Even Trump’s Lawyers Don’t Want Him To Be Re-elected.

The lawyers know Trump is a crook, a liar and a law breaker. Their donations speaks volumes.

Well that crook, liar and law breaker isn't in jail. Instead he's the POTUS.

What an idiot you are.
You moron, the lawyers know the truth. They are paid to get slime like Trump off the hook. They did their job. It does goes to show that even these lawyers will not their soul to support Orange Beelzebub.

No they are paid to defend slime. In fact a lot of lawyers are slime.Where have you been??

You are the moron. Of course we all know that since you support train wreck Biden.

Oh and if Trump were a crook or a law breaker he would be in jail don't ya think?? Since he isn't in jail and is in fact the President of the United States I'd say he isn't a crook or a law breaker.

Carry on dipshit.
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The lawyers know Trump is a crook, a liar and a law breaker. Their donations speak volumes.
Now that you found a lawyer who agree with you politically, suddenly lawyers are paragons of virtue.

This thread is beyond stupid.
Do democrats discuss anything worth while?
It seems you do, just not often.
The lawyers know Trump is a crook, a liar and a law breaker. Their donations speak volumes.
Now that you found a lawyer who agree with you politically, suddenly lawyers are paragons of virtue.

This thread is beyond stupid.
Do democrats discuss anything worth while?
It seems you do, just not often.

Guess he doesn't realize lawyers defend slime every day in court. In fact many lawyers are slime.

He sure grabbed onto this thread. What a maroon he is.
The lawyers know Trump is a crook, a liar and a law breaker. Their donations speak volumes.
Now that you found a lawyer who agree with you politically, suddenly lawyers are paragons of virtue.

This thread is beyond stupid.
Do democrats discuss anything worth while?
It seems you do, just not often.

Guess he doesn't realize lawyers defend slime every day in court. In fact many lawyers are slime.

He sure grabbed onto this thread. What a maroon he is.
As if who they work for suddenly decides who they are voting for.
I’d bet they voted democrat before trump, during trump, and will continue to vote democrat after.
Essentially, it’s a completely worthless story. Except to democrat morons who feel vindicated by any little thing.
LOL...there are 2500 lawyers at this firm. Most lawyers are Democrats and not-coincidentally immoral and crooked. Not nearly all 2500 lawyers in this firm worked for Trump as they have offices in 43 offices on 5 continents.

Right... the people hated by the Right.

Lawyers... Unions... government officials. Anything that might make it a fair fight with the One Percent.
LOL...there are 2500 lawyers at this firm. Most lawyers are Democrats and not-coincidentally immoral and crooked. Not nearly all 2500 lawyers in this firm worked for Trump as they have offices in 43 offices on 5 continents.

Right... the people hated by the Right.

Lawyers... Unions... government officials. Anything that might make it a fair fight with the One Percent.

Do I need to remind you that many lawyers and government officials are in the One Percent? Union presidents in the top 2%. And yes, I think lawyers are pretty dirty overall, unions will destroy industry and our competitiveness and government officials are crooked. You don’t get it and that is why you vote for Democrats.
Do I need to remind you that many lawyers and government officials are in the One Percent? Union presidents in the top 2%. And yes, I think lawyers are pretty dirty overall, unions will destroy industry and our competitiveness and government officials are crooked. You don’t get it and that is why you vote for Democrats.

Again, guy, I remember what it was like for the working class when we had unions. I know this never happened down in Jesusland, but I grew up in a union neighborhood, where all these working class guys had nice houses, and good jobs....

Something the REpublicans have been trying to dismantle for the last 40 years.
Do I need to remind you that many lawyers and government officials are in the One Percent? Union presidents in the top 2%. And yes, I think lawyers are pretty dirty overall, unions will destroy industry and our competitiveness and government officials are crooked. You don’t get it and that is why you vote for Democrats.

Again, guy, I remember what it was like for the working class when we had unions. I know this never happened down in Jesusland, but I grew up in a union neighborhood, where all these working class guys had nice houses, and good jobs....

Something the REpublicans have been trying to dismantle for the last 40 years.

Yes, we sure have. We quickly realized that over-paying people wasn’t a smart business model. We found that allowing people to flourish based on their work ethic was a better model. Only those with no work ethic or ambition seem to care.

Sorry, but the days of paying someone a large salary for doing the job a trained monkey could do are over. Sad for you.
Yes, we sure have. We quickly realized that over-paying people wasn’t a smart business model. We found that allowing people to flourish based on their work ethic was a better model. Only those with no work ethic or ambition seem to care.

Working class people making a decent wage is overpaying them?

If anyone is overpaid, it's not the autoworker making $28.00 an hour, it's the CEO making 14 Million and requiring a government bailout to save his company.

Sorry, but the days of paying someone a large salary for doing the job a trained monkey could do are over. Sad for you.

