Donald Trump just savaged an(other) American hero

I agree that McCain was a war hero.

But, that does not excuse he much later behavior. Serving does not give you a life time pass for everything.
I never said it did.

I was strictly referring to his military career.
Colin Powell is someone I've always respected. McCain, not so much.

Colin Powel was head of the Joint Chief of Staff and a Secretary of Defense. He was well worth admiring.

As for Trump? I admire the man for what he did while he was POTUS. I liked gas at 1.70 a gallon and the US being oil independent. I also liked jobs all across the country and UE the lowest it had been in 50 years.

You can call him a coward but you have to call Bidung one as well. How many deferments did Bidung get??
Explain to me how we were oil independent.
Link us up where you showed that respect. Surely there's a thread prior to the dust up between he and Trump where you lauded the man for his service. I mean if you respected him so much, surely you mentioned it SOMEWHERE!!!
Tell you what do a search and go find it. While you're at it, I will beat the farm you will not find one post where I have trashed another man's service record.
"looking for an excuse to insult"????

Now, good poster Correll, even you gotta admit that that particular search for 'an excuse' doesn't require a great deal of rigor.
You make it too easy.


And so to refute my point that your behavior justifies us being "defensive", you make another snide insult?

The point stands. McCain was an asshole and Trump snapped back at him. That you people are STILL hung up on that, at t his late date, is a YOU problem, not an US problem.
I never said it did.

I was strictly referring to his military career.

Which is fine.

Some people in this thread, though, are pretending that McCain's military service makes insulting him much later, somehow wrong.

No one ever said that military service was not a plus to a man's character.

Hell, I voted for a military vet to be president in 88. 92,96,00,04 and 08.

But lack of service is not a deal breaker.

Have you ever voted for someone who did not serve?
are pretending that McCain's military service makes insulting him much later,

If I may, lemme help.

Criticize John McCain, if you will, for his decisions while Senator, or for other decisions, actions he may have made outside of that role.

Cadet Bonespurs crossed a line when he "snapped back at him" specifically because of McCain's role as a POW.

McCain was a POW for 5yrs in a prison notorious for abuse. He refused when he had the opportunity to leave early, ahead of others who had been there longer. McCain did not use his status as a veteran nor a POW to criticize candidate Trump.

Bonespurs criticized McCain ....because...... McCain was a POW.

That is poor judgment. That is un-patriotic. It was un-America. And Bonsepurs is rightly criticized and condemned for criticizing any of our military personnel who unfortunately became POW's in our American wars.

Bonespurs criticism of POW McCain was just one of several reported incidents that showcased Bonespur's disrespect towards American military service.

I hope that explanation helps you, poster Correll.
And so to refute my point that your behavior justifies us being "defensive", you make another snide insult?

The point stands. McCain was an asshole and Trump snapped back at him. That you people are STILL hung up on that, at t his late date, is a YOU problem, not an US problem.
It's an 'US' problem if you keep talking about it and commenting on people's comments about it.


If I may, lemme help.

Criticize John McCain, if you will, for his decisions while Senator, or for other decisions, actions he may have made outside of that role.

Cadet Bonespurs crossed a line when he "snapped back at him" specifically because of McCain's role as a POW.

McCain was a POW for 5yrs in a prison notorious for abuse. He refused when he had the opportunity to leave early, ahead of others who had been there longer. McCain did not use his status as a veteran nor a POW to criticize candidate Trump.

Bonespurs criticized McCain ....because...... McCain was a POW.

That is poor judgment. That is un-patriotic. It was un-America. And Bonsepurs is rightly criticized and condemned for criticizing any of our military personnel who unfortunately became POW's in our American wars.

Bonespurs criticism of POW McCain was just one of several reported incidents that showcased Bonespur's disrespect towards American military service.

I hope that explanation helps you, poster Correll.

It was in the heat of the moment. That you are still trying to make something of this, years later, is, as I said, is about something wrong with you, not with us.

McCain insulted those of us that (mostly) supported him to be the most powerful man in the world. to hold the highest office in the land.

We had/have the right to be pissed off at him.
It's an 'US' problem if you keep talking about it and commenting on people's comments about it.


Your request for US to allow you to just talk shit about us, and not get called on it, is denied.

It is pathetic of you people, to still be trying to milk this for something, at this late date.

What kind of pathetic, petty, souls are you, that this is how you try to justify your hate?
It was in the heat of the moment. That you are still trying to make something of this, years later, is, as I said, is about something wrong with you, not with us.

McCain insulted those of us that (mostly) supported him to be the most powerful man in the world. to hold the highest office in the land.

We had/have the right to be pissed off at him.
Stop speaking for 'US'.
You are one person.
You speak for yourself and NO ONE else.
"McCain insulted those of us that (mostly) supported him....."

Oh boy, we are back at your personal insult grievance again, eh?
Look, the good poster Rightwinger tried to help you.
And now you are ignoring that well meaning help.

So let my poor avatar ask again: "Just exactly did John McCain say that insulted you"?

Forgive me, but you seem awfully defensive and sensitive about explaining yourself.

We wish you well. Good luck.
Oh boy, we are back at your personal insult grievance again, eh?
Look, the good poster Rightwinger tried to help you.
And now you are ignoring that well meaning help.

So let my poor avatar ask again: "Just exactly did John McCain say that insulted you"?

Forgive me, but you seem awfully defensive and sensitive about explaining yourself.

We wish you well. Good luck.

Rightwinger is a leftist partisan hack. He hates me, deeply. That you claim that he was trying to help me is you talking shit.

YOu talk as though you think you are very clever, being insulting, but so snidely and subtly that we trump voters can't even see it.

Newsflash buddy, you aren't half as clever as you think, and we see right though you .

John McCain had his chance. I/we supported him, and he repaid us with insults. That was him being an ass.
The problem is not that they didn't serve, the problem is how can you attack someone's military record when your coward ass doesn't have one. The country was at war when Trump was called upon and he ran and hid and cowards like you try and defend that.
So, in order to criticize a veteran, one needs to be a veteran? Does that apply in every profession? Can you not criticize a politician, until you become a politician? Can you only condemn a police officer's actions after you become a police officer?

I defended no one. I simply asked a question about it and made a comment about how some people may be hypocritical on this one.
".....are you just trolling,...."

Umm, noper.

I wasn't sure the poster Rightwinger, who was trying to help your avatar, was correct.
So my avatar was attempting to give yours the opportunity to correct, add to, or deny...Rightwinger's help.

So, if 'crazies' is the 'insult' that has you discombobulated, well, you may want to re-think your perception of 'crazies'. You may just be too sensitive, too defensive, poster Correll.

After all, John McCain, himself, used this term to describe your scary 'insult':

John McCain Says Calling Donald Trump Supporters ‘Crazies’ Is a ‘Term of Endearment’

Jordan Chariton | July 24, 2015


So, settle down poster Correll. Not all in this world are completely skeptical of your seeming paranoia.

Good luck.

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