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Does the rest of the world think we are crazy?

Those are typos which I corrected after you apparently quoted me. Anyone who would think otherwise, not realize they are typos, is an idiot.

I work in an international setting every day, and have for 10 years. I have lived in 4 different countries around the world during the past ten years. I work with entirely international people, few Americans. For those ten years, I have had, and continue to have, close contact with people from various parts of the world on a daily basis; all are colleagues, all are highly educated with at least 4 year university degress, usually higher. People like that do not think in simplistic terms. I also travel about 14 weeks a year all over the world. Most of the time people don't think I'm an American because it simply doesn't come up. And yet, never has anyone suggested the US government is falling apart. Not anyone who is unbiased and with half a brain.

I am not defending the US. I am defending rational, logical thinking, something of which you and your pub cronies are obviously incapable. People who know how to think do not imagine the sky is falling when a government goes through ups and downs. There was a thread on this board a few months ago claiming Turkey was about to emplode. Turkey has a stable government. They didn't emplode and they won't. The US has a strong government as well. Simple minds envision the world in simplistic terms. That is what people are who think that the US government or the Turkish government, or any other stable govenment, is going to fall apart because of temporary problems.

And, btw, to claim that most people in Europe blame the GOP is utter nonsense. Most people in Europe don't even know what the GOP is. As well, British people are not too polite to say what they think; that's a stereotype that anyone who actually knows the English know isn't true.

So everyone is an Idiot apart from you then,by the way hate to tell you neither the US or Turkish Government are stable.........you really must try much harder to elucidate what you actually mean.Off to the naughty corner,those like you MUST STOP throwing stone as you live in a Glass House.

I'm good ain't I.....too good for you.:cool:theliq.....always flying with Eagles because I refuse to deal with Turkeys:thewave::thewave:

Anyone who would think neither the Turkish government nor the US government is stable is an uneducated ignoramus. You may not know much about Turkey. I do; I lived and worked there for two years. You probably don't know much about anything. That's the impression you give. Just a loud mouthed jerk. I'm done attempting to have any discourse with you, so don't expect further replies to your posts. I dislike it when threads turn into personal arguments between posters; as well, I have no interest in trying to discuss anything with people who do not know how to think.

Being the Worlds biggest DEBTOR Nation you are deluded....completely DELUDED...pay back your Debt,you cannot,there for you are INSOLVENT:eusa_shhh:

Your sentence "I dislike it when threads turn personal" which is exactly what you did with Nico!!!!!!!!! not only are you a Turkey but Thick with it......I never take a backwards step with people like you.........shame is I often have to get down into the Gutter to expose such people:cool:but as I fly higher and higher,it gives me such pleasure to see you chortling and scratching around down there.You need to get a life and QUICK SMART.
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Those are typos which I corrected after you apparently quoted me. Anyone who would think otherwise, not realize they are typos, is an idiot.

I work in an international setting every day, and have for 10 years. I have lived in 4 different countries around the world during the past ten years. I work with entirely international people, few Americans. For those ten years, I have had, and continue to have, close contact with people from various parts of the world on a daily basis; all are colleagues, all are highly educated with at least 4 year university degress, usually higher. People like that do not think in simplistic terms. I also travel about 14 weeks a year all over the world. Most of the time people don't think I'm an American because it simply doesn't come up. And yet, never has anyone suggested the US government is falling apart. Not anyone who is unbiased and with half a brain.

I am not defending the US. I am defending rational, logical thinking, something of which you and your pub cronies are obviously incapable. People who know how to think do not imagine the sky is falling when a government goes through ups and downs. There was a thread on this board a few months ago claiming Turkey was about to emplode. Turkey has a stable government. They didn't emplode and they won't. The US has a strong government as well. Simple minds envision the world in simplistic terms. That is what people are who think that the US government or the Turkish government, or any other stable govenment, is going to fall apart because of temporary problems.

And, btw, to claim that most people in Europe blame the GOP is utter nonsense. Most people in Europe don't even know what the GOP is. As well, British people are not too polite to say what they think; that's a stereotype that anyone who actually knows the English know isn't true.

So everyone is an Idiot apart from you then,by the way hate to tell you neither the US or Turkish Government are stable.........you really must try much harder to elucidate what you actually mean.Off to the naughty corner,those like you MUST STOP throwing stone as you live in a Glass House.

