Donald Trump Says He Will Run for President of the USA!!!

I'd have to here Donald say that on National television before I would believe it. LOL
he said that about a month ago on cavuto, sorry scoop. but if he ran, even if he lost, he would be a great secretary of debt.
finally people who know how to manage money are running again.
nice try though it's still a good thread
You're thread title and OP say two different things. There's a big difference between will run, and considering running. I think he's been tossed around as a possible Presidential candidate the past couple cycles? At least he's got business/leadership experience.
If it's true it could be interesting. Not much of a fan of the Donald but I do think he's a very astute businessman, maybe more so than any candidate ever, so his perspective on things would likely stir things up pretty good.

Just imagine him debating the community agitator. He'd cut him up so badly the secret service would probably have to throw themselves in front of poor defenseless Barry.
Moments ago on CNBC Donald Trump said he is considering running for President of the USA!!!

Seems like everyone can sense blood in the water, and anyone who can run will run...

half the folks on the USMB have started polishing up their resumes....


"WASHINGTON -- There's no campaign yet, and there may never be, but New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and MSNBC's morning talk-show host Joe Scarborough have begun trying to figure out whether they could be an independent presidential ticket in 2012 -- and who would be better to be on top if it happens."
Michael Bloomberg & Joe Scarborough: The Independent Odd Couple
Fucking bloomberg is out of his fucking mind. He rivals dinkins for worst mayor ever.

Fucking bloomberg is out of his fucking mind. He rivals dinkins for worst mayor ever.


Was watching Morning Joe this AM and that was the first topic.

JS says no way. No how.

Of course thats today. LOL
:wtf: Never heard of that before. Interesting, I guess.

He is on to something there. I think a large on time progressive wealth tax on all multi millionaires & billionaires could help. 1% on $2 to $20 million & progressing up to 25% on people worth $50 Billion or more. It will not erase the national debt but it would make an immediate & major dent in it.
:wtf: Never heard of that before. Interesting, I guess.

He is on to something there. I think a large on time progressive wealth tax on all multi millionaires & billionaires could help. 1% on $2 to $20 million & progressing up to 25% on people worth $50 Billion or more. It will not erase the national debt but it would make an immediate & major dent in it.

The only way I could possibly support that is if they made it illegal for Congress to spend money it doesn't have. Congress needs to stop spending more than it takes in to make any "dent" into the national debt. The government could tax us 100% and they'd probably still find a way to raise our national debt.
:wtf: Never heard of that before. Interesting, I guess.

He is on to something there. I think a large on time progressive wealth tax on all multi millionaires & billionaires could help. 1% on $2 to $20 million & progressing up to 25% on people worth $50 Billion or more. It will not erase the national debt but it would make an immediate & major dent in it.

The only way I could possibly support that is if they made it illegal for Congress to spend money it doesn't have. Congress needs to stop spending more than it takes in to make any "dent" into the national debt. The government could tax us 100% and they'd probably still find a way to raise our national debt.

True. Spending must be frozen. One thing is for sure, if they do not use this tax to make a major dent in the debt, taxes will rise & the dollar will collapse by a larger amount than this tax & the peoples wealth will vanish along with jobs.
Donald Trump is a failure as a businessman. He's a success only at branding himself.

Do you how many of his companies have gone bankrupt? Some more than once.

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