Domestic Destablization-psyops and infiltration of US GOV.

Dive, you must do this to inflate your post count. I don't see any other reason why to put up with this insanity for so long. :rofl:

Glad you finally noticed, but divot isn't doing it for the post count.
he called you INSANE

No you tried to but have no credibility.

Sociopaths will try to detract from their own criminal tendencies by blaming others for their own mental failings. Almost a spiritual autism. It goes with the territory.
he called you INSANE

No you tried to but have no credibility.

Sociopaths will try to detract from their own criminal tendencies by blaming others for their own mental failings. Almost a spiritual autism. It goes with the territory.
you are certifiable

Since I seek to ensure that due process is upheld and have evidence it has not been provided, your words are empty. FEMA did decieve NIST and your psyops fail to do anything but expose itself.

The perpetrators need you here pretending that there is something wrong with suggesting the most common building material in the world, concrete, was used to make a steel reinforced cast concrete tubular core in the twins.
No you tried to but have no credibility.

Sociopaths will try to detract from their own criminal tendencies by blaming others for their own mental failings. Almost a spiritual autism. It goes with the territory.
you are certifiable

Since I seek to ensure that due process is upheld and have evidence it has not been provided, your words are empty. FEMA did decieve NIST and your psyops fail to do anything but expose itself.

The perpetrators need you here pretending that there is something wrong with suggesting the most common building material in the world, concrete, was used to make a steel reinforced cast concrete tubular core in the twins.

what a clown
Mr Brown
you are certifiable

Since I seek to ensure that due process is upheld and have evidence it has not been provided, your words are empty. FEMA did decieve NIST and your psyops fail to do anything but expose itself.

The perpetrators need you here pretending that there is something wrong with suggesting the most common building material in the world, concrete, was used to make a steel reinforced cast concrete tubular core in the twins.

what a clown
Mr Brown

Of course the psyops conducted by the perpetrators with its tools, or agents, would term everything standing for the truth, in what ever derogatory terms that can be found, but that is very weak and the public knows it.

Accordingly you are a loser except for proving the psyops.
Since I seek to ensure that due process is upheld and have evidence it has not been provided, your words are empty. FEMA did decieve NIST and your psyops fail to do anything but expose itself.

The perpetrators need you here pretending that there is something wrong with suggesting the most common building material in the world, concrete, was used to make a steel reinforced cast concrete tubular core in the twins.

what a clown
Mr Brown

Of course the psyops conducted by the perpetrators with its tools, or agents, would term everything standing for the truth, in what ever derogatory terms that can be found, but that is very weak and the public knows it.

Accordingly you are a loser except for proving the psyops.
you are a fucking moron
i've never in my life worked for the government in any way shape or form(not that there is anything wrong with that from the start)
but you are a fucking idiot to claim anyone that disagrees with your nutty conspiracy is somehow a government agent
you cant prove a single one of your claims, thats why you will be ridiculed, you need serious professional help

what a clown
Mr Brown

Of course the psyops conducted by the perpetrators with its tools, or agents, would term everything standing for the truth, in what ever derogatory terms that can be found, but that is very weak and the public knows it.

Accordingly you are a loser except for proving the psyops.
you are a fucking moron
i've never in my life worked for the government in any way shape or form(not that there is anything wrong with that from the start)
but you are a fucking idiot to claim anyone that disagrees with your nutty conspiracy is somehow a government agent
you cant prove a single one of your claims, thats why you will be ridiculed, you need serious professional help

Ahhh, you think I'm claiming you are a govenment agent.

No, you are of the traitors like gamit. The infiltrating perpetrators are your masters.

The real US government cannot behave as we've seen. You support the infiltration of that.
Of course the psyops conducted by the perpetrators with its tools, or agents, would term everything standing for the truth, in what ever derogatory terms that can be found, but that is very weak and the public knows it.

Accordingly you are a loser except for proving the psyops.
you are a fucking moron
i've never in my life worked for the government in any way shape or form(not that there is anything wrong with that from the start)
but you are a fucking idiot to claim anyone that disagrees with your nutty conspiracy is somehow a government agent
you cant prove a single one of your claims, thats why you will be ridiculed, you need serious professional help

Ahhh, you think I'm claiming you are a govenment agent.

No, you are of the traitors like gamit. The infiltrating perpetrators are your masters.

The real US government cannot behave as we've seen. You support the infiltration of that.
ok fuckhead, if i am an "agent" who am i an "agent" of
you are totally fucking stupid
I'm a Government Agent. Careful there Christophera:

[ame=]YouTube - Will Smith - Men In Black[Official Music Video][/ame]

Watch out! :lol:
you are a fucking moron
i've never in my life worked for the government in any way shape or form(not that there is anything wrong with that from the start)
but you are a fucking idiot to claim anyone that disagrees with your nutty conspiracy is somehow a government agent
you cant prove a single one of your claims, thats why you will be ridiculed, you need serious professional help

Ahhh, you think I'm claiming you are a govenment agent.

