Ending health insurance for 13 million to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy?

Seriously!! Your issue is that they are temporary. How about getting idiot dems to vote on making them permanent.


Go on answer THAT little dilemma for your half brain.......

you really don't know?

who made the bush cuts permanent?

Are the democrats going to prevent it or if they're in power in 10 years are they going to let them expire?

it's called a bait........and you guys are taking it hook, line and sinker
Yeah, not seeing a bailout I'm seeing lower taxes for just about everyone.

Tax breaks for conglomerates....PERMANENT
tax breaks for individuals ..........TEMPORARY

Open your fucking eyes.......

Seriously!! Your issue is that they are temporary. How about getting idiot dems to vote on making them permanent.
You do realize that YOUR party had to make them temporary & cut them off to keep the debt created under a certain number else they could not have the simple majority vote.

They shafted the Middle Class once again to help their corporate buddies.

Good thing that certain number was under $10 trillion.
Tax rate for US companies for doing business here in the US: 21%
Tax rate for US businesses doing business outside the US 0%

Ergo....ALL U.S. businesses are better off moving out of the country...CORRECT?

A US firm or a Japanese firm earning a profit in the US will owe US taxes.

A Japanese firm earning a profit in the US will owe no taxes on that profit in Japan.

A US firm earning a profit in the Japan will owe on taxes on that profit in Japan and in the US, if they bring the money back to the US.

See how that puts US firms at a disadvantage and leads them to keep money overseas?

A US firm or a German firm earning a profit in the US will owe US taxes.

A German firm earning a profit in the US will owe taxes on that profit in Germany.

A US firm earning a profit in Germany will owe on taxes on that profit in Germany and the difference between the German rate & US Rate the US, if they bring the money back to the US.

See how corps don't have a percentage tax advantage in taking jobs overseas?

The idea they don't pay until they bring them back is the entire problem. Not the rate.

So to solve the problem instead of eliminating the delay in paying that tax, Mr Orange Brilliant ONE, just declared they owe no US taxes on foreign profits.

He is soooooooooooooo smart.
He'll get infrastructure done.....I cant wait to see the democrats demand union labor and other shit and Trump says.....naaaaaaaah......
He just borrowed 1.,5 trillion to give himself a tax break. How is Trump going to pay for it?

Oh wait, Republicans don;pt pay for shit.

Higher GDP growth and increased wages. Pretty simple.

I see. You should go see the people at the CBO because they think you are delusional.

Tax rate for US companies for doing business here in the US: 21%
Tax rate for US businesses doing business outside the US 0%

Tax rate for US companies for doing business here in the US: 21%
Tax rate for US businesses doing business outside the US 0%

Just like every other major economy does it.......

"Germany are liable to corporate income tax on globally generated income. Dividends that have been generated and taxed abroad may be exempt from taxation in Germany or taxes paid in a foreign country can be offset against taxation in Germany."

Funny chit, huh?

or taxes paid in a foreign country can be offset against taxation in Germany."

That is funny.
It means German profit taxed in the US means no taxation, because their rate is lower, in Germany.

Germany taxes its corporate residents on their worldwide income. However, most double tax treaties (DTTs) exempt income attributable to a foreign permanent establishment (PE).

Tax rate for US companies for doing business here in the US: 21%
Tax rate for US businesses doing business outside the US 0%

Ergo....ALL U.S. businesses are better off moving out of the country...CORRECT?

A US firm or a Japanese firm earning a profit in the US will owe US taxes.

A Japanese firm earning a profit in the US will owe no taxes on that profit in Japan.

A US firm earning a profit in the Japan will owe on taxes on that profit in Japan and in the US, if they bring the money back to the US.

See how that puts US firms at a disadvantage and leads them to keep money overseas?

A US firm or a German firm earning a profit in the US will owe US taxes.

A German firm earning a profit in the US will owe taxes on that profit in Germany.

A US firm earning a profit in Germany will owe on taxes on that profit in Germany and the difference between the German rate & US Rate the US, if they bring the money back to the US.

See how corps don't have a percentage tax advantage in taking jobs overseas?

The idea they don't pay until they bring them back is the entire problem. Not the rate.

So to solve the problem instead of eliminating the delay in paying that tax, Mr Orange Brilliant ONE, just declared they owe no US taxes on foreign profits.

He is soooooooooooooo smart.

A German firm earning a profit in the US will owe taxes on that profit in Germany.

BZZZZZT....thanks for playing. Show Dave his consolation prize.
Seriously!! Your issue is that they are temporary. How about getting idiot dems to vote on making them permanent.


Go on answer THAT little dilemma for your half brain.......

1. To get the bill to qualify with Senate rules
Republicans are attempting to pass the bill, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), through the process known as budget reconciliation. The process allows Republicans to avoid a Democratic filibuster and pass the bill on a party-line vote, but it comes with strings attached.