I'm good ain't I.....too good for you.:cool:theliq.....always flying with Eagles because I refuse to deal with Turkeys:thewave::thewave:

Anyone who would think neither the Turkish government nor the US government is stable is an uneducated ignoramus. You may not know much about Turkey. I do; I lived and worked there for two years. You probably don't know much about anything. That's the impression you give. Just a loud mouthed jerk. I'm done attempting to have any discourse with you, so don't expect further replies to your posts. I dislike it when threads turn into personal arguments between posters; as well, I have no interest in trying to discuss anything with people who do not know how to think.

Places I know and have been to.....

Britain,England,Wales,Scotland and Northern Ireland
Czech Republic
San Marino
Bosnia Herz
Hong Kong
South Africa
New Guinea
New Zealand
St Kitts Nevis
Saudi Arabia
Eire(or Ireland)
Last but not least Australia.

Where you been Esmeralda........Turkey Pen OK and the USA

I rest my case....theliq
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If they are laughing. They are laughing because we had virtually everything. And we threw it in the laps of the bureaucrats without a thought?

Not all of us wanted that, but unfortunately we have reap the consequences

We blindly elected Barack, and we are still blindly following him.
Why does there have to be a downside?

The US used to be the political and cultural leader of the free world. Where did we go wrong?

Why is the rest of the world laughing at us or looking on in shock?

Speaking on behalf of the rest of the world I would say that the clue lies in your opening post. Where you say that the US is the economically strongest nation. I wish you were. But no, the US is trillions of dollars in debt to foreigners. A debt that you have have no hope of arresting, still less of actually paying. Your economy is a disaster. You can expect other major cities to go the way of Detroit, a dreadful portent of things to come.

Where did you go wrong? In living way way way beyond your means. In voting for politicians who would borrow endlessly to make you feel good. In recklessly borrowing yourselves having forgotten the thrift and parsimony that was the making of the USA.

Obama is just the latest economic illiterate to inhabit the White House. I think its very sad as I like America and Americans and deeply regret how far and fast you are falling.

It appears communists were right that we're decadent. When basic needs are this sorely neglected, Americans can't make the smallest sacrifices or live the least amount of austerity, which is very telling in such hard times. People would be wise to learn how to do it now before greater disasters take hold, and everybody's time will need to be devoted to "mopping up."
It all looks like the place is going along swimmingly to me.
Nobody gives a fuck what the rest of the world thinks of us.

Which is why we're the most respected and loved Nation in the History of Man.

The question is will that continue into the 22nd century. Maintaining positive and friendly relations with any foreign country suddenly has lost its significance? :eusa_eh:
A broad, sweeping, generalization, which, of course, is not true. That you would say such a think shows poor critical thinking skills. There is no way you are able to speak for most people who live in the UK. That anyone would claime such a think also shows poor critical thinking skills. I work with British people all day every day and have for 10 years. Educated, professional people. No one has ever suggested such an idea to me. What you claim sounds like pub talk and a tabloid approach to understanding reality. The US government is no more of a shambles than the British government.

Hate to tell you that most of the world think you are a total shambles because you are.....the latest chaos not only affects you drones but everyone else......but due to your myopia and arrogance you feel empowered to slag off Nico,talk about the blind leading the blind........by the way it's CLAIM not CLAIME and it's THING not THINK,you need to go back to school,just as well that you work with Educated and Professional Brits...BUT DO THEY UNDERSTAND YOU.....or are they just being polite.as the Brits often are:eusa_shhh:

Those are typos which I corrected after you apparently quoted me. Anyone who would think otherwise, not realize they are typos, is an idiot.

I work in an international setting every day, and have for 10 years. I have lived in 4 different countries around the world during the past ten years. I work with entirely international people, few Americans. For those ten years, I have had, and continue to have, close contact with people from various parts of the world on a daily basis; all are colleagues, all are highly educated with at least 4 year university degress, usually higher. People like that do not think in simplistic terms. I also travel about 14 weeks a year all over the world. Most of the time people don't think I'm an American because it simply doesn't come up. And yet, never has anyone suggested the US government is falling apart. Not anyone who is unbiased and with half a brain.

