Ending health insurance for 13 million to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy?

So health insurance companies are all democrat institutions. You are quite the ignorant ass

Again Commie Bastard, Not FORCING people to spend their money on health INSURANCE (not care) does not keep anyone from buying insurance.

You lying little Goebbels like to lie that if we don't force people to BUY insurance that we are "taking healthcare." What a fucking lie, what scum you Stalinists are.

Which party pushed to allow private insurance companies get a piece of Medicare? Well dickbreath? REPUBLICANS.

Even if that is true, which is doubtful, since virtually nothing you ever post is true, what does it have to do with FORCING poor people to choose between feeding their children or buying health insurance from George Soros' Blue Cross or one of the other well connected corporation you Commie fucks promote?

My God you are dumber than shit.

Ending the mandate will cause 13 million to be uninsured. The uninsured that will be rushed tro the hospital when they have a heart attack & run up a serveral hundred thousand dollar bill & guess who the fuck pays for it.

This is why you are so fricken dense. People get healthcare when they have to have it whether they are insured or not or whether they can pay for it or not.
So shove the " Oh Oh Oh They make me do it" crap up your fat ass. They should pay for that access, not me.

Ending the "mandate" allows people to decide what they will or will not buy. It allows people to chose to feed their children instead of enriching Kaiser and Blue Cross as you Communist thugs demand.

It returns freedom, you lying scumbag. Any and all of the fictitious "13 million" is free to buy health insurance (not care as you lying shits claim) or not. Not a single person has healthcare taken - you're just a filthy liar.
Nobody is ending health insurance for 13M people, you damn liar

Most didn’t want it in the first place.

Those who do are still welcome to buy it.

The Realdunce is a fucking liar, simple as that.

13 million will no longer be insured.

As reported by the CBO.

That is a flat out lie. RealDunce.

No one will no longer be insured.

All that happens is that those who want to spend their money feeding their kids instead of buying insurance from George Soros (Anthem Blue Cross) have the FREEDOM to decide on their own.
Nobody is ending health insurance for 13M people, you damn liar

Most didn’t want it in the first place.

Those who do are still welcome to buy it.

The Realdunce is a fucking liar, simple as that.

13 million will no longer be insured.

As reported by the CBO.

Most of which didn’t want to be insured in the first place.

Those who do are welcome to keep paying and keep the insurance.

The RealDunce is outraged that the poor have freedom.
Nobody is ending health insurance for 13M people, you damn liar

Senate Republicans have proposed eliminating the ACA’s requirement that all Americans have health insurance or pay a penalty. By getting rid of this, the CBO estimates 13 million fewer people would have insurance a decade from now.

So, if we don't hold a gun to their head, they won't buy what Soros is selling?

Gee, if you Commie shits can't rob people at gun point, the world will end...
End the drug war, right wingers. No one is holding a gun to your head.

Why didn't your little tin god over 8 years?
Hearing the GOP and the Dump is depriving 13 mil of health insurance gives the DEPLORABLES erections.
only after the blue pill otherwise the limpdicks can't get it up.

Atleast try and keep up. It's one thing to argue, but it's another to be ignorant and then argue ......don't be that guy

Read your OWN fucking citation, moron........Extension does NOT mean Permanence.

Find a grown up to read it to you and explain it with cartoons......LOL

He apparently went to Ohio state, forgive him.
Hearing the GOP and the Dump is depriving 13 mil of health insurance gives the DEPLORABLES erections.
only after the blue pill otherwise the limpdicks can't get it up.

Atleast try and keep up. It's one thing to argue, but it's another to be ignorant and then argue ......don't be that guy

Read your OWN fucking citation, moron........Extension does NOT mean Permanence.

Find a grown up to read it to you and explain it with cartoons......LOL

He apparently went to Ohio state, forgive him.
ahhh shit....where did you go to school?
and if you followed politics as well as read my peace, they were made permanent

just read my post after, he didn't respond, because he got his ass kicked, he though he was being a smart ass.....nope....just a dumb ass
Time to get behind a single payer system whith private options for those who choose to pay. Thank you Republicans.
If you have private options, doesn't that mean its not single payer?

