Don’t let the rightwing fool you: the economy is doing well under Biden

Do you realize how stupid it sounds comparing a perimeter wall around someone’s house verses a wall that stretches the southern border? First of all, the wall could never be built for a variety of reasons. Second of all, even if it was, it would not stop people from simply climbing over it or tunneling under it. There is already a network of tunnels under the border already.
But, a wall has been in place and Trump upgraded miles of it. You sure are a low information idiot.
Just what do you think “… by the community as a whole means”? The community AKA citizens, own the distribution and production because their tax dollars are funding it.

But go ahead and tell me what that phrase means if I’m wrong. Go ahead. I’ll wait.

Sorry to keep you waiting. Read it again. The production, distribution, capital and land. It does not say funding programs that benefit us all. Do you think our founders that wrote the Constitution for our Republic were Socialists? They included funding for certain things but kept them to a limit. Our government owns things like snow plows and police cars. We fund the government for these things that we all agree to fund. If we owned the school buildings it would give us the right to enter them at will and spend the weekend if we wanted. If you enter a school building for the weekend you will be arrested and spend time in jail.
Lol dude are you listening to yourself? Individuals are within a community.
'dude' individuals own the means of production and CHOOSE, with their free will, to contribute to the community. The community does not own means of production and take the revenue and distribute it like socialism. How old are you anyway? You must have gotten a poor education.
Sorry to keep you waiting. Read it again. The production, distribution, capital and land. It does not say funding programs that benefit us all. Do you think our founders that wrote the Constitution for our Republic were Socialists? They included funding for certain things but kept them to a limit. Our government owns things like snow plows and police cars. We fund the government for these things that we all agree to fund. If we owned the school buildings it would give us the right to enter them at will and spend the weekend if we wanted. If you enter a school building for the weekend you will be arrested and spend time in jail.
I think it's futile trying to tell Billy anything. He's either dumb as a box of rocks or just trolling.
I don’t understand why you think that purpose somehow means it isn’t an example of socialism.
Because you are a low information person. Do some reading. You have two people here educating you yet here you are blabbing the same nonsense.
Sorry to keep you waiting. Read it again. The production, distribution, capital and land. It does not say funding programs that benefit us all. Do you think our founders that wrote the Constitution for our Republic were Socialists? They included funding for certain things but kept them to a limit. Our government owns things like snow plows and police cars. We fund the government for these things that we all agree to fund. If we owned the school buildings it would give us the right to enter them at will and spend the weekend if we wanted. If you enter a school building for the weekend you will be arrested and spend time in jail.
It does not matter whether or not those programs ultimately benefit the community. They are still owned and funded by the community, facilitated by a central government.

You still haven’t explained what that phrase means.
Because you are a low information person. Do some reading. You have two people here educating you yet here you are blabbing the same nonsense.
And yet you haven’t explained how I am wrong with any specifics.
'dude' individuals own the means of production and CHOOSE, with their free will, to contribute to the community. The community does not own means of production and take the revenue and distribute it like socialism. How old are you anyway? You must have gotten a poor education.
Lol what? The community does not own the means of production and distribute it? That is literally part of the definition Ray cited.
And yet you haven’t explained how I am wrong with any specifics.
Yes I have, you just can't comprehend or want to argue. You said a 'community' is socialist, I told you why it isn't. You said the wall is socialist, I told you how it wasn't. You said taxes are socialist, I told you how they were not. Yet here you are, totally ignoring what I taught you and asking for 'specifics' I already gave you. At this point you are wasting your own time.
Lol what? The community does not own the means of production and distribute it? That is literally part of the definition Ray cited.
No it isn't, you just have problems comprehending what he tried to teach you. You remind me of a petulant child really.
Do you realize how stupid it sounds comparing a perimeter wall around someone’s house verses a wall that stretches the southern border? First of all, the wall could never be built for a variety of reasons. Second of all, even if it was, it would not stop people from simply climbing over it or tunneling under it. There is already a network of tunnels under the border already.

There are some tunnels but they take months to build compared to just walking over a line or crossing vehicle barriers. Very few of these poor people have the resources to build such a structure as a functioning tunnel outside of the drug lords, and we eventually find those tunnels and close them down. Because the wall gives our authorities the ability to see what's going on inside Mexico, they have to be a half-mile to a mile long. The walls are over 50 feet high. Have you ever been up that high before? It's not something a lot of people can do.

As I said walls can be compromised but very few with the ability to do it. Our border is equipt with modern technology such as drones and the best night vision equipment. Our border patrol requested walls that could be seen through so our agents can see people coming long before they get there and start to try and climb over.

The BP estimates we now have over 2 million illegals in the country last year alone. That could never happen with a totally walled off border.
Yes I have, you just can't comprehend or want to argue. You said a 'community' is socialist, I told you why it isn't. You said the wall is socialist, I told you how it wasn't. You said taxes are socialist, I told you how they were not. Yet here you are, totally ignoring what I taught you and asking for 'specifics' I already gave you. At this point you are wasting your own time.
A community itself is not socialist, but programs funded by the community and facilitated by a government is still socialist.

You’re not actually presenting your own theory. You’re just saying no to what I am saying lol
There are some tunnels but they take months to build compared to just walking over a line or crossing vehicle barriers. Very few of these poor people have the resources to build such a structure as a functioning tunnel outside of the drug lords, and we eventually find those tunnels and close them down. Because the wall gives our authorities the ability to see what's going on inside Mexico, they have to be a half-mile to a mile long. The walls are over 50 feet high. Have you ever been up that high before? It's not something a lot of people can do.

As I said walls can be compromised but very few with the ability to do it. Our border is equipt with modern technology such as drones and the best night vision equipment. Our border patrol requested walls that could be seen through so our agents can see people coming long before they get there and start to try and climb over.

The BP estimates we now have over 2 million illegals in the country last year alone. That could never happen with a totally walled off border.
Yes and Biden exacerbated the problem by killing Trumps EOs such as the 'stay in Mexico' policy. Funny, now Biden has to reinstate it. Biden literally invited illegal aliens to cross our border.
A community itself is not socialist, but programs funded by the community and facilitated by a government is still socialist.

You’re not actually presenting your own theory. You’re just saying no to what I am saying lol
NO....Programs freely funded by individuals within a community is NOT socialism it is Representative Democracy. Geez...You are a dumb shit you know that?
There are some tunnels but they take months to build compared to just walking over a line or crossing vehicle barriers. Very few of these poor people have the resources to build such a structure as a functioning tunnel outside of the drug lords, and we eventually find those tunnels and close them down. Because the wall gives our authorities the ability to see what's going on inside Mexico, they have to be a half-mile to a mile long. The walls are over 50 feet high. Have you ever been up that high before? It's not something a lot of people can do.

As I said walls can be compromised but very few with the ability to do it. Our border is equipt with modern technology such as drones and the best night vision equipment. Our border patrol requested walls that could be seen through so our agents can see people coming long before they get there and start to try and climb over.

The BP estimates we now have over 2 million illegals in the country last year alone. That could never happen with a totally walled off border.
50 feet high huh? Where? How long is this stretch? And no, we don’t have drone tech along the entire border. If it was, can you imagine how much that would cost per year? Also think about the money required to maintain the wall itself… FOREVER.
Does the community own GM? Does the community own Starbucks? Does the community own Facebook?
Uhh no those are private corporations. What I am talking about is an entity funded by a community and facilitated by a government. Literally part of the definition you posted.

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