Every Liberal Cause Is Based On A Lie

This is a copy of an article about an article in the Daily Caller written by Ann Coulter, Conservative flame thrower and a woman I would trust as a fellow fighter in a foxhole over ANY dimocrap. Any.


Basically, what she's done is expand on my view that dimocraps are liars. That their entire system, their entire party, their existence and their causes are nothing more than lies backed by other lies. One untruth backed dozens of other untruths

But this reviewer, and Coulter, are more able to put it into words.

Read it. Those few of you in here that are still fair and logical and want to use truth and wisdom as a guiding force on which side to join. Read it.

Ann Coulter Every Liberal Cause Is Based on a Lie - The Political Insider

Ann Coulter wrote an op-ed at the Daily Caller which absolutely skewers the left for their latest cause, hatred of Indianaā€™s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).

From the onset, as only Coulter can, the sarcastic barbs are hurled at far-left lunatics who have been distorting the religious freedom law.

She refers to the new controversy in liberal circles as another in ā€œa steady stream of manufactured events.ā€

This particular ā€˜manufactured eventā€™ has liberals claiming that ā€œa law protecting religious freedom will lead to separate water fountains for gays in Indiana.ā€

Itā€™s not the first time of course, that liberals have gotten all worked up over something completely non-existent. The recent gang-rape hoax at the University of Virginia, Lena Dunhamā€™s rape claims, and police brutality are all spotlighted by Coulter.

The latter gains extra scrutiny, as the ā€˜Hands Up, Donā€™t Shootā€™ story coming from Ferguson was completely debunked.

ā€œMany months, several million wasted taxpayer dollars and one copā€™s career later,ā€ Coulter writes, ā€œEven Eric Holderā€™s Justice Department finally admitted that the whole ā€˜Hands Up, Donā€™t Shootā€™ story was bunk.ā€

Coulter then goes on to skewer every major liberal cause today as based on a lie:

ā€¦ why do we have to treat liberal fantasists in the media as if theyā€™re children, too? Believing thereā€™s a monster under the bed is cute. Falsely accusing cops of murder, men of rape and an entire state of homophobia is not.

Every single cause championed by liberals is based on a fake story. They make up events that didnā€™t happen and get apoplectic over things that never will happen. The definition of ā€œliberalā€ is quickly becoming: people who believe their fantasies should be facts.

Another good point addressed is that after each of these lies is revealed, the liberal media, after spending weeks and months whipping up their base into a frenzy over those lies, barely reports on the truth afterward.

Coulter has struck a nerve and revealed the reality behind the liberal mindset. The left lies, swears to it, then quietly moves on to the next false crisis.

Read more: Ann Coulter Every Liberal Cause Is Based on a Lie - The Political Insider

PLEASE, pretty please will one of you smart conservatives PLEASE tell me ONE policy you've EVER been on the correct side of history on in the US? Just one?? For the life of me I can't think of one!

Were you trying to sound like a three-year-old who needs a timeout, or is this just your natural way of speaking? Inquiring minds want to know.

FYI, I found your posting so annoying that I didn't even bother to try to understand the content. Impressive communication there.

So NO, you can't think of ONE policy conservatives have been on the correct side of US history either. Shocking

Yes, that's what it is. People tell you that you post like a retarded three-year-old and cannot be taken seriously and addressed like an adult, it CLEARLY means that you're so brilliant and incisive that you have instantly won a victory and settled the question for all time!

So for the 3rd time, you can't think of a single policy conservatives were EVER on the correct side of US history either. Thanks anyways Bubba
civil law dumbass.
Referring to OP: Every Liberal Cause Is Based On a Lie

I think this fits here: Judge accuses Obama lawyers of misleading him

Oops, it can't be. Obama lawyers lied.

President Obamaā€™s new deportation amnesty will remain halted, a federal judge in Texas ruled Tuesday night in an order that also delivered a judicial spanking to the presidentā€™s lawyers for misleading the court.

Judge Andrew S. Hanen, who first halted the amnesty in February, just two days before it was to take effect, said heā€™s even more convinced of his decision now, particularly after Mr. Obama earlier this year said he intends for his policies to supersede federal laws.

Judge Hanen pointed to Mr. Obamaā€™s comments at a February town hall when the president warned immigration agents to adhere to his policies or else face ā€œconsequences.ā€

lol, Seriously, that's the best you have?