One of the rules included in the reconciliation process is known as the Byrd rule. A provision within that rule stipulates that any bill going through reconciliation cannot add to the federal deficit outside of 10 years.

Sen. Orrin Hatch, chair of the Senate Finance Committee and author of the bill, has admitted that the original version of the Senate's TCJA did not meet such a requirement. Making the individual cuts temporary could allow the bill to meet those requirements.

2. To try and get companies to invest more
The policy rationale is that if a company believes the tax relief would be temporary, it would make short-term investments to maximize benefits within the window while eschewing long-term investment that could reap benefits in the longer-term.

In a study on a temporary corporate tax cut versus a permanent tax cut, the Tax Foundation found that short-term investments under a temporary cut would considerably mute the economic boost of cutting taxes on businesses.

Since the boost to economic growth and investment has been a key selling point for Republican leaders, anything that would dampen that investment would undermine the GOP's central argument.

3. To try to kick the can to a future Congress
Finally, there's a fairly simple political argument that Republicans can make to defend the sunset of the individual tax cuts: Congress would never let it happen.

Hatch and the GOP are banking that a future Congress would not allow the tax breaks to go away when they come up in 2025 — effectively enacting a tax increase on millions of Americans — but pass a bill to extend these cuts.

That would follow a similar playbook to tax cuts passed under President George W. Bush. Because of the same concerns about reconciliation, that legislation sunset individual tax cuts. In 2013, however, Congress extended those cuts with the American Taxpayer Relief Act, rather than letting people's tax bills jump. The cuts for certain incomes were allowed to expire.

This stuff is available online, how about educating yourself...dumbass.
Nobody is ending health insurance for 13M people, you damn liar

Senate Republicans have proposed eliminating the ACA’s requirement that all Americans have health insurance or pay a penalty. By getting rid of this, the CBO estimates 13 million fewer people would have insurance a decade from now.

So, if we don't hold a gun to their head, they won't buy what Soros is selling?

Gee, if you Commie shits can't rob people at gun point, the world will end...
End the drug war, right wingers. No one is holding a gun to your head.

Your obsession with drugs is duly noted, but this thread is about health insurance.
Your obsession with wasting money on a drug war that is not specifically declared in the republican doctrine, is duly noted. This thread is about health care.

Put down the bong. You're not making sense.
Tax rate for US companies for doing business here in the US: 21%
Tax rate for US businesses doing business outside the US 0%

Ergo....ALL U.S. businesses are better off moving out of the country...CORRECT?

A US firm or a Japanese firm earning a profit in the US will owe US taxes.

A Japanese firm earning a profit in the US will owe no taxes on that profit in Japan.

A US firm earning a profit in the Japan will owe on taxes on that profit in Japan and in the US, if they bring the money back to the US.

See how that puts US firms at a disadvantage and leads them to keep money overseas?

A US firm or a German firm earning a profit in the US will owe US taxes.

A German firm earning a profit in the US will owe taxes on that profit in Germany.

A US firm earning a profit in Germany will owe on taxes on that profit in Germany and the difference between the German rate & US Rate the US, if they bring the money back to the US.

See how corps don't have a percentage tax advantage in taking jobs overseas?

The idea they don't pay until they bring them back is the entire problem. Not the rate.

So to solve the problem instead of eliminating the delay in paying that tax, Mr Orange Brilliant ONE, just declared they owe no US taxes on foreign profits.

He is soooooooooooooo smart.

A German firm earning a profit in the US will owe taxes on that profit in Germany.

BZZZZZT....thanks for playing. Show Dave his consolation prize.
Sorry but What I posted is correct.

Try again.
He just borrowed 1.,5 trillion to give himself a tax break. How is Trump going to pay for it?

Oh wait, Republicans don;pt pay for shit.

Higher GDP growth and increased wages. Pretty simple.

I see. You should go see the people at the CBO because they think you are delusional.

Tax rate for US companies for doing business here in the US: 21%
Tax rate for US businesses doing business outside the US 0%

Tax rate for US companies for doing business here in the US: 21%
Tax rate for US businesses doing business outside the US 0%

Just like every other major economy does it.......

"Germany are liable to corporate income tax on globally generated income. Dividends that have been generated and taxed abroad may be exempt from taxation in Germany or taxes paid in a foreign country can be offset against taxation in Germany."

Funny chit, huh?

or taxes paid in a foreign country can be offset against taxation in Germany."

That is funny.
It means German profit taxed in the US means no taxation, because their rate is lower, in Germany.

Germany taxes its corporate residents on their worldwide income. However, most double tax treaties (DTTs) exempt income attributable to a foreign permanent establishment (PE).


Fuck off. You know the concept. I posted about Germany taxing profits made in other countries.

