Exactly what the hell is Mike Pence thinking?

Agreed. That's our "system". Politics and intellectual honesty are simply incompatible.
It's too bad...Pence would be an incredible leader...but I'm pretty sure the Uniparty would get rid of him as fast as they could. They wouldn't be able to sneak 9 year old sex victims in and out of the capitol with him watching.
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I remember when the dems were singing a different tune.....They even "appropriated" this old meme because they were not clever enough to come-up with one themselves. :laughing0301:

The left wasn't demanding for him to be executed

You right wingers aren't going to be able to self-project your way out of this one...

All the "left" did was vote against him.....your side wanted him dead.....

Your side consistently hates the very people they just nominated to be president and vp....it's almost like the judgement of right-wing voters is trash...
You're responding to the wrong post.....but that's okay dunderklumpin.... The left hates him because despite all of their digging they couldn't come up with even an overdue library book in his past. Hell half the Republican party probably feels the same way....they're all creeps, liars and pedophiles by and large down there in DC.
NO it's just a desperate smear piece and it serves no purpose...Pence has no chances whatsoever in 24 so I don't understand why they are trying to drill him like that...it's a stupid waste of energy.
But like Garlic to a Vampire... a Principled, honest, monogamous, straight white guy is simply too much hate for them to pass up so they do what they are naturals at...hate normality and goodness with a fierce bloodlust whilst typing on their smart phonse outside the grade school fence at recess time.
Dadgum, there ain't no real news? Crap like that gets published?

Where's Dick Tracy? :(

I know I'd be ashamed if I was a journalist and had anything to do with that. :(

Here's what I think: This bullshit smear piece is designed to divide and conquer Americans.

That's all it is, to sow discord like Russian trolls on Facebook.

Mac1958 doesn't care what Mike Pence is thinking, he hates Mike Pence and everything he stands for.

If Mike Pence saw this thread, he would think "That Mac1958 guy OP sure is a dishonest faggot". But never say it out loud.
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If anyone needs to be convinced that the politicians take their cues from the governed; they need look no further than the GOP
Sooo you're admitting then that the left promises whatever they need to promised for the vote but once in have no intentions of honoring anything they were voted in for? Is that right?
You underdeveloped Australopithecus! What the hell is an elected official supposed to due other than to take their cue from the public? You got some other idea?
Dadgum, there ain't no real news? Crap like that gets published?

Where's Dick Tracy? :(

I know I'd be ashamed if I was a journalist and had anything to do with that. :(

Here's what I think: This bullshit smear piece is designed to divide and conquer Americans.

That's all it is, to sow discord like Russian trolls on Facebook.
It must have been very difficult for Mike Pence, a guy who doesn't even use bad language like AT ALL....not a single cuss word....to keep company with a fellow as crude and vulgar as Trump. But he managed it for four years to his credit.
I was shocked when Pence took the VP job. At least he did not join the insurrection and act like he alone could decide the election for the failed POTUS. I am glad he was VP then, but he has kinda lost his luster as a real conservative by being so closely related to Trump. Too bad really.
Nah.... he is a highly principled and honest man the likes of which simply does not exist anywhere else in American Politics. This is exactly why the left hates him.

A highly principled and honest man who sold out his values to run with the most unprincipled and dishonest man ever to be President
Pence? Really?

Apparently, the Trump goons forgot to hang Throttlebottom.

The last time he captivated America was when a fly needed a respite.

Reportedly, D.C. pigeons often mistake him for a Confederate statue.

The lurid 'Access Kokomo' tape is yet to emerge!

Screen Shot 2023-03-13 at 9.20.19 AM.png

The anticipation of Charisma Boy firing off zingers punctuated by drum rolls and cymbal exclamation points is palpable.

That's entertainment.
First of all, obviously the egos of national-level politicians exist on another planet and can't really be fully understood. That said:

Now Pence comes out against the former guy in front of a room full of political journalists. Yet before that, he's squirming and trying desperately to AVOID testifying under oath. So he's clearly trying to dance on some kind of fine line here.

But on top of all that is the fact that so much of the GQP base hates him for not destroying the peaceful transfer of power per the Constitution on Jan 6. He clearly appears to believe that he has some kind of chance to get the GQP nomination.

So either (a) he's a brilliant political tactician and will shock the world, or (b) he's dreaming. What's he thinking?