Who's talking to you? Have trouble comprehending?

Read again... Let me color it for you... Referring to OP: Every Liberal Cause Is Based On a Lie

Right, those damn radical liberal Founders...

PLEASE give me ONE policy conservatives have EVER been on the correct side of history on in the US?
PLEASE, pretty please will one of you smart conservatives PLEASE tell me ONE policy you've EVER been on the correct side of history on in the US? Just one?? For the life of me I can't think of one!

Were you trying to sound like a three-year-old who needs a timeout, or is this just your natural way of speaking? Inquiring minds want to know.

FYI, I found your posting so annoying that I didn't even bother to try to understand the content. Impressive communication there.

So NO, you can't think of ONE policy conservatives have been on the correct side of US history either. Shocking

Yes, that's what it is. People tell you that you post like a retarded three-year-old and cannot be taken seriously and addressed like an adult, it CLEARLY means that you're so brilliant and incisive that you have instantly won a victory and settled the question for all time!

So for the 3rd time, you can't think of a single policy conservatives were EVER on the correct side of US history either. Thanks anyways Bubba
civil law dumbass.

Civil law is a policy Bubba? Weird fukking right wing morons
Were you trying to sound like a three-year-old who needs a timeout, or is this just your natural way of speaking? Inquiring minds want to know.

FYI, I found your posting so annoying that I didn't even bother to try to understand the content. Impressive communication there.

So NO, you can't think of ONE policy conservatives have been on the correct side of US history either. Shocking

Yes, that's what it is. People tell you that you post like a retarded three-year-old and cannot be taken seriously and addressed like an adult, it CLEARLY means that you're so brilliant and incisive that you have instantly won a victory and settled the question for all time!

So for the 3rd time, you can't think of a single policy conservatives were EVER on the correct side of US history either. Thanks anyways Bubba
civil law dumbass.

Civil law is a policy Bubba? Weird fukking right wing morons
equal rights to the black man was a Right wing caused event.
So NO, you can't think of ONE policy conservatives have been on the correct side of US history either. Shocking

Yes, that's what it is. People tell you that you post like a retarded three-year-old and cannot be taken seriously and addressed like an adult, it CLEARLY means that you're so brilliant and incisive that you have instantly won a victory and settled the question for all time!

So for the 3rd time, you can't think of a single policy conservatives were EVER on the correct side of US history either. Thanks anyways Bubba
civil law dumbass.

Civil law is a policy Bubba? Weird fukking right wing morons
equal rights to the black man was a Right wing caused event.

True Bubba, the right wing caused the liberals and RINO's to pass the Civil Rights Act, which of course the Confederate States of AmeriKKKa opposed, today's GOP base AND very conservative FOREVER!
Every major accomplishment made in our country is because of liberals. All of the founding fathers were liberals, radical liberals as a matter of fact. The Revolutionary war was fought by liberals. Conservatives of that time were known as Tories, and they aided the British. In the Civil War, liberals fought for the Union, and conservatives fought for the Confederates. Liberals are responsible for the end of slavery, voting rights for women and minorities, civil rights for women and minorities, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, the 40 hour work week, minimum wage, workplace safety, Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and the list goes on and on. Conservatives? They gave us prohibition, McCarthyism, two financial collapses, and a long list of unnecessary wars that have cost the lives of thousands of our soldiers. So I am proud to call myself a liberal, and yes, Republicans used to be liberal.
The Founding Fathers today would be called "conservatives." Milton Friedman called himself a liberal. I doubt anyone today would.

Rabbi, as usual, never allows reality to get in his way. To read his post(s) one must feel as if they have fallen down the rabbit hole, hence Rabbi is referred to as rabbit by those in the know.

Everything in the post he weakly tries and fails to rebut is factual, giving readers whose knowledge of history and the essence of conservatism and liberalism reason to roll their eyes, and wonder if the rabbit is pulling our collective legs, or in fact so challenged by reality that he actually believes the Queen of Hearts is a liberal destined to cut off his head.
Every major accomplishment made in our country is because of liberals. All of the founding fathers were liberals, radical liberals as a matter of fact. The Revolutionary war was fought by liberals. Conservatives of that time were known as Tories, and they aided the British. In the Civil War, liberals fought for the Union, and conservatives fought for the Confederates. Liberals are responsible for the end of slavery, voting rights for women and minorities, civil rights for women and minorities, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, the 40 hour work week, minimum wage, workplace safety, Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and the list goes on and on. Conservatives? They gave us prohibition, McCarthyism, two financial collapses, and a long list of unnecessary wars that have cost the lives of thousands of our soldiers. So I am proud to call myself a liberal, and yes, Republicans used to be liberal.
The Founding Fathers today would be called "conservatives." Milton Friedman called himself a liberal. I doubt anyone today would.