No, you are of the traitors like gamit. The infiltrating perpetrators are your masters.

The real US government cannot behave as we've seen. You support the infiltration of that.
ok fuckhead, if i am an "agent" who am i an "agent" of
you are totally fucking stupid

If you try to say you can't figure out you are an infiltrating agent OF American society promoting the demise of the Constitution, then you are pretending and are the agent I accuse of of being. Your answer opposes too perfectly without defining the alternative IF you are not an agent.

Pretender supporting secret methods of mass murder.
Ahhh, you think I'm claiming you are a govenment agent.

No, you are of the traitors like gamit. The infiltrating perpetrators are your masters.

The real US government cannot behave as we've seen. You support the infiltration of that.
ok fuckhead, if i am an "agent" who am i an "agent" of
you are totally fucking stupid

If you try to say you can't figure out you are an infiltrating agent OF American society promoting the demise of the Constitution, then you are pretending and are the agent I accuse of of being. Your answer opposes too perfectly without defining the alternative IF you are not an agent.

Pretender supporting secret methods of mass murder.
and you are a fucking pig
ok fuckhead, if i am an "agent" who am i an "agent" of
you are totally fucking stupid

If you try to say you can't figure out you are an infiltrating agent OF American society promoting the demise of the Constitution, then you are pretending and are the agent I accuse of of being. Your answer opposes too perfectly without defining the alternative IF you are not an agent.

Pretender supporting secret methods of mass murder.
and you are a fucking pig

Pigs do not use evidence. I do.

No-Planer Cointelpro Operation Becoming Transparent >> Four Winds 10 -

Today, COINTELPRO has reared its ugly head again, with infiltrations popping up everywhere from Anti-War activism groups to peaceful gun owners and militias. Provocations have become more and more conspicuous to the public as the Seattle World Trade Organization protests and Ontario Security and Prosperity Partnership protests successfully exposed provocateur operations.
Not so comfortable conducting cointelpro next to published issues with it that are recent, ....... is it?

Tip of the f'nnn iceberg.
as if that site has ANY credibility
especially with a fucking liar like YOU using it

Are you saying they are wrong and what "Morgan Reynolds, who has recently proposed that “no planes hit the World Trade Center”, has alleged “TV Fakery”, and submitted that the towers were brought down by “Directed Energy Weapons” a.k.a. “Laser Beams”. is actually correct?

Personally I think they are correct when they say Morgan Reynolds info is bunk.
Not so comfortable conducting cointelpro next to published issues with it that are recent, ....... is it?

Tip of the f'nnn iceberg.
as if that site has ANY credibility
especially with a fucking liar like YOU using it

Are you saying they are wrong and what "Morgan Reynolds, who has recently proposed that “no planes hit the World Trade Center”, has alleged “TV Fakery”, and submitted that the towers were brought down by “Directed Energy Weapons” a.k.a. “Laser Beams”. is actually correct?

Personally I think they are correct when they say Morgan Reynolds info is bunk.
We are saying you are a stupid fuck. End of story.
There is actually quite a bit indicating that domestic psyops was well supported, at least by implication.


US Military Psychological Operations and You

l947 Roswell Event Part Of Truman Early PsyOps Campaign To Start Cold War! | Mind Viruses

Barry Bingham from Louisville, Ky was also a member of CPD..(Hey I knew him!) Managing Editor of the Courier Journal. as well as Wild Bill Donovan, Samuel Goldwin (of MGM) In l950 we were creating entire White House Committees and Security Counsel to counter the Soviet "Danger". By l964 we were handing them technology..why?
Ummm, ....... assertion of psyops has good basis and is a quality inference from many trends, particularly with the potentials of an infiltrated government seeking to destroy the Consitution.

Debating the Ban on Domestic Propaganda | Center for Media and Democracy

"I want to make sure that we strengthen prohibitions against domestic covert propaganda campaigns aimed essentially at breaking down the Constitutional barriers between who controls policy and who makes war," stressed Representative Paul Hodes. "It's an important point, given the recent history."

Mind Wars: We have met the enemy and he is us! - Part 5

When sheeple watch television, brain activity switches from the left to the right hemisphere where incoming data is uncritically processed, stirring irrational emotional responses. Within minutes, viewers sink into a hypnotic state of hyper-suggestibility where the conscious and subconscious minds dissociate and the ability to discern and evaluate is largely lost.

BBC NEWS | Americas | US plans to 'fight the net' revealed

The Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, signed it.
Information Operations Roadmap
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Confessions of a Covert Agent: Psychological Operations are my specialty « Les dessous de l’information mondiale-Downside World News

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