I am not defending the US. I am defending rational, logical thinking, something of which you and your pub cronies are obviously incapable. People who know how to think do not imagine the sky is falling when a government goes through ups and downs. There was a thread on this board a few months ago claiming Turkey was about to emplode. Turkey has a stable government. They didn't emplode and they won't. The US has a strong government as well. Simple minds envision the world in simplistic terms. That is what people are who think that the US government or the Turkish government, or any other stable govenment, is going to fall apart because of temporary problems.

And, btw, to claim that most people in Europe blame the GOP is utter nonsense. Most people in Europe don't even know what the GOP is. As well, British people are not too polite to say what they think; that's a stereotype that anyone who actually knows the English know isn't true.

Well, you certainly seem to know a lot of dumbazz business people. How do you explain approval of Reagan and W UNDER 20 PER CENT WHILE OBAMA IS IN THE 80'S. My mother's isde of the family all live in England and France and they thought Reagan and W were total fools, as did all my friends and others I knew in France and Spain, but theylove Clinton and Obama....

I agree the USA is very stable, but no thanks to the idiotic, irresponsible Tea Party GOP and their scary talk of defaulting, civil war, revolution, racist and ugly American arrogance. A GOP DISGRACE, AS ALWAYS. Thanks for the world depression AGAIN, and the stupidest wars EVER ETC ETC ETC...

HERE'S SOME rw tory bs from THEIR IDIOTS...

Ed Miliband urges Daily Mail owner to examine 'culture' Ed Miliband (L) exchanged letters with Lord Rothermere over the Mail newspapers' coverage of his family Continue reading the main story
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Mail on Sunday apology to Miliband No need for Mail apology - Gove Profile: Mail editor Paul Dacre Newspaper owner Lord Rothermere must take a "long, hard look" at the "culture and practices" of his Mail titles, Ed Miliband has said.

The proprietor has apologised to Mr Miliband for a Mail on Sunday reporter intruding on a family memorial service.

The Labour leader told BBC Radio 5Live the apology was an "important step" but that he did not think his treatment was an isolated incident.

Mr Miliband said he wanted to know "how these practices are allowed to happen".

Last weekend, a Daily Mail article labelled Ralph Miliband, a Marxist academic who died in 1994, "the man who hated Britain".

'Line crossed'

That prompted Mr Miliband to complain about his father being "smeared", but although the newspaper offered him a right of reply, it has continued to defend its coverage.

In a separate incident on Thursday, the Mail on Sunday suspended two of its journalists after it emerged the paper had gate-crashed a service for the Labour leader's uncle, at which they pressed the family for reaction to the original Daily Mail article.

Quentin Letts: "He was furious that we won the Falklands war... is that the behaviour of a man who loves his country?"
Mr Miliband told 5Live Breakfast that Lord Rothermere "has a responsibility to take a long hard look" at the way his papers are run after the intrusion.

He said: "I hope what Lord Rothermere will do is look at the wider culture and practices at the Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday because I don't think it's an isolated incident.

"I'm interested in other families, not in public life, who've had similar experiences."

Mr Miliband said he expected the papers to criticise him and his policies but that they had "crossed a line" by accusing his father of hating Britain.

While acknowledging the Daily Mail - which has a circulation of more than 1.8 million - was a "popular" newspaper, he suggested many of its readers agreed with him that it had "overstepped the mark".

But he said he did not agree with the Jewish Chronicle's suggestion that there was "a whiff of anti-semitism" about the Daily Mail's Ralph Miliband articles.

Mail on Sunday editor Geordie Greig said the reporter had been sent without his knowledge and an investigation was being held into "a decision which was wrong".

Continue reading the main story
Who is Lord Rothermere?
The 4th Viscount Rothermere - or Jonathan Harmsworth - inherited Associated Newspapers (now DMG Media) when his father Vere died in 1998 He became the fourth Rothermere to take the title and become chairman of the media group He was previously managing editor of the Evening Standard, which the Rothermeres bought in 1980 Lord Rothermere is ranked 120th on the Times Rich List, with an estimated fortune of £720m The Harmsworth brothers Alfred and Harold founded the Daily Mail in 1896 - the "Viscount Rothermere" title was created for Harold Harmsworth in 1919 Before WWII, Harold Harmsworth praised Adolf Hitler and in 1934 penned a Daily Mail article headlined "Hurrah for the Blackshirts" celebrating Oswald Mosley's British fascists Both he and Lord Rothermere apologised "unreservedly", with the peer also writing to Mr Miliband.

