 billion years ago. :rolleyes:
Well, except the arose out of nothing part. We can't see that yet. Remember?
CMB (i.e. radiation) was formed early and decoupled from matter when temps dropped, so yeah, we can, dummy.
CMB only formed later ("decoupled from matter when temps dropped"), not in the first second of the BB.
Actually the radiation was created in the first second, dummy, and was coupled to the matter until the temp dropped.

I'm going to make a bull ring call out thread especially for you.
You can't know what was created in the first second, cum guzzler. You're too much of an imbecile for me to keep debating this shit with you. See ya.
The University of Oregon says otherwise, dummy. This is standard stuff.

I'm going to call you out in the bull ring and bend you over for all to see. :lol:

View attachment 473424

You such a fucking imbecile it's astounding. Here, the first line of your line . THE FIRST FUCKING LINE!!!! LOLOLOLOL!!!!!

"During era of decoupling (about 400,000 years after Big Bang) cosmic microwave background appears"

Appears because it was decoupled from matter when the temp dropped, but it was created in the first second.

Radiation Era
  • (The radiation era lasted for about 50,000 years)
  • Planck Epoch
    • First 10-43 seconds after the Big Bang
    • No current theory of physics (quantum gravity) exists
  • GUT (Grand Unified Theory) Epoch
    • After 10-43 seconds, temperature fell to 1032 K
  • Quark Epoch
    • Creation of protons and neutrons continued for about 10-4 seconds
    • Temperature drops below 1013 K, and protons and neutrons are no longer produced in pairs
  • Lepton Epoch
    • Ends when the universe is about 100 seconds old
    • During this epoch, the leptons (electrons, neutrinos, and other light particles) are still produced in pairs, because they are light
    • Ends when temperature drops below 1 billion K
  • Nuclear Epoch (first few minutes)
    • Protons and neutrons fuse into nuclei
    • By the time the universe is about 15 minutes old, much of the helium had been formed

  • Current density of the universe is dominated by dark energy
    • Matter density greatly exceeds the density of radiation
  • The very early universe was radiation dominated
  • After the early radiation dominance, and before the current dark energy dominance, the universe was matter dominated
  • During the first few minutes of the Big Bang, the primordial fireball created matter by pair production
  • A period of primordial nucleosynthesis created all of the hydrogen of the universe, and most of the helium observed today
  • As the universe expanded and cooled, atoms were formed, and the background radiation decoupled from matter
  • The very early universe went through a period of inflation, where the universe rapidly expanded
    • Inflation solved the horizon and flatness problems
  • Large-scale structure of the universe was formed by early density fluctuations in dark matter
  • Cold dark matter best explains the large-scale structure
  • "Ripples" in the cosmic microwave background strongly support the predictions of inflation of the flat universe
You don't even know what you're reading you're such a moron. These are all theories because we can't see the BB yet. Idiots like you can't learn.
I couldn't be happier for you to believe that. It will make it that much easier to bend you over in the bull ring.
Of course I'm sure Taz doesn't understand what the radiation era means.
CMB is the empirical evidence, dummy.
You're trying to guess what happened at t5he start of the BB by looking at what happened 400,000 years later. And then call it empirical evidence. Maybe you a complete assholes doofus.
So it is not a coincidence that after the universe popped into existence that eventually intelligence arose from the universe being created out of nothing. It was destined by the laws of nature.
Easy to say after the fact.
Yes, it would have been very difficult to say ~14 billion years ago. :rolleyes:
Well, except the arose out of nothing part. We can't see that yet. Remember?
CMB (i.e. radiation) was formed early and decoupled from matter when temps dropped, so yeah, we can, dummy.
CMB only formed later ("decoupled from matter when temps dropped"), not in the first second of the BB.
Actually the radiation was created in the first second, dummy, and was coupled to the matter until the temp dropped.

I'm going to make a bull ring call out thread especially for you.
You can't know what was created in the first second, cum guzzler. You're too much of an imbecile for me to keep debating this shit with you. See ya.
The University of Oregon says otherwise, dummy. This is standard stuff.

I'm going to call you out in the bull ring and bend you over for all to see. :lol:

View attachment 473424

You such a fucking imbecile it's astounding. Here, the first line of your line . THE FIRST FUCKING LINE!!!! LOLOLOLOL!!!!!

"During era of decoupling (about 400,000 years after Big Bang) cosmic microwave background appears"

Appears because it was decoupled from matter when the temp dropped, but it was created in the first second.