Actually, the days that will be over soon are the ones where the rich don't pay their fair share.
Working class people making a decent wage is overpaying them?

You should get paid what you are worth. I have been around many union shops for business. In general, they are far over-staffed with each worker having minimal responsibility and very little accountability. If I can equate it to ditch digging, one is digging the hole while another is filling it up all the while being over-paid.

Actually, the days that will be over soon are the ones where the rich don't pay their fair share.

What is the "rich". Is it the 400k Biden says it is? Do you even know how much taxes a person making say 500k pays? Do you know how many financial benefits they can't received because of their income?
How sad is that!
They have contributed $90,000 to Biden’s campaign and only $50 to Trump! :auiqs.jpg:They know a loser when they see one. They must of got sick and tired of getting Trump off his legal responsibilities!
Lock him up and lock him up with Big Buba!

LOL...there are 2500 lawyers at this firm. Most lawyers are Democrats and not-coincidentally immoral and crooked. Not nearly all 2500 lawyers in this firm worked for Trump as they have offices in 43 offices on 5 continents.

More proof that most conservatives are truly this stupid.
How sad is that! They have contributed $90,000 to Biden’s campaign and only $50 to Trump!
Greedy, self-enriching douche bags donating $90,000 to an exposed extorting, money laundering, traitor and his Crime Family that has betrayed this country to notorious criminals and this nations enemies - Russia, Iran, China, and others, criminal traitors who have demonstrated they have been successful in Influence Peddling, using their elected positions and political power as money-making 'cash cows'....

If Joe Biden could use the VICE PRESIDENCY to get a crack-head lawyer who was in the bottom of his law class, who was kicked out of the military for illegal drug use, a job paying $50,000per month...and if Joe Biden could successfully sell the position of VICE PRESIDENT to the Chinese for $1.5 BILLION, just imagine what he will be able to financially do for himself, his criminal family, and criminal traitorous supporters as PRESIDENT.

This does not prove anything negative about the president. It shows the magnitude of criminality of Joe Biden, his financial worth to his criminal supporters, and his use / worth to our enemies.
There is absolutely NOTHING (legal / non-treasonous) that makes crack-head, adulterous, child trafficking, pedophilia, deadbeat-dad Hunter Biden worth $50,000 a MONTH.
How sad is that!
They have contributed $90,000 to Biden’s campaign and only $50 to Trump! :auiqs.jpg:They know a loser when they see one. They must of got sick and tired of getting Trump off his legal responsibilities!
Lock him up and lock him up with Big Buba!
Of course they don't. He never pays his legal fees. Contributing to Biden may just be cutting their losses. (-:
You should get paid what you are worth. I have been around many union shops for business. In general, they are far over-staffed with each worker having minimal responsibility and very little accountability. If I can equate it to ditch digging, one is digging the hole while another is filling it up all the while being over-paid.

Digging ditches is hard work. They should be paid a fair wage.

If anyone is overpaid, it's the investor class, a bunch of parasites who've convinced the world they are vital organs.

What is the "rich". Is it the 400k Biden says it is? Do you even know how much taxes a person making say 500k pays? Do you know how many financial benefits they can't received because of their income?

400K works for me as a number. Someone making 500K doesn't pay enough in taxes.. They should be paying at least 60% and they'd be fine. They don't need financial benefits.

Wealth inequality is the greatest threat to America today. My income would put me in the lower fourth quintile, and I'm not rich... the top quintile has 87% of the wealth... That's insane. The bottom 40% has less than 1% of the wealth.
400K works for me as a number. Someone making 500K doesn't pay enough in taxes.. They should be paying at least 60% and they'd be fine. They don't need financial benefits.

Wealth inequality is the greatest threat to America today. My income would put me in the lower fourth quintile, and I'm not rich... the top quintile has 87% of the wealth... That's insane. The bottom 40% has less than 1% of the wealth.

Being “fine” and living very well are 2 different things. 60% income tax is ridiculous especially when you add in higher property taxes and financial restrictions already in place for the “rich”.

But you are white and should easily be able to climb the economic ladder. Right? What is your excuse? People come to this country for the opportunity to make it big, something much more difficult to do in most other counties in the world who want these ridiculous tax rates.

My family pays a lot of taxes, even though we live in a low tax state. We pay for public schools but don’t send kids to them. We drive on the same roads, use the same fire stations and the same public libraries but pay more for it that those that make less due to property taxes. We must save for retirement and will get no pension. We have worked hard to get where we are. For those in the 500k range, paying 60% in taxes would prevent buying a nicer home, not buying a second yacht. “Rich” is a relative term. We would be “rich” to you. We would be “poor” to a billionaire.

PS: I bet professional athletes and the Hollywood would really love this 60% plan of yours. They would only be ok with it if it is somebody else’s paying for it, not them.

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