Does Trump make people feel like they should do better..could that be why the Left hates him?

He also lost several states by a few thousand votes. Do not cherry pick.

& hillary won by 3 million more.

And the popular vote is irrelevant. Johnson took a bunch of his votes.

it wasn't irrelevant to presidnt tinkles. just like the crowd size at his installation. he obsesses over shit like that cause he's a malignant narcissist.

Why do you care? The economy is strong, military is strong and Leftists are triggered.

why do you care whether i earn a paycheck? seems as petty as tinkles' obsessing over <ahem> size.
Maybe he wants a loan?
Are there things he says that implies this? Is there something about his body language or demeanor? Does he simply exude success and make others feel inferior with that?
We all know the Left hates the pressure of ‘measuring up’...they hate meeting a standard and personal accountability.
For eight agonizing years that Kenyan dude made people feel like all that was required of them was breathing oxygen...and that’s the only expectation the Lefts feels comfortable with.
Should a president expect anything of the it an act of fascist ‘authoritarianism’ if he does?
Trump is better at exposing commies than Mccarthy was, and lefties hate being exposed as the commies that they are. Everything about trump is the opposite of commie agenda, so lefties hate everything about him.

Like McCarthy, anyone who disagrees with y’all is a commie.

Disagrees with keeping America all that made it the greatest nation on earth?

Such a straw man. Sometimes all it takes is disagreeing with the right’s desire for corporate subsidies. But secretly we know y’all love your socialism. Just ask farmers.

I luv when really stupid people think that they know what things are -
Like actual Socialism.
Are there things he says that implies this? Is there something about his body language or demeanor? Does he simply exude success and make others feel inferior with that?
We all know the Left hates the pressure of ‘measuring up’...they hate meeting a standard and personal accountability.
For eight agonizing years that Kenyan dude made people feel like all that was required of them was breathing oxygen...and that’s the only expectation the Lefts feels comfortable with.
Should a president expect anything of the it an act of fascist ‘authoritarianism’ if he does?

No. This is how it would have been no matter who made it in. Had this been Marko Rubio it wouldent have happened as he is a little bitch who got spanked by Trump and then had to beg him to get him reelected. But Anyone else woul have had this happen to them as well. The only difference is that Trump talks back. That's it.
Trump is better at exposing commies than Mccarthy was, and lefties hate being exposed as the commies that they are. Everything about trump is the opposite of commie agenda, so lefties hate everything about him.

Like McCarthy, anyone who disagrees with y’all is a commie.

Disagrees with keeping America all that made it the greatest nation on earth?

Such a straw man. Sometimes all it takes is disagreeing with the right’s desire for corporate subsidies. But secretly we know y’all love your socialism. Just ask farmers.

"Corporate subsidies" "socialism"....huh, WTF?
Republicans take great pride in spending for the GENERAL WELFARE of our nation...We agree with public investment in our military, our food sources, those who drive commerce and America’s best, we like to see a fair ROi....Conversely, the party of free shit filth and foreigners prefers to throw cash in the trash and spend on those whom reside within the armpit of America, the dregs, ShaQuita and her litters, Guadalupe and her litters, criminals, foreigners and wetbacks, the filth loves their negative returns...Simple shit.
Ha! General welfare! Good one. Somehow you have been convinced that making the elites more and more wealthy while the working man scrapes by is called “general welfare”.

Don't be jelli dude
This country is doing so well - even idiots like you have a chance.
Maam, I'll be in debt for a long time as I have two kids that I still need to put through college. But I am 18 years younger than you, so hopefully by the time I am your age we will be doing quite well. Time will tell. Why do you think I travel all the time for work?!?!!?

guess it sucks to be you, snowflake.

So long and my family is healthy, I am happy. :)

uh-huh. but it seems you fail to extend that to others by whining about how your idea of what 'working' is hasta be the only one's that right.

that is pitiful indeed.