Not necessarily...there are countries that have a system that covers everyone, but there are private options for those that can afford it.
Time to get behind a single payer system whith private options for those who choose to pay. Thank you Republicans.
If you have private options, doesn't that mean its not single payer?

Not necessarily...there are countries that have a system that covers everyone, but there are private options for those that can afford it.

But my point is that's not single payer...single payer means one payer.....
But why do they have private options, what is the point for that?
Time to get behind a single payer system whith private options for those who choose to pay. Thank you Republicans.
If you have private options, doesn't that mean its not single payer?

Not necessarily...there are countries that have a system that covers everyone, but there are private options for those that can afford it.
Firms could provide preventive care and evaluation for further care, should it be necessary.
Time to get behind a single payer system whith private options for those who choose to pay. Thank you Republicans.
If you have private options, doesn't that mean its not single payer?

Not necessarily...there are countries that have a system that covers everyone, but there are private options for those that can afford it.
Firms could provide preventive care and evaluation for further care, should it be necessary.
What firms?
Time to get behind a single payer system whith private options for those who choose to pay. Thank you Republicans.
If you have private options, doesn't that mean its not single payer?

Not necessarily...there are countries that have a system that covers everyone, but there are private options for those that can afford it.
Firms could provide preventive care and evaluation for further care, should it be necessary.
What firms?
Any Firms that may benefit from lower costs.
Time to get behind a single payer system whith private options for those who choose to pay. Thank you Republicans.
If you have private options, doesn't that mean its not single payer?

Not necessarily...there are countries that have a system that covers everyone, but there are private options for those that can afford it.
Firms could provide preventive care and evaluation for further care, should it be necessary.
What firms?
Any Firms that may benefit from lower costs.
Can you expand on this idea? I am not really sure what you are proposing.
Time to get behind a single payer system whith private options for those who choose to pay. Thank you Republicans.
If you have private options, doesn't that mean its not single payer?

Not necessarily...there are countries that have a system that covers everyone, but there are private options for those that can afford it.

But my point is that's not single payer...single payer means one payer.....
But why do they have private options, what is the point for that?
Because people who can afford it ought to be allowed to choise other care if they want. Ok not single payer but coverage for everyone.
Ah, how the Feverish Prog Brain works. It's the END OF THE WORLD!!!!!!

Day One of the Taxcutmaggedon

The tax-reduction bill has passed.

People are no longer forced to pay for Obamacare or pay a fine. Hospitals have closed. Doctors are asking a million dollars per hour for their services.

I’ve secured a supply of leeches and bird masks against the inevitable onset of the black plague.

Public transportation has closed all over town for lack of funds.

Heed the piteous cries of the poor screaming that as the tax bill was passed all food disappeared from their pantry.

I’d look up recipes on how to cook my neighbors, but I can’t be sure they’re organic and disease free.

Day Two of the Taxcutmaggedon

Corporations are coming around the neighborhoods, repossessing all our cars, just because. The ill are now dying in the streets by the dozen. Every hour, the piles of corpses grow.

The police no longer patrol, because there is no money to pay them. Those people who aren’t dying of untreated illness are shooting each other in the streets and no one cares.

People are going door to door, erasing kids’ memories from everything they might have learned in school, and teaching them creationism. I told them this would happen if we cut taxes and stopped funding lavish layers of administrators in every public school.

If I weren’t so opposed to the individual ownership of guns, I’d get one and save the last bullet for myself.

Day Three of the Taxcutmaggedon

Corporations are coming around to repossess our houses. I told them. I told them if you gave corporations tax cuts, they’d just build bins like Uncle Scrooge’s to roll on all that money, and then they would take all our stuff to add it to the bin for more money.

They’ve also taken all our clothes.

Our country is now a mass of piteous, hungry, naked, homeless people.

Now we’re all homeless and dying and shooting each other in the streets. If I had a car, I’d run away to Canada.

