Does Obama Ever Quit Campaigning?


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
The Campaigner and Chief never stops I think most people are tired of the campaign, 5 straight years of it:eusa_eh:
Not sure what the problem is. Whatever he is doing, it is working. God bless the president of the united states.
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The Campaigner and Chief never stops I think most people are tired of the campaign, 5 straight years of it:eusa_eh:

No, the Cloward and Piven strategy does not call for any let up, or slow down, of "FORWARD." It is the progressive agenda for a socialistic society and economy.

Or communistic....which is where I really think o wants to take our country.
The Campaigner and Chief never stops I think most people are tired of the campaign, 5 straight years of it:eusa_eh:

No, the Cloward and Piven strategy does not call for any let up, or slow down, of "FORWARD." It is the progressive agenda for a socialistic society and economy.

Or communistic....which is where I really think o wants to take our country.

He's still campaigning.


“Your hard work and passion defined this campaign and re-elected President Obama,” the survey reads. “Now, we're counting on you to help take this organization forward as we continue our work beyond 2012.”

The campaign states that the questionnaire includes “a few questions about you, your work with the campaign, and how you'd like to stay involved in the future

The presidential campaign was only a step in the direction of the campaign. It was never the whole campaign. obama is transforming the nation, not merely serving as presidebt.
Whatever technique he used to win the presidency, it seemed to work. If he needs to use that same technique to get things done, then I say don't fix something that ain't broke. ::)
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No, he does NOT stop campaigning.

He is running for re-election in 2016, because by then by palace coup, force, chicanery or executive order there will be no term limits on the presidency.
No, he does NOT stop campaigning.

He is running for re-election in 2016, because by then by palace coup, force, chicanery or executive order there will be no term limits on the presidency.

Oh...we can only dream! :)
Once a snake oil salesman, always a snake oil salesman.
We are going to have to hear his sale speeches for another 4 years.
He is going to rack up quite a cost to tax payers over his 8 years doing this.Air Force One, the president’s airplane, costs $179,750 per hour to fly. This cost doesn't’t even include the pilot or other airmen’s salaries.
I don't think he knows how to be a leader.
The Campaigner and Chief never stops I think most people are tired of the campaign, 5 straight years of it:eusa_eh:

Whether or not the president continues to ‘campaign’ is up to you and others on the right.

If republicans were to decide to work in good faith with the president addressing the issues facing our Nation, then there’s no reason for him to ‘campaign.’

Unfortunately it’s conservatives who elected to make this a process of conflict, the president has no other choice but to take his case to the American people.

Indeed, it’s actually a case where republicans are campaigning for 2014 and 2016; there’s never an end to ‘campaigning.’
It's a conflict because the Dems have never been serious about spending cuts.
The Dems have always been about tax and spend.
President Obama's proposal wants 1.6 trillion in taxes over 10 year. 50 billion right away in spending and is very short on cuts. Saying that the cuts can come later.
Dems have always said this and then they never follow through with the cuts. They just keep kicking the can down the road.
Once a snake oil salesman, always a snake oil salesman.
We are going to have to hear his sale speeches for another 4 years.
He is going to rack up quite a cost to tax payers over his 8 years doing this.Air Force One, the president’s airplane, costs $179,750 per hour to fly. This cost doesn't’t even include the pilot or other airmen’s salaries.
I don't think he knows how to be a leader.

you hit it with that one
just a awful President, nothing ever positive from him, everything is a Crisis..divider in chief
what good is it when people just tune him out because he's cried wolf so many times
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The Campaigner and Chief never stops I think most people are tired of the campaign, 5 straight years of it:eusa_eh:
i promise you Obama will quit campaigning when he's turned the US Treasury upside-down, shaken down every loose nickel from American coffers, given away all our oil properties in the Pacific/Arctic and Gulf of Mexico to the Russians, Chinese, and Cuba, Unionized all America's hospitals, and comes out of the closet in the Oral Office.

Did I miss anything? :rolleyes:
Obama's goal is to bankrupt the United "equalize" the possession of wealth (it will one day cease to be wealth. Those that remain wealthy will be the ruling elite.)

The majority of people will be poor.
Obama's goal is to bankrupt the United "equalize" the possession of wealth (it will one day cease to be wealth. Those that remain wealthy will be the ruling elite.)

The majority of people will be poor.

You'll be poor unless you have connections in the government, you'll also have great healthcare with those connections.:eusa_shifty:
Once a snake oil salesman, always a snake oil salesman.
We are going to have to hear his sale speeches for another 4 years.
He is going to rack up quite a cost to tax payers over his 8 years doing this.Air Force One, the president’s airplane, costs $179,750 per hour to fly. This cost doesn't’t even include the pilot or other airmen’s salaries.
I don't think he knows how to be a leader.

you hit it with that one
just a awful President, nothing ever positive from him, everything is a Crisis..divider in chief
what good is it when people just tune him out because he's cried wolf so many times

[ame=]Rahm Emanuel Says Never Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste - YouTube[/ame]
He is taking his case to the American people. That's a good thing. You can call it campaigning if it makes you happy but the people deserve to hear from our elected representatives exactly what is going on. And they deserve to have a say in the process which is what he's asking them to do.

I fail to see a problem with this. The fact that the right it whining about it so much just shows its working.

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