Equality Looming!

-------------------------------- building airplanes while keeping the fires burning is a lot different than fighting in combat OldLady .
Yes. But my point is, why couldn't small people do things for the military other than combat? I can't help it that I'm little and never had a muscle in my life. There are plenty of rugged women who can compete in combat, though, Pismoe. If guys don't like the idea of women being integrated into combat units in the field, develop all female combat units. They would do very well.
------------------------------- why should YOU get special treatment other than traditional conscientious objector status OldLady ?? ME , I don't care , I see this as justice for women of this type [femi Nazis] plus justice or punishment for millennials and their kids , daughters that push for societal change OldLady .
I know you see this as a punishment for women who fight for societal change, but I believe most women see it as an opportunity to serve their country.
------------------------------------- sure do , also punishment for the families and especially the Fathers and close males counterparts to the weaker sex that understands reality of male - female differences OldLady .
I am acknowledging the reality of male-female differences, Pismoe. What I don't understand is why you are so dead set against allowing women to serve in a way they are able.
---------------------------- I think that they already join the military , I just don't want the gurlz to mess up the REAL military OldLady .
Twice as many women than men suffer injuries in training. A woman may want to be a warrior. She could be sincere. She has neither the skeleton nor the musculature to be the same kind of warrior a man is. The most common injury to women is the stress fracture. The bones of a woman's body don't have the same density as a mans.
She has neither the skeleton nor the musculature to be the same kind of warrior a man is.
Quite a few do. I know women who are very strong. However, I think if the military is going to draft women, they should take into account the statistical physical differences between the sexes and find ways to utilize their talents if they fall into the "too small" range.
--------------------------------------- and , check it out , OldLady doesn't want equality , she want favors for the gurls ehh . Course they can be booted out '4f' or unsuitable with no benefits which is ok with me OldLady.
Okay. You want to throw them out 4F for the body they were born with, like my husband got 4F for his flat feet, fine. But I still don't see why you'd want to give women a pass just for that. If the males have to be ready for conscription, the females should be, as well.
Yes. But my point is, why couldn't small people do things for the military other than combat? I can't help it that I'm little and never had a muscle in my life. There are plenty of rugged women who can compete in combat, though, Pismoe. If guys don't like the idea of women being integrated into combat units in the field, develop all female combat units. They would do very well.
------------------------------- why should YOU get special treatment other than traditional conscientious objector status OldLady ?? ME , I don't care , I see this as justice for women of this type [femi Nazis] plus justice or punishment for millennials and their kids , daughters that push for societal change OldLady .
I know you see this as a punishment for women who fight for societal change, but I believe most women see it as an opportunity to serve their country.
------------------------------------- sure do , also punishment for the families and especially the Fathers and close males counterparts to the weaker sex that understands reality of male - female differences OldLady .
I am acknowledging the reality of male-female differences, Pismoe. What I don't understand is why you are so dead set against allowing women to serve in a way they are able.
Maybe. Who the hell knows, with Pismoe.
Twice as many women than men suffer injuries in training. A woman may want to be a warrior. She could be sincere. She has neither the skeleton nor the musculature to be the same kind of warrior a man is. The most common injury to women is the stress fracture. The bones of a woman's body don't have the same density as a mans.
She has neither the skeleton nor the musculature to be the same kind of warrior a man is.
Quite a few do. I know women who are very strong. However, I think if the military is going to draft women, they should take into account the statistical physical differences between the sexes and find ways to utilize their talents if they fall into the "too small" range.
--------------------------------------- and , check it out , OldLady doesn't want equality , she want favors for the gurls ehh . Course they can be booted out '4f' or unsuitable with no benefits which is ok with me OldLady.
Okay. You want to throw them out 4F for the body they were born with, like my husband got 4F for his flat feet, fine. But I still don't see why you'd want to give women a pass just for that. If the males have to be ready for conscription, the females should be, as well.
--------------------------------------- SURE , --- I think that women should be exempt from compulsory military service . Giving that Pass , that's how it should be because of our traditions. Not a big deal to me , if the female draft exists well , cut the gurls no slack is all I advocate for OldLady .
------------------------------- why should YOU get special treatment other than traditional conscientious objector status OldLady ?? ME , I don't care , I see this as justice for women of this type [femi Nazis] plus justice or punishment for millennials and their kids , daughters that push for societal change OldLady .
I know you see this as a punishment for women who fight for societal change, but I believe most women see it as an opportunity to serve their country.
------------------------------------- sure do , also punishment for the families and especially the Fathers and close males counterparts to the weaker sex that understands reality of male - female differences OldLady .
I am acknowledging the reality of male-female differences, Pismoe. What I don't understand is why you are so dead set against allowing women to serve in a way they are able.
Maybe. Who the hell knows, with Pismoe.
------------------------------------------- all you need to do is ASK me , I am not shy about explaining my views to anyone . Most likely though is that Daws is just saying something , saying anything to just be Present in the conversation OldLady .
Twice as many women than men suffer injuries in training. A woman may want to be a warrior. She could be sincere. She has neither the skeleton nor the musculature to be the same kind of warrior a man is. The most common injury to women is the stress fracture. The bones of a woman's body don't have the same density as a mans.
nobody says you have to join, so stop rationalizing.
So you agree with me.
There are many many forms of evidence from studies to direct observation that women suffer injuries at twice the rate as men due primarily to the stress fractures of the long bones of the body and injury to the feet.

