Escaping Christianity

I am not sure why my posts don't make any sense.

Oh please, don’t insult my’re not fooling me

I remain unsure as to what things I have said that don't make any sense. I will try to clarify. I am a pretty good communicator. I'm not sure what I messed up in my message.

Is the opening post confusing or was it another post in this thread?
you’re not making any sense to me.

I can take this one of two ways.

1. I am not making sense to you.
2. You do not like what I am saying.

I will base my post on the assumption that you mean to say that I do not make sense to you.

I am deeply entrenched in Christianity. That includes my entire extended family, my wife's entire extended family and all the friends I have. I love the social aspects of Christianity. I love the philosophy of Christianity. I love the Bible with unwavering passion. Christian people are wonderful to be around. They are amazing people.

Say, "yes" if you are with me so far. Stop me if any of that is confusing.

3. They are incapable of understanding and blame you.

However being deeply entrenched in Christianity doesn't make you a worthy person to teach it. There are wolves in sheep's clothing, and the bible has nothing nice to say about church leaders who lead but don't have faith themselves.

The Bible is sharper than any two edged sword. I am sure it didn't have nice things to say all the time.

"I have not come to bring peace but a sword."

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations."

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."

"Take this cup of wine and drink it, all of you. This is a cup of my blood, the blood of the covenant."

"Just art thou, in these thy judgments, thou Holy One who art and wast; for they have shed the blood of thy people and of thy prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink."


Bottoms up!
I am not sure why my posts don't make any sense.

Oh please, don’t insult my’re not fooling me

I remain unsure as to what things I have said that don't make any sense. I will try to clarify. I am a pretty good communicator. I'm not sure what I messed up in my message.

Is the opening post confusing or was it another post in this thread?
you’re not making any sense to me.

I can take this one of two ways.

1. I am not making sense to you.
2. You do not like what I am saying.

I will base my post on the assumption that you mean to say that I do not make sense to you.

I am deeply entrenched in Christianity. That includes my entire extended family, my wife's entire extended family and all the friends I have. I love the social aspects of Christianity. I love the philosophy of Christianity. I love the Bible with unwavering passion. Christian people are wonderful to be around. They are amazing people.

Say, "yes" if you are with me so far. Stop me if any of that is confusing.

3. They are incapable of understanding and blame you.

However being deeply entrenched in Christianity doesn't make you a worthy person to teach it. There are wolves in sheep's clothing, and the bible has nothing nice to say about church leaders who lead but don't have faith themselves.
There absolutely are wolves in sheep's clothing.

I believe that vasuderatorrent is one of them. Keep watching him and see.
I know ;)

Yum yum. Sheep. I can't wait to steal their money.

The only way to protect yourself from someone as wicked as me is to not be a sheep.

I already have an empire half the size of Joel Olsteen build on the stupid sheep that I eat up and devour.

These are the words of the Lord my God: "Fatten the flock for slaughter. Those who buy will slaughter it and incur no guilt; those who sell will say, "Blessed be the Lord, I am rich!" Its shepherds will have no pity for it. For I will never again pity the inhabitants of the earth, says the Lord.....And so I fattened the flock. In one month I got rid of the three shepherds, for I had lost patience with them and they had come to abhor me. Then I said to the flock, "I will not fatten you any more. Any that are to die, let them die; any that stray, let them stray; and the rest can devour one another." Zechariah 11:4-16
I am not sure why my posts don't make any sense.

Oh please, don’t insult my’re not fooling me

I remain unsure as to what things I have said that don't make any sense. I will try to clarify. I am a pretty good communicator. I'm not sure what I messed up in my message.

Is the opening post confusing or was it another post in this thread?
you’re not making any sense to me.

I can take this one of two ways.

1. I am not making sense to you.
2. You do not like what I am saying.

I will base my post on the assumption that you mean to say that I do not make sense to you.

I am deeply entrenched in Christianity. That includes my entire extended family, my wife's entire extended family and all the friends I have. I love the social aspects of Christianity. I love the philosophy of Christianity. I love the Bible with unwavering passion. Christian people are wonderful to be around. They are amazing people.

Say, "yes" if you are with me so far. Stop me if any of that is confusing.

3. They are incapable of understanding and blame you.

However being deeply entrenched in Christianity doesn't make you a worthy person to teach it. There are wolves in sheep's clothing, and the bible has nothing nice to say about church leaders who lead but don't have faith themselves.
There absolutely are wolves in sheep's clothing.

