Everything That is Wrong With Today's Beta Men in One Paragraph

Yet another example of how the Licensing of Degeneracy harms all of us... meaning that it subjects us all to having to listen the feminized males decry the remnants of masculinity with which they're saddled.

You didn't have to click on the link. You chose to. You wanted to.

You don't have to listen to anybody you don't want to unless you're in prison or some other form of captivity. In free America, the choice is yours.
Yet another example of how the Licensing of Degeneracy harms all of us... meaning that it subjects us all to having to listen the feminized males decry the remnants of masculinity with which they're saddled.

You didn't have to click on the link. You chose to. You wanted to.

You don't have to listen to anybody you don't want to unless you're in prison or some other form of captivity. In free America, the choice is yours.
I am sure they loved Liberace...

That's nice. But I don't think that Tom Chiarella is an expert on what I should be able to do. He can say what he's proud of being able to do, but that really has no bearing on me. I learn to do what i'm interested in and what I feel I need to learn to do. Not what somebody else tell me makes a person "a man".

I already know how to be the man I am.

Bully for you. I find it sad that you can't fix "stuff". Being able to take care of things on one's own is very liberating. I love it when mr. boe does handy man things. It's much more confidence inspiring than calling a repair person and waiting around. I know he can handle things in a pinch. And in return, I can take care of my own chores without needing to hire somebody.


This country has in the last generation turned into what is otherwise, roughly... known as: FOOD.

They exist to pleasure and fatten themselves... .

They're literally incapable of so much as changing a tire.

My family didn't have much money when I was growing up (big family, one earner). My parents took care of things. I remember watching Dad change the oil for our one automobile. My mother could take apart the vacuum cleaner and rebuild it when it was broken. They set a good example. Being self-reliant enabled them to pay off their house and save up a nice retirement fund. These values are lost on the SJ Snowflakes.

The classic saying of Cybermen (before they starter saying "delete" and "upgrade") was "you will become like us". I am the anti-cyberman. I love that there are so many people of both genders who are nothing like me. Diversity is a strength and is why the Cyberman can never beat humankind.

Which one is your favorite My Little Pony?
Trying to think of a girly thing I liked maybe the care bears. Never watched it but I liked all the different colors of the bears.

I was called a faggot for playing the oboe and piano but there weren't too many bullies in school so it never was a big deal.
You respond to what you are taught. The mostly sissie liberal mainstream media including former jocks who work for ESPN called a confused former athlete a hero after he decided to mutilate his body to conform to the voices in his head that said he should be a woman. Meanwhile there are hundreds of former athletes who gave up a possible shot at the big time to fight for their Country and pretty much nobody in the mainstream sissie media calls them heroes even when they are shipped home in body bags or come home terribly injured. The Boy Scouts of America used to be the most respected avenue for boys to become men and learn leadership but the sissie liberal media turned logic on it's ear when they vilified the BSA for winning a law suit that allowed the organization to discriminate against hiring overt homosexual potential pedophiles to supervise adolescent boys. The world is upside down to the liberal media and society is suffering from it.
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Never seen My Little Pony.
Stupid biotch can't even put up a thread in the right category file...she talks shit to people, but if someone does it back she puts them on iggy...

You on ignore then? I don't even know what a category file is butt I'm new and I haven't started any threads. Here I'm gonna try to not have any peeps on ignore butt there already have been a few crazies that are tempting me like the neo-nazi guy.
Okay, I don't know if this is a man thing, but I started reading this thread and now I've totally forgotten what the point of it is. I'm not supposed to like grilling with an apron on and drinking a beer...or something like that...no ding-dongs or twinkies? Feminists have beards and back hair and want their men in diapers? :confused-84:
All I know is that Emily Chang is sexy--even with that perpetual grin of hers. :thup:
You respond to what you are taught. The mostly sissie liberal mainstream media including former jocks who work for ESPN called a confused former athlete a hero after he decided to mutilate his body to conform to the voices in his head that said he should be a woman. Meanwhile there are hundreds of former athletes who gave up a possible shot at the big time to fight for their Country and pretty much nobody in the mainstream sissie media calls them heroes even when they are shipped home in body bags or come home terribly injured.
Never seen My Little Pony.
Stupid biotch can't even put up a thread in the right category file...she talks shit to people, but if someone does it back she puts them on iggy...