You can't beat biology.
Twice as many women than men suffer injuries in training. A woman may want to be a warrior. She could be sincere. She has neither the skeleton nor the musculature to be the same kind of warrior a man is. The most common injury to women is the stress fracture. The bones of a woman's body don't have the same density as a mans.
nobody says you have to join, so stop rationalizing.
So you agree with me.
Only in your delusions.
I don't particularly care what happens to women, except that they should not receive paid medical care for such related injuries.
Like a runaway train coming off the mountain comes the answer to liberal cries for equality!

House Committee Votes to Require Women to Register for Draft

Yes, bois and (particularly) girls, The U.S. House of Representatives has heard your cries and, this time, paid attention:

"Women would be required to register for the military draft under a House committee bill that comes just months after the Defense Department lifted all gender-based restrictions on front-line combat units.

A divided Armed Services Committee backed the provision in a sweeping defense policy bill that the full House will consider next month, touching off a provocative debate about the role of women in the military.

The United States has not had a military draft since 1973 in the Vietnam War era, but all men must register with the Selective Service Systems within 30 days of turning 18. Military leaders maintain that the all-volunteer force is working and the nation is not returning to the draft."

When this happens - and it must if there is ever to be true equality, remember, girls, register within 30-days of your 18th birthday or be forever banned from juicy student loans and cushy government jobs!

Military Personnel Student Loan Benefits & Resources - Sallie Mae

You are not refuting his point. Currently, if you are male and do not register for the Selective Service you are ineligible for government student loans.
Like a runaway train coming off the mountain comes the answer to liberal cries for equality!

House Committee Votes to Require Women to Register for Draft

Yes, bois and (particularly) girls, The U.S. House of Representatives has heard your cries and, this time, paid attention:

"Women would be required to register for the military draft under a House committee bill that comes just months after the Defense Department lifted all gender-based restrictions on front-line combat units.

A divided Armed Services Committee backed the provision in a sweeping defense policy bill that the full House will consider next month, touching off a provocative debate about the role of women in the military.

The United States has not had a military draft since 1973 in the Vietnam War era, but all men must register with the Selective Service Systems within 30 days of turning 18. Military leaders maintain that the all-volunteer force is working and the nation is not returning to the draft."

When this happens - and it must if there is ever to be true equality, remember, girls, register within 30-days of your 18th birthday or be forever banned from juicy student loans and cushy government jobs!

Military Personnel Student Loan Benefits & Resources - Sallie Mae

You are not refuting his point. Currently, if you are male and do not register for the Selective Service you are ineligible for government student loans.
since everyone does its a moot point.
Like a runaway train coming off the mountain comes the answer to liberal cries for equality!

House Committee Votes to Require Women to Register for Draft

Yes, bois and (particularly) girls, The U.S. House of Representatives has heard your cries and, this time, paid attention:

"Women would be required to register for the military draft under a House committee bill that comes just months after the Defense Department lifted all gender-based restrictions on front-line combat units.

A divided Armed Services Committee backed the provision in a sweeping defense policy bill that the full House will consider next month, touching off a provocative debate about the role of women in the military.

The United States has not had a military draft since 1973 in the Vietnam War era, but all men must register with the Selective Service Systems within 30 days of turning 18. Military leaders maintain that the all-volunteer force is working and the nation is not returning to the draft."

When this happens - and it must if there is ever to be true equality, remember, girls, register within 30-days of your 18th birthday or be forever banned from juicy student loans and cushy government jobs!

Military Personnel Student Loan Benefits & Resources - Sallie Mae

You are not refuting his point. Currently, if you are male and do not register for the Selective Service you are ineligible for government student loans.
since everyone does its a moot point.

Since everyone does what?
----------------------------------- if they wash out of NORMAL military duties then they washout . I say , no special consideration for weak little gurlz or boys . Course , if gurlz are ever drafted for a real war like ww2 the gurlz will put the REAL Soldiers at risk OldLady .
What a shame you would turn up your nose at a lot of people who could do a lot of good work for our country. Glad you're not in charge of all the weak little gurlz who kept this country running during WWII while the boyz were over there fighting.
Who built those Boeings? Rosie!

