Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results point to Native American heritage

When you represent yourself as having "Native American lineage" there is an implicit assertion that your few drops of relevant blood come up to the minimum standard for the tribe you claim as your own. Or any tribe. Even by this minimal standard, she fails.

The fact that she took her sperm to a PRIVATE LAB (where the results cannot be cross-checked and verified) and it took so long, and the claim is so microscopic as to be non-existent...

Oh yeah, and Trump is such a LIAR!!!!!

You fucking tools.
"When you represent yourself as having 'Native American lineage' there is an implicit assertion"......says who?

First Nations bod. The tribes have made their own rules as to what they will consider as blood.
More on Pocahontas. Ain't this a Hoot!

It Gets Better… Average White Person in America Has DOUBLE THE AMOUNT of Native American DNA as Elizabeth Warren

It Gets Better... Average White Person in America Has DOUBLE THE AMOUNT of Native American DNA as Elizabeth Warren

But, to be honest, this Bat-Shit Crazy Bitch doesn't deserve the time being spent to ridicule her.

She could NOT get elected to anything more than Dog Catcher outside of LoonLands like Massachusetts----might have a chance in Shitholia (Connecticut).
Wouldn't .098% be if she was only 1/1024th NA, instead of 1/32?
They're playing math tricks on ya, Macaulay.

Bottom line is that she is not First Nations as defined by quantum blood level.
Ok....when did she ever claim that she was?
google it. i've put it in here twice so far and am tired of it.
When you represent yourself as having "Native American lineage" there is an implicit assertion that your few drops of relevant blood come up to the minimum standard for the tribe you claim as your own. Or any tribe. Even by this minimal standard, she fails.

The fact that she took her sperm to a PRIVATE LAB (where the results cannot be cross-checked and verified) and it took so long, and the claim is so microscopic as to be non-existent...

Oh yeah, and Trump is such a LIAR!!!!!

You fucking tools.
LGBQT and What.
Women get their mitochondrian DNA tested.........and as far as I know....all do it thru cheek swabs. Not quite sure how that poster came up with "sperm"....even when talking about a male getting tested.
More on Pocahontas. Ain't this a Hoot!

It Gets Better… Average White Person in America Has DOUBLE THE AMOUNT of Native American DNA as Elizabeth Warren

It Gets Better... Average White Person in America Has DOUBLE THE AMOUNT of Native American DNA as Elizabeth Warren

But, to be honest, this Bat-Shit Crazy Bitch doesn't deserve the time being spent to ridicule her.

She could NOT get elected to anything more than Dog Catcher outside of LoonLands like Massachusetts----might have a chance in Shitholia (Connecticut).
Wouldn't .098% be if she was only 1/1024th NA, instead of 1/32?
They're playing math tricks on ya, Macaulay.

Bottom line is that she is not First Nations as defined by quantum blood level.
Ok....when did she ever claim that she was?
google it. i've put it in here twice so far and am tired of it.
This thread is a mess now, merged and such...and isn't it odd how you answer for tinydancer........sock?
When you represent yourself as having "Native American lineage" this an implicit assertion that your few drops of relevant blood come up to the minimum standard for the tribe you claim as your own. Or any tribe. Even by this minimal standard, she fails.The fact that she took her sperm to a PRIVATE LAB (where the results cannot be cross-checked and verified) and it took so long, and the claim is so microscopic as to be non-existent...Oh yeah, and Trump is such a LIAR!!!!!You fucking tools.

Her sperm....
Elizabeth Warren has taken a DNA test.

The results show she wasn't lying.

trump and the republicans have been lying all this time.

The truth is that most American families that have been here for a long time have Native American Indian somewhere in the past in their families.

I do. Like Warren it was a long family story that many generations back someone married a Cherokee woman. I never believed it until I took a DNA test. There it was. Just like Warren, a very small part of my DNA has Native American Indian. Just like the family story, it's very small which means it's many generations back.

Just like most Americans.

So go ahead and call her names. You're only showing your hate and ignorance.

Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results point to Native American heritage
which an expert said shows “strong evidence’’ :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

They never ever stop lying.

The test shows the following:

She possesses 12 times more Native American blood than a white person from Great Britain, the report found, and 10 times more than a white person from Utah.

