Elizabeth Warren Stepped In It During CNN Interview

Pocahontas is a POS that doesn’t give a rats ass about

good decent Americans.

It’s all politics to the lying heartless bitch….
Our immigration system needs serious reform. I personally think we need to make it easier for people to come here with less red tape which I believe will ultimately result in the less illegal immigration. We also need to enforce our immigration laws so bad people are kept out of our country. The problem with the Democrats is that they seem to care more about the people sneaking in illegally than they do about the American people they are supposed to be representing and Warren’s comments are a good example of this.

When asked about Mollie Tibbetts, this was her response:

I’m so sorry for the family and I know this is hard not only for the people in her community, the people throughout Iowa. But one of the things we have to remember is we need an immigration system that is effective, that focuses on where real problems are. Last month I went down to the border and I saw where children had been taken away from their mothers. I met with their mothers who had been lied to, who didn’t know where their children were and hadn’t had a chance to talk with their children. There was no plan for how they would be reunified with their children. I think we need immigration laws that focus on people who pose a real threat and I don’t think mamas and babies are the place we should be spending our resources. Separating a mama from a baby does not make this country safer.”

Elizabeth Warren Reacts to Mollie Tibbetts’ Death By Defending Illegal Immigrants, Draws Outrage

I don’t know if it was really her intention to infer that the situation on the border is far more serious than Americans being murdered by illegals, but there was definitely a better way to phrase all of that.
There's no better way to phrase that. It's what she and the democrats believe. We do not need any reform. We need enforcement. We also need to eliminate birth right citizenship. I don't care about an illegal's child. I do care about a US citizen in Iowa being murdered by one. That should have never happened.
This is the democrat party folks. Don't forget that. Molly Tibbet's family just needs to focus on the more important things like illegals not getting to be with their children. Not that Molly's parents will ever see their child again but that shouldn't be our primary focus here. That is secondary to taking better care of our illegal population. Fuck Molly, poor illegal Lupita and her child are suffering here and this shit needs to be stopped. It's where we should be really be focusing our attention rather than the US citizen murdered.

Immigrations have far lower arrest and criminal conviction rate then naive-born-americans.

There's more statistics about immigrants that show it's not immigrants don't build a wall!.

That’s a bullshit lie....but let’s do this.
Illegal cockroach = welfare dependent criminal anchor baby
Just in case you didn’t know the origin of the barely legal anchor baby.
To summarize....
No illegal = No welfare dependent criminal anchor baby.
This is the democrat party folks. Don't forget that. Molly Tibbet's family just needs to focus on the more important things like illegals not getting to be with their children. Not that Molly's parents will ever see their child again but that shouldn't be our primary focus here. That is secondary to taking better care of our illegal population. Fuck Molly, poor illegal Lupita and her child are suffering here and this shit needs to be stopped. It's where we should be really be focusing our attention rather than the US citizen murdered.

Why do you call her "Pocahontas"?

Are you serious?

It's because she lied about being an injun……….
Why do you call her "Pocahontas"?

Why not?

All her adult life this blue-eyed blond has claimed to be of Native American heritage. She profited financially and professionally from those claims.
This is the democrat party folks. Don't forget that. Molly Tibbet's family just needs to focus on the more important things like illegals not getting to be with their children. Not that Molly's parents will ever see their child again but that shouldn't be our primary focus here. That is secondary to taking better care of our illegal population. Fuck Molly, poor illegal Lupita and her child are suffering here and this shit needs to be stopped. It's where we should be really be focusing our attention rather than the US citizen murdered.

Immigrations have far lower arrest and criminal conviction rate then naive-born-americans.

There's more statistics about immigrants that show it's not immigrants don't build a wall!.

