Donald J. Trump Stands for the Worker Just Like FDR

A lot of those working class people voted for racial hatred, Muslim hatred and more guns. I was a steelworker for 35 years and I know the mentality. Most jobs in the steel industry were lost to technology. When I was hired the plant had 3,200 workers, when I retired they had 900 and today they have 650 producing the same tonnage as the 3,200 did. These steelworkers know where the jobs went so why did they vote for Trump? I already told you.

Then a simple question. Even though technological advance have lessened the need for workers, would we have more steel workers in America today if we didn't buy some of our steel from other nations?


We would do that if their prices weren't low because they aren't regulated in other nations as tightly as we are. Everything has a consequence.

Yes, everything has consequences. And its why we try to limit them by keeping our own people working first.


You can't mandate wages (unions), benefits(Union's) and Unemployment insurance and be competitive that just doesn't work.

You don't have to. If tariffs are applied to imports, the market will take care of itself.


NOTHING is that simple.
FDR can kiss my can Woodrow Wilson.........they set us on the path we are in money to anything we please............

Founders limited gov't for a prevent a corrupt gov't from lining it's pockets on the tax payers money............

They promoted dealing with these problems locally and via the States.........and allowed corrupt assholes to enrich themselves on the taxpayers dime.........
And how do you feel about deals like Foxconn?

As a Wisconsinite, I like trying to invite in new technologies. Wisconsin is full of old tech, we need to upgrade.

So you create a good environment for all companies. You don't give billions to a foreign company. How many from IL will be taking those jobs that WI tax payers paid for?

The process isn't new. You either attract these companies, or you wither away.
If you could pass a worldwide law that incentives are illegal, I could agree with your point. Until then, reality tells me that you are trying to progress, or you're not.

Not new, but getting worse, $3 billion for Foxconn, a foreign company. I assume you also supported Solyndra?

Solyndra? No. But like everything else, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.

Then a simple question. Even though technological advance have lessened the need for workers, would we have more steel workers in America today if we didn't buy some of our steel from other nations?


We would do that if their prices weren't low because they aren't regulated in other nations as tightly as we are. Everything has a consequence.

Yes, everything has consequences. And its why we try to limit them by keeping our own people working first.


You can't mandate wages (unions), benefits(Union's) and Unemployment insurance and be competitive that just doesn't work.

You don't have to. If tariffs are applied to imports, the market will take care of itself.


NOTHING is that simple.

Anything can be simple. IF you want it to be.


Foxconn has done this same thing multiple time in other countries. Get all sorts of tax breaks and subsidies and then never delivers on their promises.
That is why our State gave tax breaks on X number of jobs...................don't provide the jobs you lose some of the tax breaks.............

How did they do the deal there...............If they did it via a blanket.........well they are stupid........don't care if it's a D or R that did it.
They aren't just giving tax break, they are giving cash payments. WI isn't supposed to break even for 25 years.
And why is Trump responsible because they are too stupid to make the deal X number of jobs for this payment and that payment.......and this tax break..........

And if they break the deal...........don't pay them...............

Were they so stupid to give the money up front.............LOL

Time to find new leaders if they did that...........again I don't care if they are a Dem or a Republican dumbass......FIRE THEM.
I was asking what you think of deal like that. Trump obviously supports them. Big gov picking winners and lowers, what can go wrong? Solyndra anyone?
Croney capitalism isn't what it should be.............When they do so for personal gain........which many do ...........I don't agree with it........Politicians getting rich off of it...........

Country to country.........and State to State is different................this is an example of getting FOREIGN INVESTMENT here..........which is countries and States via for world fight over jobs...........which under the constitution is a duty of gov't............

WI offered a deal to get investment..............AND JOBS............for THEIR PEOPLE..............It works whether you like it or not..........Had they not invested would have been invested OVERSEAS................
Stop with your idiotic one liners............they are getting RAISES.............PERIOD.......

Under Obama they got NO RAISES FOR 3 YEARS......derp.........

Continue your TDS elsewhere.........LOL
Sorry you don't like the facts.
President Trump cancels pay raises for federal employees - CNNPolitics
LOL............the Cola is going forward............LOL

and Obama froze their pay for 3 years..........
And when trump looks for cuts, he goes to the workers.
Where was your outrage Mr. TDS under Obama............they are getting raises........

Just not everything they wanted..........their raise will be almost the same as the military........cry me a river.......
I've been complaining about wages since Obama.
And they are getting raises..........not as much as they wanted .......but they are still getting's a lot of money when you add in the COLA increases and the military COLA increases............A LOT of money...........
As Minnesota Public Radio points out, the factory may have difficulty finding workers since Wisconsin’s unemployment rate is at just 2.9 percent. Unemployment is incredibly low nationally at just 3.9 percent, but wages are still flat. It’s not necessarily hard for many people to find a job in America, but it certainly is hard to find a good-paying job. It’s not clear that the Foxconn plant will change that.