View attachment 73219
-------------------------------- building airplanes while keeping the fires burning is a lot different than fighting in combat OldLady .
Yes. But my point is, why couldn't small people do things for the military other than combat? I can't help it that I'm little and never had a muscle in my life. There are plenty of rugged women who can compete in combat, though, Pismoe. If guys don't like the idea of women being integrated into combat units in the field, develop all female combat units. They would do very well.
small men are in combat all the time.
small people fit into places big people can't .
all tunnel rats are small all submariners are small etc,
the size thing is nonsense.
If you put 60 pounds of kit on my back, I would sink into the ground, and that applies to when I was draft age, as well. I was good at field hockey--fast and fearless--and yoga--flexible and focused-- but I never could climb the damned rope in gym class or do more than two chin ups. I'm 5'1" and never broke 100 pounds until I was 4 months pregnant. I shot a shotgun once and it knocked me flat on my back. If the military didn't insist on such feats of strength, yes, I could have been one mean Marine. I don't know how the submariners did it; I'm proud of them, but I'm not making excuses.
You would have been nothing more than one of the first dead as will most little girls if they force them into the military
What a shame you would turn up your nose at a lot of people who could do a lot of good work for our country. Glad you're not in charge of all the weak little gurlz who kept this country running during WWII while the boyz were over there fighting.
Who built those Boeings? Rosie!

View attachment 73219
-------------------------------- building airplanes while keeping the fires burning is a lot different than fighting in combat OldLady .
Yes. But my point is, why couldn't small people do things for the military other than combat? I can't help it that I'm little and never had a muscle in my life. There are plenty of rugged women who can compete in combat, though, Pismoe. If guys don't like the idea of women being integrated into combat units in the field, develop all female combat units. They would do very well.
small men are in combat all the time.
small people fit into places big people can't .
all tunnel rats are small all submariners are small etc,
the size thing is nonsense.
If you put 60 pounds of kit on my back, I would sink into the ground, and that applies to when I was draft age, as well. I was good at field hockey--fast and fearless--and yoga--flexible and focused-- but I never could climb the damned rope in gym class or do more than two chin ups. I'm 5'1" and never broke 100 pounds until I was 4 months pregnant. I shot a shotgun once and it knocked me flat on my back. If the military didn't insist on such feats of strength, yes, I could have been one mean Marine. I don't know how the submariners did it; I'm proud of them, but I'm not making excuses.
You would have been nothing more than one of the first dead as will most little girls if they force them into the military
Cheery thought. Thanks for that.
-------------------------------- building airplanes while keeping the fires burning is a lot different than fighting in combat OldLady .
Yes. But my point is, why couldn't small people do things for the military other than combat? I can't help it that I'm little and never had a muscle in my life. There are plenty of rugged women who can compete in combat, though, Pismoe. If guys don't like the idea of women being integrated into combat units in the field, develop all female combat units. They would do very well.
small men are in combat all the time.
small people fit into places big people can't .
all tunnel rats are small all submariners are small etc,
the size thing is nonsense.
If you put 60 pounds of kit on my back, I would sink into the ground, and that applies to when I was draft age, as well. I was good at field hockey--fast and fearless--and yoga--flexible and focused-- but I never could climb the damned rope in gym class or do more than two chin ups. I'm 5'1" and never broke 100 pounds until I was 4 months pregnant. I shot a shotgun once and it knocked me flat on my back. If the military didn't insist on such feats of strength, yes, I could have been one mean Marine. I don't know how the submariners did it; I'm proud of them, but I'm not making excuses.
You would have been nothing more than one of the first dead as will most little girls if they force them into the military
Cheery thought. Thanks for that.
Anytime. GOd help us if we try to rely on Barbie Brigades
Yes. But my point is, why couldn't small people do things for the military other than combat? I can't help it that I'm little and never had a muscle in my life. There are plenty of rugged women who can compete in combat, though, Pismoe. If guys don't like the idea of women being integrated into combat units in the field, develop all female combat units. They would do very well.
small men are in combat all the time.
small people fit into places big people can't .
all tunnel rats are small all submariners are small etc,
the size thing is nonsense.
If you put 60 pounds of kit on my back, I would sink into the ground, and that applies to when I was draft age, as well. I was good at field hockey--fast and fearless--and yoga--flexible and focused-- but I never could climb the damned rope in gym class or do more than two chin ups. I'm 5'1" and never broke 100 pounds until I was 4 months pregnant. I shot a shotgun once and it knocked me flat on my back. If the military didn't insist on such feats of strength, yes, I could have been one mean Marine. I don't know how the submariners did it; I'm proud of them, but I'm not making excuses.
You would have been nothing more than one of the first dead as will most little girls if they force them into the military
Cheery thought. Thanks for that.
Anytime. GOd help us if we try to rely on Barbie Brigades
You get you a brigade of Sturdy Barbies (SNL), you're gonna want to be on their side, bud. LOL

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