does God love us?

The data overwhelmingly shows that man is a spiritual being. It is for good reason that David Foster Wallace said that we all worship something and the only choice in the matter is what we choose to worship. We are literally hardwired for it. Throughout history every society has overwhelmingly held the belief that man is more than just matter and that there is a higher power than man. When we look at the data today we see that more and more people are rejecting organized religion but have not abandoned their belief that they are more than just matter or that there is a force which connects or binds us all. From the atheist's vantage point these beliefs exist because of evolutionary forces. But the reality is that even that argument confirms that spirituality offers a functional advantage over materialism. According to natural selection there are two main components; functional advantage and transfer of functional advantage to the next generation. So even natural selection confirms that spirituality is a behavior which leads to success. Otherwise, according to natural selection, it would have been abandoned long ago. As mankind has gained more and more knowledge of his natural surroundings his desire for spirituality has not diminished. In fact, the more materialistic we became the less satisfied we became.
What data proves there is some spirit that exists after a person dies?

We have elevated our minds which are merely a function of the brain and by extension the body into some mystical force
Who knows what happens when consciousness makes the next leap? Maybe you will get to find out one day.

Of course faith isn't about dying, faith is about living.

Then why so much emphasis on the afterlife?
I never thought there was. You are the one who keeps bringing it up.
It always makes me scratch my head when I read about people not believing in God because He DOESN'T do magical things for them.

No faith. Matthew 17:20

How many mountains have you seen being moved lately? You know somebody would have done it by now if it was possible.
Depends on how you took it. But let's assume it was meant to be taken literally, how do you know what the limit of consciousness is?

Christians crow about how accurate the bible is except for the parts where they need an excuse to ignore it. I'm just saying there aren't any mountains jumping back and forth.
I suspect there may be no passages you would accept. You think it's all fairytales, right?
There is profound wisdom and universal truth to be found in the Bible. I could never compare it with a simple fairy tale. Much of it is true, even if those events depicted never really happened. Unfortunately, the more I studied it, the less reason I found to believe in a loving, all powerful god who does such horrible things.
Interesting. All I can tell you is that the Jews believed God was loving, so maybe it's your understanding of what you are reading that is flawed. As for events depicted never happening, not sure what you are referring to but if you are reading it literally I can understand your confusion.

I did not come to believe in God by reading other people's perception of God. I came to believe in God through observations of the natural world, myself, others, logic and experience. It was only then that I was able to make sense of the various teachings of ancient man. All I can tell you is that my confirmation came from experiencing God firsthand and witnessing the transformations which ensued. The proof is always in the pudding and my life has been enriched beyond measure for making that pudding.

If you don't feel that something is missing or the need to transform yourself, then don't.

I feel the need to transform myself every day. There are always new goals to accomplish, and imperfections to correct. You don't need the fear of an omnipotent judgmental being to want to better yourself. I want to better myself for me and the ones I love, not because I'm afraid of what some imagined all knowing taskmaster will do to me if I don't.
It's not about fear. It's about love.

Right. The love of keeping your ass out of an imaginary fire. That's what it all comes down to. Well, that, and an inordinate sense of superiority.
religion plays to greed and fear and always has
That doesn't sound like a functional advantage.
It is

How many billions of dollars are given to religions annually?
Bitter much?
Why would I be bitter?

I never gave money to any religion.

religion plays of the fear of death and the greed of those wanting eternal bliss.
Because you haven't filled your God void. Which is why you are here arguing against the beliefs of others; making straw-men arguments like religion plays on the fear of death and the greed of those wanting eternal bliss.

I already showed you how Darwin says you are wrong. Natural selection confirms that spirituality is a behavior which leads to success. Otherwise, according to natural selection, it would have been abandoned long ago.
religion plays of the fear of death and the greed of those wanting eternal bliss.
You know who else made that argument?

" order to charm the golden birds, out of the pockets of his dearly beloved neighbours in Christ. He puts himself at the service of the other’s most depraved fancies, plays the pimp between him and his need, excites in him morbid appetites, lies in wait for each of his weaknesses – all so that he can then demand the cash for this service of love. (Every product is a bait with which to seduce away the other’s very being, his money; every real and possible need is a weakness which will lead the fly to the glue-pot. General exploitation of communal human nature, just as every imperfection in man, is a bond with heaven – an avenue giving the priest access to his heart; every need is an opportunity to approach one’s neighbour under the guise of the utmost amiability and to say to him: Dear friend, I give you what you need, but you know the conditio sine qua non; you know the ink in which you have to sign yourself over to me; in providing for your pleasure, I fleece you.)"

Karl Marx
Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844
3rd paragraph

Human Requirements and Division of Labour, Marx, 1844
OP, if there's a God, is it your belief that he owes us anything?
That's an excellent point. After all we have been given the most precious gift of all... existence as beings that know and create. A truly rare and remarkable gift. Talk about winning the cosmic lottery. You'd think people would be a little more thankful.
Does god still love me even if I see no proof of said god?
Does god still love me even if I see no proof of said god?
Yes. Why not? He still loves you even though you reject Him.
lol, not reject, see no proof for. If I see real proof, I’ll accept it/him/her.
If that were the case, taz, you wouldn't deny that the only options which exist are God exists or God doesn't exist. Your reluctance to accept this simple binary proposition as well as your reluctance to accept the universe popping into existence from nothing being hardwired to produce intelligence proves you are lying. You fear examination because you want to reject God.
after killing 3 million people with one virus, it seems to me God is an asshole, if he exists even
If he (or she) exists, it isn't paying any attention.

And if it is, it has a lot to answer for.
See Job 40
To address your belief that God has a lot to answer for. It's like you don't even logic. Do I need to explain it for you?
You're quoting the bible and claiming I "don't logic"?
after killing 3 million people with one virus, it seems to me God is an asshole, if he exists even
If he (or she) exists, it isn't paying any attention.

And if it is, it has a lot to answer for.
See Job 40
To address your belief that God has a lot to answer for. It's like you don't even logic. Do I need to explain it for you?
You're quoting the bible and claiming I "don't logic"?
I am quoting an allegorical account of what it would be like to question the creator of existence.

And yes, you don't logic. Your statement implies that if God exists then he didn't do a very good job. Follow that chain of thought to it's logical conclusion... which is what Job 40 explains.
after killing 3 million people with one virus, it seems to me God is an asshole, if he exists even
If he (or she) exists, it isn't paying any attention.

And if it is, it has a lot to answer for.
See Job 40
See Job 40
its been played out before ...

they are uncomfortable without - companions.
after killing 3 million people with one virus, it seems to me God is an asshole, if he exists even
If he (or she) exists, it isn't paying any attention.

And if it is, it has a lot to answer for.
See Job 40
To address your belief that God has a lot to answer for. It's like you don't even logic. Do I need to explain it for you?
You're quoting the bible and claiming I "don't logic"?
I am quoting an allegorical account of what it would be like to question the creator of existence.

And yes, you don't logic. Your statement implies that if God exists then he didn't do a very good job. Follow that chain of thought to it's logical conclusion... which is what Job 40 explains.
You know "logic" isn't a verb, right?
after killing 3 million people with one virus, it seems to me God is an asshole, if he exists even
If he (or she) exists, it isn't paying any attention.

And if it is, it has a lot to answer for.
See Job 40
See Job 40
its been played out before ...
View attachment 471515
they are uncomfortable without - companions.
Yes, it makes perfect sense that anyone of us knows more than the creator of existence. :rolleyes:

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