Rabbi, as usual, never allows reality to get in his way. To read his post(s) one must feel as if they have fallen down the rabbit hole, hence Rabbi is referred to as rabbit by those in the know.

Everything in the post he weakly tries and fails to rebut is factual, giving readers whose knowledge of history and the essence of conservatism and liberalism reason to roll their eyes, and wonder if the rabbit is pulling our collective legs, or in fact so challenged by reality that he actually believes the Queen of Hearts is a liberal destined to cut off his head.
You might just be the biggest idiot I dont have on Ignore. Do you understand what "liberal" means? Hint: It doesnt mean someone who wants the fudge packers to demand service.
You might just be the biggest idiot I dont have on Ignore. Do you understand what "liberal" means? Hint: It doesnt mean someone who wants the fudge packers to demand service.

I seldom ever use the terms 'liberal' or 'left' because they are so impossible to tie down.

I use dimocrap scum because that term identifies perfectly the failure and criminality that is today, and always has been, the democrat party.

Look, people..... The slavers in this Country were democrats. It's just that simple. They were. In fact, General McClellan ran AS A dimocrap against REPUBLICAN Abraham Lincoln on a peace initiative that would allow the democrats in the South to keep their Slaves and we wouldn't have to fight anymore and lose anymore lives.

BTW, Lincoln changed his Party Affiliation to the 'National Union' Party in 1864.

Be that as it may...... dimocrap scum were the party of slavery. They were the party of Jim Crow, they were the party of the KKK (Klanbake, anyone?), they were the party that fought the 14th AND 15th Amendments to the Constitution, they were the party that filibustered the Republican Civil Rights Act under Eisenhower that they later introduced in 1964 as their own (on which a higher percentage of Republicans voted for it than did dimocrap filth -- See: Dirksen, Everett)

And dimocrap scum are the ones that today deny that a fetus inside a woman's body is entitled to protection under the law and have applauded the murder of MILLIONS of them.

They sit around talking about Civil Rights while denying those rights to anybody -- ANYBODY, that disagrees with them

Then, they sit around and play INGSOC, New Speak word games designed to pretend that they were the real liberals during all this and the parties switched somehow magically at some point.

dimocraps are the lying, scummiest motherfuckers to ever walk the face of the earth.

ALL of them. Every last one of them. The long, the tall, the short and the small.

All of them. They are ALL lying motherfuckers and they can ALL rot in hell
You might just be the biggest idiot I dont have on Ignore. Do you understand what "liberal" means? Hint: It doesnt mean someone who wants the fudge packers to demand service.

I seldom ever use the terms 'liberal' or 'left' because they are so impossible to tie down.

I use dimocrap scum because that term identifies perfectly the failure and criminality that is today, and always has been, the democrat party.

Look, people..... The slavers in this Country were democrats. It's just that simple. They were. In fact, General McClellan ran AS A dimocrap against REPUBLICAN Abraham Lincoln on a peace initiative that would allow the democrats in the South to keep their Slaves and we wouldn't have to fight anymore and lose anymore lives.

BTW, Lincoln changed his Party Affiliation to the 'National Union' Party in 1864.

Be that as it may...... dimocrap scum were the party of slavery. They were the party of Jim Crow, they were the party of the KKK (Klanbake, anyone?), they were the party that fought the 14th AND 15th Amendments to the Constitution, they were the party that filibustered the Republican Civil Rights Act under Eisenhower that they later introduced in 1964 as their own (on which a higher percentage of Republicans voted for it than did dimocrap filth -- See: Dirksen, Everett)

And dimocrap scum are the ones that today deny that a fetus inside a woman's body is entitled to protection under the law and have applauded the murder of MILLIONS of them.