Day Four of the Taxcutmageddon

It’s not like we didn’t warn them. We did warn them. For years and years, we’ve told those heartless libertarians that if there were no taxes, there would be no public roads. They pretended we were crazy. Ah! Who is crazy now? The taxes have been somewhat reduced, and now the corporations have sent people around to roll up our streets. They’re just rolling up all the asphalt, and behind them there are dread robots planting trees, so that the roads return to forest primeval.

The only good thing about this is that the corpses on the street are now being used as fertilizer for the trees. Maybe I can hide in a tree and survive the death of civilization.

I’d walk to Mexico, but we no longer have roads.

Day Five after the Faxcutmageddon

Corporations just sent someone, tree to tree, to tell us that we can’t belong to the government because it has fallen due to the massive debt that amounts to one-tenth of the debt incurred under the Obama administration.

Those fools. I told them if we were allowed to keep more of our own money and not have it spent for us by a gigantic uncaring bureaucracy this would happen. I told them.

But they wouldn’t believe me! Now see what they’ve done. We all have to belong to something, and I no longer have anything to belong to.

It’s all over. It is the end of the world.

Diaries from Taxcutmaggedon
If you have private options, doesn't that mean its not single payer?

Not necessarily...there are countries that have a system that covers everyone, but there are private options for those that can afford it.
Firms could provide preventive care and evaluation for further care, should it be necessary.
What firms?
Any Firms that may benefit from lower costs.
Can you expand on this idea? I am not really sure what you are proposing.
Sorry, I may have to charge for that.
Time to get behind a single payer system whith private options for those who choose to pay. Thank you Republicans.
If you have private options, doesn't that mean its not single payer?

Not necessarily...there are countries that have a system that covers everyone, but there are private options for those that can afford it.

But my point is that's not single payer...single payer means one payer.....
But why do they have private options, what is the point for that?
Because people who can afford it ought to be allowed to choise other care if they want. Ok not single payer but coverage for everyone.

Ok, so universal coverage....to you it may be a small detail, but it's an important distinction......we have medicare and Medicaid.....and private options......so I'm not sure what the issue is. I'm for universal coverage, but I am not for forcing it on them. If they don't want it, they don't have to take it.
Time to get behind a single payer system whith private options for those who choose to pay. Thank you Republicans.
If you have private options, doesn't that mean its not single payer?

Not necessarily...there are countries that have a system that covers everyone, but there are private options for those that can afford it.

But my point is that's not single payer...single payer means one payer.....
But why do they have private options, what is the point for that?
Because people who can afford it ought to be allowed to choise other care if they want. Ok not single payer but coverage for everyone.

Ok, so universal coverage....to you it may be a small detail, but it's an important distinction......we have medicare and Medicaid.....and private options......so I'm not sure what the issue is. I'm for universal coverage, but I am not for forcing it on them. If they don't want it, they don't have to take it.

If they don't want it they end up pushing their costs onto us. They don't have to see a doctor, that is their choice but they need the means to cover it when they do imo.
If you have private options, doesn't that mean its not single payer?

Not necessarily...there are countries that have a system that covers everyone, but there are private options for those that can afford it.

But my point is that's not single payer...single payer means one payer.....
But why do they have private options, what is the point for that?
Because people who can afford it ought to be allowed to choise other care if they want. Ok not single payer but coverage for everyone.

Ok, so universal coverage....to you it may be a small detail, but it's an important distinction......we have medicare and Medicaid.....and private options......so I'm not sure what the issue is. I'm for universal coverage, but I am not for forcing it on them. If they don't want it, they don't have to take it.

If they don't want it they end up pushing their costs onto us. They don't have to see a doctor, that is their choice but they need the means to cover it when they do imo.
See this is where we have a fundamental difference

Ah so you agree, insurance and affordability isn't the real issue. it's the some people don't want it....That's the crux. and because we have to treat them even if they don't have insurance it does drive up costs.
Do you know how to increase coverage without mandates? Without forcing people by law?

Really simple, make it so people can be turned away without insurance......then a few people will try and test it, they will be turned away and the rest will sign up fast.....

voila.....it's about choice, but showing people choices have consequences.........let them do what they want, but don't let them off the hook.

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