LOL.............they are having trouble finding workers...........LOL

Unemployment at 2.9% in the State........LOL

From your article..........

Under the last President.............they weren't coming back at all............Hopefully Foxconn will build all the Honor their deal.......either way construction and jobs are coming..............which is A GOOD THING OR A BAD THING..........hmmmm

Now tell me ........would they come back under more regulations and higher taxes.........answer that honestly.........or continue your TDS.

So you think giving $3 billion to a foreign company is a good deal when they already have really low unemployment?

If it creates jobs............good paying jobs..............and eventually pays for itself..............YOUR DAMNED SKIPPY........

Workers can be recruited............perhaps from all of those hauling ass from California due to DRACONIAN LAWS and REGULATIONS..........

I'm very happy for WI.........

My point on the money.............don't pay all up front............and I"m not even sure they did that..........You get this.......for this milestone......

Do you go into a auto shop and pay them upfront or do you wait until the job is done................derp

You sound like quite the socialist. So you must think the government should control production? Obviously you believe they are good at picking winners and losers.

And I am sure you supported Solyndra too right?

Foreign investment versus investment here............Interstate commerce............If they hadn't invested would have been invested overseas..........

Not the same as Solyndra.........which was a handout from a subsidize a company that went belly up............

Our goal is JOBS............JOBS.........JOBS............the more the better HERE IN OUR COUNTRY........Not Mexico.........NOT CHINA..........

You may not like tax incentives for investment......but States do it all the time and they compete for the investments to put their people to work..........whether you like it or not............IT WORKS.
And how do you feel about deals like Foxconn?

As a Wisconsinite, I like trying to invite in new technologies. Wisconsin is full of old tech, we need to upgrade.

So you create a good environment for all companies. You don't give billions to a foreign company. How many from IL will be taking those jobs that WI tax payers paid for?

The process isn't new. You either attract these companies, or you wither away.
If you could pass a worldwide law that incentives are illegal, I could agree with your point. Until then, reality tells me that you are trying to progress, or you're not.

Not new, but getting worse, $3 billion for Foxconn, a foreign company. I assume you also supported Solyndra?

Solyndra? No. But like everything else, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.

And why not? Do you think the government should be making these decisions at all? Do you have so much faith in them that you believe they will pick more winners and losers? You've seen the debt right?
Foxconn has done this same thing multiple time in other countries. Get all sorts of tax breaks and subsidies and then never delivers on their promises.
That is why our State gave tax breaks on X number of jobs...................don't provide the jobs you lose some of the tax breaks.............

How did they do the deal there...............If they did it via a blanket.........well they are stupid........don't care if it's a D or R that did it.
They aren't just giving tax break, they are giving cash payments. WI isn't supposed to break even for 25 years.
And why is Trump responsible because they are too stupid to make the deal X number of jobs for this payment and that payment.......and this tax break..........

And if they break the deal...........don't pay them...............

Were they so stupid to give the money up front.............LOL

Time to find new leaders if they did that...........again I don't care if they are a Dem or a Republican dumbass......FIRE THEM.
I was asking what you think of deal like that. Trump obviously supports them. Big gov picking winners and lowers, what can go wrong? Solyndra anyone?
Croney capitalism isn't what it should be.............When they do so for personal gain........which many do ...........I don't agree with it........Politicians getting rich off of it...........

Country to country.........and State to State is different................this is an example of getting FOREIGN INVESTMENT here..........which is countries and States via for world fight over jobs...........which under the constitution is a duty of gov't............

WI offered a deal to get investment..............AND JOBS............for THEIR PEOPLE..............It works whether you like it or not..........Had they not invested would have been invested OVERSEAS................
And they would still have $3 billion. The government should not be picking winners and losers, they can't even balance a budget.
LOL............the Cola is going forward............LOL

and Obama froze their pay for 3 years..........
And when trump looks for cuts, he goes to the workers.
Where was your outrage Mr. TDS under Obama............they are getting raises........

Just not everything they wanted..........their raise will be almost the same as the military........cry me a river.......
I've been complaining about wages since Obama.
And they are getting raises..........not as much as they wanted .......but they are still getting's a lot of money when you add in the COLA increases and the military COLA increases............A LOT of money...........
Yes and they are getting less than they were supposed to. Trump cuts for the workers while giving corps a big handout.
and a added 25 Billion in Localization increases.