You were wrong. Choke on it.
Tax rate for US companies for doing business here in the US: 21%
Tax rate for US businesses doing business outside the US 0%

Ergo....ALL U.S. businesses are better off moving out of the country...CORRECT?

A US firm or a Japanese firm earning a profit in the US will owe US taxes.

A Japanese firm earning a profit in the US will owe no taxes on that profit in Japan.

A US firm earning a profit in the Japan will owe on taxes on that profit in Japan and in the US, if they bring the money back to the US.

See how that puts US firms at a disadvantage and leads them to keep money overseas?

A US firm or a German firm earning a profit in the US will owe US taxes.

A German firm earning a profit in the US will owe taxes on that profit in Germany.

A US firm earning a profit in Germany will owe on taxes on that profit in Germany and the difference between the German rate & US Rate the US, if they bring the money back to the US.

See how corps don't have a percentage tax advantage in taking jobs overseas?

The idea they don't pay until they bring them back is the entire problem. Not the rate.

So to solve the problem instead of eliminating the delay in paying that tax, Mr Orange Brilliant ONE, just declared they owe no US taxes on foreign profits.

He is soooooooooooooo smart.

A German firm earning a profit in the US will owe taxes on that profit in Germany.

BZZZZZT....thanks for playing. Show Dave his consolation prize.
Sorry but What I posted is correct.

Try again.

If a German firm earns $1,000,000,000 in profits in the US, after paying $350,000,000 in US corporate taxes, how much corporate tax will they owe on those US profits in Germany?
Higher GDP growth and increased wages. Pretty simple.

I see. You should go see the people at the CBO because they think you are delusional.

Tax rate for US companies for doing business here in the US: 21%
Tax rate for US businesses doing business outside the US 0%

Tax rate for US companies for doing business here in the US: 21%
Tax rate for US businesses doing business outside the US 0%

Just like every other major economy does it.......

"Germany are liable to corporate income tax on globally generated income. Dividends that have been generated and taxed abroad may be exempt from taxation in Germany or taxes paid in a foreign country can be offset against taxation in Germany."

Funny chit, huh?

or taxes paid in a foreign country can be offset against taxation in Germany."

That is funny.
It means German profit taxed in the US means no taxation, because their rate is lower, in Germany.

Germany taxes its corporate residents on their worldwide income. However, most double tax treaties (DTTs) exempt income attributable to a foreign permanent establishment (PE).

Germany - Taxes on corporate income

Fuck off. You know the concept. I posted about Germany taxing profits made in other countries.

You were wrong. Choke on it.

You know the concept.

The concept is they won't owe double taxes in Germany on foreign profits,
because..." taxes paid in a foreign country can be offset against taxation in Germany."
Seriously!! Your issue is that they are temporary. How about getting idiot dems to vote on making them permanent.


Go on answer THAT little dilemma for your half brain.......

1. To get the bill to qualify with Senate rules
Republicans are attempting to pass the bill, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), through the process known as budget reconciliation. The process allows Republicans to avoid a Democratic filibuster and pass the bill on a party-line vote, but it comes with strings attached.

One of the rules included in the reconciliation process is known as the Byrd rule. A provision within that rule stipulates that any bill going through reconciliation cannot add to the federal deficit outside of 10 years.

Sen. Orrin Hatch, chair of the Senate Finance Committee and author of the bill, has admitted that the original version of the Senate's TCJA did not meet such a requirement. Making the individual cuts temporary could allow the bill to meet those requirements.

2. To try and get companies to invest more
The policy rationale is that if a company believes the tax relief would be temporary, it would make short-term investments to maximize benefits within the window while eschewing long-term investment that could reap benefits in the longer-term.

In a study on a temporary corporate tax cut versus a permanent tax cut, the Tax Foundation found that short-term investments under a temporary cut would considerably mute the economic boost of cutting taxes on businesses.

Since the boost to economic growth and investment has been a key selling point for Republican leaders, anything that would dampen that investment would undermine the GOP's central argument.

3. To try to kick the can to a future Congress
Finally, there's a fairly simple political argument that Republicans can make to defend the sunset of the individual tax cuts: Congress would never let it happen.

Hatch and the GOP are banking that a future Congress would not allow the tax breaks to go away when they come up in 2025 — effectively enacting a tax increase on millions of Americans — but pass a bill to extend these cuts.

That would follow a similar playbook to tax cuts passed under President George W. Bush. Because of the same concerns about reconciliation, that legislation sunset individual tax cuts. In 2013, however, Congress extended those cuts with the American Taxpayer Relief Act, rather than letting people's tax bills jump. The cuts for certain incomes were allowed to expire.

This stuff is available online, how about educating yourself...dumbass.

Eternal idiot........If congress was "restricted" by reconciliation issues....THEY COULD HAVE MADE CORPORATE TAX CUTS TEMPORARY and not done it to individuals..........................