'Ethical roots'

Neither Labour nor the Daily Mail and General Trust - the papers' parent company - have released the text of Lord Rothermere's response to Mr Miliband.

Mr Miliband told 5Live he has met the Daily Mail's editor Paul Dacre "two or three times" since becoming Labour leader.

He said: "My personal dealings with him have been absolutely professional. Sometimes we've disagreed about issues. We've disagreed about press standards but sometimes we've agreed on some issues."

The row comes days before a crucial meeting of MPs next Wednesday on press regulation.

They will consider proposals for a press royal charter with a new regulator to replace the Press Complaints Commission.

The plan is backed by the country's largest newspaper groups, including Mail publisher DMG Media, News UK, who own the Sun and the Times, Telegraph Media Group and Trinity Mirror. ME- RW TORY RAGS our RWers love quoting...

Mr Miliband supports an alternative plan, backed by the three main political parties and press intrusion victims campaign group Hacked Off, for a form of press regulation backed by royal charter.

A senior Mail executive has defended the paper's journalistic methods, saying it was "extraordinarily careful" about how it pursued a story.

"I hear the the editor, I hear the deputy editor almost every day saying to reporters, saying to editors of their sections 'be careful how you go about getting a particular story'," City Editor Alex Brummer told Radio 4's Today.

'Useful idiot'

"That's a practice which goes to the core of the paper, and I do think there are some good ethical roots in the paper and this is the exception rather than the rule," he added.

On Thursday's Question Time on BBC One, the Daily Mail's political sketch writer Quentin Letts defended its original reporting of the views of Ralph Miliband, a Jewish refugee who fled Belgium aged 16 to escape the Nazis and who served in the Royal Navy during WWII.

Yvette Cooper: "I just think this is shocking, to decide to pursue and distort and twist the words of a father in order to pursue an attack on a son."
Mr Letts described the socialist academic as a "useful idiot" for "people that were promoting Marxism" during the Cold War.

Mr Letts added that Ralph Miliband had been "furious that we won the Falklands War. He wanted us to lose the Falklands War.

"Is that the behaviour of a man who loves his country? I'm not sure it is."

However, shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper, praising Ralph Miliband's military record, told the programme: "People who haven't served their country and fought for their country should really think before deciding that they have a monopoly on determining British values."

Meanwhile Ralph Miliband's biographer, Michael Newman, said the late academic "wanted a different kind of Britain" but "wasn't against Britain".

BBC News - Ed Miliband urges Daily Mail owner to examine 'culture'
The US is the most powerful nation on earth. Politically, militarily and economically. Everything we do impacts the rest of the world.

What does the world think of us?

1. Politically: The US is unstable. Our government is broken. We cannot accomplish the most simple tasks let alone act as leaders of the free world. We can't pass a budget, agree to keep our government going, agree to pay our debts.

2. Justice System: We have more of our citizens in prison than any nation on earth. We are one of the few "civilized" nations in the free world that still relys on capital punishment. We continue a fruitless "War on Drugs" than encourages violence and fills our prisons

3. Gun Violence: We have a murder rate three times that of similar nations. We have endured assasinations of our leaders and an endless stream of massacres and yet we show no will to do anything other than accept it

4. Environment: We allow science to become a political issue, ignoring scientific reason because it interferes with our politics. 95% of scientists agree that manmade global warming exists and still we treat is as a political threat not a natural threat

5. Education: America used to set the standard for education but we now settle for "good enough". If our students can pass an arbitrary exam, we are satisfied with the level of education. Our students perform poorly when compared to our peers and we are unwilling to do anything about it. Our education system is disjointed and unfocused

Who gives a rats ass what rest of the world thinks?

WHO CARES what the rest of the world thinks?

grow up, finally. it is not a high-school cafeteria anymore.

We sneeze, the rest of the world gets a cold

Political instability in the US affects the rest of the world. Our ability to assume a moral high ground in negotiations is also affected.

Do as we say, not as we do is not a good negotiating position

I can partjally agree. We should cut our spending, defund obamacare and move to sustainable model of economy, but not because somebody thinkssomething, but because we, ourselves, need to realize it. We can check next door - Canada reformed their economy a decade ago and they flourish.

But it is you, guys, on the left, who are stubbornly insisting on jumping into unsustainable abyss.