25 billion in Localization increases? There are 2 million Fed Employees, so that comes out to $12,500 per year raise for each one of them, just for Localization increases, if your number is correct. And if that is 2% of their salary that means that the average Fed Emp salary is roughly $625,000 a year.

Yeah, I think your 25 billion number is total bullshit.
It was in articles..............and that is what it said...........and under their website it was 3 million workers.......

25 Billion divided by 3 million is $8,333..........not $12,500...............

Since we don't have the data of every locality increase............hard to compute..........So..........the CBO and OPM........would have to give us that data......

I don't have it.......and I'm sure as hell not clicking on every county in the United States to figure out the %'s.........and even then you have to know the pay of every single employee.............


Trump could care less about anyone except himself and his cronies and what changes he can make in office to benefit them all in the future.
If he didn't care he would leave it as is and move business to Mexico........He wouldn't challenge them and try to bring back jobs..........he'd leave them offshored.
and a added 25 Billion in Localization increases.

25 billion in Localization increases? There are 2 million Fed Employees, so that comes out to $12,500 per year raise for each one of them, just for Localization increases, if your number is correct. And if that is 2% of their salary that means that the average Fed Emp salary is roughly $625,000 a year.

Yeah, I think your 25 billion number is total bullshit.
It was in articles..............and that is what it said...........and under their website it was 3 million workers.......

25 Billion divided by 3 million is $8,333..........not $12,500...............

Since we don't have the data of every locality increase............hard to compute..........So..........the CBO and OPM........would have to give us that data......

I don't have it.......and I'm sure as hell not clicking on every county in the United States to figure out the %'s.........and even then you have to know the pay of every single employee.............

According to the OBM, there are 2,087,747 Fed non-military employees. I trust them over whatever article you get your number from.

We do not need to know the number for every locality, as the average does not care about that.

Averages are not hard to compute at all, I just did it for you.

Is it your claim that the average Fed Employee wage is more than $625,000 a year? A simple yes or no will suffice.

Trump could care less about anyone except himself and his cronies and what changes he can make in office to benefit them all in the future.
If he didn't care he would leave it as is and move business to Mexico........He wouldn't challenge them and try to bring back jobs..........he'd leave them offshored.

mexico ..


he cares
and a added 25 Billion in Localization increases.

25 billion in Localization increases? There are 2 million Fed Employees, so that comes out to $12,500 per year raise for each one of them, just for Localization increases, if your number is correct. And if that is 2% of their salary that means that the average Fed Emp salary is roughly $625,000 a year.

Yeah, I think your 25 billion number is total bullshit.
It was in articles..............and that is what it said...........and under their website it was 3 million workers.......

25 Billion divided by 3 million is $8,333..........not $12,500...............

Since we don't have the data of every locality increase............hard to compute..........So..........the CBO and OPM........would have to give us that data......

I don't have it.......and I'm sure as hell not clicking on every county in the United States to figure out the %'s.........and even then you have to know the pay of every single employee.............

According to the OBM, there are 2,087,747 Fed non-military employees. I trust them over whatever article you get your number from.

We do not need to know the number for every locality, as the average does not care about that.

Averages are not hard to compute at all, I just did it for you.

Is it your claim that the average Fed Employee wage is more than $625,000 a year? A simple yes or no will suffice.

They make enough.

In 2014, the average federal employee salary was $84,153, approximately 50% more than the average private sector worker earned. This discrepancy increases to 78% when benefits are included. The average federal worker costs the government (aka taxpayers) $119,934.Dec 21, 2015
Federal Employees Earn 50% More Than The Private Workforce ...

Federal Employees Earn 50% More Than The Private Workforce | HuffPost
That is why our State gave tax breaks on X number of jobs...................don't provide the jobs you lose some of the tax breaks.............

How did they do the deal there...............If they did it via a blanket.........well they are stupid........don't care if it's a D or R that did it.
They aren't just giving tax break, they are giving cash payments. WI isn't supposed to break even for 25 years.
And why is Trump responsible because they are too stupid to make the deal X number of jobs for this payment and that payment.......and this tax break..........

And if they break the deal...........don't pay them...............

Were they so stupid to give the money up front.............LOL

Time to find new leaders if they did that...........again I don't care if they are a Dem or a Republican dumbass......FIRE THEM.
I was asking what you think of deal like that. Trump obviously supports them. Big gov picking winners and lowers, what can go wrong? Solyndra anyone?
Croney capitalism isn't what it should be.............When they do so for personal gain........which many do ...........I don't agree with it........Politicians getting rich off of it...........

Country to country.........and State to State is different................this is an example of getting FOREIGN INVESTMENT here..........which is countries and States via for world fight over jobs...........which under the constitution is a duty of gov't............