Sounds like a guy running for president who is trying to be politically correct and please everyone.
A highly principled and honest man who sold out his values to run with the most unprincipled and dishonest man ever to be President
Obviously he did not sell them out.....he refused to do Trump's bidding. What is it with you guys??....is your hatred simply a total non intellectual reflex? There's nothing at all to dislike about Mike Pence
for anyone at all except for those who hate goodness and decency.
You're responding to the wrong post.....but that's okay dunderklumpin.... The left hates him because despite all of their digging they couldn't come up with even an overdue library book in his past. Hell half the Republican party probably feels the same way....they're all creeps, liars and pedophiles by and large down there in DC.
The left wasn't demanding he be killed....why do you keep dodging this fact?
Stop projecting your bullshit onto the "left" -- all they did was not vote for the guy.....
You folks wanted him hung - just a couple of months after voting for him
The left wasn't demanding he be killed....why do you keep dodging this fact?
Stop projecting your bullshit onto the "left" -- all they did was not vote for the guy.....
You folks wanted him hung - just a couple of months after voting for him
YOU FOLKS??? LOL...who the hell are you talking about?
You mean you have taken the fringe extremist paint bucket up and tried to misrepresent and entire segment of politics with it?
Doesn't work that way.... who are " YOU FOLKS"....do you know exactly? Probably not.
As for demanding death...talk to your favorite political spokesman Kathy Griffith who is a heroine on the left....if it us even permissible to use that word anymore that is.
Please don't be so stupid. I'm not projecting anything but fact. There was a solid two months of hate filled gibberish pirinted, aired and
bantered on the social media boards about Mike Pence's intelligent and decent behavior when the " Opposite sex meeting " thing was
first a topic.

First of all, obviously the egos of national-level politicians exist on another planet and can't really be fully understood. That said:

Now Pence comes out against the former guy in front of a room full of political journalists. Yet before that, he's squirming and trying desperately to AVOID testifying under oath. So he's clearly trying to dance on some kind of fine line here.

But on top of all that is the fact that so much of the GQP base hates him for not destroying the peaceful transfer of power per the Constitution on Jan 6. He clearly appears to believe that he has some kind of chance to get the GQP nomination.

So either (a) he's a brilliant political tactician and will shock the world, or (b) he's dreaming. What's he thinking?

He's done.
Obviously he did not sell them out.....he refused to do Trump's bidding. What is it with you guys??....is your hatred simply a total non intellectual reflex? There's nothing at all to dislike about Mike Pence
for anyone at all except for those who hate goodness and decency.
Pence stood by and did Trumps bidding for four years. Where were his “Christian values” then?
He does not deserve credit for not breaking the law and doing what EVERY other Vice President did for 240 years
The left wasn't demanding for him to be executed

You right wingers aren't going to be able to self-project your way out of this one...

All the "left" did was vote against him.....your side wanted him dead.....

Your side consistently hates the very people they just nominated to be president and vp....it's almost like the judgement of right-wing voters is trash...

It probably was an Alinsky disciple Leftist shouting "Hang Mike Pence!" at the top of her little tranny lungs. We know ANTIFA and the FBI were there in force
YOU FOLKS??? LOL...who the hell are you talking about?
You mean you have taken the fringe extremist paint bucket up and tried to misrepresent and entire segment of politics with it?
Doesn't work that way.... who are " YOU FOLKS"....do you know exactly? Probably not.
As for demanding death...talk to your favorite political spokesman Kathy Griffith who is a heroine on the left....if it us even permissible to use that word anymore that is.
Please don't be so stupid. I'm not projecting anything but fact. There was a solid two months of hate filled gibberish pirinted, aired and
bantered on the social media boards about Mike Pence's intelligent and decent behavior when the " Opposite sex meeting " thing was
first a topic.

"You folks" are the people you keep putting on the cape for -- which is why you are projecting all of their bullshit onto the "left" -- because you are too much of a coward to address "you folks"
It probably was an Alinsky disciple Leftist shouting "Hang Mike Pence!" at the top of her little tranny lungs. We know ANTIFA and the FBI were there in force
Yea, a whole bunch of people you called "political prisoners" were too stupid to not shout "Hang Mike Pence" when "Antifa" told them to...

This is why right-wingers are the easiest to grift from...

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