They sit around talking about Civil Rights while denying those rights to anybody -- ANYBODY, that disagrees with them

Then, they sit around and play INGSOC, New Speak word games designed to pretend that they were the real liberals during all this and the parties switched somehow magically at some point.

dimocraps are the lying, scummiest motherfuckers to ever walk the face of the earth.

ALL of them. Every last one of them. The long, the tall, the short and the small.

All of them. They are ALL lying motherfuckers and they can ALL rot in hell

Of course Bubba, why not use ideology versus party affiliation? Oh right you couldn't conflate them dishonestly as you do, lol


Abraham Lincoln Might Have Been a Republican, But He Damn Sure Wasnā€™t a Conservative

Lincoln also instituted the first ā€œincome tax,ā€ and told the Southern states claiming ā€œstatesā€™ rightsā€ when it came to slavery that they were completely full of crap.

Could you imagine a Republican today creating a tax and telling states that their claim of ā€œstatesā€™ rightsā€ on an issue was absurd?

Abraham Lincoln might have been a Republican, but that was before Republicans became ā€œconservatives.ā€ See, thereā€™s a difference between what Republicans were and what conservatives are. Conservatives have always been conservatives. Decades ago, racist conservatives aligned with the Democratic party. Today these same conservatives call themselves Republicans.

Anyone who knows anything about history knows that long ago Democrats were the party of racists. But those who are honest about history also know that over time, the political ideology of both parties switched.

This isnā€™t hard to prove ā€“ just look at reality. What groups align with the fringe of the Republican party? The KKK, neo-Nazis and people who seek to glorify the confederacy. In other words, racists. You donā€™t see members of the KKK, Nazi groups or confederate sympathizers siding with modern day Democrats. Oh, no ā€“ they vote Republican.

Nothing about Lincoln made him a conservative. He fought against ā€œstatesā€™ rights,ā€ he created a tax, he bucked tradition, he embraced change and he did all of this by using the power of big government.

Abraham Lincoln Might Have Been a Republican But He Damn Sure Wasn t a Conservative
You might just be the biggest idiot I dont have on Ignore. Do you understand what "liberal" means? Hint: It doesnt mean someone who wants the fudge packers to demand service.

I seldom ever use the terms 'liberal' or 'left' because they are so impossible to tie down.

I use dimocrap scum because that term identifies perfectly the failure and criminality that is today, and always has been, the democrat party.

Look, people..... The slavers in this Country were democrats. It's just that simple. They were. In fact, General McClellan ran AS A dimocrap against REPUBLICAN Abraham Lincoln on a peace initiative that would allow the democrats in the South to keep their Slaves and we wouldn't have to fight anymore and lose anymore lives.

BTW, Lincoln changed his Party Affiliation to the 'National Union' Party in 1864.

Be that as it may...... dimocrap scum were the party of slavery. They were the party of Jim Crow, they were the party of the KKK (Klanbake, anyone?), they were the party that fought the 14th AND 15th Amendments to the Constitution, they were the party that filibustered the Republican Civil Rights Act under Eisenhower that they later introduced in 1964 as their own (on which a higher percentage of Republicans voted for it than did dimocrap filth -- See: Dirksen, Everett)

And dimocrap scum are the ones that today deny that a fetus inside a woman's body is entitled to protection under the law and have applauded the murder of MILLIONS of them.

They sit around talking about Civil Rights while denying those rights to anybody -- ANYBODY, that disagrees with them

Then, they sit around and play INGSOC, New Speak word games designed to pretend that they were the real liberals during all this and the parties switched somehow magically at some point.

dimocraps are the lying, scummiest motherfuckers to ever walk the face of the earth.

ALL of them. Every last one of them. The long, the tall, the short and the small.

All of them. They are ALL lying motherfuckers and they can ALL rot in hell

The National Union Party was the name used by the Republican Party for the national ticket in the 1864 presidential election, held during the Civil War.
State Republican parties, for the most part, did not change their name

The temporary name was used to attract War Democrats and Border State Unionists who would not vote for the Republican Party.

National Union Party United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Yes, that's what it is. People tell you that you post like a retarded three-year-old and cannot be taken seriously and addressed like an adult, it CLEARLY means that you're so brilliant and incisive that you have instantly won a victory and settled the question for all time!

So for the 3rd time, you can't think of a single policy conservatives were EVER on the correct side of US history either. Thanks anyways Bubba
civil law dumbass.

