Ed Snowden! THANK YOU for Blowing the Whistle on This Corrupt Administration

I agree 100%. People like Snowden are the alarm clocks to the ignorant sheep of America, at the cost of his own life, because you and I both know that when they catch up to him, if they don't kill him in the field, that trip back home will not be pleasant. He may mysteriously fall on a bullet or choke on his own vomit on the way back to "justice". :eusa_whistle: You can't shame Obama in this manner and live.

RIP to that reporter Hastings too.
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The United States has found itself in a place it never was before. Completely ignored. obama can flail and rage and no one is paying any attention to him. He doesn't think and demands that his advisors not think either. obama has made the nation so weak, there just isn't any pressure we could bring to bear on anyone. In fact, it's other countries that have the upper hand. Russia could easily refuse permission for the US to use their shuttles and completely cut us off from the space station. China could easily stop lending us money. Yet obama in his complete ignorance either doesn't know or doesn't care that Xi and Putin both despise him and take a personal pleasure in grinding him down.
In a nutshell I believe Snowden is doing the right thing, because he is telling the truth in spite of the power of a corrupt government. If Snowden is a traitor, then I cannot support patriotism because patriotism would mean lying to the masses for the sake of the greater good.

If it weren't for Snowden, we'd still be ignorant of this horrific path America is on. We don't have any reason to trust our government, so to see these liars now punish the truth-teller instills in me a desire to help Snowden any way I can. Sunlight is the best disinfectant, and I am proud of Snowden for doing what he thought was right... letting us the people know about the schemes and the machinations of our ever growing and stagnating government.

I'm rooting for him, and hopefully he'll make it through alright.
In a nutshell I believe Snowden is doing the right thing, because he is telling the truth in spite of the power of a corrupt government. If Snowden is a traitor, then I cannot support patriotism because patriotism would mean lying to the masses for the sake of the greater good.

If it weren't for Snowden, we'd still be ignorant of this horrific path America is on. We don't have any reason to trust our government, so to see these liars now punish the truth-teller instills in me a desire to help Snowden any way I can. Sunlight is the best disinfectant, and I am proud of Snowden for doing what he thought was right... letting us the people know about the schemes and the machinations of our ever growing and stagnating government.

I'm rooting for him, and hopefully he'll make it through alright.

I would say it's lying to the masses for the sake of the state. The greater good is not served by the massive surveillance state that the U.S. has become.
In a nutshell I believe Snowden is doing the right thing, because he is telling the truth in spite of the power of a corrupt government. If Snowden is a traitor, then I cannot support patriotism because patriotism would mean lying to the masses for the sake of the greater good.

If it weren't for Snowden, we'd still be ignorant of this horrific path America is on. We don't have any reason to trust our government, so to see these liars now punish the truth-teller instills in me a desire to help Snowden any way I can. Sunlight is the best disinfectant, and I am proud of Snowden for doing what he thought was right... letting us the people know about the schemes and the machinations of our ever growing and stagnating government.

I'm rooting for him, and hopefully he'll make it through alright.

I would say it's lying to the masses for the sake of the state. The greater good is not served by the massive surveillance state that the U.S. has become.

I stand corrected. Thank you. :razz:
As someone tried to bury my reply to Seriousnameuser, I'll post it on this thread. thanks - J.

What you think and 50 cents will get me a newspaper. Not much more.
As for Snowden:

He is holding all the cards here. He is the one with the Brain. If the best they have is the president then he, as a scientist is paired up against a community organizer with a law degree. ( no contest )

If the best is Snowden paired against Head of the DOJ then he is competing against a man that flunked the BAR three times and sued for a license. ( no contest )

If he is going against the government in general then he is going against a government that has a policy of hiring the disadvantaged and the disabled. ( not even a contest )

The NSA and the CIA has not demonstrated the quality of people or the intelligence of people to do what this guy does for Booz Allen. ( reality hitting you in the face right now)

obama is not entitled to displays of patriotism. He's just the presidebt. He gets no personal loyalty. He's not the King.

Ed Snowden ripped off the scab on the obama surveillance infection. The pus is leaking out.
I'd like to know where he's spent the last 24 hours....he never boarded the plane to Cuba so he's still with the soviets uh, the russians. By now they can know everything he knows and doesn't know he knows and probably do. This kid is between two tsunamis and those wiki-leaks punks can't stop what's happening to him. If he's smart, he'll negotiate a return to the US....I'd think Adolf Hussein would be open to a "no harm no foul" deal at this juncture.
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I agree 100%. People like Snowden are the alarm clocks to the ignorant sheep of America, at the cost of his own life, because you and I both know that when they catch up to him, if they don't kill him in the field, that trip back home will not be pleasant. He may mysteriously fall on a bullet or choke on his own vomit on the way back to "justice". :eusa_whistle: You can't shame Obama in this manner and live.

RIP to that reporter Hastings too.

I know no such thing. Snowden will never be found. The Gov has just been risen to the level of their incompetency. They are out of their league here.

I'd like to know where he's spent the last 24 hours....he never boarded the plane to Cuba so he's still with the soviets uh, the russians. By now they can know everything he knows and doesn't know he knows and probably do. This kid is between two tsunamis and those wiki-leaks punks can't stop what's happening to him. If he's smart, he'll negotiate a return to the US....I'd think Adolf Hussein would be open to a "no harm no foul" deal at this juncture.

