CDZ Endorsing State Retaliation

The reason why always matters. If you took it away to teach them a lesson then it was a punishment. No, the voters did not decide this, the state legislature did. For the voters to have decided this it would need to have been a referendum on the ballot.
The voters didn't vote in the legislators? If the voters don't support this they will vote them out and the new legislators may restore the privileges.
It was done because the Fla voters voted for it? Right? If the courts decide differently, I will gladly admit I was wrong and you were right.
I have family in Florida.

no one voted for this, they just get to pay for it whether they agree or not.
This is the very odd part of all of this. None of them can bring themselves to admit that motivation for the action matters.
There is another shot. Wow, you just cannot help yourself. LOL

I view this as par for the course. State may give privileges based on lobbyists and take them away based on other factors.
The voters didn't vote in the legislators? If the voters don't support this they will vote them out and the new legislators may restore the privileges.
this isn't the same as voters voting to remove Disney privlidges.
I have family in Florida.

no one voted for this, they just get to pay for it whether they agree or not.
They did not elect the legislators who voted 23-16 for it? LOL How did the legislators get their positions? Did DeSantis assume the role of Governor via a military coup?
There is another shot. Wow, you just cannot help yourself. LOL

I view this as par for the course. State may give privileges based on lobbyists and take them away based on other factors.
then name another time benefits were taken away in such a hostile manner.

all you gotta do.
They did not elect the legislators who voted 23-16 for it? LOL How did the legislators get their positions? Did DeSantis assume the role of Governor via a military coup?
OK. you are going to fill in your own logic because no logic is there.

I'm out.
this isn't the same as voters voting to remove Disney privlidges.
100% It is the same. Elections have consequences. The legislators have certain traits and beliefs and are exercising them. If this is illegal as you and Golfing Gator state then the courts will decide and I will live with their decision. We do have checks and balances for a reason.
then name another time benefits were taken away in such a hostile manner.

all you gotta do.
Why? That is a weak argument. Jackson was appointed to the SCOTUS. She was the first black woman and Biden said he would pick a black woman. It was the first time something like this has ever happened. 1st doesn't mean it is a bad thing.
Why? That is a weak argument. Jackson was appointed to the SCOTUS. She was the first black woman and Biden said he would pick a black woman. It was the first time something like this has ever happened. 1st doesn't mean it is a bad thing.
in my mind, it's much weaker to use indirect voting as voters actually voting on an issue.
Then voters need to be smarter. Elections matter but we have a checks and balances system so the courts may overrule this. Correct?
then apply this to every single situation possible and let me know if you still agree.

and I never said it was illegal. the drifting is why I am "trying" to back out.

drift away.
then apply this to every single situation possible and let me know if you still agree.

and I never said it was illegal. the drifting is why I am "trying" to back out.

drift away.
But Disney will challenge this and if illegal it will be overturned. If not illegal then so be it. Companies may move to states with more favorable legislatures?
But Disney will challenge this and if illegal it will be overturned. If not illegal then so be it. Companies may move to states with more favorable legislatures?
great. then when the liberals do this, and they will, I hope you defend it too.
The voters didn't vote in the legislators? If the voters don't support this they will vote them out and the new legislators may restore the privileges.

Actually the legislators now may restore the privileges if Disney agrees to toe the line and not offer any more dissent. The legislators even said so.
Actually the legislators now may restore the privileges if Disney agrees to toe the line and not offer any more dissent. The legislators even said so.

So You're OK with Disney spending millions to impact legislation in their favor. But when it goes the other way you're not OK with it? To me lobbyists should be banned. They aren't. So I shrug at events such as these.

Why do you think so many businesses have fled Cali for TN, Fla and TX? Not exactly the same but companies have the option to move.
then what laws were passed to target a specific company?

if not the same, then not sure of relevance.

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