Civil law is a policy Bubba? Weird fukking right wing morons
equal rights to the black man was a Right wing caused event.

True Bubba, the right wing caused the liberals and RINO's to pass the Civil Rights Act, which of course the Confederate States of AmeriKKKa opposed, today's GOP base AND very conservative FOREVER!
The liberals, like Al Gore Sr., tried to block the civil rights act.
Were you trying to sound like a three-year-old who needs a timeout, or is this just your natural way of speaking? Inquiring minds want to know.

FYI, I found your posting so annoying that I didn't even bother to try to understand the content. Impressive communication there.

So NO, you can't think of ONE policy conservatives have been on the correct side of US history either. Shocking

Yes, that's what it is. People tell you that you post like a retarded three-year-old and cannot be taken seriously and addressed like an adult, it CLEARLY means that you're so brilliant and incisive that you have instantly won a victory and settled the question for all time!


I suggest instead of acting like a three year old who resorts to name calling, why don't you actually find areas where conservatives were actually on the right side.

While I don't think they were always wrong they have generally fought on the wrong side some of the biggest issues in American History, Slavery, Segregation, Suffragette movement, interracial marriage, Iraq War....
Here is a list of Liberal Accomplishments:
- Social Security
- GI Bill of Rights (Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944)
- Electrification of rural areas
- Medicaid/Medicare
- Clean water act
- Anti-discrimination laws
- Family Leave Act
- Federal Deposit Insurance
- Unemployment Insurance

Now please don't give a list of Republican Accomplishments but of Conservative ones...

I suggest you take your suggestions to someone who thinks you have something to say and that you are someone they aspire to impress.

I also suggest you look up the word "accomplishments", because - in my eyes, at least - it requires that things not just be done, but that they be positive. By the standard you've apparently applied to list "liberal accomplishments", one could consider Auschwitz an accomplishment of Hitler's, since he certainly did make it happen.

If you have something you'd like to ask me, might I suggest that next time, you don't do it by barging into a conversation with someone else and condescendingly making demands as though I was speaking to you all along?

Your BS dodge noted Bubba

Thanks though, I can't think of a single US policy conservatives have EVER stood on the correct side of history with either!

Calling you a fool isn't a "dodge", fucknut. It's just a statement.
So for the 3rd time, you can't think of a single policy conservatives were EVER on the correct side of US history either. Thanks anyways Bubba
civil law dumbass.

Civil law is a policy Bubba? Weird fukking right wing morons
equal rights to the black man was a Right wing caused event.

True Bubba, the right wing caused the liberals and RINO's to pass the Civil Rights Act, which of course the Confederate States of AmeriKKKa opposed, today's GOP base AND very conservative FOREVER!
The liberals, like Al Gore Sr., tried to block the civil rights act.

A half-truth ^^^. Yes he opposed the civil rights act, and as a Southern Democrat he was not a liberal.

Q. Why do some people always need to lie

A. They think they can get away with it, and do, with those who believe their lies.
civil law dumbass.

Civil law is a policy Bubba? Weird fukking right wing morons
equal rights to the black man was a Right wing caused event.

True Bubba, the right wing caused the liberals and RINO's to pass the Civil Rights Act, which of course the Confederate States of AmeriKKKa opposed, today's GOP base AND very conservative FOREVER!
The liberals, like Al Gore Sr., tried to block the civil rights act.

A half-truth ^^^. Yes he opposed the civil rights act, and as a Southern Democrat he was not a liberal.

Q. Why do some people always need to lie

A. They think they can get away with it, and do, with those who believe their lies.
Al Gore Sr was a liberal.
George Wallce was a progressive.
What libs dont know fills volumes.
So for the 3rd time, you can't think of a single policy conservatives were EVER on the correct side of US history either. Thanks anyways Bubba
civil law dumbass.

Civil law is a policy Bubba? Weird fukking right wing morons
equal rights to the black man was a Right wing caused event.

True Bubba, the right wing caused the liberals and RINO's to pass the Civil Rights Act, which of course the Confederate States of AmeriKKKa opposed, today's GOP base AND very conservative FOREVER!
The liberals, like Al Gore Sr., tried to block the civil rights act.


Grow up and grow a brain
So NO, you can't think of ONE policy conservatives have been on the correct side of US history either. Shocking

Yes, that's what it is. People tell you that you post like a retarded three-year-old and cannot be taken seriously and addressed like an adult, it CLEARLY means that you're so brilliant and incisive that you have instantly won a victory and settled the question for all time!