No harm no foul! Oh my that's attributing something to this vengeful idiot in the white house. Snowden would end up like Andrew Breitbart and Michael Hastings. Snowden knew, when he left, that he would never be able to come back. He himself said so.

At this point, obama should drop it. He's only giving other countries an opportunity to make public obama's lack of experience, and ineffective rage. The one moving into a corner isn't Snowden, it's obama! obama is doing exactly what he did in Syria. His mouth is making threats that he can't do, and knows that when he made the threats. The more obama tries to make of this, the worse he looks. He's not prepared to go to war over Snowden's return. obama is in a fit of pique. Our national security isn't at risk, OBAMA is at risk because his abuse of office is being exposed.
If I were in his shoes I'd drop it. But I'm not in his shoes. He is. Hastings was an ordinary journalist. If he was assassinated what do we think would happen to Snowden?

There is no way the President could know in advance the intentions of everyone working for him. He isn't a mind reader. We really cannot state with certainty Obama gave a direct order for Hastings but it is apparent someone considered him a threat for some reason.

Now why would Hastings not have hidden his information with a 3rd, 4th, 5th party - something on paper - that could be used as insurance to keep him alive? Because he wasn't thinking ahead. Snowden was and you can be sure he planned this well in advance knowing he wasn't coming back.

If they press too hard, it could blow up in their face. I would think they would know this. Perhaps not.
I'd like to know where he's spent the last 24 hours....he never boarded the plane to Cuba so he's still with the soviets uh, the russians. By now they can know everything he knows and doesn't know he knows and probably do. This kid is between two tsunamis and those wiki-leaks punks can't stop what's happening to him. If he's smart, he'll negotiate a return to the US....I'd think Adolf Hussein would be open to a "no harm no foul" deal at this juncture.

No harm no foul! Oh my that's attributing something to this vengeful idiot in the white house. Snowden would end up like Andrew Breitbart and Michael Hastings. Snowden knew, when he left, that he would never be able to come back. He himself said so.

At this point, obama should drop it. He's only giving other countries an opportunity to make public obama's lack of experience, and ineffective rage. The one moving into a corner isn't Snowden, it's obama! obama is doing exactly what he did in Syria. His mouth is making threats that he can't do, and knows that when he made the threats. The more obama tries to make of this, the worse he looks. He's not prepared to go to war over Snowden's return. obama is in a fit of pique. Our national security isn't at risk, OBAMA is at risk because his abuse of office is being exposed.

You're saying Obama assassinated Breitbart? LOL! Please. Outside your rant about Obama I think you just agreed with me that he should let this thing wither and die. Snowden is more dangerous abroad then he is here.....out on bail, offered a plea deal, even if he did time it would be jail time, 9 months is a year, and he'd probably be released due to "overcrowding" ala Lindsey Lohan. Obama is a pussy....don't give the fool credit he ain't due.
obama doesn't think. He's driven by a mad instinctual rage and and outsized opinion of his own power. Both are very dangerous.

If Hastings indeed had given his information to others as insurance, it is quite likely they don't know what they have.
As someone tried to bury my reply to Seriousnameuser, I'll post it on this thread. thanks - J.

What you think and 50 cents will get me a newspaper. Not much more.
As for Snowden:

He is holding all the cards here. He is the one with the Brain. If the best they have is the president then he, as a scientist is paired up against a community organizer with a law degree. ( no contest )

If the best is Snowden paired against Head of the DOJ then he is competing against a man that flunked the BAR three times and sued for a license. ( no contest )

If he is going against the government in general then he is going against a government that has a policy of hiring the disadvantaged and the disabled. ( not even a contest )

The NSA and the CIA has not demonstrated the quality of people or the intelligence of people to do what this guy does for Booz Allen. ( reality hitting you in the face right now)


Snowden is no scientist. He was a low-level system administrator.
As someone tried to bury my reply to Seriousnameuser, I'll post it on this thread. thanks - J.

What you think and 50 cents will get me a newspaper. Not much more.
As for Snowden:

He is holding all the cards here. He is the one with the Brain. If the best they have is the president then he, as a scientist is paired up against a community organizer with a law degree. ( no contest )

If the best is Snowden paired against Head of the DOJ then he is competing against a man that flunked the BAR three times and sued for a license. ( no contest )

If he is going against the government in general then he is going against a government that has a policy of hiring the disadvantaged and the disabled. ( not even a contest )

The NSA and the CIA has not demonstrated the quality of people or the intelligence of people to do what this guy does for Booz Allen. ( reality hitting you in the face right now)


Snowden is no scientist. He was a low-level system administrator.

Yes he was. Booz Allen doesn't hire low level administration types for his job description. Nice try. No cigar.

Snowden is no scientist. He was a low-level system administrator.

I question that, because he supposedly earned around $120,000 per year.

That's because his security clearance is valuable and technical skills with ability to travel pay well. He had a GED, and no college degree.

You have your facts wrong. He received a very impressive education.
AFTER he was a high school drop out. Booz Allen doesn't hire high school dropouts, hon.

- Jeri

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