I believe that vasuderatorrent is one of them. Keep watching him and see.
I know ;)

Yum yum. Sheep. I can't wait to steal their money.

The only way to protect yourself from someone as wicked as me is to not be a sheep.

I already have an empire half the size of Joel Olsteen build on the stupid sheep that I eat up and devour.
Most dupes aren’t that bright.
I am not sure why my posts don't make any sense.

Oh please, don’t insult my’re not fooling me

I remain unsure as to what things I have said that don't make any sense. I will try to clarify. I am a pretty good communicator. I'm not sure what I messed up in my message.

Is the opening post confusing or was it another post in this thread?
you’re not making any sense to me.

I can take this one of two ways.

1. I am not making sense to you.
2. You do not like what I am saying.

I will base my post on the assumption that you mean to say that I do not make sense to you.

I am deeply entrenched in Christianity. That includes my entire extended family, my wife's entire extended family and all the friends I have. I love the social aspects of Christianity. I love the philosophy of Christianity. I love the Bible with unwavering passion. Christian people are wonderful to be around. They are amazing people.

Say, "yes" if you are with me so far. Stop me if any of that is confusing.

3. They are incapable of understanding and blame you.

However being deeply entrenched in Christianity doesn't make you a worthy person to teach it. There are wolves in sheep's clothing, and the bible has nothing nice to say about church leaders who lead but don't have faith themselves.

The Bible is sharper than any two edged sword. I am sure it didn't have nice things to say all the time.
The Bible is sharper than any two edged sword. I am sure it didn't have nice things to say all the time.

without which nothing would change. save the cover of darkness.
you’re not making any sense to me.
I can take this one of two ways.

1. I am not making sense to you.
2. You do not like what I am saying.
3. They are incapable of understanding and blame you
Excuse me?
Since you seem to think you understand me,
which you don’t, made evident by your response,
enlighten me...what exactly do you think
I am incapable of understanding
and what exactly am I blaming him for?

I say what I mean and mean what I say

When I’re not making any sense to me
that’s what I’re not(poster isn’t)making any sense

Not making sense and not understanding
are two totally different matters

I am quite capable of understanding what others post
and quite capable of discerning what I’m reading

Evident in my 2nd post and why I ended with....
Oh please, don’t insult my’re not fooling me

Furthermore, the latest posts from that bozo
after what I had posted prove me right

His OP was bullshit, a rouse
He’s a shit starter, instigator...Troll

And, to top it off...
You and ding are under the impression
that poster is a wolf in sheep’s clothing

I am not sure why my posts don't make any sense.

Oh please, don’t insult my’re not fooling me

I remain unsure as to what things I have said that don't make any sense. I will try to clarify. I am a pretty good communicator. I'm not sure what I messed up in my message.

Is the opening post confusing or was it another post in this thread?
you’re not making any sense to me.

I can take this one of two ways.

1. I am not making sense to you.
2. You do not like what I am saying.

I will base my post on the assumption that you mean to say that I do not make sense to you.

I am deeply entrenched in Christianity. That includes my entire extended family, my wife's entire extended family and all the friends I have. I love the social aspects of Christianity. I love the philosophy of Christianity. I love the Bible with unwavering passion. Christian people are wonderful to be around. They are amazing people.

Say, "yes" if you are with me so far. Stop me if any of that is confusing.

3. They are incapable of understanding and blame you.

However being deeply entrenched in Christianity doesn't make you a worthy person to teach it. There are wolves in sheep's clothing, and the bible has nothing nice to say about church leaders who lead but don't have faith themselves.

The Bible is sharper than any two edged sword. I am sure it didn't have nice things to say all the time.

Is that what you’re teaching?

The Word of God

For the Word of God is quick, and powerful,
and sharper than any two edged sword,
piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit,
and of the joints and marrow,
and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Hebrews 4:12
Somehow, that ark went across the planet, and picked up all the others that they missed from the middle east. It's all good! Noah is a good navigator... :)

I'll give you the original story, from Sumer, that is where the Noah myth came from.. Ziusudra became Noah in the OT... But before the OT, he was Ziusudra in Sumerian texts. And it was 2000 years before.... This is the original shit...

Ziusudra | Mesopotamian mythology

I read allegorical texts allegorically but I’m funny that way.
They meant the stories literally, like in Genesis. You had to move the goalposts for them to make any sense.
No. They didn’t. The original meaning has been lost through time but it’s not hard to figure it out if one is serious about seeking the truth and is objective in their pursuit.