I suggest instead of acting like a three year old who resorts to name calling, why don't you actually find areas where conservatives were actually on the right side.

While I don't think they were always wrong they have generally fought on the wrong side some of the biggest issues in American History, Slavery, Segregation, Suffragette movement, interracial marriage, Iraq War....
Here is a list of Liberal Accomplishments:
- Social Security
- GI Bill of Rights (Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944)
- Electrification of rural areas
- Medicaid/Medicare
- Clean water act
- Anti-discrimination laws
- Family Leave Act
- Federal Deposit Insurance
- Unemployment Insurance

Now please don't give a list of Republican Accomplishments but of Conservative ones...

I suggest you take your suggestions to someone who thinks you have something to say and that you are someone they aspire to impress.

I also suggest you look up the word "accomplishments", because - in my eyes, at least - it requires that things not just be done, but that they be positive. By the standard you've apparently applied to list "liberal accomplishments", one could consider Auschwitz an accomplishment of Hitler's, since he certainly did make it happen.

If you have something you'd like to ask me, might I suggest that next time, you don't do it by barging into a conversation with someone else and condescendingly making demands as though I was speaking to you all along?

Your BS dodge noted Bubba

Thanks though, I can't think of a single US policy conservatives have EVER stood on the correct side of history with either!

Calling you a fool isn't a "dodge", fucknut. It's just a statement.

Sure Bubba, sure. Weird how conservatives are NEVER on the correct side of history....
Civil law is a policy Bubba? Weird fukking right wing morons
equal rights to the black man was a Right wing caused event.

True Bubba, the right wing caused the liberals and RINO's to pass the Civil Rights Act, which of course the Confederate States of AmeriKKKa opposed, today's GOP base AND very conservative FOREVER!
The liberals, like Al Gore Sr., tried to block the civil rights act.

A half-truth ^^^. Yes he opposed the civil rights act, and as a Southern Democrat he was not a liberal.

Q. Why do some people always need to lie

A. They think they can get away with it, and do, with those who believe their lies.
Al Gore Sr was a liberal.
George Wallce was a progressive.
What libs dont know fills volumes.

Yeah, the Southern Confederate States of AmeriKKKa opposed civil rights. AND? They are today's GOP base Bubba


Weird you don't respond to Dubya's regulator failure in the "worst Prez" thread Bubba??? lol
Since you know so much that isn't so, you wont have a problem explaining why Civil Rights Act was being rejected by the liberals.

Let me refresh your memory...

Yes, that's what it is. People tell you that you post like a retarded three-year-old and cannot be taken seriously and addressed like an adult, it CLEARLY means that you're so brilliant and incisive that you have instantly won a victory and settled the question for all time!


I suggest instead of acting like a three year old who resorts to name calling, why don't you actually find areas where conservatives were actually on the right side.

While I don't think they were always wrong they have generally fought on the wrong side some of the biggest issues in American History, Slavery, Segregation, Suffragette movement, interracial marriage, Iraq War....
Here is a list of Liberal Accomplishments:
- Social Security
- GI Bill of Rights (Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944)
- Electrification of rural areas
- Medicaid/Medicare
- Clean water act
- Anti-discrimination laws
- Family Leave Act
- Federal Deposit Insurance
- Unemployment Insurance

Now please don't give a list of Republican Accomplishments but of Conservative ones...

I suggest you take your suggestions to someone who thinks you have something to say and that you are someone they aspire to impress.

I also suggest you look up the word "accomplishments", because - in my eyes, at least - it requires that things not just be done, but that they be positive. By the standard you've apparently applied to list "liberal accomplishments", one could consider Auschwitz an accomplishment of Hitler's, since he certainly did make it happen.

If you have something you'd like to ask me, might I suggest that next time, you don't do it by barging into a conversation with someone else and condescendingly making demands as though I was speaking to you all along?

Your BS dodge noted Bubba

Thanks though, I can't think of a single US policy conservatives have EVER stood on the correct side of history with either!

Calling you a fool isn't a "dodge", fucknut. It's just a statement.

Sure Bubba, sure. Weird how conservatives are NEVER on the correct side of history....

Since you define "history" as "the way liberals are going to insist things happened", you're correct.

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