There's the "fiscal cliff" reference again. Have our economic woes been reduced to a mere cliché? Again, there is no emergency. The Fed can always devalue the dollar, and then our deficits will definitely run into the quadrillions, but it still won't necessarily mean anything.
Well, you certainly seem to know a lot of dumbazz business people. How do you explain approval of Reagan and W UNDER 20 PER CENT WHILE OBAMA IS IN THE 80'S. My mother's isde of the family all live in England and France and they thought Reagan and W were total fools, as did all my friends and others I knew in France and Spain, but theylove Clinton and Obama....

I agree the USA is very stable, but no thanks to the idiotic, irresponsible Tea Party GOP and their scary talk of defaulting, civil war, revolution, racist and ugly American arrogance. A GOP DISGRACE, AS ALWAYS. Thanks for the world depression AGAIN, and the stupidest wars EVER ETC ETC ETC...

I don't work with business people at all. I work in an international setting with people who are involved in art, science, academics, culture, etc. Not any business people. As well, my post was in no way a defense of the GOP. I was actually living in Europe during part of the 80's, and I am aware that, in general, Europeans did not like Reagan. Neither did I. I am a died in the wool liberal and disliked Reagan intensely. During most of GW Bush's reign, I was also living overseas, part of that time in Europe, and I am aware how intensely he was disliked there. I am also aware, having recently lived over seas and recently spent a few months in Europe, that Europeans have a favorable opinion of Obama. I am also very much aware how admired is Bill Clinton, pretty much around the world; and I agree with those who admire him.

My point regarding Europeans not knowing about the GOP is that most Europeans do not have more than the most superficial awareness of the doings of the two sides, dems and republicans. If you said GOP to most, they would say 'huh?' They would only be able to describe the American political situation in the most superficial terms. Why should they be enthralled with American poltics or America? They do have other things to think about besides America, their own countries' politics, for example, the goings on in the EU, etc.

Not that they are not concerned with and interested in what America does internationally. American foreign policy affects people around the world; but internal politics and policies are not something they are deeply intune with or concerned about.
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Why does there have to be a downside?

The US used to be the political and cultural leader of the free world. Where did we go wrong?

Why is the rest of the world laughing at us or looking on in shock?

The rest of the world is not laughing at the US or looking on in shock. While there is some substance to the points you make, I believe the problems and the situation, as you portray them, are exaggerated.

For one thing, the US was never (never ever) the cultural leader of the world, especially not of the free world. That is an impression Americans have gotten possibly from school or more likely from Hollywood, Motown, glossy magazines, etc. America has sometimes led the way in pop culture, but overall, we are definitely not and never were the cultural leader of the free world.

The idea that everyone on Earth sought the American Dream is also a myth, one which we were fed in school and through Hollywood. Immigrants certainly made their way to the US in the millions, but they also sought to fulfil their dreams in Canada, the UK, Australia and Europe.

WWI lasted 4 years and 3 months. The US was only in it for one year and 7 months. It was not until after WWII that the US became a world military leader. It is only since the mid 20th Century that the US has been at the top, so to speak, economically and militarily. So, why Americans believe we have been the greatest nation on Earth for such a long time is beyond reason. But, in school, and certainly through Hollywood, we have been taught, programed if you will, to believe it, and told we created, invented, achieved so much more than any other nation on Earth. It simply isn't true.

Our government is strong and will last: it isn't about to crumble and it is in as good a shape as it ever was. There have always been problems; I don't think the current ones are worse than any others. The Republicans also shut down the government over the budget when Clinton was president. We have always had less than stunning results from our politicians, and the list goes on and on.

I think your post is analogous to the story of Chicken Little: the fact is, the sky is not falling. One of the great weaknesses Americans seem to have is the ability to put things into perspective. And I think needing to believe we are the biggest, the best, the greatest is silly. That's what Mohamed Ali used to say about himself. But even he didn't actually believe it: he did it to build up his steam, to pump himself up before a fight.

I don't think America has 'gone wrong.' I think it is changing and evolving. The British Empire once ruled about half the Earth's surface. Then bit by bit they lost it and became something less than a military and economic strength, but now they are both. From one extreme to the next, they were still in no way a failed nation. I'd like to see the US a less violent nation; I know you would all like a healthier economic climate, and that will come. But expecting to always be the best, and if you aren't you're a failure, that's just foolish.