So she has Native American DNA in her blood.

Which means she wasn't lying.
/—-/ The “expert” can’t pinpoint the generation. It’s an educated guess
More on Pocahontas. Ain't this a Hoot!

It Gets Better… Average White Person in America Has DOUBLE THE AMOUNT of Native American DNA as Elizabeth Warren

It Gets Better... Average White Person in America Has DOUBLE THE AMOUNT of Native American DNA as Elizabeth Warren

But, to be honest, this Bat-Shit Crazy Bitch doesn't deserve the time being spent to ridicule her.

She could NOT get elected to anything more than Dog Catcher outside of LoonLands like Massachusetts----might have a chance in Shitholia (Connecticut).
Wouldn't .098% be if she was only 1/1024th NA, instead of 1/32?
They're playing math tricks on ya, Macaulay.

Bottom line is that she is not First Nations as defined by quantum blood level.
Ok....when did she ever claim that she was?

"A" on her application Bod. Already put up the link.
Where is that link? They just merged a bunch of threads into one.

Oh didn't see that Bod. And btw I really mean it when I understand the romanticism behind all of this. Hey you've known me for years on boards. One time just for fun on Hannity just to prove how quickly everyone can be totalled at 2 am in the morning....sheesh I think myself called Heavenly Blue with a complete palomino horse and Choctaw. Stu almost got banned.I had to jump in and tell Lee I was doing a "test" so my husband understood that it doesn't matter how ridiculous you are, guys will be guys.


Here's the link....

Ethnicity not a factor in Elizabeth Warren’s rise in law - The Boston Globe

My DNA test indicates I am probably the rightful King of Ireland.
You are related to which former king?

King Brian.

What really kills me is the number of souls who love to claim Cherokee even if they are one of the most brutal First Nations who lived on our lands.


If I was going to lie............I'd go Huron. Brilliant souls. True hunter gatherers. They had it all. The historic lodge is to die for in Midland.

ETA: the place is unreal. Trust me.

Huron/Ouendat Village
What was brutal about the Cherokee?
More on Pocahontas. Ain't this a Hoot!

It Gets Better… Average White Person in America Has DOUBLE THE AMOUNT of Native American DNA as Elizabeth Warren

It Gets Better... Average White Person in America Has DOUBLE THE AMOUNT of Native American DNA as Elizabeth Warren

But, to be honest, this Bat-Shit Crazy Bitch doesn't deserve the time being spent to ridicule her.

She could NOT get elected to anything more than Dog Catcher outside of LoonLands like Massachusetts----might have a chance in Shitholia (Connecticut).
Wouldn't .098% be if she was only 1/1024th NA, instead of 1/32?
They're playing math tricks on ya, Macaulay.

Bottom line is that she is not First Nations as defined by quantum blood level.
Ok....when did she ever claim that she was?
google it. i've put it in here twice so far and am tired of it.
This thread is a mess now, merged and such...and isn't it odd how you answer for tinydancer........sock?
yea, that must be it.

or it could be i've seen that question a bunch today and have provided the link several times and just told you because again, i can find the link but you can't.
More on Pocahontas. Ain't this a Hoot!

It Gets Better… Average White Person in America Has DOUBLE THE AMOUNT of Native American DNA as Elizabeth Warren

It Gets Better... Average White Person in America Has DOUBLE THE AMOUNT of Native American DNA as Elizabeth Warren

But, to be honest, this Bat-Shit Crazy Bitch doesn't deserve the time being spent to ridicule her.

She could NOT get elected to anything more than Dog Catcher outside of LoonLands like Massachusetts----might have a chance in Shitholia (Connecticut).
Wouldn't .098% be if she was only 1/1024th NA, instead of 1/32?
They're playing math tricks on ya, Macaulay.

Honestly, Old Lady, I don't think you can be educated....and in spite of your consistent embarrassing inanities posted too often on this board, I have left you alone for that reason.....and also out of sympathy for what is very likely much advanced age accompanied by some dementia.

But, here is a light math and genetics lesson.

If this lying goofy bitch had a full blooded Indian Great-Grandparent, she would have 1/8th Indian Blood, or .125 decimal interest (the same as 1.25 per cent). That is the MINIMUM amount of Indian Blood that will get you recognized by an Indian Tribe! Most require 1/4 Indian Blood---which would mean a full blooded Indian Grandparent--two generations up the chain of heredity.