Why do always leave out the illegal part? I don't care about the crime rate for illegals, the rate is 100%, They are all criminals. I do care about legal immigrants. I just want all the illegal ones deported and if that means their family has to go with them I'm good with that. We need a two prong approach to this. First of all no illegal should ever be allowed here and should be deported or jailed immediately as they are criminals. Second we have to end birth right citizenship. Just because your family got you to a hospital we paid to give you life doesn't mean you're a citizen here. You and your two illegal parents all need to be sent home.

I wonder do you know how dumb you sound not all of them are criminals and yes it does matter low crime rate.The whole post you wrote makes no sense America was founded by immigrations.
This is the democrat party folks. Don't forget that. Molly Tibbet's family just needs to focus on the more important things like illegals not getting to be with their children. Not that Molly's parents will ever see their child again but that shouldn't be our primary focus here. That is secondary to taking better care of our illegal population. Fuck Molly, poor illegal Lupita and her child are suffering here and this shit needs to be stopped. It's where we should be really be focusing our attention rather than the US citizen murdered.

Why do you call her "Pocahontas"?

Are you serious?

It's because she lied about being an injun……….

Ah, did she now.

Your evidence then?

Why do you call her "Pocahontas"?

Why not?

All her adult life this blue-eyed blond has claimed to be of Native American heritage. She profited financially and professionally from those claims.

This thread is not about Elizabeth Warren being a fake Indian. Please stick to the topic
This is the democrat party folks. Don't forget that. Molly Tibbet's family just needs to focus on the more important things like illegals not getting to be with their children. Not that Molly's parents will ever see their child again but that shouldn't be our primary focus here. That is secondary to taking better care of our illegal population. Fuck Molly, poor illegal Lupita and her child are suffering here and this shit needs to be stopped. It's where we should be really be focusing our attention rather than the US citizen murdered.

What a fucken C*nt!!!!
Immigrations have far lower arrest and criminal conviction rate then naive-born-americans.

There's more statistics about immigrants that show it's not immigrants don't build a wall!.

Counting off face-to-face.

The overall perspective of the criminal behavior of illegal aliens is grim. In a 2007 Government Accountability Office study of 55,322 illegal aliens, analysts discovered that they were arrested at least a total of 459,614 times, averaging about eight arrests per illegal alien: 70 percent had between two and 10 arrests, and 26 percent (about 15,000) had 11 or more arrests. Drug or immigration offenses accounted for 45 percent of all offenses, and approximately 12 percent (over 6,600 illegal aliens) were arrested for violent offenses such as murder, robbery, assault, and sex-related crimes.[14]


An FBI crime study also shows heavy illegal alien involvement in criminal activity revealed these statistics:

  • 75 percent of those on the most wanted criminals list in Los Angeles, Phoenix and Albuquerque are illegal aliens.
  • One quarter of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals, as are more than 40 percent of all inmates in Arizona and 48 percent in New Mexico jails.
  • Over 53 percent of all investigated burglaries reported in California, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona, and Texas are perpetrated by illegal aliens.
  • 63 percent of cited drivers in Arizona have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that number, 97 percent are illegal aliens. 66 percent of cited drivers in New Mexico have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 66 percent, 98 percent are illegal aliens.[15]

Illegal Alien Crime and Violence by the Numbers: We’re All Victims
This is the democrat party folks. Don't forget that. Molly Tibbet's family just needs to focus on the more important things like illegals not getting to be with their children. Not that Molly's parents will ever see their child again but that shouldn't be our primary focus here. That is secondary to taking better care of our illegal population. Fuck Molly, poor illegal Lupita and her child are suffering here and this shit needs to be stopped. It's where we should be really be focusing our attention rather than the US citizen murdered.

Immigrations have far lower arrest and criminal conviction rate then naive-born-americans.

There's more statistics about immigrants that show it's not immigrants don't build a wall!.

Why do always leave out the illegal part? I don't care about the crime rate for illegals, the rate is 100%, They are all criminals. I do care about legal immigrants. I just want all the illegal ones deported and if that means their family has to go with them I'm good with that. We need a two prong approach to this. First of all no illegal should ever be allowed here and should be deported or jailed immediately as they are criminals. Second we have to end birth right citizenship. Just because your family got you to a hospital we paid to give you life doesn't mean you're a citizen here. You and your two illegal parents all need to be sent home.