As far as education, America is a very complex country, very large and very mult-cultural. Actually, literally comparing your education successes and failures to countries like Finland or Japan or Norway is ridiculous. They have far, far smaller homogenous populations: it is much easier to achieve success in education because of that. What America needs to do regarding education is not look to what Finland and other similar countries are doing, but look to what America could be doing. And, I am an extremely firm believer that improvement is not to be found in high scores on standarized testing.

Speaking from the UK , most people think the US government is a shamblesand instead of helping the economy often hinders it! For those of us here who have an interest in your constitution understand why your founders decided on this type of government, it had the best of intentions to stop one party acting like a dictatorship but I think the problems come when you have complete intransigence and this type of gridlock. In terms of this current shutdown, I think whats confusing many here is that once a Law is a law the only way to change that is to get into office and get rid of it. The majority here in Europe will lay the blame at the GOP not because we think that they might not have acceptable issues with the ACA but in the manner in how they're trying to stop it or have it removed.

More worrying is your debt ceiling because if a default happens the whole world goes down not just the USA, in a sense 5 years of getting out of a recession will go down the drain. This is getting a lot of airtime here in Europe because of the impact this could have here.

Most people here would probably not care too much if it was just a USA issue but we do and that's why until this gridlock ends theres going to be a lot of nervous people on this side of the Atlantic.

A broad, sweeping, generalization, which, of course, is not true. That you would say such a think shows poor critical thinking skills. There is no way you are able to speak for most people who live in the UK. That anyone would believe such a thing also shows poor critical thinking skills. The US government is no more of a shambles than the British government. I work with British people all day every day and have for 10 years. Educated, professional people. No one from the UK has ever suggested the US government is a shambles. I think they'd feel pretty foolish doing so considering the problems their own government has. What you claim sounds like pub talk and a tabloid approach to understanding reality.

When he said "shambles," it wasn't a generalization but just a common British expression. Remember they talk a little different over there. :lol:
The US is the most powerful nation on earth. Politically, militarily and economically. Everything we do impacts the rest of the world.

What does the world think of us?

1. Politically: The US is unstable. Our government is broken. We cannot accomplish the most simple tasks let alone act as leaders of the free world. We can't pass a budget, agree to keep our government going, agree to pay our debts.

2. Justice System: We have more of our citizens in prison than any nation on earth. We are one of the few "civilized" nations in the free world that still relys on capital punishment. We continue a fruitless "War on Drugs" than encourages violence and fills our prisons

3. Gun Violence: We have a murder rate three times that of similar nations. We have endured assasinations of our leaders and an endless stream of massacres and yet we show no will to do anything other than accept it

4. Environment: We allow science to become a political issue, ignoring scientific reason because it interferes with our politics. 95% of scientists agree that manmade global warming exists and still we treat is as a political threat not a natural threat

5. Education: America used to set the standard for education but we now settle for "good enough". If our students can pass an arbitrary exam, we are satisfied with the level of education. Our students perform poorly when compared to our peers and we are unwilling to do anything about it. Our education system is disjointed and unfocused

Who gives a rats ass what rest of the world thinks?


Go for it Conservatives

Fuck the world...I got God and my guns
Speaking from the UK , most people think the US government is a shambles and instead of helping the economy often hinders it! For those of us here who have an interest in your constitution understand why your founders decided on this type of government, it had the best of intentions to stop one party acting like a dictatorship but I think the problems come when you have complete intransigence and this type of gridlock. In terms of this current shutdown, I think whats confusing many here is that once a Law is a law the only way to change that is to get into office and get rid of it. The majority here in Europe will lay the blame at the GOP not because we think that they might not have acceptable issues with the ACA but in the manner in how they're trying to stop it or have it removed.

More worrying is your debt ceiling because if a default happens the whole world goes down not just the USA, in a sense 5 years of getting out of a recession will go down the drain. This is getting a lot of airtime here in Europe because of the impact this could have here.

Most people here would probably not care too much if it was just a USA issue but we do and that's why until this gridlock ends theres going to be a lot of nervous people on this side of the Atlantic.