Pocahantas flunks this test by a mile. She doesn't have a even Have a Great-Great-Great-Great-Grand Parent who was a full blooded Indian---that would make her 1/64 Indian (.015625 decimal interest)---her own specialist---who was probably a liar, as most Liberals are---said she wasn't even that close--- she was possibly up to the tenth generation or 1/1024 also called .000977 decimal interest.

Now that's her man's story and he wasn't even sure---and she went all over the country to find him, so there is rightful suspicion there....and an independent analysis would be required if anybody gave enough of a Shit--which I do not.

And it is now reported that the AVERAGE AMERICAN has more Indian Blood than Pocahantas's own bogus Sanford expert says he "thinks" she might have.

Her own privately, surreptitiously hired test man, a liberal tool from Sanford, said she might have no more than .000977 Indian Blood---the Cherokees would laugh her off the Reservation, as the American People will laugh her out of any race she runs outside of LoonLand in the NorthEast.
I'll post it later, but, at best her DNA allegedly shows she has American Indian DNA 6 TO 10 GENERATIONS AGO! She has no business passing herself off as American Indian!
That matches what she had claimed. Sad for you.
No, she claimed to be at least 1/16th Indian.
Turns out she is more likely 1/1000th.

No, she said exactly what the DNA test says. But keep parroting the BS.

1/1024 is not American Indian
Any Caucasian of America can say what she is saying… And most of them would have more credibility percentagewise

As reported by the Globe, this means she could be between 1/64 and 1/1,024 Native American...Warren might even be less Native American than the average European American.

"According to the Times report on the study, which can be found on the National Institutes of Health website, “European-Americans had genomes that were on average 98.6 percent European, .19 percent African, and .18 percent Native American.”

For Latino Americans, the average percentage of Native-American ancestry was 18 percent; while African Americans’ average was .8 percent.

If Warren is 10 generations removed from a Native-American ancestor, she would be no more Native American -- .09 percent -- than any of the groups studied in that research."

Wouldn't .098% be if she was only 1/1024th NA, instead of 1/32?
They're playing math tricks on ya, Macaulay.

Bottom line is that she is not First Nations as defined by quantum blood level.
Ok....when did she ever claim that she was?

"A" on her application Bod. Already put up the link.
Where is that link? They just merged a bunch of threads into one.

Oh didn't see that Bod. And btw I really mean it when I understand the romanticism behind all of this. Hey you've known me for years on boards. One time just for fun on Hannity just to prove how quickly everyone can be totalled at 2 am in the morning....sheesh I think myself called Heavenly Blue with a complete palomino horse and Choctaw. Stu almost got banned.I had to jump in and tell Lee I was doing a "test" so my husband understood that it doesn't matter how ridiculous you are, guys will be guys.


Here's the link....

Ethnicity not a factor in Elizabeth Warren’s rise in law - The Boston Globe
Thank you....I see she ALSO marked C for Caucasian. And your article states they didn't consider her ALSO marking Native American as a factor, in fact most didn't even know she ALSO marked Native American. Of course what those on the right won't talk about (unless it serves their purpose) that if anything gave Elizabeth Warren an edge, it was being female since white women are the biggest group gaining an advantage off of Affirmative Action.
Elizabeth Warren has taken a DNA test.

The results show she wasn't lying.

trump and the republicans have been lying all this time.

The truth is that most American families that have been here for a long time have Native American Indian somewhere in the past in their families.

I do. Like Warren it was a long family story that many generations back someone married a Cherokee woman. I never believed it until I took a DNA test. There it was. Just like Warren, a very small part of my DNA has Native American Indian. Just like the family story, it's very small which means it's many generations back.

Just like most Americans.

So go ahead and call her names. You're only showing your hate and ignorance.

Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results point to Native American heritage
Wait between 1/32 and 1/512 isn't serious..........you guys will swallow any bullshit they feed you
Now it’s 1/1024
What’s that, the filth/sixth time she’s changed her story?
oh wow, ok, so she has as much indian blood as the average white folk.........which is next to zero, which is what we thought. Lefties, how does this disclosure change anything?

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