I don’t believe you are.
Because that's how they thought everything was made, in 6 days... The flood... Zombie Jesus... Remember that religion was invented so that early man could explain his surroundings.
Oh you're one of those people who thinks that his is the *smartest* generation. That all the generations that came before were abject retards....and that you have insight into the *thoughts* of the great humans of antiquity.

Our generation went into space. The generation of people who wrote the bible hadn't even invented toilet paper yet. You make the call.

You sound like an unlettered ignoramus. Just sayin.
No, you sound like a religious zealot, ignoring the obvious.

God does not exist. It's a fallacy, made up to make you an army. And protect a leader with your life.

That's all it is... It's really that simple. The leader who claims he's God, or talks directly to god, is the leader. And will profit from victory.

The original texts that the religions are based on, were written 2000 years before someone figured out how to take advantage of them, and make them monotheistic killer religions.
A religious zealot is someone who attacks others for their religious beliefs. The only fool doing that is you.

How many times must I bring up the sins your religion committed in the crusades and inquisitions. The most horrific crimes and torture ever. Even beats Hitler...

But it's ok with you peeps.
I read allegorical texts allegorically but I’m funny that way.
They meant the stories literally, like in Genesis. You had to move the goalposts for them to make any sense.
No. They didn’t. The original meaning has been lost through time but it’s not hard to figure it out if one is serious about seeking the truth and is objective in their pursuit.

I don’t believe you are.
Oh you're one of those people who thinks that his is the *smartest* generation. That all the generations that came before were abject retards....and that you have insight into the *thoughts* of the great humans of antiquity.

Our generation went into space. The generation of people who wrote the bible hadn't even invented toilet paper yet. You make the call.

You sound like an unlettered ignoramus. Just sayin.
No, you sound like a religious zealot, ignoring the obvious.

God does not exist. It's a fallacy, made up to make you an army. And protect a leader with your life.

That's all it is... It's really that simple. The leader who claims he's God, or talks directly to god, is the leader. And will profit from victory.

The original texts that the religions are based on, were written 2000 years before someone figured out how to take advantage of them, and make them monotheistic killer religions.
A religious zealot is someone who attacks others for their religious beliefs. The only fool doing that is you.

How many times must I bring up the sins your religion committed in the crusades and inquisitions. The most horrific crimes and torture ever. Even beats Hitler...

But it's ok with you peeps.
You can’t be serious.

The most horrific crimes ever committed were by militant atheists such as yourself, Roy.

And that was less than 100 years ago. Or have you forgotten the 200 million people murdered in the 20th century by militant atheist regimes?

Besides, the crusades halted the Muslim advance into Europe and the inquisition was a response to Cathar aggression who just happened to be socialists like yourself.

C’mon, Reverend Roy. Wake the fuck up.
I read allegorical texts allegorically but I’m funny that way.
They meant the stories literally, like in Genesis. You had to move the goalposts for them to make any sense.
No. They didn’t. The original meaning has been lost through time but it’s not hard to figure it out if one is serious about seeking the truth and is objective in their pursuit.

I don’t believe you are.
Oh you're one of those people who thinks that his is the *smartest* generation. That all the generations that came before were abject retards....and that you have insight into the *thoughts* of the great humans of antiquity.

Our generation went into space. The generation of people who wrote the bible hadn't even invented toilet paper yet. You make the call.

You sound like an unlettered ignoramus. Just sayin.
No, you sound like a religious zealot, ignoring the obvious.

God does not exist. It's a fallacy, made up to make you an army. And protect a leader with your life.

That's all it is... It's really that simple. The leader who claims he's God, or talks directly to god, is the leader. And will profit from victory.

The original texts that the religions are based on, were written 2000 years before someone figured out how to take advantage of them, and make them monotheistic killer religions.
A religious zealot is someone who attacks others for their religious beliefs. The only fool doing that is you.

How many times must I bring up the sins your religion committed in the crusades and inquisitions. The most horrific crimes and torture ever. Even beats Hitler...

But it's ok with you peeps.
1. It was a thousand years ago.
2. No, it wasn't worse. Maybe a total of 30,000 people died, but most historians put the numbers much, much lower.
3. The crusades were a response to the encroachment of muslim thugs, who were conquering and slaughtering their way through Africa, the Middle East and were at the gates of France. The crusades were people who chose to go to the Middle East to protect the victims of muslims.
They meant the stories literally, like in Genesis. You had to move the goalposts for them to make any sense.
No. They didn’t. The original meaning has been lost through time but it’s not hard to figure it out if one is serious about seeking the truth and is objective in their pursuit.