Radiation Era
  • (The radiation era lasted for about 50,000 years)
  • Planck Epoch
    • First 10-43 seconds after the Big Bang
    • No current theory of physics (quantum gravity) exists
  • GUT (Grand Unified Theory) Epoch
    • After 10-43 seconds, temperature fell to 1032 K
  • Quark Epoch
    • Creation of protons and neutrons continued for about 10-4 seconds
    • Temperature drops below 1013 K, and protons and neutrons are no longer produced in pairs
  • Lepton Epoch
    • Ends when the universe is about 100 seconds old
    • During this epoch, the leptons (electrons, neutrinos, and other light particles) are still produced in pairs, because they are light
    • Ends when temperature drops below 1 billion K
  • Nuclear Epoch (first few minutes)
    • Protons and neutrons fuse into nuclei
    • By the time the universe is about 15 minutes old, much of the helium had been formed

  • Current density of the universe is dominated by dark energy
    • Matter density greatly exceeds the density of radiation
  • The very early universe was radiation dominated
  • After the early radiation dominance, and before the current dark energy dominance, the universe was matter dominated
  • During the first few minutes of the Big Bang, the primordial fireball created matter by pair production
  • A period of primordial nucleosynthesis created all of the hydrogen of the universe, and most of the helium observed today
  • As the universe expanded and cooled, atoms were formed, and the background radiation decoupled from matter
  • The very early universe went through a period of inflation, where the universe rapidly expanded
    • Inflation solved the horizon and flatness problems
  • Large-scale structure of the universe was formed by early density fluctuations in dark matter
  • Cold dark matter best explains the large-scale structure
  • "Ripples" in the cosmic microwave background strongly support the predictions of inflation of the flat universe
You don't even know what you're reading you're such a moron. These are all theories because we can't see the BB yet. Idiots like you can't learn.
I couldn't be happier for you to believe that. It will make it that much easier to bend you over in the bull ring.
That's all you want to do is bend someone over. You fucking homo. :lol:
Of course I'm sure Taz doesn't understand what the radiation era means.
CMB is the empirical evidence, dummy.
You're trying to guess what happened at t5he start of the BB by looking at what happened 400,000 years later. And then call it empirical evidence. Maybe you a complete assholes doofus.
Nope. I am telling you what the science says. I even posted the link to the university of Oregon. So you aren't arguing with me, you are arguing with scientists.
So it is not a coincidence that after the universe popped into existence that eventually intelligence arose from the universe being created out of nothing. It was destined by the laws of nature.
Easy to say after the fact.
Yes, it would have been very difficult to say ~14 billion years ago. :rolleyes:
Well, except the arose out of nothing part. We can't see that yet. Remember?
CMB (i.e. radiation) was formed early and decoupled from matter when temps dropped, so yeah, we can, dummy.
CMB only formed later ("decoupled from matter when temps dropped"), not in the first second of the BB.
Actually the radiation was created in the first second, dummy, and was coupled to the matter until the temp dropped.

I'm going to make a bull ring call out thread especially for you.
You can't know what was created in the first second, cum guzzler. You're too much of an imbecile for me to keep debating this shit with you. See ya.
The University of Oregon says otherwise, dummy. This is standard stuff.

I'm going to call you out in the bull ring and bend you over for all to see. :lol:

View attachment 473424

You such a fucking imbecile it's astounding. Here, the first line of your line . THE FIRST FUCKING LINE!!!! LOLOLOLOL!!!!!

"During era of decoupling (about 400,000 years after Big Bang) cosmic microwave background appears"

Appears because it was decoupled from matter when the temp dropped, but it was created in the first second.

Radiation Era
  • (The radiation era lasted for about 50,000 years)
  • Planck Epoch
    • First 10-43 seconds after the Big Bang
    • No current theory of physics (quantum gravity) exists
  • GUT (Grand Unified Theory) Epoch
    • After 10-43 seconds, temperature fell to 1032 K
  • Quark Epoch
    • Creation of protons and neutrons continued for about 10-4 seconds
    • Temperature drops below 1013 K, and protons and neutrons are no longer produced in pairs
  • Lepton Epoch
    • Ends when the universe is about 100 seconds old
    • During this epoch, the leptons (electrons, neutrinos, and other light particles) are still produced in pairs, because they are light
    • Ends when temperature drops below 1 billion K
  • Nuclear Epoch (first few minutes)
    • Protons and neutrons fuse into nuclei
    • By the time the universe is about 15 minutes old, much of the helium had been formed