Nope. I just gave an opinion. You disagreed and like a typical leftist called me a misogynist. Hilarious. So easily triggered. Then again you don't do anything all day and have not for 30+ years. Must be nice.

there's that word again.... me thinx you are trying to CONvince yerself there little buddy.

you constantly trying yet constantly failing to get under my skin says more about you than it does me. c'mon now - isn't it time you take out the big guns & call me a witch.... i'm starting to get bored with you.....
Feel free to stop then...responding that is. You’re bored because you don’t have a job.
And the popular vote is irrelevant. Johnson took a bunch of his votes.

it wasn't irrelevant to presidnt tinkles. just like the crowd size at his installation. he obsesses over shit like that cause he's a malignant narcissist.

Why do you care? The economy is strong, military is strong and Leftists are triggered.

why do you care whether i earn a paycheck? seems as petty as tinkles' obsessing over <ahem> size.

I do not care. You're a drunk who sits home all day and whines about Trump and brags about how little debt you have. If I turn out like you in 20 years, I will be depressed.

drink? where did you pull that out from? oh brother............ another 'fact' you know 'eh?
Either drunk or you are very dumb. Pick one. I was Being nice.
Maam, I'll be in debt for a long time as I have two kids that I still need to put through college. But I am 18 years younger than you, so hopefully by the time I am your age we will be doing quite well. Time will tell. Why do you think I travel all the time for work?!?!!?

guess it sucks to be you, snowflake.

So long and my family is healthy, I am happy. :)
Will your children and trumps join the services now ,now that the threat of war has been raised by our idiot in the WH?

My kids are young, I do not think so. We were always at war, Edward. Bush declared a war on terror and Iran is a terror regime. So long as Trump triggers you and people like you, he will always have my vote.
GWB and Obama voted it was the wrong thing to take the iraqui guy out Now the ah who was going to take our troops out is piling them back in,,,and Iraq is not going to back down They have a huge army and are spread all over the world to cause harm to America and Americans You'd still like trump if we went to war??
What part of we are already at war do you not understand? I think It’s best to topple Iran from the inside but I am not a military strategist.
& hillary won by 3 million more.

And the popular vote is irrelevant. Johnson took a bunch of his votes.

it wasn't irrelevant to presidnt tinkles. just like the crowd size at his installation. he obsesses over shit like that cause he's a malignant narcissist.

Why do you care? The economy is strong, military is strong and Leftists are triggered.

why do you care whether i earn a paycheck? seems as petty as tinkles' obsessing over <ahem> size.
Maybe he wants a loan?
Is she a bank too? Bank of drunk stay at home housewife?
If true, how do you suppose Trump consistently polls higher than the Kenyan Super Nig did at the same point of his presidency?
I mean, you loved everything the Kenyan did and said...right?

That is only true in one poll, but also at this same point under Obama the UE rate was still above 8% and the stock market was not fully recovered from the recession.

Or -

Literally no thinking person had faith in Obama and he was regulating the country into a death spiral.
seems to me that President Trump does not ever make people feel good about themselves...

he treats his administration like shit, and we the people... when he takes no one's advice and acts like and says all the time that only his own ideas are worthy of consideration and everyone else working for him know nothing.. only HE can fix it, I know more than my generals etc....

he makes all of them feel like shit... they are nothings, they are nobodies... just coffee boys.... or like dogs... or the deep state... etc etc etc.... he seems to do nothing for the moral of anyone... he only puts himself ABOVE everyone else, himself and only himself matters... not us. not country.


If true, how do you suppose Trump consistently polls higher than the Kenyan Super Nig did at the same point of his presidency?
I mean, you loved everything the Kenyan did and said...right?
i did not vote for obama

and have I told you yet that you are one racist pig-gly wiggly?
Who did you vote for?
Commander Bonespurs as Commander In Chief could fuck up a one car funeral.

And yet -

each time that he somewhat reluctantly gets involved in military action the results are spectacular.

Can you explain that?
The action of getting us out of the nuclear agreement was a sign trump is was and will always be a blithering asshole

It was a deal to ensure that Iran got a Nuclear Weapon and plenty of cash in the meantime, you fucking retard.
Can any republican moron on here tell us what would be happening now if Obama was the president the past 3 years? ?
Can any republican on here tell us what would be happening now if Obama was the president the past 3 years? ?