I wonder do you know how dumb you sound not all of them are criminals and yes it does matter low crime rate.The whole post you wrote makes no sense America was founded by immigrations.

Another fucken noob who brings nothing new to the table....yawn.
This is the democrat party folks. Don't forget that. Molly Tibbet's family just needs to focus on the more important things like illegals not getting to be with their children. Not that Molly's parents will ever see their child again but that shouldn't be our primary focus here. That is secondary to taking better care of our illegal population. Fuck Molly, poor illegal Lupita and her child are suffering here and this shit needs to be stopped. It's where we should be really be focusing our attention rather than the US citizen murdered.

Immigrations have far lower arrest and criminal conviction rate then naive-born-americans.

There's more statistics about immigrants that show it's not immigrants don't build a wall!.

Immigrations have far lower arrest and criminal conviction rate then naive-born-americans.

I wonder do you know how dumb you sound not all of them are criminals and yes it does matter low crime rate.The whole post you wrote makes no sense America was founded by immigrations.

The "America was founded by [immigrants] defense is garbage. We're talking about 2018, not 1918.

It doesn't matter that not all of them are criminals or that any are criminals. We are a sovereign country, we have borders and we need to know who is entering our country. The high crime rate of illegal immigrants is relevant, very relevant.
To the democrat Party, illegal alien voters trumps the welfare, even the very lives, of American citizens. Never put a democrat in office again
And who is Elizabeth Warren to write up a laughable piece of legislation? Right? she wants to mess with the rich/one per-cent? And wasn't it Warren who pretended to be a native american to squeek her way into a college for a high paying job?
And now she shows no remorse over a murder, yet cares more for illegal aliens?
Well? can you imagine the hecklers at her rallies?
Anyone attempting to protest at a Fauxahontas rally would immediately be clubbed to death of a Democrat Party goon squad of peaceful anti-whatevers.
Warren writing law would be the equivalent of Hillary writing laws about destroying/hiding evidence after being questioned by FBI/CIA
Madam President....

Yeah right....:21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
This is the democrat party folks. Don't forget that. Molly Tibbet's family just needs to focus on the more important things like illegals not getting to be with their children. Not that Molly's parents will ever see their child again but that shouldn't be our primary focus here. That is secondary to taking better care of our illegal population. Fuck Molly, poor illegal Lupita and her child are suffering here and this shit needs to be stopped. It's where we should be really be focusing our attention rather than the US citizen murdered.

Immigrations have far lower arrest and criminal conviction rate then naive-born-americans.

There's more statistics about immigrants that show it's not immigrants don't build a wall!.

Why do always leave out the illegal part? I don't care about the crime rate for illegals, the rate is 100%, They are all criminals. I do care about legal immigrants. I just want all the illegal ones deported and if that means their family has to go with them I'm good with that. We need a two prong approach to this. First of all no illegal should ever be allowed here and should be deported or jailed immediately as they are criminals. Second we have to end birth right citizenship. Just because your family got you to a hospital we paid to give you life doesn't mean you're a citizen here. You and your two illegal parents all need to be sent home.

I wonder do you know how dumb you sound not all of them are criminals and yes it does matter low crime rate.The whole post you wrote makes no sense America was founded by immigrations.

EVER SINGLE ONE OF THEM are criminals you fucking idiot. What the hell do you think the word illegal means?
It is going to be hilarious whoever the Democrats prop up against The Donald. I am actually looking forward to the debates. The Donald kicked the ass of the most embedded Democrat in history, those secondary, crazy ones are going to be humiliated even worse, which is one reason the Dems are obsessed with trying to impeach him before he can run for a second term. The Dems other objective is to get as many illegal alien criminals, felons and other POS scumbags in to vote for Dems.

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