  • Current density of the universe is dominated by dark energy
    • Matter density greatly exceeds the density of radiation
  • The very early universe was radiation dominated
  • After the early radiation dominance, and before the current dark energy dominance, the universe was matter dominated
  • During the first few minutes of the Big Bang, the primordial fireball created matter by pair production
  • A period of primordial nucleosynthesis created all of the hydrogen of the universe, and most of the helium observed today
  • As the universe expanded and cooled, atoms were formed, and the background radiation decoupled from matter
  • The very early universe went through a period of inflation, where the universe rapidly expanded
    • Inflation solved the horizon and flatness problems
  • Large-scale structure of the universe was formed by early density fluctuations in dark matter
  • Cold dark matter best explains the large-scale structure
  • "Ripples" in the cosmic microwave background strongly support the predictions of inflation of the flat universe
You don't even know what you're reading you're such a moron. These are all theories because we can't see the BB yet. Idiots like you can't learn.
I couldn't be happier for you to believe that. It will make it that much easier to bend you over in the bull ring.
That's all you want to do is bend someone over. You fucking homo. :lol:
No, just people like you who are a danger to society.
Of course I'm sure Taz doesn't understand what the radiation era means.
CMB is the empirical evidence, dummy.
You're trying to guess what happened at t5he start of the BB by looking at what happened 400,000 years later. And then call it empirical evidence. Maybe you a complete assholes doofus.
Nope. I am telling you what the science says. I even posted the link to the university of Oregon. So you aren't arguing with me, you are arguing with scientists.
Science calls them all theories. Plug your brain in, you might grasp the concept.
So it is not a coincidence that after the universe popped into existence that eventually intelligence arose from the universe being created out of nothing. It was destined by the laws of nature.
Easy to say after the fact.
Yes, it would have been very difficult to say ~14 billion years ago. :rolleyes:
Well, except the arose out of nothing part. We can't see that yet. Remember?
CMB (i.e. radiation) was formed early and decoupled from matter when temps dropped, so yeah, we can, dummy.
CMB only formed later ("decoupled from matter when temps dropped"), not in the first second of the BB.
Actually the radiation was created in the first second, dummy, and was coupled to the matter until the temp dropped.

I'm going to make a bull ring call out thread especially for you.
You can't know what was created in the first second, cum guzzler. You're too much of an imbecile for me to keep debating this shit with you. See ya.
The University of Oregon says otherwise, dummy. This is standard stuff.

I'm going to call you out in the bull ring and bend you over for all to see. :lol:

View attachment 473424

You such a fucking imbecile it's astounding. Here, the first line of your line . THE FIRST FUCKING LINE!!!! LOLOLOLOL!!!!!

"During era of decoupling (about 400,000 years after Big Bang) cosmic microwave background appears"

Appears because it was decoupled from matter when the temp dropped, but it was created in the first second.

Radiation Era
  • (The radiation era lasted for about 50,000 years)
  • Planck Epoch
    • First 10-43 seconds after the Big Bang
    • No current theory of physics (quantum gravity) exists
  • GUT (Grand Unified Theory) Epoch
    • After 10-43 seconds, temperature fell to 1032 K
  • Quark Epoch
    • Creation of protons and neutrons continued for about 10-4 seconds
    • Temperature drops below 1013 K, and protons and neutrons are no longer produced in pairs
  • Lepton Epoch
    • Ends when the universe is about 100 seconds old
    • During this epoch, the leptons (electrons, neutrinos, and other light particles) are still produced in pairs, because they are light
    • Ends when temperature drops below 1 billion K
  • Nuclear Epoch (first few minutes)
    • Protons and neutrons fuse into nuclei
    • By the time the universe is about 15 minutes old, much of the helium had been formed

  • Current density of the universe is dominated by dark energy
    • Matter density greatly exceeds the density of radiation
  • The very early universe was radiation dominated
  • After the early radiation dominance, and before the current dark energy dominance, the universe was matter dominated
  • During the first few minutes of the Big Bang, the primordial fireball created matter by pair production
  • A period of primordial nucleosynthesis created all of the hydrogen of the universe, and most of the helium observed today
  • As the universe expanded and cooled, atoms were formed, and the background radiation decoupled from matter
  • The very early universe went through a period of inflation, where the universe rapidly expanded
    • Inflation solved the horizon and flatness problems
  • Large-scale structure of the universe was formed by early density fluctuations in dark matter
  • Cold dark matter best explains the large-scale structure
  • "Ripples" in the cosmic microwave background strongly support the predictions of inflation of the flat universe
You don't even know what you're reading you're such a moron. These are all theories because we can't see the BB yet. Idiots like you can't learn.
I couldn't be happier for you to believe that. It will make it that much easier to bend you over in the bull ring.
That's all you want to do is bend someone over. You fucking homo. :lol:
No, just people like you who are a danger to society.
So you admit to wanting to bend some people over and pack their fudge.