You on ignore then? I don't even know what a category file is butt I'm new and I haven't started any threads. Here I'm gonna try to not have any peeps on ignore butt there already have been a few crazies that are tempting me like the neo-nazi guy.
Just learn to punch back....
You respond to what you are taught. The mostly sissie liberal mainstream media including former jocks who work for ESPN called a confused former athlete a hero after he decided to mutilate his body to conform to the voices in his head that said he should be a woman. Meanwhile there are hundreds of former athletes who gave up a possible shot at the big time to fight for their Country and pretty much nobody in the mainstream sissie media calls them heroes even when they are shipped home in body bags or come home terribly injured.

I agree that Jenner is not a hero and that those who left a career to join the military are heros.
I fear for America. I fear for America because far to many young "men" have been groomed to be Pussified Betas. This pretty much sums it up:

I hate how much I love to grill. It’s not that I’m inclined to vegetarianism or that I otherwise object to the practice itself. But I’m uncomfortable with the pleasure I take in something so conventionally masculine. Looming over the coals, tongs in hand, I feel estranged from myself, recast in the role of suburban dad. At such moments, I get the sense that I’ve fallen into a societal trap, one that reaffirms gender roles I’ve spent years trying to undo. The whole business feels retrograde, a relic of some earlier, less inclusive era....

Grilling feminism and masculinity A grand unified theory.
Feeling funny about who gets to grill is a white people's problem.

A black people's problem is getting your home shot at by a drive-by, killing your four-year old daughter.
Not this black people:
If someone has to engage in girly behavior to feel ... whatever...they've got issues too.

I'm sorry you've had such problems. Women feeling obligated to be stereotypically girly is another side of the coin.

Healthy people just focus on being good people and doing what they enjoy. They don't fixate on "manly" or "womanly". It's only the betas, charlies and deltas who aren't confident in themselves, and are constantly trying to overcompensate. Think of the dude showing off the fast car, and the jokes people tell about what his real problem is.

Healthy people don't view Gender as a Social Construct. They accept that Biology is real.

Biology is real, but most individual traits are not dictated by gender. One's desire to work on cars or write poetry has nothing biologically to do with their gender, but may be influenced by the social construct aspect of gender.

So gender is more than biology. Rewriting gender roles has to do with changing the social construct aspect of gender.

Encouraging little boys to think that maleness is wearing dresses is child abuse. It's indicative of a rather repugnant self-loathing for adult manlets to twist up the minds of defenseless children in such a manner.

When have I ever advocated boys,wearing dresses? But if they want to sew, let them sew. If they want to do balet and painting let them do that. Teach them how to do physical labor as well, sure. But don't force them into certain roles just because society thinks that's what men do and don't do. That's what I advocate.
What if they want to get into cosplay?


Most of that stuff, pajama boy could handle it way better than neanderthal guy. Hence, you've kind of defined pajama boy as the real man.

You are sorely misguided if you equate Real Manliness with being a Neanderthal.

Well you still haven't defined it. You haven't defined any of the terms: alpha, beta, omega, "Real Manliness" any of that. So it shouldn't be a surprise that people are confused/misguided.
Yet another example of how the Licensing of Degeneracy harms all of us... meaning that it subjects us all to having to listen the feminized males decry the remnants of masculinity with which they're saddled.

You didn't have to click on the link. You chose to. You wanted to.

You don't have to listen to anybody you don't want to unless you're in prison or some other form of captivity. In free America, the choice is yours.

Yes... and I didn't want to wander into the path of the virus that infected me with it's perverse biological needs.

According to you, I needed to do so.

In reality; thus in truth, I had no such need. Just as I have no need to listen to feminized males lament their biological responsibilities.

Ya see scamp... it's simple degeneracy.

Most of that stuff, pajama boy could handle it way better than neanderthal guy. Hence, you've kind of defined pajama boy as the real man.

You are sorely misguided if you equate Real Manliness with being a Neanderthal.

Well you still haven't defined it. You haven't defined any of the terms: alpha, beta, omega, "Real Manliness" any of that. So it shouldn't be a surprise that people are confused/misguided.

I'm sorry you lack the cognitive ability to grok this. An anonymous internet message board is not the proper place for you to learn what a Real Man is.

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