A broad, sweeping, generalization, which, of course, is not true. That you would say such a think shows poor critical thinking skills. There is no way you are able to speak for most people who live in the UK. That anyone would believe such a thing also shows poor critical thinking skills. The US government is no more of a shambles than the British government. I work with British people all day every day and have for 10 years. Educated, professional people. No one from the UK has ever suggested the US government is a shambles. I think they'd feel pretty foolish doing so considering the problems their own government has. What you claim sounds like pub talk and a tabloid approach to understanding reality.

Well I think that the US government is a shambles. And the British government - and the Swedish government. All governments in fact. Which is why I'm a conservative and much in favour of governments being as small and powerless as is consistent with preserving order.

Governments do things badly and should do as little as possible.

Mind you some governments are worse than others. In Britain the TonyBlair/Gordon Brown g touched an all time low. I leave it to you Americans to deide whether Obama's is the worst ever or just very bad.
The US is the most powerful nation on earth. Politically, militarily and economically. Everything we do impacts the rest of the world.

What does the world think of us?

1. Politically: The US is unstable. Our government is broken. We cannot accomplish the most simple tasks let alone act as leaders of the free world. We can't pass a budget, agree to keep our government going, agree to pay our debts.

You Fucktard, who gives a shit about the world.

The Founding Fathers wanted to make it as hard as possible to prevent the concentration of power. So the system is working as it was designed.

Of course , it would have been working even better if the Senate was still elected by the state legislatures.

So Shut the fuck up , go to night school and learn about US History !!!!!!!!!!!!


What was good an Epoch ago...maybe not relevant today Cony..just sayin steve


So is TYRANNY what's trending?!?!?!?!?

We sneeze, the rest of the world gets a cold

Political instability in the US affects the rest of the world. Our ability to assume a moral high ground in negotiations is also affected.

Do as we say, not as we do is not a good negotiating position

I can partjally agree. We should cut our spending, defund obamacare and move to sustainable model of economy, but not because somebody thinkssomething, but because we, ourselves, need to realize it. We can check next door - Canada reformed their economy a decade ago and they flourish.

But it is you, guys, on the left, who are stubbornly insisting on jumping into unsustainable abyss.

There's the "fiscal cliff" reference again. Have our economic woes been reduced to a mere cliché? Again, there is no emergency. The Fed can always devalue the dollar, and then our deficits will definitely run into the quadrillions, but it still won't necessarily mean anything.

you are an idiot, aren't you?

do you know what happens when dollar is devalued and what is it called? :cuckoo:
I know it is a leftards talking point but do you EVER actually think what will ensue if that happens?

have you ever heard about Weimar's republic and what happened next?

progressive leftist is a brainless idiot, that is for sure :rolleyes:
Ah, Communist Globalists. You guys crack me up. So frightened and obsessed with what the World thinks. We do have serious problems here. Our Government is corrupt and Treasonous. So lets fix that. But lets not fix it based on what the World thinks. Lets fix it the right way and for the right reasons. Time to reign in Government and get back to following our Constitution. If the World isn't good with that, oh well, too bad. We have to start thinking about the American People again.
The US is the most powerful nation on earth. Politically, militarily and economically. Everything we do impacts the rest of the world.

What does the world think of us?

1. Politically: The US is unstable. Our government is broken. We cannot accomplish the most simple tasks let alone act as leaders of the free world. We can't pass a budget, agree to keep our government going, agree to pay our debts.

2. Justice System: We have more of our citizens in prison than any nation on earth. We are one of the few "civilized" nations in the free world that still relys on capital punishment. We continue a fruitless "War on Drugs" than encourages violence and fills our prisons

3. Gun Violence: We have a murder rate three times that of similar nations. We have endured assasinations of our leaders and an endless stream of massacres and yet we show no will to do anything other than accept it

4. Environment: We allow science to become a political issue, ignoring scientific reason because it interferes with our politics. 95% of scientists agree that manmade global warming exists and still we treat is as a political threat not a natural threat

5. Education: America used to set the standard for education but we now settle for "good enough". If our students can pass an arbitrary exam, we are satisfied with the level of education. Our students perform poorly when compared to our peers and we are unwilling to do anything about it. Our education system is disjointed and unfocused

Who gives a rats ass what rest of the world thinks?


Go for it Conservatives

Fuck the world...I got God and my guns

And there in lies the American malady.......you have on your own stupidity and greed achieved what Al-Qaeda wanted......Conservative Repubs are a curse to America,it is not a question of Fuck the World but You have Fucked Yourselves
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