Of course I'm sure Taz doesn't understand what the radiation era means.
CMB is the empirical evidence, dummy.
You're trying to guess what happened at t5he start of the BB by looking at what happened 400,000 years later. And then call it empirical evidence. Maybe you a complete assholes doofus.
Nope. I am telling you what the science says. I even posted the link to the university of Oregon. So you aren't arguing with me, you are arguing with scientists.
Science calls them all theories. Plug your brain in, you might grasp the concept.
I'm sorry the universe being created form nothing freaks you out, Taz.
So it is not a coincidence that after the universe popped into existence that eventually intelligence arose from the universe being created out of nothing. It was destined by the laws of nature.
Easy to say after the fact.
Yes, it would have been very difficult to say ~14 billion years ago. :rolleyes:
Well, except the arose out of nothing part. We can't see that yet. Remember?
CMB (i.e. radiation) was formed early and decoupled from matter when temps dropped, so yeah, we can, dummy.
CMB only formed later ("decoupled from matter when temps dropped"), not in the first second of the BB.
Actually the radiation was created in the first second, dummy, and was coupled to the matter until the temp dropped.

I'm going to make a bull ring call out thread especially for you.
You can't know what was created in the first second, cum guzzler. You're too much of an imbecile for me to keep debating this shit with you. See ya.
The University of Oregon says otherwise, dummy. This is standard stuff.

I'm going to call you out in the bull ring and bend you over for all to see. :lol:

View attachment 473424

You such a fucking imbecile it's astounding. Here, the first line of your line . THE FIRST FUCKING LINE!!!! LOLOLOLOL!!!!!

"During era of decoupling (about 400,000 years after Big Bang) cosmic microwave background appears"

Appears because it was decoupled from matter when the temp dropped, but it was created in the first second.

Radiation Era
  • (The radiation era lasted for about 50,000 years)
  • Planck Epoch
    • First 10-43 seconds after the Big Bang
    • No current theory of physics (quantum gravity) exists
  • GUT (Grand Unified Theory) Epoch
    • After 10-43 seconds, temperature fell to 1032 K
  • Quark Epoch
    • Creation of protons and neutrons continued for about 10-4 seconds
    • Temperature drops below 1013 K, and protons and neutrons are no longer produced in pairs
  • Lepton Epoch
    • Ends when the universe is about 100 seconds old
    • During this epoch, the leptons (electrons, neutrinos, and other light particles) are still produced in pairs, because they are light
    • Ends when temperature drops below 1 billion K
  • Nuclear Epoch (first few minutes)
    • Protons and neutrons fuse into nuclei
    • By the time the universe is about 15 minutes old, much of the helium had been formed

  • Current density of the universe is dominated by dark energy
    • Matter density greatly exceeds the density of radiation
  • The very early universe was radiation dominated
  • After the early radiation dominance, and before the current dark energy dominance, the universe was matter dominated
  • During the first few minutes of the Big Bang, the primordial fireball created matter by pair production
  • A period of primordial nucleosynthesis created all of the hydrogen of the universe, and most of the helium observed today
  • As the universe expanded and cooled, atoms were formed, and the background radiation decoupled from matter
  • The very early universe went through a period of inflation, where the universe rapidly expanded
    • Inflation solved the horizon and flatness problems
  • Large-scale structure of the universe was formed by early density fluctuations in dark matter
  • Cold dark matter best explains the large-scale structure
  • "Ripples" in the cosmic microwave background strongly support the predictions of inflation of the flat universe
You don't even know what you're reading you're such a moron. These are all theories because we can't see the BB yet. Idiots like you can't learn.
I couldn't be happier for you to believe that. It will make it that much easier to bend you over in the bull ring.
That's all you want to do is bend someone over. You fucking homo. :lol:
No, just people like you who are a danger to society.
So you admit to wanting to bend some people over and pack their fudge.

Again... just people like you who are a danger to society.
Of course I'm sure Taz doesn't understand what the radiation era means.
CMB is the empirical evidence, dummy.
You're trying to guess what happened at t5he start of the BB by looking at what happened 400,000 years later. And then call it empirical evidence. Maybe you a complete assholes doofus.
Nope. I am telling you what the science says. I even posted the link to the university of Oregon. So you aren't arguing with me, you are arguing with scientists.
Science calls them all theories. Plug your brain in, you might grasp the concept.
I'm sorry the universe being created form nothing freaks you out, Taz.
Don't they call it a singularity? So not nothing?

And it may even be from what they think right now, I just need real proof. You have super low standards for veracity, for what should be empirical evidence.

As well, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" (a.k.a., the Sagan standard). And I agree with that. You don't.

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