I don’t believe you are.
Our generation went into space. The generation of people who wrote the bible hadn't even invented toilet paper yet. You make the call.

You sound like an unlettered ignoramus. Just sayin.
No, you sound like a religious zealot, ignoring the obvious.

God does not exist. It's a fallacy, made up to make you an army. And protect a leader with your life.

That's all it is... It's really that simple. The leader who claims he's God, or talks directly to god, is the leader. And will profit from victory.

The original texts that the religions are based on, were written 2000 years before someone figured out how to take advantage of them, and make them monotheistic killer religions.
A religious zealot is someone who attacks others for their religious beliefs. The only fool doing that is you.

How many times must I bring up the sins your religion committed in the crusades and inquisitions. The most horrific crimes and torture ever. Even beats Hitler...

But it's ok with you peeps.
1. It was a thousand years ago.
2. No, it wasn't worse. Maybe a total of 30,000 people died, but most historians put the numbers much, much lower.
3. The crusades were a response to the encroachment of muslim thugs, who were conquering and slaughtering their way through Africa, the Middle East and were at the gates of France. The crusades were people who chose to go to the Middle East to protect the victims of muslims.
1. It was a thousand years ago.

you have no shame, koshergrl -


nor a soul.
They meant the stories literally, like in Genesis. You had to move the goalposts for them to make any sense.
No. They didn’t. The original meaning has been lost through time but it’s not hard to figure it out if one is serious about seeking the truth and is objective in their pursuit.

I don’t believe you are.
Our generation went into space. The generation of people who wrote the bible hadn't even invented toilet paper yet. You make the call.

You sound like an unlettered ignoramus. Just sayin.
No, you sound like a religious zealot, ignoring the obvious.

God does not exist. It's a fallacy, made up to make you an army. And protect a leader with your life.

That's all it is... It's really that simple. The leader who claims he's God, or talks directly to god, is the leader. And will profit from victory.

The original texts that the religions are based on, were written 2000 years before someone figured out how to take advantage of them, and make them monotheistic killer religions.
A religious zealot is someone who attacks others for their religious beliefs. The only fool doing that is you.

How many times must I bring up the sins your religion committed in the crusades and inquisitions. The most horrific crimes and torture ever. Even beats Hitler...

But it's ok with you peeps.
You can’t be serious.

The most horrific crimes ever committed were by militant atheists such as yourself, Roy.

And that was less than 100 years ago. Or have you forgotten the 200 million people murdered in the 20th century by militant atheist regimes?

Besides, the crusades halted the Muslim advance into Europe and the inquisition was a response to Cathar aggression who just happened to be socialists like yourself.

C’mon, Reverend Roy. Wake the fuck up.
And that was less than 100 years ago. Or have you forgotten the 200 million people murdered in the 20th century by militant atheist regimes?

your a stooge. bing


your cohorts just have pretty faces, down deep they are as evil as you.
They meant the stories literally, like in Genesis. You had to move the goalposts for them to make any sense.
No. They didn’t. The original meaning has been lost through time but it’s not hard to figure it out if one is serious about seeking the truth and is objective in their pursuit.

I don’t believe you are.
Our generation went into space. The generation of people who wrote the bible hadn't even invented toilet paper yet. You make the call.

You sound like an unlettered ignoramus. Just sayin.
No, you sound like a religious zealot, ignoring the obvious.

God does not exist. It's a fallacy, made up to make you an army. And protect a leader with your life.

That's all it is... It's really that simple. The leader who claims he's God, or talks directly to god, is the leader. And will profit from victory.

The original texts that the religions are based on, were written 2000 years before someone figured out how to take advantage of them, and make them monotheistic killer religions.
A religious zealot is someone who attacks others for their religious beliefs. The only fool doing that is you.

How many times must I bring up the sins your religion committed in the crusades and inquisitions. The most horrific crimes and torture ever. Even beats Hitler...

But it's ok with you peeps.
1. It was a thousand years ago.
2. No, it wasn't worse. Maybe a total of 30,000 people died, but most historians put the numbers much, much lower.
3. The crusades were a response to the encroachment of muslim thugs, who were conquering and slaughtering their way through Africa, the Middle East and were at the gates of France. The crusades were people who chose to go to the Middle East to protect the victims of muslims.
You two make me laugh... Just get a room..

omg you are both so evil. I'm speechless....
Can you guys start your own thread? This thread is all about me and my hard struggling with Jesus.

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