Unemployment would be through the roof
It would still be the slowest, jobless recovery in history.
The Muslim brotherhood would have our nuclear codes
Israel would be in worse peril than they are.
Religious Freedom would be on it's last legs.

You get the idea?
I feel that the left "dislikes" President Trump because the left was doing so well under President Obama and assumed that they would be able to continue doing so under a President Hillary Clinton.

When Donald J. Trump won and shocked everyone (even himself), the left was in total disbelief.

President Trump has been working hard to put a brake on many progressive policies. This has, understandably, infuriated the left.

uh-huh. the fact that he has been a total scumbag since the 70s, sued for housing discrimination, who has defrauded people outa their money, tried to steal an old woman's home for his personal business, boasted about grabbing 'pussy' & screwed charities outa donations has nothing to do with it...........
And yet he STILL got elected. If that doesn't show you how destructive leftist policies are - nothing will.

it just proves how deplorable basket dwelling MAGAts are. & donny only 'won' by about 75K votes in the EC.

He also lost several states by a few thousand votes. Do not cherry pick.
Trump won Mich Wiscon and Penn by a total 75k votes That imho won't happen again . he will lose at least 2 of those 3 states
No he won't.
Can any republican on here tell us what would be happening now if Obama was the president the past 3 years? ?

Unemployment would be through the roof
It would still be the slowest, jobless recovery in history.
The Muslim brotherhood would have our nuclear codes
Israel would be in worse peril than they are.
Religious Freedom would be on it's last legs.

You get the idea?
I stopped reading at "Unemployment would be through the roof".

The alternate universe. Incredible.

Can any republican on here tell us what would be happening now if Obama was the president the past 3 years? ?

Unemployment would be through the roof
It would still be the slowest, jobless recovery in history.
The Muslim brotherhood would have our nuclear codes
Israel would be in worse peril than they are.
Religious Freedom would be on it's last legs.

You get the idea?
I stopped reading at "Unemployment would be through the roof".

The alternate universe. Incredible.


You sure it wasnt 2nd grade that you stopped?
Can any republican on here tell us what would be happening now if Obama was the president the past 3 years? ?

Unemployment would be through the roof
It would still be the slowest, jobless recovery in history.
The Muslim brotherhood would have our nuclear codes
Israel would be in worse peril than they are.
Religious Freedom would be on it's last legs.

You get the idea?
I stopped reading at "Unemployment would be through the roof".

The alternate universe. Incredible.


You sure it wasnt 2nd grade that you stopped?
Perhaps you can try that again, in English.

Do you dispute that unemployment chart? Is it "fake news"?
And the popular vote is irrelevant. Johnson took a bunch of his votes.

it wasn't irrelevant to presidnt tinkles. just like the crowd size at his installation. he obsesses over shit like that cause he's a malignant narcissist.

Why do you care? The economy is strong, military is strong and Leftists are triggered.

why do you care whether i earn a paycheck? seems as petty as tinkles' obsessing over <ahem> size.
Maybe he wants a loan?
Is she a bank too? Bank of drunk stay at home housewife?

wow wow wow.... you always respond to me outa nowhere - usually with that complete non sequitur - after i replied to another poster -.... all just to get my attention.

you have a huuuuuuuuuuge problem with my ability to have my own life - on my terms - & i don't hafta answer to anybody up the food chain that signs a paycheck, keeping me subjugated & that NObody holds that 'power' over me.

somehow that triggers y-o-u, zogster... & i love it. absolutely LOVE it.

it's bizarre that you need to make crap up to help justify that anger you got, to soothe your tormented worker bee soul. remember when i said it sucks to be you?

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i don't hafta answer to anybody up the food chain that signs a paycheck, keeping me subjugated & that NObody holds that 'power' over me.

the real trick to subjugating any given populace , is to make them think just that....


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