WI offered a deal to get investment..............AND JOBS............for THEIR PEOPLE..............It works whether you like it or not..........Had they not invested would have been invested OVERSEAS................
And they would still have $3 billion. The government should not be picking winners and losers, they can't even balance a budget.
The State gave breaks for foreign investment...............Investment that would be overseas otherwise..............

They have every right to give breaks to encourage investment for jobs...............Tax Breaks are the same dang this case they offered to help on cost to build here.......for long term benefits........

So are tax cuts nationwide picking and choosing winners here................If the competition of Foxconn wants to build here.......I'm sure other states would give breaks for it.....

It's not the same...............and you are splitting hairs.
LOL............the Cola is going forward............LOL

and Obama froze their pay for 3 years..........
And when trump looks for cuts, he goes to the workers.
Where was your outrage Mr. TDS under Obama............they are getting raises........

Just not everything they wanted..........their raise will be almost the same as the military........cry me a river.......
I've been complaining about wages since Obama.
And they are getting raises..........not as much as they wanted .......but they are still getting's a lot of money when you add in the COLA increases and the military COLA increases............A LOT of money...........
Yes and they are getting less than they were supposed to. Trump cuts for the workers while giving corps a big handout.
How many times are we going to go down this's about over cost.........and the raises there and the military are A LOT OF MONEY.......the civilian sector will get about the same as the military............It's still a raise.........a raise that we have to borrow to pay.
and a added 25 Billion in Localization increases.

25 billion in Localization increases? There are 2 million Fed Employees, so that comes out to $12,500 per year raise for each one of them, just for Localization increases, if your number is correct. And if that is 2% of their salary that means that the average Fed Emp salary is roughly $625,000 a year.

Yeah, I think your 25 billion number is total bullshit.
It was in articles..............and that is what it said...........and under their website it was 3 million workers.......

25 Billion divided by 3 million is $8,333..........not $12,500...............

Since we don't have the data of every locality increase............hard to compute..........So..........the CBO and OPM........would have to give us that data......

I don't have it.......and I'm sure as hell not clicking on every county in the United States to figure out the %'s.........and even then you have to know the pay of every single employee.............

According to the OBM, there are 2,087,747 Fed non-military employees. I trust them over whatever article you get your number from.

We do not need to know the number for every locality, as the average does not care about that.

Averages are not hard to compute at all, I just did it for you.

Is it your claim that the average Fed Employee wage is more than $625,000 a year? A simple yes or no will suffice.

They make enough.

In 2014, the average federal employee salary was $84,153, approximately 50% more than the average private sector worker earned. This discrepancy increases to 78% when benefits are included. The average federal worker costs the government (aka taxpayers) $119,934.Dec 21, 2015
Federal Employees Earn 50% More Than The Private Workforce ...View attachment 214461
Federal Employees Earn 50% More Than The Private Workforce | HuffPost

I agree they do make enough, but they do not make 600 grand a year on average like these jokers are trying to claim.

Also, the numbers you posted are not an accurate reflection since they do not take into account the job, education or experience level. More than half of the Fed employees have a bachelors at a minimum. More than 90% of the Fed jobs are white collar jobs which tend to pay more in general.

But, I do agree they make enough and do not need a raise this year.

Trump could care less about anyone except himself and his cronies and what changes he can make in office to benefit them all in the future.
If he didn't care he would leave it as is and move business to Mexico........He wouldn't challenge them and try to bring back jobs..........he'd leave them offshored.

mexico ..


he cares
Businesses build all over the the fuck what..........Tell me the wool plant he shut down..........

This is a global economy........and we are trying to get more of it back here for jobs.........doesn't mean he can wave a magic wand and make it all come back in a day..........He is trying to cut into the Trade deficit.......

And on inversion...........1.5 Trillion returned paying 360 BILLION DOLLARS over 10 years for it........Others are returning.........and offshoring is no longer a haven............Your side he's an offshoring bitch...........LOL.........he just made that money taxable..........LOL
And when trump looks for cuts, he goes to the workers.
Where was your outrage Mr. TDS under Obama............they are getting raises........

Just not everything they wanted..........their raise will be almost the same as the military........cry me a river.......
I've been complaining about wages since Obama.
And they are getting raises..........not as much as they wanted .......but they are still getting's a lot of money when you add in the COLA increases and the military COLA increases............A LOT of money...........
Yes and they are getting less than they were supposed to. Trump cuts for the workers while giving corps a big handout.
How many times are we going to go down this's about over cost.........and the raises there and the military are A LOT OF MONEY.......the civilian sector will get about the same as the military............It's still a raise.........a raise that we have to borrow to pay.

china too



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