You're :dig:
Seriously!! Your issue is that they are temporary. How about getting idiot dems to vote on making them permanent.


Go on answer THAT little dilemma for your half brain.......

1. To get the bill to qualify with Senate rules
Republicans are attempting to pass the bill, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), through the process known as budget reconciliation. The process allows Republicans to avoid a Democratic filibuster and pass the bill on a party-line vote, but it comes with strings attached.

One of the rules included in the reconciliation process is known as the Byrd rule. A provision within that rule stipulates that any bill going through reconciliation cannot add to the federal deficit outside of 10 years.

Sen. Orrin Hatch, chair of the Senate Finance Committee and author of the bill, has admitted that the original version of the Senate's TCJA did not meet such a requirement. Making the individual cuts temporary could allow the bill to meet those requirements.

2. To try and get companies to invest more
The policy rationale is that if a company believes the tax relief would be temporary, it would make short-term investments to maximize benefits within the window while eschewing long-term investment that could reap benefits in the longer-term.

In a study on a temporary corporate tax cut versus a permanent tax cut, the Tax Foundation found that short-term investments under a temporary cut would considerably mute the economic boost of cutting taxes on businesses.

Since the boost to economic growth and investment has been a key selling point for Republican leaders, anything that would dampen that investment would undermine the GOP's central argument.

3. To try to kick the can to a future Congress
Finally, there's a fairly simple political argument that Republicans can make to defend the sunset of the individual tax cuts: Congress would never let it happen.

Hatch and the GOP are banking that a future Congress would not allow the tax breaks to go away when they come up in 2025 — effectively enacting a tax increase on millions of Americans — but pass a bill to extend these cuts.

That would follow a similar playbook to tax cuts passed under President George W. Bush. Because of the same concerns about reconciliation, that legislation sunset individual tax cuts. In 2013, however, Congress extended those cuts with the American Taxpayer Relief Act, rather than letting people's tax bills jump. The cuts for certain incomes were allowed to expire.

This stuff is available online, how about educating yourself...dumbass.

Eternal idiot........If congress was "restricted" by reconciliation issues....THEY COULD HAVE MADE CORPORATE TAX CUTS TEMPORARY and not done it to individuals..........................

You're :dig:

This way works better.
Time to get behind a single payer system whith private options for those who choose to pay. Thank you Republicans.
Atleast try and keep up. It's one thing to argue, but it's another to be ignorant and then argue ......don't be that guy

Read your OWN fucking citation, moron........Extension does NOT mean Permanence.

Find a grown up to read it to you and explain it with cartoons......LOL
Higher GDP growth and increased wages. Pretty simple.

I see. You should go see the people at the CBO because they think you are delusional.

Tax rate for US companies for doing business here in the US: 21%
Tax rate for US businesses doing business outside the US 0%

Tax rate for US companies for doing business here in the US: 21%
Tax rate for US businesses doing business outside the US 0%

Just like every other major economy does it.......

"Germany are liable to corporate income tax on globally generated income. Dividends that have been generated and taxed abroad may be exempt from taxation in Germany or taxes paid in a foreign country can be offset against taxation in Germany."

Funny chit, huh?

or taxes paid in a foreign country can be offset against taxation in Germany."

That is funny.
It means German profit taxed in the US means no taxation, because their rate is lower, in Germany.

Germany taxes its corporate residents on their worldwide income. However, most double tax treaties (DTTs) exempt income attributable to a foreign permanent establishment (PE).


Fuck off. You know the concept. I posted about Germany taxing profits made in other countries.

You were wrong. Choke on it.

Why Corporations Would Love a ‘Territorial’ Tax – And You Shouldn’t

This article does oppose the territorial tax system, but it has some interesting points...

Recently, Sens. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) proposed a more territorial tax scheme as part of the current negotiations to pay for highway funding over the next six years. The details are still unclear, but they intend to tax the existing $2.1 trillion in foreign profits at a low rate, the receipts of which they would dedicate to supplement the Highway Trust Fund. Then they would significantly lower future taxes on foreign profits, though by how much has not been clarified.

Chuck Schumer was for it.....hmmmm

oh and this....

Because of indefinite deferral, our tax system is effectively territorial because it makes corporate taxes on profits earned offshore optional.

so basically we already are doing it.....
Atleast try and keep up. It's one thing to argue, but it's another to be ignorant and then argue ......don't be that guy

Read your OWN fucking citation, moron........Extension does NOT mean Permanence.

Find a grown up to read it to you and explain it with cartoons......LOL

you really need to learn to read, ill help you out

With this new agreement, Democratic members of Congress and President Obama have permanently set tax rates—in the sense that the rates don’t expire, not that future Congresses can’t change them

so they were permanent due to Obama and the democrats.

wow, you are clueless, but keep banging that point the new ones are temporary, because no one, and I mean no one is gonna roll them back......NO ONE

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