Evaluating Donald Trump's Claim That The 2020 Election Was Stolen From Him


How do you propose a box of fake ballots can be added to legitimate ballots without being detected?

I would REALLY like to hear that one
No one cares if it's detected. So, it's detected. Open the box, count the democrat votes.
No one cares if it's detected. So, it's detected. Open the box, count the democrat votes.

OK…let’s go there

You open a box of fake ballots and add it to the legitimate ballots

Then, when the final tallies are given, there are MANY more votes than the log of people who cast ballots that day (You know, that book you sign when you walk up to vote)

Now, explain how fake ballots can be added and all the numbers still line up
Biden was elected by 81 million voters. There are like 168 million voters. I bet that changes in the next election cycle. Especially since the democrats are the party of let's persecute everybody that isn't Democrat let's burn, riot and loot cities, racism is bad SO anything goes. That is the democrats NOW. That doesn't fly anymore, the dems are totally done.

Your 168 million figure is bullshit. News was reported before the election that we had 200 million registered voters.

OK…let’s go there

You open a box of fake ballots and add it to the legitimate ballots

Then, when the final tallies are given, there are MANY more votes than the log of people who cast ballots that day (You know, that book you sign when you walk up to vote)

Now, explain how fake ballots can be added and all the numbers still line up
That is exactly what happens. Many more ballots than voters. Throwing them out is called voter suppression by enemy democrats.
Which never happened.

Yes, Hillary "conceded" and then spent years calling him an "illegitimate president"... That adds up, sounds like a real genuine "concession" to me LOL.

Nor did Trump
If you believe anything Hillary Clinton says, you need a brain tuneup. She lies almost as much as her husband does. Lying is epidemic among the Democrats.
The January 6 committee proved beyond all doubt that Trump knew he lost. But of course the Trump-friendly propaganda outlets have deliberately kept these facts from the rubes.
That is exactly what happens. Many more ballots than voters. Throwing them out is called voter suppression by enemy democrats.


Show us a district with more ballots counted than signed the registry book.

Don’t show me bullshit about same day voters. They still sign the book
Of course it happened. You live in an upside down world of denial.

Are you attempting to say that attempting to influence an election is a bad thing?

Tell that to Barack Obama when he was president and actively speaking against BREXIT.

The claim is interference, not influence. How did Russia interfere in the voting process
Are you attempting to say that attempting to influence an election is a bad thing?

Tell that to Barack Obama when he was president and actively speaking against BREXIT.

The claim is interference, not influence. How did Russia interfere in the voting process

Putin was welcome to openly endorse Trump like Obama opposed Brexit

Wnat is improper is conducting a misinformation campaign and hacking DNC servers to support Trump
Yes. Boxes of them all democrat. We know.

The Trumpies will claim the election was stolen again. Do you really expect anything else?

Georgia is very strict and thorough re: voter registration and absentee ballots... So, even if the Democrats lose the midterms, I think the election will be clean. Early voting has been fast and furious so far. The Democrats have worked tirelessly to register new voters... So we'll see what happens.
Are you attempting to say that attempting to influence an election is a bad thing?

Tell that to Barack Obama when he was president and actively speaking against BREXIT.

The claim is interference, not influence. How did Russia interfere in the voting process

It's unlikely that Russia interfered directly.. But rest assured they are very pleased with the constant accusations of election fraud. Anything to undermine confidence in elections and democracy. They hate America's economic success. Their GNP is less than Texas or New York or California.
Putin was welcome to openly endorse Trump like Obama opposed Brexit

Wnat is improper is conducting a misinformation campaign and hacking DNC servers to support Trump
Disinformation campaigns exist by both foreign and domestic entities, to single one out and then claim its “not fair” is foolish.

Meanwhile, the DNC getting hacked was their problem and fault. If you can prove Trump ordered it, you’d have a point. But, you can’t. I’m guessing the Russians tried to hack the RNC too but they probably had better safe guards.

Meanwhile, the corruption exposed by the DNC hack stands. No amount of conspiracies about why it happened can deny it. And, hacking the DNC isn’t interfering with the voting process at all.

Nobody can give a single example of Russia interfering with our elections. Just reciting propaganda on autopilot

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